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Female Ejaculation - "Squirting"


So much studying I have to do on this!!

As of right now I have not been able to achieve an orgasm through sex, I need clit stimulation and touching, but I am hoping when I start taking PM this will change (I don't get very wet during sex which sucks big time). I've come close... and now I have dumped my bf and don't have anyone to practice with!!

But my goal is to be able to reach the big O through sex and then try squirting. Going to stay positive and not put pressure on myself. Now all I need is a penis... Tongue

oh I should ask,

anyone have any tips on reaching an O during sex easier? I have come soooo close and then it just eludes me.

And my past bfs have been lousy in that once they cum, they are done and forget about the fact that I haven't reached ecstasy yet. I need my freaking orgasm too, like come on??! And my ex bf wonders why I have now kicked him to the curb. Guess this isn't the place to go into THAT rant ahaha. It's a long one.

Well first, you need to have self discovery and figure out how exactly you personally reach orgasm before a man can give it to you. My suggestion, get a few toys and experiment. I learned how to give myself extreme orgasms before any "man" could. How I orgasm best without having sex is by masturbating in the bath tub. I position myself under the running water faucet (the tub faucet not the shower head, shower head is too strong for me). I make the water hot, not boiling hot, but a little hotter than warm. I then move myself back and forth in a rocking motion with my vagina positioned under the running water. I don't think about anything except the feeling I'm feeling, very important to block anything else out of your mind.

That helps the best for me, other than that when I use toys I can squirt but I have to do alot of clit stimulation and getting my prostate to fill first. That aspect takes a bit more patience and practice.

Hope this helps. But seriously you don't NEED a man! How do you think lesbian couples do it? I promise you they both orgasm. Most men are assholes about that, they only care about their own pleasure. You need to find one that cares about yours also. A true gentleman will let the girl cum first.

thanks Anastasia, my first O yeaarrs ago was from a water faucet, I love it! I can get to an O no problem on my own, it was just with guys I was having troubles but I think my main issue was what you said, that I wasn't keeping a clear mind. I am now starting to meditate, because my inability to keep a clear mind has also been causing me problems with falling asleep.

Thanks for your advice, and yes I am going to say SCREW YOU to men until I fall in love. Or close to.. And in the meantime I am going to go get myself a new toy and experiment, I love picking myself out a gift every now and then Smile

(08-02-2013, 05:57)Anastasia916 Wrote:  I've been squirting for years now, probably almost 5 years. I first got into it when I met my husband. Basically when we were getting to know each other sexually, we shared fantasies, etc. He told me how he would watch flicks with girls squirting and he always wanted to have sex with a girl who could do that, because he loved to see a woman enjoying herself. (He also gets off by going down on a girl, he's the type that gets off on other's pleasure, hope that makes sense). So I had NO idea this even existed nor wtf it was. So we both researched together. We found a porno/educational piece of men who could teach girls how to do it. In the video they explained it in depth and how each woman is different. (I wish I could remember the name of it, if I find it I will let you know).

Basically every woman reaches orgasm differently, no matter what type of orgasm. Like for me a clitoral orgasm is achieved by a special type of grinding or rubbing on it, where some girls need something more gentle. A vaginal orgasm only happens for me in two positions, spooning or missionary with my legs over his shoulders and him pressing his body as close to mine, (I'm very flexible). Basically a vaginal orgasm happens for me only when certain parts of my vagina are rubbed the right way. Where as some girls do better on top or regular missionary for that.

Now me learning how to "squirt" aka female ejeculate was quite a learning curve. We went to adult shops, bought "g-spot" specific vibes and toys, I tried a few, nothing. We tried sex in positions that would influence it, nothing. He tried fingering me in the way the man in the video said some girls achieve ejaculation, nothing. (I never liked fingering anyway, not my thing, I masturbate by putting myself under a running warm water faucet like in the tub). Then we tried this one normal vibrating dildo, that had flesh like material (we had given up on trying to ejaculate, we were just playing around). Basically this toy was meant to be a female strap on, but a friend of mine told me about it and said it made a great masturbation toy. One end was the vibrating dildo, the other end, the part that was meant to go onto the female "wearer" which was essentially a clit stimulator. So we used the clit part first, I got off that way, then we used the dildo part, he was slowly putting it in and taking it out, and each time he did near the tip for some reason I kept feeling a really good sensation I had never felt before. I told him to focus on that. Then it happened, I squirted. And yes, it is a more intense orgasm. I didn't project far like pornos show, I still don't. But be prepared for a mess when you do this. The average ejaculate can be 1/2-2 cups worth.

Now let me see if I can try to describe what it feels like. For me a clitoral orgasm, it shoots through my body from clit to head down to toes and back again. Vaginal orgasms I only feel in my vaginal region. Ejaculating orgasms are felt from inside the vagina, through the opening of the urethra, all through the body and are between 10-50 times more intense than the other two orgasm types mentioned. Now you did forget one more type of orgasm, anal orgasm. Those are kinda like vaginal just a different feeling and are only felt in the anal region. I don't like anal sex, tried it, don't like it. I do however like putting a small egg shaped vibe in there and having sex. You get two orgasms at once that way, plus it gives him a vibrating vagina Wink

Oh, I just asked hubby what the name of the video was, he said he googled "female squirting instructions" or "female ejaculation instructions".

