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Posted by: danica
14-04-2019, 11:02 AM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
- Replies (8)

Hello everyone,

I've been looking for high fat toasted soy flour, like Miss Mad Scientist used, everywhere and finally found this on eBay Australia: Kinamo toasted soy flour.

Is this the right one?


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Posted by: danica
21-03-2019, 09:46 AM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
- Replies (2)

Hello everyone!

Has anyone used L-Argenine in their program? I'm trying to up my human growth hormone (to my current BO program).

If so, how did it work for you? 

Thank you.

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Posted by: 95005014
10-03-2019, 05:04 PM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
- Replies (2)

I can't find this specific answer if breast gains last after one stops the herbs. Personally, I was prescribed progesterone to deal with PMS (under the theory that PMS symptoms are associated with low progesterone). It did help with PMS and my breasts grew like crazy! They actually grew more than with I was taking PM except PM made me insane (maybe I'm a bit estrogen dominant?). When I stopped talking progesterone though the breasts went back to this true for other herbs? Has anyone seen permanent growth? Is  taking progesterone regularly bad? 
if anyone is curious here's my plan based on what I found on here--feel free to critique! I'm a bit of a hypochondriac and dont like messing with my hormones and am afraid of breast cancer... 

things i definitely take
-surferjoes cream 
-50% saponin 
-irish moss
-red reishi 
-white peony 
-tablespoon of flaxseed

things i have that I may take but am hesitant
-PM with DIM (100 mg)
-saw palmetto 
-red clover 
-bovine ovary

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Posted by: karma.melon
28-02-2019, 05:52 PM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
- Replies (2)

So just a quick update for what it's worth.

I started around 6 months ago using PC during the second half of my cycle, and shativari + saw palmetto during the whole cycle. My periods immediatley became erratic and I was bleeding for weeks at one point. So at the beginning of the year, I dropped the shativari and since then have been using just progesterone + saw palmetto.

My periods have finally returned this month so I think my body has finally adjusted well to the PC and I can start adding in some other things. For the past two months I have been having some nice swellling in my boobs while using the PC - about an inch or so. It goes away when I stop though, and it is a bit painful so I'm sure it's swelling not growth.

Now I'm wondering if I should start ramping up the PC, or start adding in a little bit of PM or Shativari during the week after my period. I already have both...

Anyways, just sharing this tiny bit of progress and look forward to hearing any wisdom that the more experienced ladies here might have to offer! =)

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Posted by: bosekk
24-02-2019, 11:15 PM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
- Replies (6)

I started to take spearmint loose leaves tea a month ago. For this whole month my libido decreased so much like never before. It feels like not functioning. Does anyone have any problem with it? I drink it one or twice everyday.

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Posted by: myteatime
10-02-2019, 07:51 PM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
- Replies (2)

Hi Ladies! So I'm putting together my own testosterone blocking tea! After much much much research, I've settled on three ingredients. I'm using Spearmint leaf, White Peony leaf, and Licorice root. There are many other amazing herbs that can be used for this cause, but those are the three I like the most. I bought them from Mountain Rose Herbs. They sell organic herbs at a great price! 

So this is what I have found through some of my research. I've just clipped this info from other sites and I'm pasting it here.

White Peony- White Peony is brilliant for cleansing and building the blood and can help regulate menstruation and improve the quality of the skin. It is also used to relax muscles and relieve cramps and spasms anywhere in the body. White Peony has a calming effect and is widely used as an emotional stabilizer, especially by women. When combined with Licorice root, White Peony's anti-spasmodic, analgesic qualities are magnified. Its also a top anti-aging herb. 

Licorice- Licorice is a fabulous medicinal herb for so many reasons. It works really well on its own, but has an amazing synergistic effect when used in combination with White Peony.


Licorice is also well-known for balancing blood sugar, and insulin resistance is a major part of PCOS- even lean women with PCOS often have nearly undetectably insulin resistance. 

Licorice also helps with estrogen balance in the body, which can be beneficial for regulating ovulation. Lastly licorice is anti-inflammatory, supportive to the immune system and works as an adaptogen to help with the stress response.

Peony & licorice combination. Peony (Paeonia lactiflora)inhibits the production of testosterone and promotes the activity of the enzyme aromatase, which converts testosterone to estrogen. Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)reduces serum testosterone in women and contains phytoestrogens that block androgen receptors. Together, the two herbs have the synergistic effect of normalizing the pituitary gland.

Spearmint- Like peony and licorice, studies have been done to test the efficacy of spearmint for PCOS. Spearmint is shown helpful for reducing androgen hormones like testosterone after only one month of use! When androgens hormones are regulated, it becomes easier to regulate the menstrual cycle. Acne, hair loss and excess body hair growth (hirsutism) may also reduce when androgens are regulated, as the “bad” form of testosterone, DHT, is often the culprit for these issues.

