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Dream Breast System at reduced price...


After reading a bit on it, this sounds like an interesting opportunity. I'd love to join in as well! Smile

I'm particularly curious about the Dream Breast System because I've been avoiding supplements in my NBE regime (I've only incorporated noogling and massaging). So this would be a wonderful alternative if it's successful!

Hey Anastasia,

Count me in and keep me updated, please! Thanks for putting this together. I would also love to aid him in his studies.

I have underdeveloped breasts. Would he be offering the same discount that he offered to those with tuberous breast to those who are underdeveloped? I noticed that you mentioned that he wants to formulate a system for the underdeveloped as well as the tuberous.


Okay so 7 girls so far Big Grin I'm going to send an email over to him to let him know how many we have so far.

Great, can't wait. Thanks!!

Is the offer still on the table? I'm down!!!

Are there any updates on this?

I'm potentially interested depending on what price discount he offers! Seems like a great way to try out the program.

I'm a bit concerned about sending him my pics though... I don't want them displayed anywhere online... Sad

Hi girls, yes I'm waiting until we have a good amount of girls, say 15-20 then I'm going to present it to him again. He told me through email the other day that he lost a loved one so has been MIA, that he would be back to me soon.

SapphireRain, he told me that the pictures wouldn't be displayed online without consent, which goes by law. If you do not sign a model release form, no one is ALLOWED to use your pictures, videos, etc. anywhere. I work with online web development and many of my clients are glamour models, so I know the laws on all that. All you have to do to copy write your "content" is to send the pictures to yourself via email or snailmail, then it's dated, do that before sending them to anyone else. Voila, copy written. If you do it snailmail, do not open the envelope.

I have 9 girls so far Big Grin

This does look interesting if this is it:

My questions are:

-Are there any exclusions (e.g. medical conditions, other forms of NBE, geographic location). I'm pretty sure I don't have tuberous breasts (according to wikipedia), but they are small (34A)

- What is the cost involved?


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