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How to Lighten Your Eye Color Naturally

(08-08-2013, 09:03)achievedream Wrote:  Just to ask, are the effects of this process permanent ? The company advertised here which offer Iris-Lightening kits say the results are permanent and to be careful.

Am four days in guys, definitely reporting changes , but nothing at all dramatic at the moment - though noticeable. I hope it's not my own imagination (can't be) and my Iris keeps lightening.

I also keep looking at the sun to see my eye-colour and keep noticing less 'dark' specs. I'll stop looking at the sun from now on though, although i think the sun is now catching my eyes much better.

Again, i will measure the success of this process is anyone in my family notices any colour-change, or any of my friends. If they do, (and it's been a few weeks or months) i will give a definite seal of approval to this method.

So early days still any it can go either way.

For some reason sometimes my posts don't know up in the thread. But another thing to be wary of is the color shirt you're wearing. For example, if you have brown eyes, colors like dark blue will make it appear lighter, and bright colors will make it appear darker.

(08-08-2013, 09:01)achievedream Wrote:  
(08-08-2013, 08:48)laura_ Wrote:  I am a little bit worried that my honey won't do much to the eye. I am currently using Linden tree honey. I would love to use honeydew, but i can't get it anywhere in my country. Sad

As long as your honey is Raw, unpasturized, ect, don't worry too much. Focus on using your honey for a few weeks to a month, and if there are no changes, one possible factor may be the honey.

I don't know all the honey varieties and their glucose oxidase levels, it could be that your honey has levels that are more than adequate.

So don't worry too much as long as it's definitely raw and unpasturizedSmile

If it's ok to ask, are you from the UK? (If so, i can give you a lot of suppliers)

where can i get unpasturized honey in the uk Sad please tell me

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to report that I have been doing this consistently for 10 days now. No results so far. None. Anyone that says otherwise after 10 days, is lying. Either that or wants it so bad that sees what they want to see. This happened to me. I know it takes far more than ten days but I see people saying that they see changes after 3 days or even less.
I have light brown eyes, a bit darker than honey color.

I'm taking pictures EVERY night. Same spot of the house, same lights on, same time of the day, with FLASH to avoid any possible differences due to lighting.

I have yet to download them to my computer. Will do so shortly. Maybe I star a blog showing the results. Smile

See you around

Haii, I'm new here. I came here to tell you all my story. I just started a week ago (wednesday) with this raw honey-water eyedrops. I researched for hours before I started. I was very skeptical about it bcz I thought this wouldn't work. BUT IT REALLY DOES !! In 2 DAYS I already saw my eyes change 2 shades lighter. I couldn't believe it first, I thought it was all my imagination so I keep doing it till the 4th day when I took my picture I saw that it is almost light brown. (I had VERY DARK BROWN eyes almost BLACK) Before I started, when I was searching online, I found somebody who said that her friend eye color changed from very dark brown to light green eyes in 18 MONTHS. Her method was to use 1/4 or 1/3 or even 1/2 mix of raw honey and water(she didn't say which kind of water) u first boil the water, u put the honey on your bowl(or eyedrop bottle,... wich one is best for you) than u put the boiled water. After that u put the plate somewhere cold and dark (I always put it in the refrigerator and a small towel on it so it can stay cold and dark). After 1 hour u can use it and put your drops in your eyes. I do it every hour (that's why I think I got so fast results). Don't worry if it stings a little. Don't forget to hide the mix somewhere dark and cold. U have to change it every week. Also, when it's sunny outside try I suggest you put your sunglasses on the first few weeks. Sorry if my english isn't that good it's bcz I'm from Belgium so Tongue If u have any questions, plz do ask. I'm going to put the pictures below.
X Lory

Picture LEFT UP> Before I started ( I know it doesn't look sharp but you can clearly see they were almost black)
RIGHT UP -> 2nd day, you can already see it lighted 2 shades
LEFT DOWN-> 5th day, extreme change
RIGHT DOWN -> TODAY 10/08/2013 I didn't take it with flash but you can see they are very light. I started the honey drops A WEEK AND 3 DAYS AGO (31/07/2013) so this changes are extremely fast but I also try to use the drops ever hour.

(10-08-2013, 19:53)Beckylory Wrote:  Picture LEFT UP> Before I started ( I know it doesn't look sharp but you can clearly see they were almost black)
RIGHT UP -> 2nd day, you can already see it lighted 2 shades
LEFT DOWN-> 5th day, extreme change
RIGHT DOWN -> TODAY 10/08/2013 I didn't take it with flash but you can see they are very light. I started the honey drops A WEEK AND 3 DAYS AGO (31/07/2013) so this changes are extremely fast but I also try to use the drops ever hour.