Beyond androgens, the study showed that spearmint also influences ratios of LH and FSH, two pituitary hormones that regulate activity in the menstrual cycle, including follicle (egg) development and ovulation. 

So there you have it! And this is just a little bit of the proven positive information that's out there on these herbs. I've also taken a look at different tea blends for sale that are advertised to help women with high testosterone, and these three are almost always among the main ingredients.

So I made my first cup last night using a teaspoon of each, and I have to say it tasted amazing! Also it made me feel great. I'm very excited to be making this tea a regular part of my life. I'm going to start off with two cups a day, one in the morning and one at night. I also just recently started using BO and PM, but I wanted this thread to just be about this antiandrogen tea. I'll be sure to keep y'all updated (:

If you are still reading this, and have experience with blending herbs, I have a question for you. So I ended up buying 4 ounces of each herb. But each one has a different amount of teaspoon servings. The spearmint has 143 servings, the licorice root has 49 servings and the white peony doesn't say but I'm guessing a little less than the spearmint. My question is, Should I just go ahead and mix them all together to have 12 ounces of mixed up herbs, or should I try to get them closer in servings? I kinds just want to mix them all together which is what I'm probs going to do, but I'd like your thoughts if you've done this before.

Ok ttyl


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Posted by: 8lemon8
04-02-2019, 05:50 AM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
- Replies (5)

Came across this article online. Anyone heard of or tried this stuff?

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Posted by: perfexion
31-01-2019, 01:28 AM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
- No Replies

I ordered Maca 5000 and PM from Vitacio in the UK. I haven't taken anything yet. Has anyone taken anything from this company? I can't find any reviews anywhere else.

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Posted by: nanakante
27-01-2019, 04:35 PM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
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Here are a few of the everyday foods that we all consume without thinking of their effect on the hormonal system and which we can from now on refer to as hormone wreckers. We are led to believe that aspartame, an artificial sweetener, is a good substitute for sugar and for avoiding calories from sugar. Aspartame is marketed under a number of brand names, including NutraSweet and Equal. It is an ingredient which is used in approximately 6,000 consumer foods and beverages sold worldwide.

Aspartame according to independent research can cause disorders of the central nervous system and the endocrine system. It is suspected of slowing down the function of the thyroid, which means a slowing down of the weight you are trying to lose.

Refined sugar affects the hormonal system by causing a drop in blood sugar levels. This causes the pituitary, adrenal and thyroid glands to malfunction which may lead to endocrine system disorders such as mood swings and hot flashes. Refined sugar can also cause:

  • Panic attacks
  • Fainting
  • Epileptic seizures and migraines
Ultimately, this will affect your breast growth development as the endocrine system copes with the imbalance. It's as if you have placed obstacles in the way of the growing boobs.

What Women Must know About Their Hormones" the following can contribute to conditions of hormonal imbalance:
  • Caffeine and alcohol
  • Dairy products and fatty foods
  • Margarine and junk food
  • Pharmaceutical drugs and pesticide-sprayed foods
  • Lack of sleep, dieting, dehydration and hormone-laden meat
It pays off in the long run to look after your hormonal system. You can do your hormones a favor by adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes a good supply of nourishing, fresh foods. Get at least 5 hears of deep uninterrupted sleep. Your vital organs will be able to function more smoothly, you will feel a million dollars and ultimately there will be less need to rely on harmful drugs.

The particular payoff of a healthy hormonal system is that it will enable the effective use of breast enhancer pills, creams and massage for natural breast growth. However, if you think you are suffering from hormonal imbalance, speak to your doctor right away. He will make a proper diagnosis and provide you with treatment options for your specific condition.

If you have become discouraged at the progress of your breast growth program it may be an indication that you need to cut down on foods that do not increase breast size. By adopting some changes as suggested, you may soon be on track with your natural breast enlargement program.

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Posted by: GoldenBoobs
13-01-2019, 11:43 PM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
- Replies (4)

I have been on a herb program for I believe about four months now. I know any NBE method takes time, but shouldn't I see at least the tiniest difference by now? I don't see even a drop of a difference. I am not expecting to see a cup size increase by now, or even half a cup increase by now, but there is literally no difference at all after four months. 

They even shrunk a tiny bit initially. But thank goodness they have not shrunken anymore since then.

Initially, I was going to give myself six months minimum to try each program. But there are so many different programs to try that I don't want to stay on one useless program when there might be another one out there that can produce results for me. 

What do you think I should do? Should I stick to this program for two months more to make it six months, or is it time to try something new?

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