Poll: Do you feel numbness/tingling during or after pumping? - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
Yes, but only when I use too much pressure.
Yes but only when I pump for longer sessions.
Yes, but only sometimes
Yes, during most of pumping sessions regardless or pressure or duration.
Yes but rarely.
No, never felt any such unusual sensation.
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REGARDING PUMPING Do your arms/legs go numb or tingle?


(19-10-2018, 11:23)sweetorange Wrote:  I have felt tingly sensation sometimes, but it is the same sensation when I get muscle contractures on my shoulders and back.
Not always, just sometimes. So I don't know if it is due to my tendency to be nervous all the time or related to pumping. I don't know.

However I must say dome position is too very important. TRY not to catch your armpit zone, most of the nerves for arm movements are around there!

Yeah I was wondering that too, it might have something to do with the armpit region as well. My breast shape is such that the domes naturally end up pressing against the armpit region. My boobs are kind of set wide apart and face outwards.

I might have to hold the dome so it stays away from the armpit.

(19-10-2018, 11:23)sweetorange Wrote:  I have felt tingly sensation sometimes, but it is the same sensation when I get muscle contractures on my shoulders and back.
Not always, just sometimes. So I don't know if it is due to my tendency to be nervous all the time or related to pumping. I don't know.

However I must say dome position is too very important. TRY not to catch your armpit zone, most of the nerves for arm movements are around there!

Regarding this: "So I don't know if it is due to my tendency to be nervous all the time or related to pumping. I don't know." Did you have this feeling before you starting noogling as well or not? Also, is the sensation affected when your anxiety level goes down??...Gotta admit I am a tad bit scared after reading Jennifer's post.

(19-10-2018, 11:35)Dark_Swan Wrote:  
(19-10-2018, 11:23)sweetorange Wrote:  I have felt tingly sensation sometimes, but it is the same sensation when I get muscle contractures on my shoulders and back.
Not always, just sometimes. So I don't know if it is due to my tendency to be nervous all the time or related to pumping. I don't know.

However I must say dome position is too very important. TRY not to catch your armpit zone, most of the nerves for arm movements are around there!

Regarding this: "So I don't know if it is due to my tendency to be nervous all the time or related to pumping. I don't know." Did you have this feeling before you starting noogling as well or not? Also, is the sensation affected when your anxiety level goes down??...Gotta admit I am a tad bit scared after reading Jennifer's post.

I had in 2014 for example, but it was different feeling on my fingers and it was because I was dealing with a fucking infection that got upside down my whole inmune system. I am a girl who needs to get physio every three weeks for muscle cramps, so in my case I cannot assure that. On the other hand, when I did Rocket's way of noogling this summer it is true I FELT PAIN on my chest, that kind of pain it makes your breathe goes slower , but it was due to overpumping. I knew what was going on. I waited some weeks and when I tried again noogling, I started doing 15 minutes twice a day (separated, morning / evening), then 30 minutes everyday straight once a day for another three weeks and currently doing combining 30 minutes hold and release method everyday except Fridays, when what I do is 45 minutes straight (low pressure!!), stop, go to the gym, get back home, 45 minutes hold and release . Of course, lots of lubrication to avoid overpumping, heat pad before noogling, massage before noogling, massage during noogling, water intake before and after noogling, and 10 minutes more heat pad after noogling. = heat, for avoiding the pain I felt in summer even tho I am doing less much hours and less much pressure compared to June, July and August. 

Just in case, y'know.

Hey gals,

I was thinking about this : what if we write on this thread every symptom we may feel in our sessions ??

I think having a diary about this may be good for everyone on the forum. Like, weekly each of us tell to other nooglers how they have been doing during the week and if they have had any symptom.

I think this way we can control much more these things, we can talk about it with honesty and help each other. I don't want anyone to feel like Jenn , these things should be documented on a thread.

Cause when comes to herbs people talk about the negative sides but when comes to noogling I've read more times the good side than the negative side, and definitely there is a negative side (I haven't experienced it ,but doesn't mean we have to ignore it because we have been more lucky for now!)

(19-10-2018, 11:59)sweetorange Wrote:  Hey gals,

I was thinking about this : what if we write on this thread every symptom we may feel in our sessions ??

I think having a diary about this may be good for everyone on the forum. Like, weekly each of us tell to other nooglers how they have been doing during the week and if they have had any symptom.

I think this way we can control much more these things, we can talk about it with honesty and help each other. I don't want anyone to feel like Jenn , these things should be documented on a thread.

