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How to Lighten Your Eye Color Naturally

Hey u guys relax everybody likes there own thing. Do whatever worksBig Grin

Hi guys, some new progress... more lightning! And i wouldn't say green but more light tints are appearing in my eye. Do you think it's heading to hazel now??
Dropping for about 6 months now btw.

See attachment

Anyone interested in some kind of blog, or something? I feel this is kinda chaotic and too much posts without any pictures in it.

Would like to chat with some people who are also doing this experiment.

*oh and if you want to see the pictures of one motnh ago and 2 months ago search for my post on this page

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

(28-11-2013, 17:13)matthijskm Wrote:  Hi guys, some new progress... more lightning! And i wouldn't say green but more light tints are appearing in my eye. Do you think it's heading to hazel now??
Dropping for about 6 months now btw.

See attachment

Anyone interested in some kind of blog, or something? I feel this is kinda chaotic and too much posts without any pictures in it.

Would like to chat with some people who are also doing this experiment.

*oh and if you want to see the pictures of one motnh ago and 2 months ago search for my post on this page

Your eyes look the same as last months, Are you on a Raw diet as well?

(28-11-2013, 17:13)matthijskm Wrote:  Hi guys, some new progress... more lightning! And i wouldn't say green but more light tints are appearing in my eye. Do you think it's heading to hazel now??
Dropping for about 6 months now btw.

See attachment

Anyone interested in some kind of blog, or something? I feel this is kinda chaotic and too much posts without any pictures in it.

Would like to chat with some people who are also doing this experiment.

*oh and if you want to see the pictures of one motnh ago and 2 months ago search for my post on this page

Hun, you're eyes were never truely solid brown to begin with. You already have two colors, some form of blue and brown. I read somewhere honey clears up the toxins on the surface of the eyes so you can see the iris clearer. If you see progress, that's great!

Just curious, why do you prefer this method vs. Just being plain healthier? Its not like you actually need to do this to achieve your desired results. Its not like you are truly brown. How do your eyes feel?

I have much less floaters now! Dropping gave me a lot of floaters! It was annoying as shit like bleph.

(28-11-2013, 17:13)matthijskm Wrote:  Hi guys, some new progress... more lightning! And i wouldn't say green but more light tints are appearing in my eye. Do you think it's heading to hazel now??
Dropping for about 6 months now btw.

See attachment

Anyone interested in some kind of blog, or something? I feel this is kinda chaotic and too much posts without any pictures in it.

Would like to chat with some people who are also doing this experiment.

*oh and if you want to see the pictures of one motnh ago and 2 months ago search for my post on this page

Hun, you're eyes were never truely solid brown to begin with. You already have two colors, blue and brown.


(28-11-2013, 18:15)Anonymouss Wrote:  
(28-11-2013, 17:13)matthijskm Wrote:  Hi guys, some new progress... more lightning! And i wouldn't say green but more light tints are appearing in my eye. Do you think it's heading to hazel now??
Dropping for about 6 months now btw.

See attachment

Anyone interested in some kind of blog, or something? I feel this is kinda chaotic and too much posts without any pictures in it.

Would like to chat with some people who are also doing this experiment.

*oh and if you want to see the pictures of one motnh ago and 2 months ago search for my post on this page

Your eyes look the same as last months, Are you on a Raw diet as well?

No, maybe i'll try that in the future.

(28-11-2013, 18:58)tibetan113 Wrote:  
(28-11-2013, 17:13)matthijskm Wrote:  Hi guys, some new progress... more lightning! And i wouldn't say green but more light tints are appearing in my eye. Do you think it's heading to hazel now??
Dropping for about 6 months now btw.

See attachment

Anyone interested in some kind of blog, or something? I feel this is kinda chaotic and too much posts without any pictures in it.

Would like to chat with some people who are also doing this experiment.

