Shop for herbs and other supplements on Amazon

Grew 2" in a matter of days?!


"I would have a quarter size of oil and a few drops of each extract. Fenugreek does wonders!! Keep me updated!"

Hello. I'm new and also a high school student and have also started puberty young and never fully developed, and if have some quesrions... when you said almond and fenugreek did you massage with it or did you take fenugreek separately orally? and could you explain each step for each massages you do? This stuff is new to me and BTW did you also gain weight for your breasts to grow? -Thank You and Congrats on your Bust

Lucky i wish mine would do that.Blush

Thats all im sooooooo going to try

Shop for herbs and other supplements on Amazon

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Shop for herbs and other supplements on Amazon

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