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The Corset Training Thread

(27-07-2013, 22:22)timarie Wrote:  
(27-07-2013, 21:12)BarelyB Wrote:  I dont really like the negativity being put on corset waist training. Providing its done properly with a healthy diet and regime you can both lose weight and get a defined waist. I also think exercising is vital in keeping your muscles strong, otherwise im assuming you'd lose muscle mass if your body relies fully on the corset for support. For the record im moving on to a 20in corset soon, i dont have any excess fat anywhere and i definetly am not supporting a bulge.

I do agree that some people look out of proportion, but i personally think even bigger women can get good results with a corset, sometimes even better results because they have more fat to squeeze and thier waist will look more defined, a skinny person can only corset so far before they hit bones (i should know). I dont like the 'pole' type waists that some corset users get, but i like the nice curves you can achieve. I dont think a 21" inch waist is gross, and i dont think corsetting is wrong or gross if used properly. But then again, i think breast implants are gross and people who pump thier body full of different crap for the sake of breasts can be quite niave and foolish, because people dont do their research. Ive been researching corsetting for a while now and id recommend it to anyone, plus they look cute with an outfit! Just do your research. Dont over do it. And you'll achieve good results. like with anything else :-)

I don't see how what I wrote was any more negative than what you just wrote. We both discussed that it looks best if done properly, and you admitted that it needs to be done with a good diet and exercise to be done properly. I think the only thing on which we disagree is purely based on opinion and is NOT a matter of me being negative, which is that I think that large people look ridiculous (because it is very obviously fake) when they try to push around their belly fat instead of putting out the effort to get rid of it. That's it. And yes, of course it is known that overweight people will get better results with a corset because fat can be pushed around and muscles and bones cannot, but my point is, who really cares if you get more inches off of a waist line if your arms are just as thick? Some people forget the body's appearance as a whole, and those are the people to whom I am referring. Not to people like you. See the image below. She is a great example, along with Cathie, of what I think looks just flat-out silly, while the lady to the right looks nice in my opinion...

^you are sounding a lot like a gym snob right now im sorry Sad
I think the bigger girl looks curvy and sexy too her waist isnt out of proportion just shaped and shes not trying to hide the fact shes wearing a corset cant women be allowed to dress up a feel good whatever their size you dont know her she could have health issues that dont allow her to be skinny or this might well be her idea of beauty.
The other women to me looks like the corsets not doing much at all.
For me no i would not wear a corset everyday but when i wear one for special reason i will lace to 20in for the reason to look out of proportion for me theres no other reason in wearing one- i already have good natural definition and if i want to be thinner il eat less.
cathy jung is a stupid comparison to what looks good on regular people she has the smallest corseted waist its obviously that look that she was going for because i doubt she got that way by accident you know she was dedicated to achieving that extreme look probably much harder work than going to the gym everyday shes obviously not worried of the quite strange look of her insides being pushed out the bottom of it because theres sure not space for many organs in a 15in space.

(27-07-2013, 23:47)BarelyB Wrote:  I just thought the comment about a less than 22in waste being 'gross' was quite negative, thats all. And one message has a certain tone about it that all corset wearers have a bulge and 'rolls of fat' around thier bra line, when they dont, yiu might not have an athletic type tone to your belly but i wouldnt call it a bulge. The woman in the video is an extreme case, which i do think is silly.

Yes, I agree with you about the <22" waist not needing to be gross, as I mentioned earlier that it depends on proportion (and Mocha made a good point about height). I did not write that post... but I did write about the fat around the bra band and the bulge under the corset! If you looked at the video, I was commenting on Cathie, and how, despite her waist being so small, she still had a lot of fat rolling around in certain places. If you read the message, no where did it say that all corset wearers have that problem. I never said that. I never even said that most do. I have just seen photos here and there so it is not uncommon, so I said it baffles me that they find that attractive. Clearly speaking of those who DO have that extreme issue, not of the other women. And again, as always, I make point to mention that it is my opinion and what I think...

