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glitterbunny - I've actually considered that too. Dodgy

what I'm about to say may make some mad, so I apologize in advanced, just a bit frustrated about this whole nbe thing. I've read so much stuff and don't know what to believe anymore.

I've been reading on here plus other websites about all the different herbs, Bo, and different pump options, and most sites besides this one say that they are either temporary or non-effectiv for most. if you're spending $50 or more a month on pills for however amount of years just to try to grow and inch or two, in 5 years that's - minimum of $3000!!! if you think about it, you'll maybe grow to B cup if you're completely flat, but will you really be happy with that? $3000 or more is almost the price of implants, and you would get something you're actually happy with (as long as you do your research and get a reputable doctor of course.)

yes, I understand NBE is your own breast and some of you would prefer that, (everyone is entitled to their own opinion, this one is mine,) but is spending all that money and putting tons of pills into your body without doctor supervision really safe for you? some of you argue that implants aren't safe, but I think nbe can be just as unsafe, or worse if if makes you grow cancer tissue / cells. plus the weight gain sucks too, if your breast ARE growing your tummy and hips are probably too.

as for pumps, I was seriously considering getting the brava, but all I could read is that the effects were either so minimal or temporary that wasting almost $2000 on that would be stupid too. some said they grew and deflated after time, and then ended up with saggy boobs. to me, that's just as bad as weight gain.

my friend got implants a year ago, at first I wasn't sure what to think of it. I thought she was just doing it to get her guy back, and not for herself. I've talked to her about it since, and she said she saw a few doctors before she decided on one, and the one she ended up choosing actually let her meet past patients, and they were all happy with their results. she said her surgery wasn't bad, it was under an hour and her doctor gave her natural pain relievers after the surgery so she wasn't all drugged up afterwards, which is good. I've had surgery twice on my leg, and her recovery was WAY faster and comfortable than mine. she only needed help the first 2 days, and I was in bed for 2 weeks because all the painkillers drugs I was on.

about my friend again, she is super happy with her results, she looks great, and is way more confident with herself. she does not look like a hooker, her breasts look natural, and she hasn't had any complications. i know it's only been a year since her surgery, but implants are not as bad as they were back in the 90s. she didn't have to wait years to grow while trying to mix every possible herb or pill, or spend nights pumping like crazy for a little bit of swelling.

like I said earlier, I'm sorry if this makes you mad, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I know some of you have had great results, but I don't think NBE is for everyone, I don't think it's for me. (maybe it is for you, and you're awesome for having that patience and hope) I know I've only been doing this a month, but in that month I've had the worst cramps that I've ever had, and I started gaining weight already. I hate it, I may happy with my breasts for a second if I do end up growing, and then i will be even more unhappy with myself about the gained weight. I honestly don't have the patience to wait a few years to gain a little bit of size either, and don't want to end up with saggy boobs from trying to pump either.

I think I'm going to start seriously researching doctors in my local area about implants maybe meet with the doctor my friend saw as well. i don't want to look like a hooker, but I'd love to fit in to clothes and look my age. implants will help me be happy with myself, and I won't have to wait years or spend money on herbs and pills that won't work on me or make me gain weight, and make my periods horrible. if I can't find a doctor I feel comfortable with any doctor I meet, I will have to pass on that too, and live with the breasts I developed on my own.
Stellaadore- U are right on the money, finally someone on here speaks the actual reality of this whole NBE! Thanks for ur honesty. Its really true, to pump our bodies full of the BO, BB, or NBE, and not truly know whats in them. It def. does take years for any real results, and the worst part is when ur all excited that u see the little results u got and then ur either fat from gaining, and the results dont last as long as some on here make it out to be. The reality is that although our bodies are all different, and maybe 1-2 people on here had lasting results but sometime we dont get the whole story from others, like they work for me and yeah even in a months time i grew out of my bras but i also gained like a crap load of weight in other areas, and its crushing when u spend so much time keeping fit and in shape. A breast aug. will let me keep my banging body while giving me some killer boobs at the same time. I am so with u Stellaadore on this one. good luck finding that doctor. Smile
yeah, you probably grew out of those bras because of the weight gain. breast are balls of fat anyways, right? when I weighed 85 lbs, I was a 32a, when I gained 10 lbs, I went to a 32b. it's all relative. every woman in my family has C and D sized breasts except for me, but they are also a lot heavier than me.