*oh and if you want to see the pictures of one motnh ago and 2 months ago search for my post on this page

Hun, you're eyes were never truely solid brown to begin with. You already have two colors, some form of blue and brown. I read somewhere honey clears up the toxins on the surface of the eyes so you can see the iris clearer. If you see progress, that's great!

Just curious, why do you prefer this method vs. Just being plain healthier? Its not like you actually need to do this to achieve your desired results. Its not like you are truly brown. How do your eyes feel?

I have much less floaters now! Dropping gave me a lot of floaters! It was annoying as shit like bleph.

I know, it's something in my genes. My mom has green eyes. I know i don't have a solid brown but i kinda tried this honey project to see if i can achieve more green tints in my eye, like my mom. I see some results, and you're right the results are not extreme but i can see the difference.

The honey doesn't sting for me anymore. I'm used to it i guess.. I saw your post about raw diet though, i might try that in the future but i kinda prefer to keep going with this because i'm used to it now.

I added a picture from my eyes in weak daylight, what i mean, i want to get more green tints.

And btw, i don't hate my eye color. I'm just fascinated by this experiment. Kinda weird isn't it :p

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

(28-11-2013, 18:58)tibetan113 Wrote:  
(28-11-2013, 17:13)matthijskm Wrote:  Hi guys, some new progress... more lightning! And i wouldn't say green but more light tints are appearing in my eye. Do you think it's heading to hazel now??
Dropping for about 6 months now btw.

See attachment

Anyone interested in some kind of blog, or something? I feel this is kinda chaotic and too much posts without any pictures in it.

Would like to chat with some people who are also doing this experiment.

*oh and if you want to see the pictures of one motnh ago and 2 months ago search for my post on this page

Hun, you're eyes were never truely solid brown to begin with. You already have two colors, some form of blue and brown. I read somewhere honey clears up the toxins on the surface of the eyes so you can see the iris clearer. If you see progress, that's great!

Just curious, why do you prefer this method vs. Just being plain healthier? Its not like you actually need to do this to achieve your desired results. Its not like you are truly brown. How do your eyes feel?

I have much less floaters now! Dropping gave me a lot of floaters! It was annoying as shit like bleph.

There she is again.... LOL! Caught her in action lol. JUST BECAUSE IT DIDN'T WORK FOR YOU DOESN'T MEAN IT WON'T WORK FOR OTHERS.

(25-11-2013, 23:29)MeLoBaNgZ Wrote:  
(25-11-2013, 18:07)tibetan113 Wrote:  @MeLo,

You are an idiot, let me tell you why:

I have NEVER stated vegetables only diet. You really are hearing what you want to hear. You act like I'm promoting a raw vegan diet. I am not an 80/10/10er nor just feed on veggie matter.

I am a MEAT EATER with the addition to veggies and fruits and nuts and seeds and animal fats and marrow and fish! Gov sites, no way in hell do I rely on those...

I am a fan of Weston's research, you complete fool.
I actually have books on iridology and raw foodism and I read alot of testimonials on various internet forums and text with others on their observations and I am much of my own testimonial for this.

I've been studying the raw food and other food diets for several years to figure out what's best for my autoimmune disease.

I am more Paleo than anything. I am actually trying share with some of you what is actually working for me so that maybe someone gets inspired and find that it works for them too, rather than being stuck in thinking that dropping topicals and getting bleph is their only chance at achieving health of the eye and true vanity. And you are going to turn my words all the way around. You are still spewing the "100% vegan is not optimal," as if I ever said it was????

100% raw is only necessary to cleanse for a period of time (and gain faster results for those that seek it), then you can resume to your regular eating. All I say is no wheat gluten or gmo foods. That's toxic to everyone and some more than others and I am living proof of that testimonial. My antibodies dropped significantly with the elimination of these foods.