Cause when comes to herbs people talk about the negative sides but when comes to noogling I've read more times the good side than the negative side, and definitely there is a negative side (I haven't experienced it ,but doesn't mean we have to ignore it because we have been more lucky for now!)
Agreed,that is a really good idea. When I was "researching" on google about noogleberry, it was harder to find the negative compared to the positives. Still, I learnt most of the stuff from such forums about over-pumping, purple breasts, red dots, different pumping methods, little tricks etc. So this would be beneficial for everyone. This product does have potential but more understanding is required and that can only come from people's experiences.

I am gonna bump this thread a few times in the coming days just so everyone is aware of it and hopefully posts Smile

Hi All,
Thanks Swann for posting this and SweetOrange for suggesting we all flag any problems/oddities with our Noogling.
This may also be very helpful to Lucy and Noogleberry.
People tend to bitch to each other about a product and the manufacturers dont often get this feed back.
I wonder if there is any correlation between the regular domes and the contours, and if the cushiny base thing might help with the problem.
I've not had any of these issues, and the only problems I have experienced are self induced. ie too much pressure, too long a time, or the dome finds a bad position and it hits the bone instead of a cushion of meat.

I have noticed that when ever I get a numbness or tingling sensation in other body parts its usually cause by a pinched nerve, so I have to wonder if thats whats happening with the noogleberry domes?

Thanks again all

(19-10-2018, 15:03)Happyme Wrote:  Hi All,
Thanks Swann for posting this and SweetOrange for suggesting we all flag any problems/oddities with our Noogling.
This may also be very helpful to Lucy and Noogleberry.
People tend to bitch to each other about a product and the manufacturers dont often get this feed back.
I wonder if there is any correlation between the regular domes and the contours, and if the cushiny base thing might help with the problem.
I've not had any of these issues, and the only problems I have experienced are self induced. ie too much pressure, too long a time, or the dome finds a bad position and it hits the bone instead of a cushion of meat.

I have noticed that when ever I get a numbness or tingling sensation in other body parts its usually cause by a pinched nerve, so I have to wonder if thats whats happening with the noogleberry domes?

Thanks again all

I know I am the one everybody is talking about when  they mention drama or bitching behaviour. But I think people dont understand that I have this problem since 2012, and I mailed with Lucy in that time on a normal  tone and the reply I got was quite similar as what we can all read here. She kinda said  it wasnt  possible what I experienced. At that time I just got a baby and couldnt even carry him because of the pain in my arms and legs. 
So how could I not act when this happening to me? See it as drama or bitching, but I know better. I know how it is to have a good life and then suddenly loose almostly all life quality.
You cant just call that drama or bitching when you havent been there.

(19-10-2018, 15:47)hannah Wrote:  
(19-10-2018, 15:03)Happyme Wrote:  Hi All,
Thanks Swann for posting this and SweetOrange for suggesting we all flag any problems/oddities with our Noogling.
This may also be very helpful to Lucy and Noogleberry.
People tend to bitch to each other about a product and the manufacturers dont often get this feed back.
I wonder if there is any correlation between the regular domes and the contours, and if the cushiny base thing might help with the problem.
I've not had any of these issues, and the only problems I have experienced are self induced. ie too much pressure, too long a time, or the dome finds a bad position and it hits the bone instead of a cushion of meat.

I have noticed that when ever I get a numbness or tingling sensation in other body parts its usually cause by a pinched nerve, so I have to wonder if thats whats happening with the noogleberry domes?

Thanks again all

I know I am the one everybody is talking about when  they mention drama or bitching behaviour. But I think people dont understand that I have this problem since 2012, and I mailed with Lucy in that time on a normal  tone and the reply I got was quite similar as what we can all read here. She kinda said  it wasnt  possible what I experienced. At that time I just got a baby and couldnt even carry him because of the pain in my arms and legs. 
So how could I not act when this happening to me? See it as drama or bitching, but I know better. I know how it is to have a good life and then suddenly loose almostly all life quality.
You cant just call that drama or bitching when you havent been there.
Bobbi’s  talking about everyday stuff  Smile 

I see it here too Hannah it’s shameful, we are all worried about 5G radiation but when you ask someone to help you start a petition or something they all back down after carrying on how dangerous it is  Dodgy  

There’s so much cheap shit on the market these days I think people realise they’l get No where when they complain cause most of it is outsourced to cheap labour overseas , but it doesn’t stop them from complaining. 

In this case we can contact the inventor which is good and good on you for highlighting the dangers, I fear there may be no safe way to use vacuum therapy for breast enlargement but at the very least you guys have highlighted what can go wrong and at the VERY LEAST I think the pressure gauge and foam rings and proper user guide (paper)  be made an essential upgrade to the noogleberry.

