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[Image: 2.jpg] [Image: How-To-Choose-Training-Corset.jpg] [Image: Waist-Training-Corsets-5-7.jpg]
I know it's been heavily discussed in the waist reduction thread, but I figured with that much talk, corsets should have their own thread here.
You can post your pictures and corset training progress here, links on corset training, questions or comments, anything!

For those who have heard many bad things about the dangers of corset training, it is actually very safe if done properly. It should never cause breathing problems and will not cause broken ribs. This is a great article written by a tightlacer that debunks all kinds of corset training myths (thanks to mochaccino for finding this article; I can't find any of the other good ones I've looked at before or I'd list those as well :/ ).

Yes, corset training WILL become semi-permanent over time (meaning you will have to wear your corset a few times a week to keep up with your waist size), and it WILL reshape your ribs over time. Therefore, it is NOT suggested for anyone under 18 years old. Those looking into corset training, it is a big lifestyle change, and you should really research it a lot before finally deciding to start into it. However, corsets are probably one of the best ways to reshape your waist to achieve a more curvy, feminine form, and also provide amazing back support to help alleviate back pain and give you better posture. Personally, it has done wonders for my scoliosis already.

I'll be periodically updating my corset progress here, with pictures. My goal is to reach and maintain a 23" waist through corset training, and I hope to be at that point as early as next summer. I'm starting just under a 26" waist.
[Image: Picture050_zpsf5717a77.jpg] [Image: Picture051_zps70943169.jpg]
Above is my waist naturally, and with the corset on. I LOVE the shape the corset gives me. I can pull the corset in to 26" so far, so my measurement under the corset is around 24-23". The corset is 20", so it'll be a while before I can pull it completely shut, but I'm making progress pretty quickly, so maybe I'll be there before I know it. ;P
[Image: Picture053_zps55917c43.jpg]
I was worried that I wouldn't be able to hide the corset under clothes if I didn't want to wear it on top, as women commonly complain about that, but it actually hides surprisingly well! I usually wear semi-tight clothes, and you can't tell that I'm wearing it at all, besides the little string that might hang out of the bottom of my shirt (which, if I honestly cared, I'd just tie it so it doesn't hang out).

This corset already feels like a second skin! I hate to have to take it off! I can't wait to measure 25" for the first time, it will be such an achievement to me! This is my first corset, so I bought an off-the-rack Punk69 corset off eBay, but I may look into a custom-made corset for my next one, since I don't plan on needing a smaller size after my next one. ;P We'll see!
Doll, I'm always shocked that there's anything you don't like about your body. You're super cute, and so is your outfit. I have a really long way to go before I look anywhere near that good.

Anyways, I just found out about a style of corset that I never heard of before. I found it when I was researching corsets that had a lower profile to be easier to hide under clothing. Seeing that picture of the Punk69 corset does make me wonder if I'm worrying way to much about visibility, but I'm still pretty enamored with this corset style I found out about. It's called a "fan laced" corset. It's pretty, but more importantly it's supposed to be very quick and easy to get out of without help, and it eliminates the "knot bump" in the back. It's designed to allow you to close the laces by cinching one or more buckled belts in front. Here's a page about them:
The corsets on that page are a lot like girdles, and they cover the hips, but there are plenty of modern versions that are built more like normal corsets: I can't really decide how difficult it might be to hide the buckles. I've seen some really enormous knot bumps before, so I assumed that, no matter what the buckles look like, they would still be less lumpy than a knot bump, but those pics of the Punk69 corset are making me doubt that knot bumps are always so difficult to hide.

I'm gonna start the ball rolling, and post some pics of the natural waists of genuine tightlacers. It can be really hard to find pictures of tightlacers without their corsets on. BTW, a tightlacer is someone who corsets "seriously" as opposed to "recreationally". It doesn't necessarily mean that they lace really, really tight.

If anyone has more pics of other tightlacers without their corsets on, please post them. Just keep in mind that, lots of fetish or lingerie models occasionally take pictures in corsets, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are tightlacers. It can be hard to find proof in the form of interviews etc. where they talk about waist training. On top of that, as much as I hate to admit it Tongue , there are a surprising number of women who naturally have very nipped waists, and Jessica Rabbit-like hip to waist ratios. They are a small minority, but there are more of them than you might think. The following are photos of people who I know for a fact are tightlacers.

