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Need help please! Hormone panel I’m lost :(


I’m Hey everyone!

I’m new to all of this but have been on this site for years. I used to experiment with different herbs, noogleberry, and massage but didn’t give It a chance.

About me:


34AA, maybe AAA now

I lost a ton of weight and lost my already small boobs and big buttSad

I take adderall for Adhd, but I’ve been on it for years and never been this small. I think im around 132lbs, 5’7.

Ever since I had my last kid 3 years ago, I lost a ton of weight.

My question is, can someone help me read my hormone panel levels for the progesterone and estrogen? So I’ll know what to take and what not to take?

I ordered:



Swansons BO off of Amazon

Red clover tea and spearmint tea.


I’m thinking about ordering SP, but I just want to know If I need it.

I’m inspired by so many of you and I want to be able to stick to this this time!

My boobs are so small it’s gross to me. That and I know my husband likes bigger breast so of course I don’t even take my shirt off around him. ??

I have wide shoulders so that makes it worse looking on me. I’ll post Pics if needed. Just need some advice! TIA!

I’ll also attach the hormone pics. The 2nd page is the 2nd part of the progesterone. Which is .5

Thank you!

Update well its not letting me attach for some reason, so my estradiol is 13.5 and progesterone is .5. What does this mean??


welcome Mom!
to solve your not being able to post pictures etc.
go to your user CP and change the 'board style'
you can use any color except the default.
(see attached Picture)

As for the hormone panel, I'll let others help you out there.
The important thing is to not give up and love your breasts even if they are smallish.

Think positive.
Also, most of the average breast is made up of fat.


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Me again
I just saw this thread in my inbox that might help answer your hormone panel que

(23-03-2022, 23:01)Happyme Wrote:  Me again I just saw this thread in my inbox that might help answer your hormone panel que Bobbi

Thank you!! I’ll check that out! And also thank you for the positive words❤️

I just don’t know where to start or which herbs I should start taking to try them out. I’m just going to experiment and see what may work, although I know it’s a long process and I won’t see results soon, I just need an idea on which ones. Thanks again!


Well thats the important reason to understand you hormone panel.
The experiment approach is expensive and often leads to disappointment.
I'd get in the thread I sent you and see if they can help or send them a PM.
NBE is a long slow process so rushing things wont necessarily help.
Take a deep breath and begin.

Thank you! Yes, it’s definitely not cheap. That’s why I don’t want to just experiment. I looked at it, but I may ask a question on there or pm someone.

(23-03-2022, 23:31)Happyme Wrote:  Well thats the important reason to understand you hormone panel. The experiment approach is expensive and often leads to disappointment. I'd get in the thread I sent you and see if they can help or send them a PM. NBE is a long slow process so rushing things wont necessarily help. Take a deep breath and begin. Bobbi


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