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NotSoBusty's Routine

(16-09-2012, 01:54 AM)Babakins Wrote:  Abi that is truly beautiful, such a raw and heartfelt piece of writing!!!

Thanks. Blush

Thank you, Babakins, that is very kind of you! Smile

Abi, I agree, that is such beautiful writing! Everything is going as planned for you, and I applaud you for being so proactive in regards to your dreams and desires!

I am so glad people could find solace and inspiration in what was written in this thread. Smile It warms my heart to be a part of a community with such supportive members.


(29-03-2012, 03:27 AM)NotSoBusty Wrote:  And here are some pics with swelling after 2.5 hours with the medium domes. As you can see, this bra does NOT fit!! My nipples are popping out! Tongue

I can't wait for this to be my permanent size!!

Just a quick question about this. How long does the swelling last? It sounds painful. Is it really necessary for growing?

(06-04-2012, 04:21 AM)lia90 Wrote:  Hey, guys
I've been taking maca for 2 weeks and I've noticed no difference in the sex drive or energy as others seem to have, or any changes in my hips or breasts Sad

My mom gave me maca for energy and didn't know the "side effect" of the increased sex drive. Later I found out what maca is usually used for and was like, "oh, that's why I wanted my husband so bad", which usually I have no desire for him at all.

Hey diana,

To answer your question: no, swelling from noogling is not painful at all. Swelling lasts varying amount from person to person, and mine only lasts for about an hour Sad. However, it is not necessary for growing. A lot of women (myself included) have grown without any swelling and/or growing pains.

My Ainterol cream and spray arrived last week, and I LOVE THEM. They definitely improved the spray. I never tried to cream before, but so far so good. My Aumenti also arrived today, and I have not tried it out yet, but I am so excited about that one! Fingers crossed for full 32C's by December!!

Well, I ran out of my Greenbush Enhancement Blend Capsules, so I haven't been taking anything in the luteal phase. It is kind of nice, because it gives me a break from pill popping, and it also allows me to assess what is actually giving me the most growth. I stopped PM a few days early, because I was getting extreme headaches. After stopping, they subsided in a few days. I stopped on day 12.

My measurements haven't budged. I may have hit my limit with PM. But hey, 2 solid inches is pretty great! From a full 32A to a small 32C; about a cup and 1/2. I can be pretty happy about that. I may not have my full, luscious boobs yet, but I am 1.5 cups closer.

I think the herbs were a real asset to my program, as I think I saw the most growth with them. I can't be too sure, I have some reviewing to do, but this is just my gut feeling.

Like I have said before, I have been working on a new program that will be most effective for me, and I think I might need to switch back to a more herb-oriented program. I need to figure out a way to avoid the acne, though. So, the reading continues....


On another note, I have become increasingly discouraged and irritated with this forum. The "golden rules" of NBE seem to have been completely disregarded, and I find it incredibly disappointing. The same questions that have been answered numerous times before are incessantly being asked. Constructive criticism is being taken personally and attacked. There is a vast increase in the number of "fad products" that are gaining bandwagon users who end up disappointed or harming themselves. Remember, ladies and gents, these few things:

1. The most important one of all, what works for one person may not work for another. Just because someone grew with a particular routine does not mean that you will. They are great places to start, but NBE is very subjective and unique to YOUR body. READ AND RESEARCH.
2. Do not expect to grow like you just had breast augmentation. This is NATURAL breast enhancement. READ AND RESEARCH.
3. Know the difference between swelling and growth. Lost your growth just after a month? That is because it is most likely swelling. READ AND RESEARCH.
4. NBE is a long-term process. You will not reach your goal in a month. Be patient and READ AND RESEARCH.
5. The "fad products'' most likely do not work. READ AND RESEARCH to learn about tried-and-true methods that you can tailor to your individual needs. If it isn't backed with the research, it most likely does not work. Don't jump on the fad bandwagon. Seriously, READ AND RESEARCH.
6. Learn to accept criticism. It will only benefit you in the end. PERIOD.
7. Whatever routine you concoct, give it at least 3-6 months to see changes. If nothing happens in that time, you can try something else. Switching your routine all the time will not help you.
8. In the words of Wahaika. "Any change is a good change." It means your body is reacting!
9. Have realistic expectations.
10. If you are interested in taking PM, there is more than one way to use it. There is no "right way" but rather multiple methods that have worked for various members. Once again, READ AND RESEARCH and find out which one works best for you.
11. And for the love of boobies, ladies and gentleman, save yourself some time and disappointment and READ AND DO YOUR RESEARCH. I guarantee that your question has been answered over and over again on this forum. Please, take the time to read, research, and find it. Find out what works for you, what doesn't work for you, and accept this is a process, not a quick fix. If you are not willing to put in the time and effort into reading, researching, and trying out the best methods for your needs, you will not get results. Simple as that.

Anyone notice the trend? READ AND DO YOUR RESEARCH ON THE FORUM. The more knowledgable you are on the subject of NBE, the more likely you are to have success with it.

We are all guilty of a few of the points above at some point or another, but seriously ladies, it is out of hand. If you have nothing constructive or informative to ask or add, take the cattiness elsewhere, because some of us are seriously trying to focus on growing boobs here.


Thanks for the rant, Busty! Thank goodness somebody said it.
Maybe you could post your list to the newcomers part of the forum?

(02-10-2012, 06:18 PM)NotSoBusty Wrote:  We are all guilty of a few of the points above at some point or another, but seriously ladies, it is out of hand. If you have nothing constructive or informative to ask or add, take the cattiness elsewhere, because some of us are seriously trying to focus on growing boobs here.


Plus Plus PLUS PLUS!

Loved this Busty. And not just this forum. Please, by all means, do research OFF the forums as well. Various people on the forums have linked repeatedly to tons of excellent resources they have used to conduct their own research. USE THESE RESOURCES!

Seriously. EVERYONE is different! PERIOD! That's the greatest thing about genetics, it's just like your grade school teacher said about snowflakes... It's the same thing with living things and ESPECIALLY people. I'm not altogether sure we're the MOST complex creatures on this planet insofar as our genetic code goes, but we're up there. And besides this, we each are carrying our own unique germs and parasites that contribute to our overall reaction to everything we eat or do or take or...

The combinations are seriously infinite. The possibilities for what might be YOUR perfect combination are infinite. DO NOT just copy someone else and expect results. You may get them. You may not. You may seriously hurt yourself.

And about the rate of growth... This is genetically programmed. Whatever your best growth rate was in the height of puberty, this is the best growth rate you can EVER expect to achieve again. Period. This may not feel all that fast to some of us... But, it's the way it works. That said, I do believe it possible to reach and sustain that on NBE with a specially tailored program based on dedicated research made by a single individual FOR that single individual. No two programs will ever be exactly identical and work exactly identically. Period.


Thank you for your rant, very informative. It really does need to be posted over in the newcomers section! I am constantly seeing people posting the same exact threads they've posted before just because they maybe didn't get the answers they were looking for right away. :/

Well, I guess there's nothing left to do now but to READ AND RESEARCH some more! Wink

That's great the PM was able to give you such growth, but it sucks that you've plateaued. I hope whatever you decide to do next, it gets things moving again!

Oh thought I would add, that even though many can be very lazy and just want quick answers and a miracle, on a forum like this there are bound to be many with hormone imbalance, and I know first hand that f.ex estrogen dominance can make your brain very fuzzy, and in a panic from estrogen dominance symptoms I messaged Isabel for help after I thought I couldn't find answers from my search. Once she replied and I had my head under control I realized that the answers were always right in front of me, I had just completely read them wrong 'cus of fuzzy brain =/

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