Here's someone I never heard of until recently. Her names Kamillia Kova AKA Kataxenna:

Flixster - Share Movies

Kataxenna Kova Model in Rainbow Latex Dress

Is it weird that I kind of love that dress? Wink

This also a test for size, so if the pics turn out huge, sorry Dodgy
(24-09-2012, 03:06)mochaccino Wrote: [ -> ]Is it weird that I kind of love that dress? Wink

No. It's a very lovely dress. I wants too!

Uhm... nothing to add other than that... and... uhm... I wish I could join you girls? Big Grin
(24-09-2012, 00:59)mochaccino Wrote: [ -> ]Doll, I'm always shocked that there's anything you don't like about your body. You're super cute, and so is your outfit. I have a really long way to go before I look anywhere near that good.

I'm with mocha. You're already gorgeous right where you are right now. I'd kill for your body. Well. Not really. You're safe from this green-eyed monster, at least.
(24-09-2012, 04:13)AbiDrew85 Wrote: [ -> ]
(24-09-2012, 00:59)mochaccino Wrote: [ -> ]Doll, I'm always shocked that there's anything you don't like about your body. You're super cute, and so is your outfit. I have a really long way to go before I look anywhere near that good.

I'm with mocha. You're already gorgeous right where you are right now. I'd kill for your body. Well. Not really. You're safe from this green-eyed monster, at least.

Thank you. I guess I look at too many Photoshopped pictures online and watch too much anime to be happy with how I look. ^^; Also, my best friend has a KILLER body, her stats are 32DD-26/almost 25-43. And being 5' nothing, her curves look just that much more dramatic. So it's hard to feel sexy being around someone that bombshell all the time. Blush

mocha, I've never heard of the fan-laced corset before! That's so crazy/cool! I would buy one just because of how cool it looks, not even because of how easy it would be to tighten! Although you really can't see my knots in the back of my clothes (if my clothes were any tighter you might be able to see it, but I usually wear my tight clothes under my corset anyway). And thanks for posting those pics, I LOVE seeing tightlacers without corsets on, but you're right, they're so incredibly hard to find!!!

I just measured myself this morning, and I'm actually closer to 25.5" without the corset, so I should definitely hit 25" within a few weeks to a month. How exciting! <3

Here's the infamous Laura Dore. Her stats are 34C-23-39, and I think she corsets down to 18 inches. She's what inspired me to go for a 23" waist, although I may end up going a little smaller over time. ;P
[Image: laura-dor-87488.jpg]

Dita Von Teese is also well-known for wearing corsets, although she has a very small waist naturally, so her waist isn't necessarily from corsetting.
[Image: dita-von-teese-wonderbra.jpg]

Anastasiya Shpagina is known for having the features of a real-life anime character, but she wears small waist cincher corsets in pictures and obviously corset trains to the extreme. She is friends with the real-life Barbie, Valeria Lukyanova, who has also corsetted her waist to unreal proportions. A lot of speculation is going around that their photos are incredibly photoshopped, but I really don't think so. A lot of those people who claim it's Photoshop don't know about corset training and also think it's impossible to have a face like that with any amount of makeup (although it truly is possible; I placed an order for a girl once who looked like a real-life porcelain doll).
[Image: Anastasia-Shpagina-anime2-550x411.jpg] [Image: Anastasia-Shpagina-anime4-300x173.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_m92c8fnLGr1r4qxwjo1_500.jpg]
(Sorry the last image is so big, I looked for smaller ones, but this was the best I could find.)
Doll, I really like that list but now I don't know who to add Tongue.

On a serious note, I hope you don't mind, but I feel compelled to say a little something about Valeria Lukyanova, because I'm worried that people will see her and get the wrong impression of corsetry, or even Cosplay, for that matter. I thought about including her on this page myself, but I felt a little conflicted about it for a lot of reasons. I'm guessing that like most people, you already suspect that she has some serious issues, but I want to make it clear to people who don't know, so that they don't think that we're advocating anything crazy. I'll be posting it in a minute.

Just so everyone is clear on what I'm ranting about, Valeria Lukyanova is the woman in the last image above. Her real name is Amatue Kukulkán. Many of you are probably thinking that she's beautiful in some way's, but also a bit scary looking, and I completely agree.

