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How to Lighten Your Eye Color Naturally

(23-12-2012, 01:20)Amber1017 Wrote:  
(22-12-2012, 17:36)tibetan113 Wrote:  
(22-12-2012, 17:20)Babakins Wrote:  What was the cascara doing to you Tibetan? I had thought about getting some. Also being the lazy arse that I am and not re-reading the thread how many honey drops are you using per day. The last time I did honey drops I did twice daily and ended up getting blepharitis!!

So far my MSM drops are rather nice and my eye whites are blinging!
In fact I was at a party the other night and some random dude mentioned my sparkly peepers. I think it's just the glass of wine but anyway, I'll take it as a compliment.
It is strong on the muscles to get the bowels moving. It makes your stomach hurt and you go several times a day. I now know what to take if I can't get things moving. This is the strongest single herb for bm's.

I do several drops a day of clover honey and a lil water in each eye. Before I was using chamomile and honey msm.

Its true, the bleph is insane some times. My whites are good too.

Sorry for back to back posts, ya'll.

You stopped using MSM with your honey drops as well?

Did you notice that lightening, or color change sped up for you afterwards too?

I am just experimenting with different things. I am not sure its necessary to use to get good results (msm). I may or may not go back to it. I am not sure if it made a faster lightening or not.

I noticed this honey not only breaks down the melanin but it seems to break down the lipochrome in the iris (the other color pigments such as yellow, ambers etc that come from zanthins/carotenoids.) I am not sure I like this. I notice this with others too. Their irises are light alright but, it has no true hue. These hues are what make us all unique and stand out no matter what color the iris is.

Many that claim they get hazel but in reality just get a light honey brown. Hazel is mainly referred to those with mixed irises that actually have real green and blue hues while the light honey brown is gold and brown in color.

I have no lipochrome and it just looks like a really light brownish color with a darker brown- same color but different lightness. Its weird. I sware my iris is either turning darkish blue or real light brown. My green background is going away.

Here is the proof after 2 months. The lighting is different but you can still see the iris is bleaching all lipochrome hues as well as the melanin. I honestly don't think I can get my color back. So this is for anyone who has a concern of losing their greenish or gold or even blue hue, once you start, there is no going back.

I will see how it goes from here and keep you all updated.


Here it is two months later.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Wow. Just wow.

I really thought that this site was supposed to provide information and support to women throughout their NBE/body enhancement journey.. Boy, was I wrong.

Even if honey was known to lighten the eyes, Emily was the one that brought it to the site. She's also the reason why so many users here have this thread to share what's working for them. Who cares if you knew about it before, you didn't share it, so why insult the person that shared and took credit it's popularity on breastnexus?

What happened to common courtesy?
Even if you don't care for that person, you should still communicate with tact and consideration, at least here on a support based forum.. I mean did here signature really warrant name calling?

Ladies, can we please be more supportive of and kind to one another..PLEASE?

(23-12-2012, 14:13)Brilaw Wrote:  Wow. Just wow.

I really thought that this site was supposed to provide information and support to women throughout their NBE/body enhancement journey.. Boy, was I wrong.

Even if honey was known to lighten the eyes, Emily was the one that brought it to the site. She's also the reason why so many users here have this thread to share what's working for them. Who cares if you knew about it before, you didn't share it, so why insult the person that shared and took credit it's popularity on breastnexus?

What happened to common courtesy?
Even if you don't care for that person, you should still communicate with tact and consideration, at least here on a support based forum.. I mean did here signature really warrant name calling?

Ladies, can we please be more supportive of and kind to one another..PLEASE?


You have a wonderful tool called the search engine. Use your brain and research yourself. Don't be lazy.
Why should anyone be entitled to share anything. I got a lot of shit growing up just for being me. I was very pretty but underdeveloped. I never saw my own beauty or ignorance in my own innocence. I found out how rotten people can be. I was very nice to them and shared a lot of myself. This is just a general on my perspective now that I am older. So, I decided to just worry about me and not anyone else. So I don't often share as a result.However, it may be different for you.

All in all, its all about educating yourself.
Do your own research and share with like minds, that's fine. I could care less if this was brought here or not. But it seems many rely on others to get such information, almost as if they feel they cannot find it themselves. All they have to do is spend some time and effort to find their answers.

Generally speaking,
Don't feel so entitled to have any info spoonfed or even shared with you. And if you share, don't feel so entitled to have a self righteous attitude like you discovered something and
because you shared. But instead in reality, you have insecurities.

