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How to Lighten Your Eye Color Naturally

(12-06-2013, 19:56)♥AngieNoelle Wrote:  Vivi_143 Offline
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Post: #676
RE: How to Lighten Your Eye Color Naturally
Does anyone know how long one should keep the honey/water batch until it's time to make a new one? Your responses are highly appreciated, Thank you!
(This post was last modified: Yesterday 06:59 PM by Vivi_143.)


I usually keep the mixture for a week or maybe close to a week, before disposing it and remaking the mixture.

Its said that the longer you keep the mixture then the more natural hydrogen peroxide will form in it, and the better. You don't want to keep the mixture for too long though, as you don't want it to have things floating in it and spoil.

Thank you Angie Noelle! Smile

(12-06-2013, 19:56)♥AngieNoelle Wrote:  Vivi_143 Offline
Forum Apprentice

Posts: 7
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Post: #676
RE: How to Lighten Your Eye Color Naturally
Does anyone know how long one should keep the honey/water batch until it's time to make a new one? Your responses are highly appreciated, Thank you!
(This post was last modified: Yesterday 06:59 PM by Vivi_143.)


I usually keep the mixture for a week or maybe close to a week, before disposing it and remaking the mixture.

Its said that the longer you keep the mixture then the more natural hydrogen peroxide will form in it, and the better. You don't want to keep the mixture for too long though, as you don't want it to have things floating in it and spoil.

Thank youuu Angie Noelle! Smile

(14-06-2013, 01:48)Vivi_143 Wrote:  I thought the honey/water method did lighten the eyes, and that it was permanent; not darken them or make them dull at all, or after awhile... Sad

Just try it and see for yourself.

Thank you, it would suck if the method did darken them and made them dull. But I'll keep trying and see if they'll lighten up.

(14-06-2013, 02:20)Vivi_143 Wrote:  
(12-06-2013, 19:56)♥AngieNoelle Wrote:  Vivi_143 Offline
Forum Apprentice

Posts: 7
Joined: Jun 2013
Post: #676
RE: How to Lighten Your Eye Color Naturally
Does anyone know how long one should keep the honey/water batch until it's time to make a new one? Your responses are highly appreciated, Thank you!
(This post was last modified: Yesterday 06:59 PM by Vivi_143.)


I usually keep the mixture for a week or maybe close to a week, before disposing it and remaking the mixture.

Its said that the longer you keep the mixture then the more natural hydrogen peroxide will form in it, and the better. You don't want to keep the mixture for too long though, as you don't want it to have things floating in it and spoil.

Thank youuu Angie Noelle! Smile

No problem, and you're welcome. Good luck with your results.

(14-06-2013, 03:36)♥AngieNoelle Wrote:  
(14-06-2013, 02:20)Vivi_143 Wrote:  
(12-06-2013, 19:56)♥AngieNoelle Wrote:  Vivi_143 Offline
Forum Apprentice

Posts: 7
Joined: Jun 2013
Post: #676
RE: How to Lighten Your Eye Color Naturally
Does anyone know how long one should keep the honey/water batch until it's time to make a new one? Your responses are highly appreciated, Thank you!
(This post was last modified: Yesterday 06:59 PM by Vivi_143.)


I usually keep the mixture for a week or maybe close to a week, before disposing it and remaking the mixture.

Its said that the longer you keep the mixture then the more natural hydrogen peroxide will form in it, and the better. You don't want to keep the mixture for too long though, as you don't want it to have things floating in it and spoil.

Thank youuu Angie Noelle! Smile

No problem, and you're welcome. Good luck with your results.

Smile Thank you, good luck with your results as well! I am determined to change them to a hazel color. You're so positive and motivating when you post anything on this thread. Thank you for telling us to be patient and not to feel discouraged, as we can achieve the eye color we desire if we just believe that we can achieve it!
And that is exactly what I determined to do Big Grin
Have a great day!

I guess we'll just see how every ones journey is going. It didn't really light for me but just changed the glow to a more clearer eye. Not huge results. Anyway i like this method and i keep doing this. It has results.

Im actually going to to dye my eyebrows since my eyebrows are slightly lighter then the hair on my head, weird isn't it. Anyway darker eyebrows also contrasts nice with brown eye so they even look lighter without the honey method. :d

Will post results in few days.
see you!!

(13-06-2013, 02:12)tibetan113 Wrote: was one of the blogs that started all of this talk about real honey lightening the irises.

Now, I saw the photos and they were really convincing. She went from dark, dark brown almost black to light brown (or honey as you guys call it)in about a little over a year. Strange thing is, she took it all down and then ditched her blog (above) for this one:

No such blog about her lightening journey. However, here she is promoting her new lenses and her old eye color???? Dark, Dark brown! Now, she said she stopped after doing it over a year and said she liked her color. So she would know if it were permanent for the months to follow.

The comments below show, this is dated sometime this year and where are her lovely gold irises?

Either she is a fraud, or maybe this honey method works, but is not permanent after all?

Here is her departure letter to all:

"So girls, I am very sorry to say that after all the problems I have faced with Ameena and my health, I am officially deleting this blog on July. I am very emotional about his situation, but it's whats best for me to be honest.

Please don't be mad or nothing, I just can't take the betrayal and crap that all went down and stuff. I really do love you guys. To all the people that actually take their time to read this crummy blog :/

I am really upset to delete this blog, and I am sorry that i have not answer many of your questions. I love you guys.