My knowledge of her is pretty limited, but I'm a little disturbed by the few things that I do know about her. I got most of what I know about her from watching some sort of mini-documentary about her ages ago when she first gained internet fame, and out of morbid curiosity, I took a look at some of the strange things she was posting in her infamous series of Youtube videos at the time. I don't know much about her or what she's been up to nowadays, but I'll try to explain what little I do know as a disclaimer.

First off, I'm well aware that she's severely anorexic (and I imagine Doll agrees). If I remember correctly she is, or at least she used to be, a fervent advocate of anorexia, but she doesn't consider herself to be "Pro-ana". She had, and possibly still has, a number of bizarre, and in my opinion delusional, new-age beliefs that she attempts to use to justify and promote her eating disorder without having to admit to herself that she is anorexic. I don't remember the details, but it was all very strange. I'm not sure if she's still actively promoting this dangerous BS or what. I looked for some pictures of her to post here, and it seems that recently she migh have gained back at least a little of the weight, and gotten a little more fit opposed to just skinny. Even that small change has made her look a lot better and I hope she continues gaining. It's worth pointing out that there are a lot of good reasons to believe that she not only has anorexia and the body dysmorphic disorder that comes along with it, but probably some other mental disorder as well.

She's a very unusual case, and I don't want people to think that she's representative of everyone who engages in tightlacing, or cosplay, or just likes to dress up like a cute doll for fun. She definitely doesn't represent my personal body ideal, and I hope no one else takes too much inspiration from her either. The woman in the first photo, Laura Dore is a much better example of what I personally hope to look like in the future, and she's also a walking, talking slap-in-face to the notion that extremely thin catwalk model type bodies are the only legitimate ideal of beauty.

On the other hand, I do agree with Doll that Valeria is lying when she claims that she doesn't waist train. She may not be a good example of a healthy body, but she is still a very real example of the degree of waist reduction people can achieve from tightlacing.

In case you're wondering about those frumpy "before" photos of her circulating on the internet, most of them are not actual pictures of her. There isn't a plastic surgeon in the entire world who can produce the extremely unusual skeletal structure and proportions that she was apparently born with. As far as I can tell, aside from her waist and chest, she's always looked roughly the same way she does now. The only difference, in my opinion, is that she's probably had a nose job and a boob job. She's also done some waist training along with starving herself to a masochistic degree. Here is a video of what she actually looked liked in 2007, at a beauty pageant:
Fast forward to the bikini section to see her original natural waist.

Here's what her natural waist looks like now:
She doesn't seem as painfully thin in that video as I dimly remember her being, but she's still underweight. I hope that I'm not imagining things and she really is gaining.

Just as an added note, it is absolutely not possible for rib removal to give you such an incredibly tiny waist. People claim that she has had as many as six ribs removed, but they don't know what they're talking about. Dr. Aaron Stone is the only doctor I'm aware of who's actually willing to perform rib removal and he has this to say about it: "Although the hourglass shape after surgery is apparent, rib removal in and of itself will not decrease one's waist size or circumference. That is accomplished by the abdominoplasty portion of the operation."
Here are some photos of some very serious tightlacers, Sylphide and Lacie. They don't care much about what their natural waists look like. They just like to lace into really tiny corsets for personal reasons. Lacie definitely considers herself to be a fetishist, but Sylphide dislikes that label. In any case, their motivations for tightlacing are probably very different from most of the people who will be reading this post. Lacie's results in particular might seem a bit extreme, but like I said, she has her own unique motivations and goals for tightlacing. Obviously, no one has to lace down that far if they don't want to. It's not the sort of change that would happen by accident. I'm sure it took years and years to achieve.

Lacie immediately after removing her corset: [Image: PICT3474mini.jpg]
Her waist probably would have expanded and taken on a more a normal shape after a few hours, but I'm sure it was still very small and nipped.

Sylphide 24 hours after removing her corset:

[Image: normal_DSCN0517.jpg]
Because she waited 24 hours, her waist had a chance to return to a more normal looking size and shape.
I forgot to say that those weird marks on Lacie's back aren't scars or pressure sores or anything crazy like that. In the post she says that they're just normal little marks that go away quickly. She says that they're normally much less visible, but for some reason she chose not to wear a corset liner or a "modesty panel" that day. The "modestly panel" of a corset is also called a "lace protector" and it keeps the lacing from biting in or chafing the skin on your back. In some corsets the panel is removable. I'm not really sure why she would ever choose to go without it. Hmmm...
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