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Hey guys, it hasn't been long since I've started a NBE plan, but I felt like I needed to update it.
It may seem a lot of pills but I've originally had placenta, collagen before etc..
I also thought of changing the doses of some herbs depending of the cycle and added some pills for the whole cycle.
I am currently a small B cup.
I added MSM and freeze dried aloe vera for firmness and perkiness.
I want to have a fast grow, let's hope it's a great plan.
I got inspired of suferjoe2007 comprehensive plan and Chiyomilk's plan.
I wasn't sure if I should take any herbal supplements during the menstrual phase, because generally the hormones are low, but I still put some.
Feel free to give me any comments or suggestions.
If anything's wrong or if there's a problem with the doses, please let me know.
nutritional mix (inspired by surferjoe2007):
-3/4lb: cilantro, watercress
-1-1.5 cup soymilk
-1/4 cup pumpkin/ sunflower seeds (optional)
-1part spirulina
-1 part nutritional yeast
-1 part rice bran
-60g flaxseed (grounded)
-1 cup of full fat milk (goat's milk)
3000-6000mg MSM
500-1000mg vitamin C (camu camu powder)
zinc+ copper 15-30mg
freeze dried aloe vera 1500mg
red maca powder 3tsp
creatine 5g
1800mg EPA+DHA+DPA from fish oil (cod liver oil for vitamin D and A)
sheep placenta 400mg (1 pill)
collagen: bovine 11g (1 scoop) or marine 5g (1 packet)
gelatin 3-4 Tbsp
egg shell membrane 500mg (1 pill)
spearmint tea: 1-2 cups
Pueraria Mirifica: 600-1000mg
Vitex: 500mg
Saw Palmetto extract: 320mg
Saponin 50% Fenugreek: 2400mg
Pueraria Mirifica:100mg
Vitex: 500mg
Saw Palmetto extract: 320mg
Menopausal pill: 400mg red clover extract, 170 mg black cohosh, DIM 100mg, raspberry extract 50mg, wild yam 25mg
Black Cohosh: 1 pill- 80mg
Saponin 50% Fenugreek: 600mg
Pueraria mirifica: 500 mg (1-2 days after cycle starts) then increase to 1,000 mg after at least 4 days if not a full cycle or more
Vitex: 500mg
Saw Palmetto extract: 320mg
massage w/flaxseed oil 25%, fish oil 75% daily- 10-15min
progesterone cream: follicular 1/8tsp, luteal 2/4-1tsp
thank youuu (I really need to grow my girls- thanks for your help)

Is it more difficult for those of us who are in our mid twenties and beyond? (I myself am 25) I feel like I read a lot of very young women having success maybe because they are more susceptible to the hormonal changes? I remember when I was 18 I wanted to make my complexion look brighter & fresher. I looked up remedies online & began taking flaxseed and primrose oil. My breasts grew a full cup size and they looked very round and more even. I couldn't figure out why but now I believe it was the flax/primrose oil. I stopped taking them then they stayed where they were until I lost weight a few months later & they shrank a tiny bit.
Could I just have been more sensitive to it because of my age?

I've only been taking herbs for two days but my boobs already feel quite sore... it's not a bad pain so much as just being always aware of a bit of a dull ache... is this right or am I having a bad reaction?!