Once again, never stated that about being 100% raw, and I myself do not believe that. I said Hi raw 50-70% to even 80% for those who want it now and that has never excluded fruits, soaked nuts, soaked seeds, animal fats, and animal protein. Yes, I eat raw meat and raw fish from time to time and quite often with yellowtail. I prefer raw chicken with aminos once a blue moon, I like raw red meat, preferably tenderloin or ground. I love raw bone marrow (dig it out with a spoon), I love raw salmon and raw yellow tail with hot sauce (mainly, since salmon is not safe these days). But you are for some reason stuck on raw vegetables thing! WTF! You are a moron for such nonsense I have never even spoke of.

Yeah a few arguments. I just call bullshit when I see it, and if I am ever in the wrong, I can admit it and that is not speaking on difference of opinion (cause we all have em), that is speaking on factual evidence when it can be proven.

I never said or mentioned anything about spells and meditation not working and what the mind can or cannot achieve, LOL! You brought that up and you also brought up everything that you are arguing about.
Yeah, eye shape does count, you better believe it counts more than the color. Just like skin condition, clear skin counts more than its color. I've seen ugly blue eyes and Ive seen ugly brown eyes.

Its mostly the shape and/or proportion to things that make them beautiful. That's obvious. Iridology has been around for a long time. Don't knock it if you haven't had experience with it. Some of us are that toxic and that started in the womb. Some people can handle garbage a lot better in their systems than others. Its also, genetics that you are born with as well, from the womb. That's a factoid many people overlook.

I have that neg RH factor that makes me predisposed to auto immune conditions. So while the average dude can eat Jack and Mc Donald's and be fine, I however cannot tolerate it and it shows in my lab work as well as my skin and eyes! Plus, not everyone has moderate mercury poisioning like me. Certain metals like mercury, cadmium and lead are known to darken irises after exposure. So of course it has affected my irises and skin and liver. So it makes perfect sense as to peolpe like myself are reacting to the dietary change. So his blue eyes and clear skin havin ass is probably a different blood type anyway, which contains the RH factor, which is very common. And he probably has less genetic defects on top of that as well. But that doesn't mean his eyes won't change on a high raw diet or clean diet. I bet they would to some degree. Many blue eyed folks eyes become a darker blue on a clean diet. So light in iridology does not always mean healthy. Light yellow to grey to white in the irises make blue irises lighter than what they genetically are.

That is why I am documenting my testimony on my iris changes on another thread. As far as uptight, no, I'm just shocked at your nonsense you started posting.

I think you are just flying off of your emotions because you are not reading nor understanding what I posted. I am embarrassed for you.
Stop making a fool out of yourself.

LOL she emphasizes on how plants are a "one size fits all" and talks about how it can provide complete nutrition because it contains protein and blah blah blah blah & also makes a WHOLE BUNCH OF vegetable references throughout this entire thread, yet I'm not allowed to base my argument off of that lol.... It's almost as if you're mentally held back or something.... How can someone misinterpret so many things and contradict themselves THAT many times within a few responses?

Lol I honestly stopped reading your garbage once you got to the generics part. We control 90% of our genes (I actually believe the number is much more than that) via enviornment, thoughts, & beliefs (BUT MOSTLY BELIEF) therefore, no diet in the WORLD will help your auto immune disease if you don't address the route cause (emotional trauma) and/or negative limiting beliefs & that's that. Diet can help.... yes, but not as efficient as proper mindset would.

Shut up with the Bleph shit-- because only one out of how many people got it???? Shut up about iridiology... It isn't a true science if I've seen toxic homeless men with "lovely" blue eyes. You can't say it has validity to it if it doesn't apply to everybody.... So with that being said I am going to knock it all I want, plain & simple.

