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Want larger breasts? Drink more beer!


(12-09-2013, 04:30)Secret Lives Wrote:  I think everyone here has a single vision of Beer. Budweiser and Molsen are not the only beers in the world. There are actually two forms of Beer, Lagers and Ales. There are light Ales such as IPAs and Hefeweizens and dark ales such as browns and stouts.

Light ales can be as full of hops as an IPA (India Pale Ale) or as rich in grains as the browns and stouts. The range of flavors is quite broad and I prefer the dark ales that taste nutty and or chocolaty, compared to the high hop beers such as the IPAs.

You might be surprised if you tried different beers you could find one you really like. But if you were to drink a beer with NBE in mind you'd want to drink IPAs exclusively because it contains the most hops.

Maybe this will encourage you to open your mind to the possibilities of beer enjoyment, and hopefully you can say I really like ____ instead of, Beer is yucky ewww.

To each her, or his, own.

Uhm. You might notice that I didn't actually specify any single type of alcohol at all, in fact the very fact that I said the ONLY exception was VANILLA EXTRACT of all things should have been a total giveaway that it's the alcohol taste itself that I can't stand.

Alcohol has it's own distinct flavor and more than a tablespoon in a very large batch of something will leave me twisting up my nose and going wth did I just eat/drink!

No. Really. I'm NOT kidding here.

EDIT: Also I think we've all been girls here... Even Karren I think is in transition. So that makes Karren and I in transition and the others genetic... so the blatant way in which you added that on is very much telling about your personality.

EDIT 2: If you were actually truly trying to be inclusive of anyone who might join in in the future... You'd have said THEIR own.

EDIT 3: Unless you're the guy here? Your sex says undisclosed...

Ahhh I drink beer all the time! (Not very much at a time though, 1-2 glasses usually)

I don't particularly want to order beer over the internet though, and I don`t think I would want to drink this regularly since it sounds like it would be a yeasty beer and cause other problems. ..

This article is posted on the sites of many different countries, in a few different languages it seems, just good advertising on the company`s part?

Quote:You might be surprised if you tried different beers you could find one you really like. But if you were to drink a beer with NBE in mind you'd want to drink IPAs exclusively because it contains the most hops.

Maybe this will encourage you to open your mind to the possibilities of beer enjoyment, and hopefully you can say I really like ____ instead of, Beer is yucky ewww.

To each her, or his, own.

I agree with this that if a person tried a good few different kinds of beers, there is a good chance of many people finding one they really like. Of course if you can't stand to drink beer at all, you probably won't ever like beer - Unless you swallow the disgustingness down until you can tolerate it and decide you like beer just for the fact that it gets you drunk. lol.

(12-09-2013, 04:30)Secret Lives Wrote:  I think everyone here has a single vision of Beer. Budweiser and Molsen are not the only beers in the world. There are actually two forms of Beer, Lagers and Ales. There are light Ales such as IPAs and Hefeweizens and dark ales such as browns and stouts.

Light ales can be as full of hops as an IPA (India Pale Ale) or as rich in grains as the browns and stouts. The range of flavors is quite broad and I prefer the dark ales that taste nutty and or chocolaty, compared to the high hop beers such as the IPAs.

You might be surprised if you tried different beers you could find one you really like. But if you were to drink a beer with NBE in mind you'd want to drink IPAs exclusively because it contains the most hops.

Maybe this will encourage you to open your mind to the possibilities of beer enjoyment, and hopefully you can say I really like ____ instead of, Beer is yucky ewww.

To each her, or his, own.

I'm pretty sure that all beer has carbonation. I have tasted some nicely flavored beers but I am sorry, I cannot get past the carbonation. I feel the same way about soda. I would hope that no one would argue against my dislike for carbonation. I have drunk lagers and ales. So, it has nothing to do with being closed-minded. I have eaten things that most Americans wouldn't dream of touching. I do believe in trying everything at least once...

I have my reasons for not liking beer but don't need to give them (although I already did in my first post). I find it pretty insulting when I say that I don't like something and, because someone finds it so impossible for someone to dislike what they like, tells me to try again? Insulting, really! Respect, please.

My fiance is a beer and Scotch kinda guy. I have tasted my fair share of beer and every single one has left me chugging water to get the taste out. This is anywhere from dark beer to light fruity beer. This is not because I am some sort of sensitive girl. I can drink vodka straight. There is just something about beer that I don't like.

We found an orchid at the Conservancy that smelled like chocolate yesterday.... I love milk chocolate but it only trashes my girlish figure!

(12-09-2013, 12:45)echapman Wrote:  My fiance is a beer and Scotch kinda guy. I have tasted my fair share of beer and every single one has left me chugging water to get the taste out. This is anywhere from dark beer to light fruity beer. This is not because I am some sort of sensitive girl. I can drink vodka straight. There is just something about beer that I don't like.

I agree completely - I've tried so many different beers and don't like any of them. Part is the carbonation, part is the flavor that each beer has behind it. I do like other liquors though, I drink them straight as well. It's just something about beer.

Yeah... I'm the kinda girl who probably WOULD like beer... If I could get past the alcohol.

I LOVE non-fermented carbonated brewed beverages. Not so much the sparkling water nonsense. There's just something about those I can't stand either.

I just can't stand alcohol... You'll never get me drunk slipping alcohol into anything I'll detect it right away and start tearing you a new one for even daring trying.

You'll never find me drunk on my own either... Even when I consider trying it out for one reason or another (generally particularly awful days) I remember my response to alcohol ANYTHING and noooope. Not happening.

I just dislike that we all had to explain WHY we don't like something, to prove that we are indeed not disliking beer due to closed-mindedness.

But yeah I love alcohol, and although most beer tastes bitter to me, I have tasted a few that are nice in flavor. I just hate carbonation. Tequila I drink straight without the salt or lime, like it's a cup of hot chocolate, and vodka... oh that's another story! And wine is just lovely. Come to think of it, they should make a wine that helps breasts grow... I would drink it every night, diligently!

A few seasons ago I was on a hockey team where the captain would bring in a gallon of craft brew beer in his equipment bag into the locker.... win or loose we had fun after the game! some of the strangest flavors... watermelon... blueberry... and one that was thick and taste like pancake syrup .... Personally I found a chocolate infused wine I love... way better than beer... though I will drink a Fat Tire beer when ever I go to Colorado...

(12-09-2013, 22:44)timarie Wrote:  Come to think of it, they should make a wine that helps breasts grow... I would drink it every night, diligently!

Now that would be an idea I could easily implement Smile

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