I have decided to cleanse with different herbs. Made my own caps and put some cascara in it. It a will be a slow cleansing for at least six months. I should hopefully lift some color.


Whoever started the board I will say Thanks to.. although u can Google and find info for yourself, there is nothing like being able to share your experiences with someone else. I found out about iris lightening through another board, however, that board was not supportive of it. It was a lot of negative attitudes about eye lightening. That's why I like it on this board. It's very few ppl who support using honey eyedrops. Sooo please can we all stay as positive as possible. I have learned a wealth of info here. Thanks ladies...

I agree that people should research, but I think there's needs to be some understanding about the process of researching. You speak as if once you started researching you will know everything and thus, never need support or have questions you can't find the answers to.

My point is that I don't think that I am lazy (and actually cringe at you for insinuating that I am) but I do believe that we are at different points in the process. This is true for everyone on this board. I also believe that the support should be given to people disregard where they are in the process of finding what works for them. What's more, is that support does not necessarily equal free information. It can be letting the person know that they should research and maybe a few tips on how to, without being condescending.

I'm sorry that you have been jaded, I hope I never get to the point of worrying about being hurt/insulted for sharing freely.
You've let your negative experiences stop you from doing what Emily is doing (sharing what she founds and taking credit ... I bolded something truly important. If you are worried only about yourself, why insult Emily at all?

I honestly do not want to stir the pot, but I feel that I am. My point is that whether or not we all want to admit it, if we were secure we wouldn't be on this site. If we were secure in ourselves we wouldn't be striving to change our bodies. But whereas one person attempts to make themselves feel more secure by insulting other, another can make themselves feel more secure by sharing beauty tips with others. I don't either person as being better than the other - I just wish that we could all get along with civility, consideration and kindness.

But I guess that's just a wish, huh?

(23-12-2012, 15:47)tibetan113 Wrote:  
(23-12-2012, 14:13)Brilaw Wrote:  Wow. Just wow.

I really thought that this site was supposed to provide information and support to women throughout their NBE/body enhancement journey.. Boy, was I wrong.

Even if honey was known to lighten the eyes, Emily was the one that brought it to the site. She's also the reason why so many users here have this thread to share what's working for them. Who cares if you knew about it before, you didn't share it, so why insult the person that shared and took credit it's popularity on breastnexus?

What happened to common courtesy?
Even if you don't care for that person, you should still communicate with tact and consideration, at least here on a support based forum.. I mean did here signature really warrant name calling?

Ladies, can we please be more supportive of and kind to one another..PLEASE?


You have a wonderful tool called the search engine. Use your brain and research yourself. Don't be lazy.
Why should anyone be entitled to share anything. I got a lot of shit growing up just for being me. I was very pretty but underdeveloped. I never saw my own beauty or ignorance in my own innocence. I found out how rotten people can be. I was very nice to them and shared a lot of myself. This is just a general on my perspective now that I am older. So, I decided to just worry about me and not anyone else. So I don't often share as a result.However, it may be different for you.

All in all, its all about educating yourself.
Do your own research and share with like minds, that's fine. I could care less if this was brought here or not. But it seems many rely on others to get such information, almost as if they feel they cannot find it themselves. All they have to do is spend some time and effort to find their answers.

Generally speaking,
Don't feel so entitled to have any info spoonfed or even shared with you. And if you share, don't feel so entitled to have a self righteous attitude like you discovered something and
because you shared. But instead in reality, you have insecurities.

I have decided to cleanse with different herbs. Made my own caps and put some cascara in it. It a will be a slow cleansing for at least six months. I should hopefully lift some color.


Tibetan, that is really amazing. Are you sure it really removed all the green? I have to admit that I didn't put much stock into this idea before I read your post. I have heard that peroxide can break down melanin, but honey only produces a decent amount of peroxide when it's at a very specific dilution. Apparently, the point is to achieve a certain PH. Even if you dilute the honey to exactly the right degree, the dilution would change once you added it to your wet eyeball. I wasn't sure if there was a plausible explanation for how it would work. Now you have me thinking that there might actually be something to this idea.

Here's a link to a blog post about honey lightening hair (for everyone who's interested, not just Tibetan Tongue ): Obviously it says nothing about eye lightening, but it does talk about how to get your honey to produce as much peroxide as possible, and what kind of honey works best etc. It mentions cardamom and cinnamon, but it's probably not such a good idea to put those in your eyes. Especially since they're only meant to increase the peroxide content of the mixture.