Yes there's definitely a difference in the third picture. 4th can't be judged due to the lighting. Also a concern with the honeydew honey is the mineral content. It seems to xontain the most minerals so distilled water or not, the HP will react with them

(10-08-2013, 19:53)Beckylory Wrote:  Picture LEFT UP> Before I started ( I know it doesn't look sharp but you can clearly see they were almost black)
RIGHT UP -> 2nd day, you can already see it lighted 2 shades
LEFT DOWN-> 5th day, extreme change
RIGHT DOWN -> TODAY 10/08/2013 I didn't take it with flash but you can see they are very light. I started the honey drops A WEEK AND 3 DAYS AGO (31/07/2013) so this changes are extremely fast but I also try to use the drops ever hour.

I'm a septic on your results. The lighting is different in your before and after photos, even your eye mole is lighter in the after like everything else. Only time will tell. Its still very early.
I realize many of you tend to do this so. Unless there is a significant amount of lightening, its going to be very hard to tell.

I started using raw honey and water on August the 6th. I do 3 drops per eye intermittently. I start with the left eye, then go on to the right eye so by the time I get back to the left eye the stinging has subsided. Anyway, I do 3 drops per eye on average 8 times a day. Every hour or so when I'm at home.

My eyes have gotten just a little bit lighter. They don't seem as dark to me, but it could just be an illusion haha

I'll post pictures when I'm sure I can produce a very controlled setting and have made significant progress. I don't like how people post pictures saying it works and take pictures in different places, with different lighting. I can't trust those pictures because even though my eyes are dark brown in the lighting of my bathroom, they can look much lighter when I photograph myself staring at the sun. It's hard to explain, but I believe that for reliable before and after pics, we have to pose with a paper bag or something and be sure that the color of the bag in the before picture comes out the same in the after picture.

I also hate it when people say, "I'll update in a month" and lo and behold, eight whole months later, their update is still MIA. I realize I'm doing that right now, but I'm a woman of my word so I do promise to update in a month. I got a sticky note on my door to remind me! Tongue

(10-08-2013, 23:23)tibetan113 Wrote:  
(10-08-2013, 19:53)Beckylory Wrote:  Picture LEFT UP> Before I started ( I know it doesn't look sharp but you can clearly see they were almost black)
RIGHT UP -> 2nd day, you can already see it lighted 2 shades
LEFT DOWN-> 5th day, extreme change
RIGHT DOWN -> TODAY 10/08/2013 I didn't take it with flash but you can see they are very light. I started the honey drops A WEEK AND 3 DAYS AGO (31/07/2013) so this changes are extremely fast but I also try to use the drops ever hour.

I'm a septic on your results. The lighting is different in your before and after photos, even your eye mole is lighter in the after like everything else. Only time will tell. Its still very early.
I realize many of you tend to do this so. Unless there is a significant amount of lightening, its going to be very hard to tell.

I know, that's why I said I didn't took it with flash the 4th one. From now on I'm going to take pictures at the same place with the same lightning. The 3rd picture the mole is much lighter because I took that picture close up and the other ones are from far away that why my pupils are much bigger than the other ones. I know it's still hard to believe but I just wanted to share my story bcz everybody is telling me my eyes color changed. I will keep you all updated and I will take pictures in the same place with the same lightning this time. Smile
X Lory

(10-08-2013, 13:59)nati85 Wrote:  Hello everyone!

I just wanted to report that I have been doing this consistently for 10 days now. No results so far. None. Anyone that says otherwise after 10 days, is lying. Either that or wants it so bad that sees what they want to see. This happened to me. I know it takes far more than ten days but I see people saying that they see changes after 3 days or even less.
I have light brown eyes, a bit darker than honey color.

I'm taking pictures EVERY night. Same spot of the house, same lights on, same time of the day, with FLASH to avoid any possible differences due to lighting.

I have yet to download them to my computer. Will do so shortly. Maybe I star a blog showing the results. Smile

See you around

We all have difference in genetics, and difference in the number of pigments and density of them in our eyes.

In addition, we are all using different types of honey, using different methods/possible sources of error in preparing our drops, and using them with varying frequencies.

In light of this, that probably explains why some of us are finding quicker results. This process seems to be working.

I have been doing this for four days (took a break) and my eyes have lightened - not overly dramatically but they have lightened.

You are starting off with an already-light colour, so your colour may be lightening if you have used a decent honey, that is raw unprocessed, mixed without high heat in distilled water and applied moderately to the eyes.

However, the majority of us here have darker eyes, so when it lightens , we can often notice right away.

Keep at it! Tell me your method so i can possibly advise youSmile I truly hope this works for you and all of us!


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