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Posted by: AnnieUp!
01-06-2010, 09:00 PM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
- Replies (6)

I've been taking Perfect Curves, with fenugreek and vitamin C in addition, for about 2 weeks now, and I swear, I'm having nausea and breast pain just like at the beginning of pregnancy. I'm getting low blood sugar and craving meat, too. I've had 2 kids; this is what it felt like; except it's only been 2 weeks since my last period, so I *know* I'm not pregnant. Is this normal??? Does this last the entire time you're on this stuff??

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Posted by: cetabloo
01-06-2010, 09:02 AM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
- Replies (3)

Can somebody tell me why msm can make breast grow,What is its component that effect the breast.

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Posted by: sam ats
30-05-2010, 09:46 AM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
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is it possible to grow a little while taking vitex, but also doing massage everday and eating boob food?

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Posted by: Amere Sono
29-05-2010, 08:53 AM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
- Replies (4)

hey girls, ive been taking fenugreek, saw palmetto and wild yam twice a day for a month now. My breast have appeared to be fuller but there has been no increase in inches. Should i add another herb on?? What am i missing? Please help!

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Posted by: allisue
28-05-2010, 08:14 AM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
- Replies (1)

Has anyone had any success from cycling herbs? Would there be any benefit to doing this? What do you think, any suggestions welcome?

Another thing, if you're on the pill do you have a proper cycle with changing levels of LH / FSH?

And do the endogenous estrogen and progesterone levels change?

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Posted by: kisskisschristina
28-05-2010, 07:46 AM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
- Replies (1)

its my third day with the program and i was wondering how can i get rid of the fenugreek extract massage smell. my whole family is complaining about it and they dont know where it is coming from Blush

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Posted by: Friemia
27-05-2010, 08:50 AM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
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hi! I'm new here.. Smile can you please tell me how many fenugreek capsules you recommend me to take daily (1 capsule 550mg) for NBE? I don't want to take any other capsules, only fenugreek (and maybe a cup of tea from fennel seeds)
thank you very much for your help!

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Posted by: GABYTA
26-05-2010, 02:20 AM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
- Replies (2)


Achieving true hormonal balance is key if you want to live a happy, healthy life. It is the difference between being healthy and sickly, positive or depressed, and heavy or slim. We know that the more balanced your hormones are, the better you are able to handle stress, both mentally and physically. Your hormones impact several of your body's physiological and psychological functions including appetite, sleep, immunity, and mental health. From a naturopathic perspective, the main causes of hormonal imbalance are poor or nutritionally void diets, lack of exercise, liver and bowel congestion, and general toxicity caused by a number of culprits.

Hormonal balance and harmony are an absolutely necessary foundation for natural breast growth, especially if you are trying to naturally augment breast tissue throught the use of an oral supplement or external breast growth agent. Hormonal balance is the perfect conduit to breast growth, and without it, you may not get any results, or get disappointing results from any natural breast enhancement supplement or regimen. We will discuss several principles and life habits that will help to maintain hormonal balance and facilitate faster, healthier, and more substantial breast growth.

Some herbalists, naturopaths, and nutritionists may advocate a strict organic or macrobiotic diet, but this type of diet can easily result in a diet too high in carbohydrates, which creates other hormonal problems leading to imbalances. Some diets to follow that are excellent in controlling hormones and creating a hormonal equilibrium are the South Beach Diet and The Zone Diet.

These diets promote just the right balance of carbohydrates and proteing to sustain the perfect hormonal balance indirectly by stabilizing blood sugar (insulin - another hormone - see the connection?) levels. This, coupled with exercise and stress management, will lead you in the right direction. High carbohydrate diets are just plain hormonally WRONG. They throw the body into a constant state of hunger, and upset the delicate hormonal balance by de-stabilizing insuling levels, alternately shooting them through the roof, and crashing them to the ground without notice.

It has been shown that the addition of soy in moderate dosages (about 80 mg of isoflavones a day), can be helpful. It's an excellent low fat source of protein that does not have the harmful growth hormones found in grocery store meat products. The best results come from whole soy found in food, not the types of soy in pill or supplement form, which are not digested or utilized by the body the same way. Tofu, gardenburgers, soy cheese, soy yogurt and the multitude of other soy based foods are excellent resources of whole soy.

Exercise is an absolute MUST for achieving and maintaining a healthy hormonal balance. Not only does it manage stress, thereby helping to suppress unhealthy surges of certain harmful hormones, but it also helps control weight, and is a great mood elevator, all of which are related to your hormones. Yoga has been found to be an excellent and relaxing exercise that helps with the body's hormonal (endocrine) system.

Not only does yoga balance the endocrine system and regulate the hormonal and glandular changes that take place during times of stress and other life changes, it is a conduit to more bodily and spiritual awareness for women at a time when they need it most. Yoga also sculpts beautiful, lean muscle, which in turn reduces and helps burn fat. Fat stores unhealthy amounts of estrogen many times, and can be in itself a perpetuating factor to overproduction of estrogen and weight gain.

There are two basic hormones that we focus on when we talk about hormonal balance. These are the two that are the driving force of what makes us men, and what makes us women. These two hormone of course, are estrogen and testosterone. As a woman ages, the ovaries stop producing estrogen on a regular basis, and the main source for the production of estrogen become the adrenal glands. Unused testosterone can also be transformed into estrogen, and the estrogen that is stored in fat cells is even utilized. Estrogen and another hormone, progesterone are designed to keep eachother in check, and act as eachother's equalizing force.

Without the right balance of testosterone, progesterone and estrogen, we cannot live in a healthy state, and the stage for healthy breast growth cannot be set. Taking a few extra steps in your lifestyle (albeit healthy, life-enriching steps), can dramatically increase your chances for success with natural breast growth agents such as pills, and other natural methods and systems by successfully harnessing the power of hormonal balance for healthy, natural breast growth. It is truly the foundation for breast growth success!


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Posted by: jess tovatan
24-05-2010, 08:44 AM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
- Replies (2)

what's up with all these papaya talk? does it really work? I do remember a friend of mine telling me that papaya milk can be good for the boobs. but is it really true? does it have to be papaya milk? or will papaya be enough?

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Posted by: Specs
24-05-2010, 06:55 AM
Forum: Herbal Breast Enhancement
- Replies (4)

So I started my own regimen about a week ago (3000 mg of MSM & about 1200 mg of fenugreek) and I'm pretttyy sure I've seen improvement in fullness Smile. I'm super excited! My bras definitely feel more well-fitted (34 A x.X) and there's often tenderness in my breasts after waking up.

Yay NBE! ^_^

Just felt like sharing and will update with additional results!

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