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Questions / Concerns about Brava


(30-10-2013, 17:43)Valerie Gonzales Wrote:  
(30-10-2013, 15:43)lil_babyxoxo Wrote:  I think the reason why i'm losing suction is because the domes are too wide for my chest. I put them close together in the middle but they stick out on the sides and pull in the skin from under my arm. It hurts a lot and really pinches and when I lay flat I think it makes like a space for air to go through because they're sticking out on the side. If this is not the reason then I'm really confused what the problem is.

That sounds like it may be it. I have narrow domes for my small frame, if they were any bigger I think I would have the same problem. Sorry hun!

I am pretty sure it is. I thought it was the tubing but I got new tubing with an airlock and I tried it last night and I used my pump again to get really good suction, to the point where my breasts were almost filling up the domes and about 1 hour later I could feel the domes losing more and more air and after 5 hours there was nothing left and when I stood up the domes were ready to fall off. I am so sick of this. It is giving me a headache and hurts to feel I wasted all that money for nothing. I've decided to sell it.

Thank you for trying to help Smile Take care

Hi Valerie,
Thank you sooo much for sharing your experience. This might be exactly what I needed.
So you removed all that sticky stuff with coconut oil?
Could please tell me in detail how you did that?

Did you use any tool to remove it?
Did you manage to remove it all at once, or did it take some time?
Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated.
I have been using Brava for some weeks now, but I do need to find a solution for my skin not to get irritated anymore.

Thanks so much in advance!! Smile

Hi Atod, maybe my experience can give you some ideas for the irritation.

My irritation was limited to the center of my chest. I tried medical tape with cotton under it in this area and it was a pain and still bothered me. The best thing I did to rid the center of my chest of irritation was to take a T-shirt and cut two holes in it for my breasts. At the time I was afraid to ruin my sticky stuff so I protected the inner parts of my domes with PVC tape (coloured tape, sticks to itself or electrical but it isn't sticky, like you can't stick it to a wall). So then the top, bottom and outside stuck to me but the center had the tape on it pressed against my T-shirt because of pressure and the help of the other sticky sides. Later I tried PVC tape around all the edges then used aloe vera or oil. I found this way made it a lot easier to clean (rinse or change the tape). This would be similar to just getting rid of all the sticky stuff. I was just scared to do it Smile

I alternated between using the sticky stuff with PVC tape only in the middle and putting PVC tape on the whole thing. Now my stickiness is gone. It is pretty much the same BUT I found the T-shirt is still important for me to wear to avoid irritation. For more comfort and less irritation I also modified the center of my domes to make my cups closer together but that is a different story....

Hi Sugarpixy,

How did you modify your domes? I'm interested in doing that, since I have a narrow frame and someone else mentioned that brava left a big gap between her breasts. I'm also planning on removing the adhesive like Valerie suggested - it's very irritating to the skin!

Thanks in advance for any guidance you can share!

Happy growing!

all skin issues from brava seem to be resolved by using pure aloe vera gel as a prep- instead of the prep wipes. I had skin irritation so bad for a while that i had raw bleeding grazes, very painful and meant I had to stop my program. once i switched to aloe gel, the only skin irritation i get is some itching throughout the day after removing the domes. Usually its negligible unless i have a long period of wear with brava. seems most users have the same experience when switching to aloe gel. its a saviour and im lost to understand why brava doesnt recommend it instead of those darn prep wipes??? maybe they have some commercial deal with the prep wipe company (dam those wipes are expensive too!)

Sugarpixy - interested to know how you modified the centre of your domes?

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