(28-07-2013, 00:46)BonitaDDs Wrote:  ^you are sounding a lot like a gym snob right now im sorry Sad
I think the bigger girl looks curvy and sexy too her waist isnt out of proportion just shaped and shes not trying to hide the fact shes wearing a corset cant women be allowed to dress up a feel good whatever their size you dont know her she could have health issues that dont allow her to be skinny or this might well be her idea of beauty.
The other women to me looks like the corsets not doing much at all.
For me no i would not wear a corset everyday but when i wear one for special reason i will lace to 20in for the reason to look out of proportion for me theres no other reason in wearing one- i already have good natural definition and if i want to be thinner il eat less.
cathy jung is a stupid comparison to what looks good on regular people she has the smallest corseted waist its obviously that look that she was going for because i doubt she got that way by accident you know she was dedicated to achieving that extreme look probably much harder work than going to the gym everyday shes obviously not worried of the quite strange look of her insides being pushed out the bottom of it because theres sure not space for many organs in a 15in space.

...And maybe that's the difference between us and our idea of what defines beauty. I think that when a girl appears naturally to have unnatural characteristics (like exotic eyes or lips without makeup, for example), that is the ideal form of beauty. When it is obvious that a person is using something for the "look" and cannot have the look without the unnatural means (like a girl who has plain lips but heaps on gunks of lipstick or plain eyes with heaps of eye makeup), it is less attractive. This is why I think it is a good thing to see that the corset is "not doing much" for the girl on the right, whereas it seems to be the centerpiece of attraction for the girl to the left. I thought that everyone on this board agreed with that, considering that we all decided to take the natural route to grow breasts. I guess I am wrong with making this assumption. I don't understand how my vision of beauty makes me a "gym snob", unless it is your opinion of my methods. (Additional note: Keep in mind that I am not speaking of anyone who is "dressing up to feel good" as we all do fun random things when we go out, NOT on the regular... of course everyone can do anything from time to time. I know I do! Rather, I am talking about a person who tries to make their waist that size on the regular and permanently with the rest of their proportions being out of control. So clearly, Bonita, I am not talking about you as you thought I was and hence your need of defense.)

(28-07-2013, 03:48)timarie Wrote:  
(27-07-2013, 23:47)BarelyB Wrote:  I just thought the comment about a less than 22in waste being 'gross' was quite negative, thats all. And one message has a certain tone about it that all corset wearers have a bulge and 'rolls of fat' around thier bra line, when they dont, yiu might not have an athletic type tone to your belly but i wouldnt call it a bulge. The woman in the video is an extreme case, which i do think is silly.

Yes, I agree with you about the <22" waist not needing to be gross, as I mentioned earlier that it depends on proportion (and Mocha made a good point about height). I did not write that post... but I did write about the fat around the bra band and the bulge under the corset! If you looked at the video, I was commenting on Cathie, and how, despite her waist being so small, she still had a lot of fat rolling around in certain places. If you read the message, no where did it say that all corset wearers have that problem. I never said that. I never even said that most do. I have just seen photos here and there so it is not uncommon, so I said it baffles me that they find that attractive. Clearly speaking of those who DO have that extreme issue, not of the other women. And again, as always, I make point to mention that it is my opinion and what I think...

(28-07-2013, 00:46)BonitaDDs Wrote:  ^you are sounding a lot like a gym snob right now im sorry Sad
I think the bigger girl looks curvy and sexy too her waist isnt out of proportion just shaped and shes not trying to hide the fact shes wearing a corset cant women be allowed to dress up a feel good whatever their size you dont know her she could have health issues that dont allow her to be skinny or this might well be her idea of beauty.
The other women to me looks like the corsets not doing much at all.
For me no i would not wear a corset everyday but when i wear one for special reason i will lace to 20in for the reason to look out of proportion for me theres no other reason in wearing one- i already have good natural definition and if i want to be thinner il eat less.
cathy jung is a stupid comparison to what looks good on regular people she has the smallest corseted waist its obviously that look that she was going for because i doubt she got that way by accident you know she was dedicated to achieving that extreme look probably much harder work than going to the gym everyday shes obviously not worried of the quite strange look of her insides being pushed out the bottom of it because theres sure not space for many organs in a 15in space.