Last month I was traveling interstate and came across this herbal concoction called “Mucuna Powder”, which caught my attention by its description: “Reputed to balance mood, increase dopamine levels, increase libido, assist in Parkinsons and increase HGH production”.
Now I don’t really take much orally for breast enlargement purposes because I have experienced the horrors that hormonal contraception can inflict on one’s Endocrine functioning. I don't want to damage my hormone function in my early 20s. Birth control messed my entire endocrine system up badly. I spent YEARS trying to retweak and rebalance my endocrine functioning following my cessation of BC in 2022.
Mucuna Powder is a new addition to my oral supplement regime and primarily chosen because of my interest in regenerating and restoring the Dopamine neurotransmitter system. Mucuna has been demonstrated to have the ability to regenerate both Serotonin and Dopamine neurotransmitters. Mucuna is a precursor to L-DOPA which makes Dopamine, the feelgood chemical responsible for pleasure seeking activities, such as binge eating and sex.
Now Mucuna powder has been shown in clinical trials to reduce Cortisol levels and Adrenaline levels. I have come to believe over the past year of natural breast enlargement, that increased levels of Cortisol (fight or flight hormone) and Adrenaline are detrimental to anyone who is serious about boob growth.
So what is Mucuna Powder and what are its benefits? Mucuna powder is a LEGUME found on shrubs in the Papilionaceae family, and is native to India, Caribbean and Africa, with an abundance of Protein (20-35%). It is also known as “Velvet Bean” in these regions and has 4-7 % L-DOPA.
Potent Antioxidant activity
Anti-Helminthic (Anti-worm/parasite)
Neuroprotective effects
Used in Parkinsons due to L-Dopa activity
Rich in protein, essential fatty acids, starch and essential amino acids
Anti-oxidant: bioactive compounds phenols, polyphenols, tannins and keratinocytes
Precursor to Serotonin, and 5-HTP
Cardiac Glycosides
Galactose Glycosides
Small amounts of trace minerals such as Selenium, Iron and Magnesium
Glycoprotein inhibitor of digestive enzymes
Prolactin suppression
Testosterone Production
Mitochondrial activity is increased (mitochondria is the site of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the storehouse of the bodies energy production
Serotonin levels restore
Protease inhibitor – inhibits TRYPSIN and CHYMOTRYPSIN digestive enzymes
Have structural similarities to the protein inhibitors found in Soy (beneficial for NBE)
Now I haven’t heard of this being used for natural breast enlargement, and like I said I am reluctant to try herbal remedies. However, the myriad of neuroprotective and health benefits bestowed by Mucuna Powder give me a reason to try it. Plus with the myriad of health benefits, how can I resist?

I am currently taking Brevicon 0.5/35 (norethindrone) after two months of 1/35. I heard that any products I use will be less effective because I am flooding my system with these hormones, but is there anything that may still prove effective without lowering the efficacy of the pill? I bought fenugreek 40% saponins before I started BC, however since it is an adaptogen I am scared to use it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Zaten oldukça büyük göğüslerim var
bitkisel prostat ilacı alırsam göğüslerim daha fazla büyüme mü?

Can anyone give me the measure of powdered fenugreek, by which I mean dried and powdered?

Hello everyone,
I have planned a herbal regiment with diet and breast massage, but i am afraid of having bigger breasts but saggy.
I have naturally thin breast skin, I was wondering if a high dose of collagen and MSM is enough or if I should grow my pectoral muscles before starting my regiment.
My chest is flat until it reaches my nipple than almost all of my boob weight is there (they are not round, which is understandably normal), they are not saggy nor tubular, but I don't want them to get any more saggy/droopy.
I know pectoral muscles will help, should I grow them before or during the herbal regiment. I thought weightlifting might elevate my testosterone (if it won't, I'll be glad. I used to love the gym and would love to implement it in my life).
Any suggestion or past experiences would help.
ps: have you heard of a corrective bra, does it work ?? I heard it's better for your breasts to grow without one to prevent sagging.
Thank youu

So, I've heard good things about spearmint and spearmint tea as an antiandrogen and estrogen booster, so I'm considering putting in my routine/program since it doesn't seem as powerful as the other stuff I was considering. But are there any other teas and beverages (preferably low cal) that are good for NBE, enhancing curves or promoting fat growth in the ass thighs and hip area?
I've heard green tea is good for NBE and so is grapefruit juice. I like Chai too, but I also drink it for the taste and I don't know if there are any nbe benefits. I also know that fenugreek and fennel can be made into herbal teas and there's a brand of tea for lactating mothers that's great for nbe. Any other suggestions besides these?
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