implants are the only things that won't make you gain weight all over. like you said, glitter bunny, I want a nice body all over, not big breasts AND body. haha. I want to be fit and have average sized breasts that are proportionate to my body.

it's depressing when you're eating healthy and working out all the time and still gaining weight, so I'm done with NBE.

glitter bunny, I wish you luck as well! Smile
I'm sorry to hear about you two gals' decision on breast implants. :/ sorry NBE didn't work for you gals. I do have my opinions on breast implants, it's the same as yours with NBE. It may have been fine for your friend for now... but your body may not react the same way. BTW I disagree about the whole pumping makes them saggy, it did the opposite for mine as well as others on the Noogleberry forum. I never tried Brava so I have no clue about the effects of that long of a pumping session everyday. I just pumped for 30 min up to 2 hours, whatever I had time for, for a while. I haven't pumped in a long time, I rarely do it now, I do it here and there cause I'm kinda curious if I can get another cup size, but eh, I'm happy with the size I have now. Just curious. I never personally experienced any type of unusual weight gain while on BO nor cramping, but like you said everyone is different. As far as the sagging with pumping, it may also be that I do continue to massage my breasts daily... it's shown to prevent breast cancer and it helps keep the nice round shape and firmness from my experience, so I don't mind doing it. I also continue to do my chest exercises. But as far as pumping, BO, etc. I have taken very long breaks from it and never lost my on my chest. And I know the increase in bra size was NOT from weight gain because I didn't gain more weight, I think my butt got slightly bigger, in a good way, but that was about it. My band size (rib cage measurement) is the same as it was when I first started NBE. I still wear the same size pants, now shirts I had to go up one size because of boobs being increased, but I find myself having to get dress clothes altered because they fit perfect on the breasts, but loose elsewhere.

Maybe possibly, I didn't have the cramps because I've never really had period cramps? Even during puberty I never really had them, if I did they were very slight, but I do have a high pain tolerance. So maybe you gals are experiencing cramps because maybe that's what happened during puberty? Just a guess on my part. Now as far as the weight gain for you glitterbunny, perhaps the BO was the wrong type of hormones for you, I gained weight while on individual herbs, when I tried creating a program with those, I gain like 15 pounds, that was the only type of NBE I gained weight on though. So it sounds to me like your hormones are imbalanced and the type of NBE you are trying makes it overloaded of certain hormones, thus weight gain is a result.

I understand your frustration, believe me, if anyone here can understand it's me. I spent years hating my body, I tried things in the beginning of my NBE journey that didn't work and I got discouraged also. I too considered implants, yes I'll admit it. But then I did my research. I BEG you, before you make that life changing decision do your research at least. I'm not telling you to make the same decision I made. Just make an informed decision. It's ultimately your body and your decision, and whichever decision you make, make sure it's for you and you alone and that you are completely happy with it. Implants are not reversible, remember that. Once you have them, if you end up hating them, you are stuck. I have talked to so many ex-implantees over the years in my journey to know what torture they go through with making the wrong decision for themselves.

I have talked to many women with implants, that looked natural and all... that hated them after the fact. Why? Because of many reasons. They went too big, they don't feel natural (no matter what you get, they will never feel like natural breasts, not my opinion, it's fact). I talked to a woman that said it feels like she has oranges in her chest, and she didn't go too big. She said she hates the way they feel, and so does her husband. But she can't go back now.

Also, there is the risk that your body will reject them and you will become very sick. I don't have the link anymore... but there is a blog a lady wrote that got implants at 19, she is in her early 20's now. So she got them in the 2000's not the 90's. Her body had a very bad reaction to the implants, she got saline implants, BUT remember, they are cased in silicone! Her body rejected the silicone, she became fatally sick. She had no choice but to take them out, now she is stuck with empty saggy breasts for life because of one bad mistake. And she tells how she did her research and found a good doctor that had many happy patients. I'm just warning you, that like what you are saying about NBE, can be even worse if your body doesn't react well to implants.