...And maybe that's the difference between us and our idea of what defines beauty. I think that when a girl appears naturally to have unnatural characteristics (like exotic eyes or lips without makeup, for example), that is the ideal form of beauty. When it is obvious that a person is using something for the "look" and cannot have the look without the unnatural means (like a girl who has plain lips but heaps on gunks of lipstick or plain eyes with heaps of eye makeup), it is less attractive. This is why I think it is a good thing to see that the corset is "not doing much" for the girl on the right, whereas it seems to be the centerpiece of attraction for the girl to the left. I thought that everyone on this board agreed with that, considering that we all decided to take the natural route to grow breasts. I guess I am wrong with making this assumption. I don't understand how my vision of beauty makes me a "gym snob", unless it is your opinion of my methods. (Additional note: Keep in mind that I am not speaking of anyone who is "dressing up to feel good" as we all do fun random things when we go out, NOT on the regular... of course everyone can do anything from time to time. I know I do! Rather, I am talking about a person who tries to make their waist that size on the regular and permanently with the rest of their proportions being out of control. So clearly, Bonita, I am not talking about you as you thought I was and hence your need of defense.)

Well yes i prefer some softness to my body because its much more feminine I will tell you i could gain muscle with no real effort.
yes its ridiculous to wear a corset for a waist that doesnt look unnatural because thats the whole point of a corset.
What does makeup have to do with anything I personally dont ever wear it i have big lips clear skin and dark blue eyes I dont need it the only fake thing about me is i dye my black hair blonde, but i have nothing against women who do wear make up fake hair or clothes that change their shape temporarily its just called style rather than permenant change.
I want to look like me not cathy not you not not plus size girl in the corset but im not saying any of them look bad they are all different beautiful in their own way you should respect that not everyones ideal of beauty is no boobs and manly looking arms.


Abi, 2 inches less than your natural waist measured without the corset on. Very simple. Just make sure you measure right in the center of the space between your lowest rib and the top of your hipbone. I was super confused about why my tightened corset waist measurement was only a smidge smaller than my normal "waist" measurement. My problem was that my visible "waist" (which is what typically matters for dressmaking) and my true anatomical waist are not in any where near the same spot. For most people they are, but not for me, because I'm super short waisted. I have no idea whether that helpful or confusing, but I hope it helps.

(29-07-2013, 17:18)mochaccino Wrote:  Abi, 2 inches less than your natural waist measured without the corset on. Very simple. Just make sure you measure right in the center of the space between your lowest rib and the top of your hipbone. I was super confused about why my tightened corset waist measurement was only a smidge smaller than my normal "waist" measurement. My problem was that my visible "waist" (which is what typically matters for dressmaking) and my true anatomical waist are not in any where near the same spot. For most people they are, but not for me, because I'm super short waisted. I have no idea whether that helpful or confusing, but I hope it helps.

I'm still slightly confused. So the 2 inches less measure is with the corset? So I'm actually going significantly more than 2 inches. Probably close to 3. If that's the rule. My corsets are pretty dense, though perhaps not quite as much as yours.

Hi everyone
I'm 55 kg , 167 cm and l'm satisfied with my figure .. except that I have a little fat around my belly and love handles and also my ribcage is wide a little bit. .actually I don't want to lose more weight .. do u think that corset training would suits me ?
And which type should I use?
Any help would be much appreciated Blush

(28-07-2013, 13:08)BonitaDDs Wrote:  Well yes i prefer some softness to my body because its much more feminine I will tell you i could gain muscle with no real effort.

That's cool, but nonetheless irrelevant. I was talking about rolls of fat and bulges, and those two things do not equal softness. I was discussing the former so, unless they are one in the same thing to you, your comment about softness is irrelevant.

(28-07-2013, 13:08)BonitaDDs Wrote:  yes its ridiculous to wear a corset for a waist that doesnt look unnatural because thats the whole point of a corset.

That's interesting. Most people from what I understand do not want to make it obvious that they go through an unnatural means to tuck in their stomach. For costuming, YES, because corseting can also be a style of fashion, but for the purpose of trimming a waistline? That's the first I've heard. I know that when I ever get around to begin corseting, that I will want people to think that I am naturally that size! If we did not mind looking fake, we (the ladies of this forum) would use artificial means to grow breasts. So I think it is safe to say that most of us prefer to look natural.