This makes me wonder whether people could just use heavily diluted wound peroxide. By wound peroxide, I mean the very weak 3% peroxide in the brown bottle that everyone has in their medicine cabinet. I haven't figured out how much you'd need to dilute the peroxide to make it safe for eyes. Maybe they make a special peroxide solution for eye injuries. I really hope so. That would be super convenient. I'm searching for one right now Big Grin If anyone else finds anything, please let us know.

(23-12-2012, 18:19)mochaccino Wrote:  Tibetan, that is really amazing. Are you sure it really removed all the green? I have to admit that I didn't put much stock into this idea before I read your post. I have heard that peroxide can break down melanin, but honey only produces a decent amount of peroxide when it's at a very specific dilution. Apparently, the point is to achieve a certain PH. Even if you dilute the honey to exactly the right degree, the dilution would change once you added it to your wet eyeball. I wasn't sure if there was a plausible explanation for how it would work. Now you have me thinking that there might actually be something to this idea.

Here's a link to a blog post about honey lightening hair (for everyone who's interested, not just Tibetan Tongue ): Obviously it says nothing about eye lightening, but it does talk about how to get your honey to produce as much peroxide as possible, and what kind of honey works best etc. It mentions cardamom and cinnamon, but it's probably not such a good idea to put those in your eyes. Especially since they're only meant to increase the peroxide content of the mixture.

This makes me wonder whether people could just use heavily diluted wound peroxide. By wound peroxide, I mean the very weak 3% peroxide in the brown bottle that everyone has in their medicine cabinet. I haven't figured out how much you'd need to dilute the peroxide to make it safe for eyes. Maybe they make a special peroxide solution for eye injuries. I really hope so. That would be super convenient. I'm searching for one right now Big Grin If anyone else finds anything, please let us know.

Mocha, you are exactly correct as far as what I have read. And all honeys are not the same. The PH factor is so important and honeys vary in this dept. Peroxide I believe to some degree works but it burns like hell even in dilution ( I have actually tried this). I know its ph can harm human flesh. I believe the honey is less potent but perhaps its micron in size compared to H202. So maybe this allows it to be extremely effective over time. Any bodily fluids such as tears bring the PH up (or change it).

I read at the eyecolorboard a guy had tried H202 for I think at least a month and no changes at all. It might have been longer.

I have read about cardamom but I wouldn't want to put that strong pungent herb in my eye. I think lic root and chamomile are good with honey.

I am actually in it for the long haul to find out. All I know, my iris are changing. Don't know what the final outcome is going to be.

by the way, love your avatar!

If anyone start's looking into this online, they'll probably find a bunch of horror stories about people accidentally putting peroxide based contact lens cleaner into their eyes. It apparently visibly eats away at the cornea in the worst case scenario. Based on all the ALL CAPS multiple exclamation point warnings that I've seen on places like Yahoo Answers, lots of people seem to assume that regular peroxide would act the same way. What they don't seem to understand is that contact lens cleaner also contains phosphoric acid, so it's really not fair to compare the two. It's specifically designed to eat through organic proteins, so no wonder it does so much damage. Not that hydrogen peroxide is totally safe on it's own, but it seems to have everything to do with the dilution strength. Most of the horrifying warnings about hydrogen peroxide only apply to the stronger concentrations used for hair dye and such. Lots of people don't seem to understand that. Mind you, I'm not saying that 3% peroxide is safe for the eyes. I'm just saying that people are failing to differentiate wound peroxide from hair dye, industrial peroxide, and contact lens cleaner. Obviously the other forms of hydrogen peroxide are a hell of a lot stronger and more dangerous then the kind you'd use on cuts.

As far as I can tell the worst thing that could happen from 3% peroxide in the eye is that your eyes would be extremely irritated. Apparently it hurts much worse than I would have imagined, but 3% peroxide still won't cause permanent damage or send you to the hospital. All you have to do is rinse it out really well and then everything's fine. Unfortunately, I still really have no idea what concentration would be safe. I just read some sort of industry warning paper that says that even 1% peroxide is somewhat painful and too strong for the eyes. I wish I knew more about exactly how much peroxide is produced by honey. I'm sure it's a vanishingly small amount. Ktani (the author of the honey lightening post I linked to) might have posted some links to studies that say how much is actually produced. If I could dilute hyrogen peroxide until it's as weak as the strongest honeys, I'm sure it would be safe. At least I haven't heard a valid reason why it wouldn't be, but that doesn't mean that there isn't one. It's gonna take me a while to figure this out.

Tibetan, just FYI, my last post wasn't in response to you. We were typing at the same time. I'm gonna read your post now Wink

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