But if you do get implants, from my own research and seeing and talking to many women with them, get under the muscle implants. They look more natural than above muscle ones. They also say they have a less chance of bursting due to sudden impact to the chest, if that were to happen, because the muscle protects them. Also keep in mind, once you get implants you will have to have surgery to replace them every 10 years, they have expiration dates. You also have to massage your breasts while you have them to make sure they stay in the right place. Another thing to keep in mind that you will have to do even while recovering and in pain.

Of course, I know you probably won't take everything I'm saying to heart because I'm one of the only few people you think can have results from NBE. But I do hope you take my main points to heart about researching. Like I said, it's your body, and I hope you make the right decision for you. Have you gals looked into the injections or only going for implants?
I personally agree with Anastasia. I always thought it was BO thats making me fat but i took a month off , and it wasnt the Bo that made me fat it was just my routine. I never thought it was my eating routine, because i dont notice what exactly i have taken more than other days that i eat less. I went back on my BO after that month of break , and started to watch what i eat, and i started to lose some pounds. Plus hitting the gym will help you remain the weight or lose it. Surgery only last a period of time, usually from what i read they have to renew or be taken out withing10-15 years. So definitely do a good research on the doctor.

ps: anastasia, have you nipples gone bigger from the NBE process ? just wondering cause i'm gonna start noogleberry again.
hmm I went from an AA to a C and while I did put on 5 pounds over that year, it also happened to be the holidays, and I ALWAYS put on 5 or 10 pounds over the holidays and then I have to then fight to get it off. Also, yes, mine is permanent I have not taken anything for nbe for 1 1/2 years and I still am the exact same size I was when I stopped. I plan to start a new program soon and see if I can add more.

You may say that my bra size only changed due to that 5 pounds, BUT I weighed 25 pounds more than I do now for 2 years after our third child, and my bra size never went up higher than the floppy A I was trying to wear.
ccupgoal, I was tubular before my NBE journey, so my areolas were big a puffy, now they aren't as puffy, but they are "bigger" than other ladies. They haven't gotten any bigger than they were though. Some women are meant to have bigger nipples than others, just depends on your family's genes.
Just wondering if anyone's tried or known someone who has tried ramping up their UB? It's been a full year since I started taking UB and I've only grown an inch (I also Noogle and take other supplements), and if I look at my measurements from when I started the whole NBE process, I've only gained half an inch (not sure how that happened Huh ).
LOL NYX, normally we are having to get on to people for not giving a program enough time, so this is a nice change up for once. haha. Anyway, I would say after a year, you have probably seen all you are going to see with BO. I think the exception to that would be taking a break from it, and then it may kick back in again if you were to start it back up if you don't want to look at any other options to try in the mean time.

IF it were me and I guess it kind of is, since I just began what I am about to suggest is to give it an extended break. Stop taking it. Cleanse and then try PM or something. If that works the same way and you get another inch then nothing, then after a time, you can cycle back to BO.

It's just food for thought,
Well the thing is, I haven't been super consistent with my BO, either. I start off taking it really well for a few months and then I'll forget to take a day of pills, next thing I know I'm on a month long break. My last break was intentional though, because I had all of my wisdom teeth taken out and I was popping Vicodin every few hours LOL. I decided to stop all my supplements and just do a liver cleanse as soon as my mouth healed. I should probably keep better track of my measurements to see when I'm actually growing to see if I do make any gains when I'm being consistent with all my pills. Another thing is I don't keep track of my protein intake, and since I'm in the process of getting in shape, my diet fluctuates depending on my willpower haha. So I doubt I take 99g of protein a day. I just need to suck it up and spend the money on some protein powder. I think I'll give BO another year. I know the UB site says that you don't need to take any more than the recommended dosage, but I'm going to add one more UB pill a day, seeing if it helps. I never get growing pains or itches, and I know some girls don't get them- I don't remember getting them during puberty- so that's also a little discouraging, not having any indicator that my breasts are growing besides measuring.

If anything, an inch a year is still not that bad. That's an increase in cup size every year (maybe? I don't know if the bra calculator was accurate). Actually, that fact is kind of nice to see as a solid statement.
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