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pm and side effects?


Has anyone heard of any serious allergic reactions? Its just being allergic to peanuts i have to avoid certain things, i keep seeing online PM is a legume? But as far as i know its just a flower -,- ive ordered some from biovea anyway and they said all ingredients are free from any cross contamination. But the factory uses peanuts elsewhere.. Despite my phobia of a reaction, im looking forward to trying pm lol

(19-04-2013, 10:51)BarelyB Wrote:  Has anyone heard of any serious allergic reactions? Its just being allergic to peanuts i have to avoid certain things, i keep seeing online PM is a legume? But as far as i know its just a flower -,- ive ordered some from biovea anyway and they said all ingredients are free from any cross contamination. But the factory uses peanuts elsewhere.. Despite my phobia of a reaction, im looking forward to trying pm lol

I've not HEARD of anyone having an allergic reaction to ANY of the brands... but... Yeah...

And PM as a whole is a flower, yes, but it's mostly the tuber that we use... I still don't see how that'd make it classify as legume... Maybe it's fruit is a legume-style fruit - slightly hard and nutty, but I don't think so...

I think you ought to try it, carefully, and if you don't react, yay!

Yeah i will still try it. I probably should of started with just one bottle haha oh well. Wish me luck! As long as theres no hidden ingredients i should be fine. I wouldnt be so bloody nervous if i had an epi pen! -,-

* Avoid in individuals with a known allergy or hypersensitivity to "Pueraria lobata" or the Fabaceae/Leguminosae family. There is one case report of allergic reaction following the use of a combination herbal product containing kudzu involving a maculopapular (elevated, spotted rash-like skin condition) eruption starting on the thighs and spreading over the entire body.

So this is all i could find. Assuming what i read that PM is also called kudzu.
Ugh. Guess il ask around for piece of mind. SOMEONE with a peanut allergy must have tried it at some point....

the side effects of pueraria milifica 1

너무 많은 위액 분비 : 배가 고프면 위가 타는것처럼 아팠다.

나는 배가 고파도 밤에 잔다.

사람은 배가 고프다가도 일정시간이 지나면 배고픈게 잊혀지는데.

이것을 복용한 후 음식을 먹지않아도 위액이 분비가 된다.

3시간동안 잠을 못잤다.그리고 엄청난 위통에 고통받았다.

the side effects of pueraria milifica2 (the side effects article)

경인지방식품의약품안전청은 식품으로 사용이 금지된 태국산 칡(푸에라리아 미리피카)을 ‘여성의 가슴이 커지는 식품’으로 광고해 인터넷 쇼핑몰에 판매한 정모씨(남, 26세) 등 3명을 식품위생법 제4조(위해식품등의 판매 등 금지) 위반혐의로 인천지방검찰청에 불구속 송치했다고 20일 밝혔다.
조사결과 이들은 지난해 4월부터 올 1월까지 태국산 칡을 캡슐 및 분말 형태로 제조·가공한 ‘푸에라리아 파우더®’ 등 3개 제품을 유명 인터넷 쇼핑몰을 통해 총 6993개, 시가 3억1469만원 상당을 판매했다.

또한 이들은 단속을 피하기 위해 회원제 비밀카페를 운영하고 가상의 아이디를 다량으로 만들어 사용 후기를 무더기로 작성하는 방법 등으로 소비자를 현혹했다.

태국산 칡은 복용 시 여성호르몬 활성작용으로 자궁비대 등의 부작용이 있어 식품으로 사용이 금지돼 있다.

실제로 해당 제품을 구매해 복용한 일부 여성들은 하혈을 하거나 생리가 멈추지 않는 등의 심각한 부작용이 나타난 것으로 조사됐다.

경인식약청은 해당 인터넷쇼핑몰에 관련 제품에 대한 유통ㆍ판매금지를 요청했으며 시중에 불법으로 유통되고 있는 ‘푸에라리아 미리피카’ 함유 제품을 복용하지 말 것을 당부했다.

the pueraria milifica is Prohibited items for export in south korea.
It can cause uterine hypertrophy anddacryohemorrhea and mammalgia

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

(21-04-2013, 06:47)sugarhoney Wrote:  It can cause uterine hypertrophy anddacryohemorrhea and mammalgia[/color][/size]

I don't have a uterus, my tears are not bloody, and breast pain....not so much.

We use the tuberous roots of the plant. Like any plant, it has flowers but they are not ( or shouldn't be) included in the active powder. A quck google search for "puararia mirifica pictures" turned up this one amongst many:

As for allergies, I do believe that I have a mild reaction to it, in the form of runny nose and sneezing ( similar to hay fever, which I've always had), but I've never heard of anyone else reporting this.

Thanks for letting me know :-) i did manage to find two forums online where people had an allergic reaction (one with face swelling and difficulty breathing) but allergies to pm are rare apparently. After LOTS of reading, im not too worried now Smile

Has anyone had any acne like bumps show up on their face?

(27-04-2013, 03:26)MamaMio Wrote:  Has anyone had any acne like bumps show up on their face?

Yes, at the beginning I´ve got nasty breakouts.

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