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Noogleberry Experiment.


(20-11-2009, 01:00)Cheryl1989 Wrote:  Hi sissy, yes id have to agree with you totally, i have not lost any size but my boobs have lost fullness but to me personley they have a better shape now even though the upper part of my breasts do seem flatter and they drop a little more than when i was pumping daily. I have to admit my cleaveage has become alot less since i have not pumped and i have had to adjust the straps on my bras to get it back a little lol. But i am looking forward to starting again to be honest i just have the problem of leaky nipples at the moment and i am worried about starting pumping again, but i am sure ill get to the bottom of it and get it sorted. Good luck sissy. xxxx
P.S my pics back up lol.

leaky nipples? how that heppen

Hi everyone, im nearly at the end ogf my experiment and i have to say im very pleased, i was very worried that i would loose some size but i have not and all that has really happened is i have lost a little fullness which i put down to the swelling disapearing because i have not pumped. They dont seem as firm as they did when i was pumping but ill soon sort that out when i get back on the NB lol. All in all i think the NB is a fantastic pump, i have not tried any others but thats only because the NB has seemed to work well for me. I know some people hate it and i can see why as it can be uncomfortable and it does take time to do. 2 weeks might not be long enough to judge its long term effects and i am male so it could have different results on women. But i would not say i have a male chest anymore so i would say its effects depend on the individual like any NBE does. I do think to get the most out of it you really need to stick to a routine and use it daily for atleast an hour but i am no expert. I just want everyone on here to have success with there NBE and if i can help anyone in anyway then please dont hesitate to ask. And luk im not sure myself but its something i am sorting out and i think its just something to do with my massage i have added to my routine its nothing major. Thanks everyone happy growing xxxxx

thanks for the update and your bravery, cheryl! glad to see you didn't really lose much in the way of size. i got foam sheeting from lucy at nb and it helps SO much... i had to cut my own because i am using bb domes, but still it helped a ton. now i can get my hour a day! if i would just stop moving, i could even try sleeping in them!

happy growing to you! what is next? did you heal up okay?

Hi emmie, thanks but i think im going to have to lay of the NB for longer, i tried using it again this morning but im having real problems at the moment with discharge or something from my nipples and after using my NB today my boobs are really swollen and heavy and i am leaking, i have an appointment to see my doctor tomorrow as i have already seen one but he was dismissive and rude, he did say there was nothing serious and i was starting to lactate but surely this cannot be right and i am very worried now and hope there is nothing seriously wrong, so i have stopped my NB untill i know whats wrong which i am quite upset about, so if anyone has any ideas please let me know before tomorrow lol so atleast i can sleep. Thanks emmie. xxxx

Hey Cheryl, sorry you are still having the problem. I'm sure it's nothing serious. The male and female bodies are so similar, we all started with the same equipment when we were just a little spec, so growing your breast may have just awakened dormant parts??

Well, waiting to hear your results, and you need to find a doc who understands you. It's hard enough to find one in normal situations, but as your body is now very unique, you need a doctor who will take you seriously.

Hi Guys & Gals
I was wondering if anyone has ordered from ? It looks and sounds just like BB/Transfemme but not as expensive. let me know what you think.
J.F.Big Grin

Hi sissy, thanks for your reply i was very worried last night. I have my own doctor who i have been seeing for months now and she knows all about me and does all my blood tests, she is a specialist and she is very good i just had to wait to see her thats why i had to see another doctor. I have seen my doctor today and i am lactating, my breasts are massive and so heavy, i have had bloodtests taken and i might have to have a mammogram but my doctor has assured me as much as possible that this has been caused by the massive changes in my hormones and i could have a raised prolactin level or something, i may have to have an MRI scan as sometimes this can occur from a small tumour so i am worried about that but she says shes 99% sure its just the massive changes in my hormones that have caused it and massaging my breasts and using the NB yesterday has caused it to worsen. I am in shock over this to be honest and i have to stop my massage and my NB or else i will start to produce more and prolong it. I am a little upset but my health comes first but wow my boobs are big lol xxxx

hugs to you, cheryl! hope it is as your doc says and nothing to worry about. be sure to keep us posted... and put your noogle out of sight! we know you are an addict!! no succumbing to the power of the noogle until you have a clean bill of health from the doc...

Thanks emmie, im just abit worried now that alot of my hard work over the last year is going to be wasted, i dont know how long i have to stop for and the thing that worries me the most is the effect this lactating will have on my breasts im getting myself quite upset about it. And you are right i am addicted to the NB lol even now i want to use it lol xxxx


To stop lactation, there are some natural remedies that have been used with good results for many centuries:

Parsley (use a lot of it it in salads and in your cooking)
Sage (as tea, 2 to 6 times a day)
Oregano (great with pizza or pasta)

Avoid oatmeal and raspberries and do not massage your breasts unless you get a clogged milk duct or something.

One of the oldest and most effective remedies to stop lactation is the use of cabbage leaves. Chill fresh cabbage in the refridgerator and place a cabbage leaf on each breast inside your bra.

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