(28-07-2013, 13:08)BonitaDDs Wrote:  What does makeup have to do with anything I personally dont ever wear it i have big lips clear skin and dark blue eyes I dont need it the only fake thing about me is i dye my black hair blonde

It's called an anology. Analogies are made to help illustrate a concept being presented. I do not understand what your beauty has to do with any of this. Congratulations, though!

(28-07-2013, 13:08)BonitaDDs Wrote:  but i have nothing against women who do wear make up fake hair or clothes that change their shape temporarily its just called style rather than permenant change

I think we are on the same page with this. Again, I was addressing not those who wear corsets for fashion purposes.

(28-07-2013, 13:08)BonitaDDs Wrote:  I want to look like me not cathy not you not not plus size girl in the corset but im not saying any of them look bad they are all different beautiful in their own way you should respect that not everyones ideal of beauty is no boobs and manly looking arms.

That's great. That is the mentality that everyone should have, plus I think you look great (at least from the little bit of you I have been able to see) so I would hope that you wouldn't wish to look like anyone else! As for your attempt to make a low blow, it really does not apply to me as that is also not my ideal of beauty. After all, I was talking about rolls of fat and bulges. A person does NOT have to have manly looking arms and no boobs to avoid rolls of fat and bulges. Enough said.

Well, in conclusion, I apologize if in any way I have indirectly offended you or anyone else with my opinion. I don't think anyone on this thread falls into the category of which I speak, so really no one should be offended. I simply stated my opinion of proportion just as others had, but for some reason it is clear that you took mine in particular personally (and I say personally because you continue to bring yourself up in a defensive manner into our discussion and have proceeded to go as far as to make an over-generalization about me, which is honestly comical as it is ignorant but nonetheless I can see that it all roots from you feeling offended; therefore, I understand and will not take it personally). So, if my opinion of people having fat rolls and bulges while ONLY tucking in one's waist (and to EXTREME measures) as looking unproportional insulted you indirectly, I apologize. I was merely stating an opinion that I believe you misunderstood.

(30-07-2013, 01:17)sara_aaa19 Wrote:  Hi everyone
I'm 55 kg , 167 cm and l'm satisfied with my figure .. except that I have a little fat around my belly and love handles and also my ribcage is wide a little bit. .actually I don't want to lose more weight .. do u think that corset training would suits me ?
And which type should I use?
Any help would be much appreciated Blush

Hey Sara...

When you say that you do not want to lose weight, I am assuming by that you mean fat and also I assume that you do not want to lose it from the rest of your body (as you clearly wouldn't mind losing it off of your waist). If this is correct, corseting is a great option for you! Either that or spot reduction, which can take a long time but nonetheless healthier. Now I have not started training yet, but I was advised by Doll to try the 6-7 inch reduction corsets for faster and more dramatic results. I cannot give testimony to this being more effective or not (in comparison to a 4-5 inch reduction corsets), but hopefully someone else with experience from this thread can answer this? And you will obviously want to purchase one that is labeled as "waist training" with steel bones. All other variations are up to your own decision, as far as length, color, fabric, etc.

Hi Timarie
Thank u so much for reply
And yeah u exactly got what I mean .. I want to get slimmer waist only without any changes on the rest of my body.. sorry if u found it not obvious , but English isn't my first language
Now What is the steel bones for?
And do u think corsets would make my ribcage narrower? Or it's only affecting fat?

Theres a little section there that explains what happens to your ribs :-)

Also in relation to an earlier post, i dont always hide my corset. Depends on the outfit, plus it makes life easier than trying to find clothes that go nicely over them. I like corsets, whether im using them for waist training or not. Im sure to other people its obvious if i decide to wear a padded bra, they can guess all they want, what they think of me is none of my concern. If the corset isnt being seen though, neither will these 'bulges', and unless theyve misused thier corset im sure the bulges go away when the corset is off. Wierdly when i first started waist training i did have a tiny roll of fat both on top and the bottom, ive sinced gained a few pounds yet i dont have them anymore and i can do my corset up all the way much more comfortably. The only other thing ive done are stomach vacuum exercises and the 'swoop and scoop' method for wearing a bra :L lol I have no idea where the rolls of fat have gone!

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