But I don't wanna give up on you guys, so I made a new blog, for only me and no lies. But please don't ask about the honey stuff or anything to do with Ameena, because i am very fragile at this point about family.

My blog is .

Please show your support by checking it out and following it. It would mean the world to me.

Click on this link to follow!!

Love you all!

Afifa (this time for real) "

Its possible that maybe she went back to her color and doesn't want to answer to everyone she told about her great lasting results because she later found out, its not. Why would she be so into contacts if she had her lovely results and new iris color. Maybe she's very obsessive with iris colors. But then again, Why are her irises back to her original color!!!! Makes absolutely no sense. I know many people fool each other with their fake and photoshopped results, but I was hoping this was a real testimony. She mentioned some one else's were real but not hers. Maybe it was not her. Boy, they sure look alike... So confusing.

If anyone knows, post about it. I did try honey method for over a month and noticed my lypochrome or green color turning murky into a brownish color and almost blending in with the brown ring that I have (I despised this!) If my irises were all the way brown, I would have just thought they lifted.

Though they appeared a shade lighter (only the brown part) they were dull and colorless on my green. SO I STOPPED! And went raw instead. I have them nice and vibrant again like years ago.

now, I'm not saying this doesn't work, I think it does lift pigment, but for me, it left mine dull in my hues. Now my question is, is it permanent and for how long?
I got my iris color hues back, and more, thank goodness. I will never mess with my irises again like this. Going on a raw cleansing fast again! I will try this for at least 3 weeks and report back

Good luck guys.

Hi, thank you for the information. I was so concerned about this testimony as well, I kept checking the site for any updates and now I see why there hasn't been any Sad I'd also like to mention a concern I had with the honey drops making eyes duller? I think I'd like dull, muted eyes. That's actually the result I was hoping to achieve( any result would be fine as long as they are light) lol but I find muted dull light brown eyes to be so appealing. Would this be the result if I kept up with the honey and water? p.s. I also added a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Thnxs Tongue


Vivi_143 ,

Oh for sure, no doubt. Thank you for wishing good luck with my eye lightening journey, as well.

I, too, desire to have hazel or green eyes some day and I will continue doing this experience until I have reached my dream eye color of hazel or green. Big Grin


I am a very positive and motivational person and I'm here to encourage not just you but everyone on this thread to not give up hope, and to keep consistent with their eye lightening journeys. Yes indeed, this experiment to lightening our eye color is a very slow process but, we all have to go through rain, sleet and hail in order to succeed with getting to the box of gold and rainbow.

It takes commitment and patience to achieve with accomplishing anything in life. A perfect analogy would be a person who desires to have a well defined chiseled body with a banging six pack. LOL That person would have to dedicate themselves and work hard to achieve with getting their dream body (the person won't get their dream body overnight, it takes time). The same applies with this eye lightening journey. We all must crawl before learning to walk, jog or even run, for that matter.

We also must remember to implement these 6 major roles into our lives, and perhaps it'll make each of our lives a little easier. Those 6 things we should implement into our lives are, as follows:

►♥◄ Remaining positive.

►♥◄ Being optimistic.

►♥◄ Having belief that you can achieve with accomplishing your goals in life (no matter what it is you wish to accomplish, just have faith within yourself and believe. Once again if you can believe it, then you can achieve it).

►♥◄ Having determination with anything that you do.

►♥◄ Patience is the key. Nothing will come overnight. It takes having patience and having faith in the long haul to whatever it is you want to accomplish, then the rest will fall into place.

►♥◄ Implementing consistency in anything you do in life plays a major role, as well.

↑ Try implementing those things into your life, and I guarantee life will be a little easier for you and as a result, you'll soar like an eagle and nothing will hold you back from succeeding. Cool

So, come on everyone.... Get up, stop feeling as if whatever you're doing isn't working and do not feel discouraged as far as this super duper slow eye lightening process goes. Let's continue to aim for the desired and dream eye color, we want. Ya ready? Come on and jump on the bandwagon, or be left behind (if you feel that this experiment may not be suitable for you). Tongue On your march, get set, gooooo....

Happy eye lightening, everyone!



I'm just loving my results, so far (Woot! Woot!). I will post images later down the line where you'll be able to see drastic changes from my natural eye color to my new eye color.

I just remade my honey eye drop batch then put them in and I love the stinging following afterwards, with the soothing sensation.

A little tip:

When you apply your honey drops it helps to put the drops in your eyes then keep your eyes closed while wiggling them (in any kind of motion) with your head held down toward the floor (you should keep your eyes closed for about 2 minutes). When you keep your eyes closed with your head facing toward the floor, it will allow gravity to cause the honey to instantly go into the center of your irises and wiggling your eyes, will enable the honey to absorb more into the eye irises. Wink

Again, I have been lightening my eyes (consistently) since January 2013 to the present. My eyes were dark brown and now they're like a warm chestnut brown color with light golden brown highlights around the irises. Blush

Also, each person is different as far as how many times you choose to put the honey drops in your eyes. However, I try to at least put the drops in my eyes 8Xs, daily. Therefore, I try to at least put the drops in my eyes every 2 hours, for as long as I'm awake....

I hope this technique helps you.

Please look out for images in the future.

Hazel/Green eyes, here I come. LOL


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