Okay more precautions about squirting. Once you start, having sex then NOT doing it is extremely hard. And I have RUINED mattresses with it. Ejaculate, though not urine, has a somewhat urine smell. So if you plan to do this on a bed get a waterproof mattress cover and have a change of sheets handy. I now have 3 waterproof mattress covers and about 10 sets of sheets. You have to understand female anatomy to understand what ejaculate is, where it comes from and where it comes out of. Female ejaculate comes from the female prostate which is located inside the vagina, it is attached to the urethra, it fills with fluid when the female becomes aroused and excited. Turning it from a small ball to 3 times it's size. This is why when you are NOT aroused and you stick a finger inside yourself you barely feel it, then become extremely aroused and check again, you will notice the difference. (I mean so aroused you are ready to hump anything in sight.) Once stimulated and the ejaculation orgasm happens, like a male orgasm it releases the fluid. The fluid comes out the urethra, just like a males comes out of his. The fluid is clear to milky depending on the woman. Some women can project some don't. Just like some men do some don't.

I think I about covered most of it. If I missed anything let me know. Good luck! Best thing to do is relax, at first you will feel like you are about to pee, just let it happen. Most women hold back because they think they are about to pee. Also if you've ever had sex then always have to "pee" afterward, it's your body releasing the ejaculate. Just how sometimes if men don't ejaculate they release it later. HTH!

What does it taste like? I'm told it has four "flavours" according to the time of the month it is for her. For some reason, I can't recall the 4th, but the others are salty (first week after period, I think), sour (2nd week after period) and SUPER sweet (week before period). It's supposed to be sweeter than anything you've ever tasted.

I'm still having troubles keeping a clear mind and focusing on the feeling. My mind always wants to wander or fret over the fact that I haven't had an O yet. By myself they can be really intense but with the guy I'm with I feel like I won't be fast enough, and I have troubles relaxing entirely because I have trust issues(?) and worry about pleasing him... Ughhh... They are getting more intense by myself though I guess that is progress. Relaxing is hard though..... it does help when I just focus on increasing my pleasure rather than on trying to have an orgasm. Any tips anyone?

(15-12-2013, 00:05)Outofstyle Wrote:  I'm still having troubles keeping a clear mind and focusing on the feeling. My mind always wants to wander or fret over the fact that I haven't had an O yet. By myself they can be really intense but with the guy I'm with I feel like I won't be fast enough, and I have troubles relaxing entirely because I have trust issues(?) and worry about pleasing him... Ughhh... They are getting more intense by myself though I guess that is progress. Relaxing is hard though..... it does help when I just focus on increasing my pleasure rather than on trying to have an orgasm. Any tips anyone?

You don't have to worry much about pleasing him, sexually, with guys, you don't have to be GOOD, you just have to be THERE!
Look up Flower Tucci, she basically gives lessons on how to become a squirter and has set the record for distance; 18 feet. Just go to Bing and look her up. I just watched one of her videos last night, but, didn't think the others in the forum would dig it being posted here. One thing you need to remember is that your G-spot is just inside your vagina an inch or two and at the roof of your vagina. If his plonker doesn't stimulate that, you might not squirt at all. To do it solo with your fingers, put in two curled up and don't so much go in and out as up and down pretty fast. It's going to FEEL like you have to pee, but that's not what it is, so, just let it go. Be prepared to deal with a LARGE wet spot!!

(20-02-2013, 06:03)Anastasia916 Wrote:  Most men are assholes about that, they only care about their own pleasure. You need to find one that cares about yours also. A true gentleman will let the girl cum first.
True!! They don't realize that sex is like a Chinese dinner for two: it's not over `til you BOTH get your cookies!
An even nicer guy will go down on her and much her carpet AFTER he's done! Making her cum first is great, but making her cum second is pretty great, too! As long as he makes her cum!!!
Thumbs Up 

I was lucky enough to have a girl let me learn how to do this with her body. She had never done it before, so was really nervous about it the first few times we tried. She also said it made her feel like peeing. It helped out lot when I would lick her clit as I was stimulated her insides. That seemed to be enough sensations she just let go and didn't care what the outcome was going to be. I got a really wet face after that Big Grin hers tasted sweet. I might just be lucky but I haven't been with a single woman who had a foul odor or taste.

(15-12-2013, 04:57)Girl2B Wrote:  You don't have to worry much about pleasing him, sexually, with guys, you don't have to be GOOD, you just have to be THERE!


If all I wanted were simple stimulation to orgasm, no woman is necessary. I know how to push my buttons best; I've had years of practice!

But of course there's more to it.


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