I also call it like I see it and tbh, I never liked you from the jump. I honestly think you're jealous of the people that are getting results just because you didn't get results yourself... You always knock their results and try to make yourself look "genuine and sincere" by adding a positive comment at the end of most negative BS responses you feed to people on here & you know it. I don't need to elaborate on that.... It's all a couple dozen pages back (unless you delete those comments after this of course) You're a very jealous, obnoxious, self conscious girl & you being on a breast enhancement forum simply proves it. Don't act like you know it all because you don't. If you REALLY KNEW ABOUT/STUDIED/APPLIED Dr.Weston Prices' work/teachings, you wouldn't look the way you do & feel self conscious about your "flaws" because you would have close to none if you were to apply his techniques/teachings into your life. See, that's the problem with you... You read some BS, might find it intriguing, & then you go ahead preaching the bullshit without testing/applying into your own life. According to Weston's work (and many others as well) we were actually hardwired to look perfect and have perfect facial structures for many, many reason (one of them is for survival) & in today's society, we view celebrities and consider them to be "perfect looking" when in reality THAT'S HOW WE WERE ALL INTENDED TO LOOK; (symmetrical faces, chiseled facial features/structure etc.) You are NOT the poster child for anything of the things we're debating on so why do YOU have to always be right? You preach the most retarded science out and you use that same science to bash on people. I always see you making desperate attempts to convert people into "tibetanism" so they can support your delusional iridiology belief JUST so you can live another day thinking you're going to obtain mommies eye color-- because good ol' topicals don't work! Somebody got Bleph, now everyone will get it! (we don't actually know if he even has Bleph but remember guys, Tibetan is a doctor.) Lol you're like quackwatch(dot)com in the sense that if the therapy dosen't match your expectations or compliment your belief system you bash IT ALL. 6 out of THOUSANDS of people were injured at a Tony Robins event & quackwatch bashes Tony Robins for just those six people... Never mind the rest. You assume a person has "Bleph" so now everybody will develop Bleph! & don't forget, if it's not in your gene pool you can't see those results.... Tell that to people with severe multiple personality disorder that switch their eye color everyone the switch to a different personality.

If you can't have something, NOBODY CAN, right? That's what it really looks like based on most of your posts.

Also, you like to talk about genetics a lot right? Lol well according to the study of genetics: YOU CAN NOT RID YOURSELF OF AUTO IMMUNE DISEASE & if you do it is considered RARE..... So why are you looking for a special diet girl? You're a walking contradicting I tell you. Go do yourself a favor and ease up, buy a Rife Machine, a violet ray (high frequency device) & practice some faster EFT. Thank me later.

PS: YOU shouldn't knock shit until you try it for at least 6 months. Did you try it for AT LEAST <== notice how I said at least? SIX MONTHS? Oh, & if "nature doesn't owe us shit you should stop eating anything that grows on this planet (even those protein filled plants to rave about LOLOLOLOL) I kid I kid.

(25-11-2013, 02:02)tibetan113 Wrote:  
(25-11-2013, 01:19)MeLoBaNgZ Wrote:  
(24-11-2013, 23:17)tibetan113 Wrote:  [quote='MeLoBaNgZ' pid='89993' dateline='1385321831']
I think topicals are more local and work way better and faster. After all, going completely raw isn't good for you at all.... I don't know why people think it is. I have dark solid brown and my parents, as well as most of my family, have light eyes. My moms eyes change but are mostly light brown and my dads eyes are like greyish. Most kids in my family (I'm young myself, 21) have dark brown eyes but all of the older people have light green (aside from my parents of course)

You don't have to go completely raw to see changes. Some prefer it for faster detox and results in the iris changes, skin, i.e. vanity. And no, topicals are not "way better and faster." Some will have some results and many will not. Its just the way it is.

You just need to do half raw or 70%. The reason why 100% isn't "good for you at all" is because we are so toxic, most of us couldn't handle it. Take a perfectly healthy human being and introduce them to raw, they'd be fine, but since humanity has fucked up the ecosystem and our soils have become depleted, there's no way to be truly raw the way most vegans protest.

I myself, love grassfed meat, fried foods (at home) once a blue moon, natural fats, grassfed dairy and eggs (though I can not consume at this time). So I will NEVER tell anyone to do 100% raw in order to be healthy. But it works great for many. They are healthy and know how to do it correctly.

Anywho, I don't want to hijack Emily's thread any longer so here is one I created for those who want to join in:

All you who'd rather expirement this H method, can do so without my interference. Sorry for that!