Imagine having a hard cup pressed up against your delicate skin and lymph area for extended periods of time, no WONDER it causes indentations and cuts off circulation . I could never noogle without foam rings. They say not to wear tight bras for extended periods let alone a hard plastic cup. I’ve seen it here many girls get excited and carried away with seeing the swelling then overpump, myself personally went slower and used less pressure for six months on schedule and got nowhere.  Because I never knew what was an actual safe level of suction I used less.
I also never saw a pressure gauge (that I’m aware of) when I purchased a new noogleberry system earlier this year cause I’m certain I would have seen that as a red flag and essential to a safer noogling experience. 

I do think (in my opinion) noogleberry should include foam rings/pressure gauge/and most importantly instructions for safe use as the package, yeh the price will increase but it might prevent future injury and at least make girls aware there’s a risk. 

This is all just my humble opinion.

(19-10-2018, 18:37)EllaC Wrote:  
(19-10-2018, 15:47)hannah Wrote:  
(19-10-2018, 15:03)Happyme Wrote:  Hi All,
Thanks Swann for posting this and SweetOrange for suggesting we all flag any problems/oddities with our Noogling.
This may also be very helpful to Lucy and Noogleberry.
People tend to bitch to each other about a product and the manufacturers dont often get this feed back.
I wonder if there is any correlation between the regular domes and the contours, and if the cushiny base thing might help with the problem.
I've not had any of these issues, and the only problems I have experienced are self induced. ie too much pressure, too long a time, or the dome finds a bad position and it hits the bone instead of a cushion of meat.

I have noticed that when ever I get a numbness or tingling sensation in other body parts its usually cause by a pinched nerve, so I have to wonder if thats whats happening with the noogleberry domes?

Thanks again all

I know I am the one everybody is talking about when  they mention drama or bitching behaviour. But I think people dont understand that I have this problem since 2012, and I mailed with Lucy in that time on a normal  tone and the reply I got was quite similar as what we can all read here. She kinda said  it wasnt  possible what I experienced. At that time I just got a baby and couldnt even carry him because of the pain in my arms and legs. 
So how could I not act when this happening to me? See it as drama or bitching, but I know better. I know how it is to have a good life and then suddenly loose almostly all life quality.
You cant just call that drama or bitching when you havent been there.
Bobbi’s  talking about everyday stuff  Smile 

I see it here too Hannah it’s shameful, we are all worried about 5G radiation but when you ask someone to help you start a petition or something they all back down after carrying on how dangerous it is  Dodgy  

There’s so much cheap shit on the market these days I think people realise they’l get No where when they complain cause most of it is outsourced to cheap labour overseas , but it doesn’t stop them from complaining. 

In this case we can contact the inventor which is good and good on you for highlighting the dangers, I fear there may be no safe way to use vacuum therapy for breast enlargement but at the very least you guys have highlighted what can go wrong and at the VERY LEAST I think the pressure gauge and foam rings and proper user guide (paper)  be made an essential upgrade to the noogleberry.

Imagine having a hard cup pressed up against your delicate skin and lymph area for extended periods of time, no WONDER it causes indentations and cuts off circulation . I could never noogle without foam rings. They say not to wear tight bras for extended periods let alone a hard plastic cup. I’ve seen it here many girls get excited and carried away with seeing the swelling then overpump, myself personally went slower and used less pressure for six months on schedule and got nowhere.  Because I never knew what was an actual safe level of suction I used less.
I also never saw a pressure gauge (that I’m aware of) when I purchased a new noogleberry system earlier this year cause I’m certain I would have seen that as a red flag and essential to a safer noogling experience. 

I do think (in my opinion) noogleberry should include foam rings/pressure gauge/and most importantly instructions for safe use as the package, yeh the price will increase but it might prevent future injury and at least make girls aware there’s a risk. 

This is all just my humble opinion.

Regarding armpit, I very well may have been grabbing from my armpit as I am very petite.  One of the users here made a special dome for me to help with suction bc I am so small and then the contoured XXL eventually came out.  They were still huge on me.

(19-10-2018, 15:03)Happyme Wrote:  Hi All,
Thanks Swann for posting this and SweetOrange for suggesting we all flag any problems/oddities with our Noogling.
This may also be very helpful to Lucy and Noogleberry.
People tend to bitch to each other about a product and the manufacturers dont often get this feed back.
I wonder if there is any correlation between the regular domes and the contours, and if the cushiny base thing might help with the problem.
I've not had any of these issues, and the only problems I have experienced are self induced. ie too much pressure, too long a time, or the dome finds a bad position and it hits the bone instead of a cushion of meat.

I have noticed that when ever I get a numbness or tingling sensation in other body parts its usually cause by a pinched nerve, so I have to wonder if thats whats happening with the noogleberry domes?

Thanks again all

But what is too much pressure?  How long is too long??  We are told this is a safe and doctor-tested system.  That we can be assured we are in safe hands.

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