Happy day!

People change their eye color with their minds via deep meditation/strong belief systems and you're telling me that only some may get results and some may not like life controls us and we don't control it? Lol. Genes don't contol us as much as you think, Tibetan. & no 100% raw isn't optimal for that reason and that reason only.... We were intended to consume natural fats AND vegetable. We were intended to be breast fed and then live to CHEW good quality meats and vegetables..... Not just vegetables.

Alright sweetheart MeLoBaNgZ, you obviously do not know what you are talking about in terms of the raw lifestyle. I never stated raw alone was optimal for human health! I stated most of today's people cannot thrive off of raw alone, and I stated the reasons as well. I also stated some successfully do well living a raw foodist life style because they do it correctly, we have to correct our fuckups in what we have done by eating raw a certain way, and most of that is based the individual's needs. Look up plant fats and and plant amino acids, while one plant they may not be complete profiles, you can make the amino acid profile complete by mixing up other plant foods together. Yes, plant fats and proteins do exist!
While I myself prefer animal fats and proteins, it can be done with plant sources.

Yeah, we should be eating lots of seafood too, but we have manage to fuck that up even more.

I said "only some may get results and some may not," based on because its obvious. Have you not read this thread??? Not every batch of honey is the same, nor the ph, nor one person's irises from another.

Stop being so defensive! I never said YOU WILL NOT SUCCEED with this method or any other. Sounds like you pose some sort of anxiety over this method of topical working for you.

Nature doesn't owe YOU or anyone shit! Just remember that. You obviously feel entitled to having anything you want, working for you. Don't get caught up in hearing what you want to hear by misconstruing my posting of research and valid observation.

There is always a laser, don't get pissed if it for some reason doesn't work for you or work the way you wanted it to.

If you can do it by spell, how long does it last??? People can channel spirits and such and achieve this, but as for thy self, it seems more like spiritual magic, which only lasts as long as the person can manipulate it, and that can take quite a bit of energy, hence the reason why its not a permanent change. I'm sure it is indeed possible and I'd love to see that in action.

Yes, I too believe anything is possible, it may take much more hard work for some than others, but if you want something bad enough, it can be. I can shoot for the quasars to be size J cup boobs, or learn a language in 2 days, but I certainly do not want i

Don't know why this post didn't show lol (or at least not on my phone)


(28-11-2013, 22:24)MeLoBaNgZ Wrote:  
(28-11-2013, 18:58)tibetan113 Wrote:  
(28-11-2013, 17:13)matthijskm Wrote:  Hi guys, some new progress... more lightning! And i wouldn't say green but more light tints are appearing in my eye. Do you think it's heading to hazel now??
Dropping for about 6 months now btw.

See attachment

Anyone interested in some kind of blog, or something? I feel this is kinda chaotic and too much posts without any pictures in it.

Would like to chat with some people who are also doing this experiment.

*oh and if you want to see the pictures of one motnh ago and 2 months ago search for my post on this page

Hun, you're eyes were never truely solid brown to begin with. You already have two colors, some form of blue and brown. I read somewhere honey clears up the toxins on the surface of the eyes so you can see the iris clearer. If you see progress, that's great!

Just curious, why do you prefer this method vs. Just being plain healthier? Its not like you actually need to do this to achieve your desired results. Its not like you are truly brown. How do your eyes feel?

I have much less floaters now! Dropping gave me a lot of floaters! It was annoying as shit like bleph.

There she is again.... LOL! Caught her in action lol. JUST BECAUSE IT DIDN'T WORK FOR YOU DOESN'T MEAN IT WON'T WORK FOR OTHERS.

Matt is a pretty cool human being. I wanted to respond to his post. I actually found something way better to work for me and much faster. And it is healing me all around, plus its MY true genetic eye color. I decided to drop the entitlement attitude and check myself. And when I did, I realized nutrition is what I really needed.

You could do so checking yourself MeLo Smile


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