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How to Lighten Your Eye Color Naturally


Hey! Do you happen to have a link to the thread about the two people you spoke of? I am pretty sure I saw people talk abut eye lightening on that site, but I don't ever remember seeing any pictures of their progress.Huh

Hey amber

If you just type into google " skincare talk pinklips eyelightening" you will find the thread, the guy (named pinklips) shows a photo of his eye now. I think on page 12 a girl talks about her eyes changing.

I'm going to try and upload these pictures, i am the worlds worst on the computer.
If I can't do it I don't mind emailing my photos to you off my iphone ( much easier for me), just message me.


I found the thread, I think. I couldn't find their "before" pictures though.

PMing you!

I am very interested in this topic as well - I started using honey drops 2 days ago. While I also tried lime it stinged so much that I won't use it anymore (my eyes also became completely red). What I will try now is using Herba euphrasia instead of chamomilla since this herb might even accelerate the progress.

If nothing helps I am playing with the thought using MSM and rucinol (should be more effective than arbutin) - but I am a bit aware since resorcinol is damaging your eye irreversibly:

Rucinol is a derivate of resorcinol and no of such harms is known from this substance:

But still it's a risk...

Hello Everyone!
I am new to this site and just came upon this discussion board and figured I would give it a try, is there any advice that anyone can give me to start off with, should I use lemon? chamomile tea? msm drops? if yes then where do I get msm drops? just wanted to ask a few questions before I get started on my own journey of eye lightening, I will be uploading a eye pic every week and try to keep this as up to date as I can, my dad has natural very light crystal blue eyes and my mom has lighter brown eyes and I have a hazel mix of greens,yellows, and blues. I have naturally very small eyes so I am hoping that my eye lightening process will bring more attention to them and make them healthier as well. Can't wait to start! Smile

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I have very much the same eyes, though my ring around my pupils is alot darker.

I made bad experience with lemon (though using only 1 drop/1ml) it stinged like hell and my eyeball turned red. But people claim to get faster results. Dunno, test it but please on a low concentration.

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethan) is a compund which is made in your body naturally. People use it as nutritient supplement to enhance sulfur in their body (needed for proteinsynthesis). Pharmacologically, it is harmless and often used in ointments and even eye drops since it is a carrier and takes other medicaments through the skin. I've read that people think it darkens their eyes, but for me this is hardly retraceable. If there are lightening compunds in honey, MSM will increase the uptake through the cornea.
I now ordered it at amazon (500g around 10$ so you will never need to reorder).

I know not if or how chamomille might increase lightening; instead I use tea out of Herba euphrasia (available in pharmacies or at amazon as well). I mixed it with honey and the mixture is more tolerable by my eyes now than just with water. I'll add msm as soon I get the shipment. Since I use this tea on my eyes, I today noticed that my vision went better. The eyes should get brighter and more radiant through this tea as well (this is what I read).
Furthermore it is effective against inflammations; and here's a warning that honey with water is a breeding station for bacteria. I therefore store my mixture in the fridge.

I hope I was able to clarify some of your questions and I am happy to read about your results.

hey everyone, its been almost 4 months for me and i would've taken a picture but my digital camera broke and i wont be able to get one for a couple of months Sad but they have lightened a little bit since last time, you can see my pupil but im having a dilema now. since its summer where i live, im not one to stay out of the sun. im going to be tanning a lot probably but im not sure how it'll effect my eye color since the sunlight sparks melanin production. i'll try my best to keep up with it, i've just been using water and honey, but i'll see how it goes on the 6 month mark and i'll hopefully be able to post a picture!

Going back through all the posts I wasn't keeping up with. Didn't know drama started here, too. =__=

Maybe I'll try the honey method soon. I'll have to work it around the times of day when I can take my contacts out for a few hours (I can't legally drive with my glasses prescription, and with very good reason, so just not wearing contacts isn't an option for me). I've just dyed my hair back to its natural colour, a very, very dark brown/black, and it makes my eyes look darker again. >:/ Since I'm planning on finally letting my natural colour grow out, I want to be able to lighten my eyes so they can finally stand out again from my hair colour! (I miss pink and natural redhead haircolours, they always made my eyes look the best.)

(18-01-2013, 04:17)Doll Wrote:  Going back through all the posts I wasn't keeping up with. Didn't know drama started here, too. =__=

Maybe I'll try the honey method soon. I'll have to work it around the times of day when I can take my contacts out for a few hours (I can't legally drive with my glasses prescription, and with very good reason, so just not wearing contacts isn't an option for me). I've just dyed my hair back to its natural colour, a very, very dark brown/black, and it makes my eyes look darker again. >:/ Since I'm planning on finally letting my natural colour grow out, I want to be able to lighten my eyes so they can finally stand out again from my hair colour! (I miss pink and natural redhead haircolours, they always made my eyes look the best.)

I am happily defused from it all. Wink

I think you are just extremely toxic so I believe your eyes are already bluish with a brown ring and not at all a true brown. But its murky overcast makes it appear a darker color so colon cleansing will probably speed up your results along with this method. . You should get great results! Lucky you. My hue has not returned but I can see my rings more so I guess its not such a bad trade off eh? I always had decent limbals but now its more so noticeable. So its bitter sweet for me. But I am colon cleansing to remove pancreas and lypmh issues (overcast on the irises to get to my genetic blue. I could care less about my brown ring. I prefer it to be there for character reasons.

(18-01-2013, 06:03)tibetan113 Wrote:  I think you are just extremely toxic so I believe your eyes are already bluish with a brown ring and not at all a true brown. But its murky overcast makes it appear a darker color so colon cleansing will probably speed up your results along with this method. . You should get great results! Lucky you. My hue has not returned but I can see my rings more so I guess its not such a bad trade off eh? I always had decent limbals but now its more so noticeable. So its bitter sweet for me. But I am colon cleansing to remove pancreas and lypmh issues (overcast on the irises to get to my genetic blue. I could care less about my brown ring. I prefer it to be there for character reasons.

That is quite a trade off. On one hand...but on the But I love a vibrant limbal ring, and sometimes it even stands out more than bright colours, so don't consider it a loss. :3

My family is mostly Italian and a decent bit Hispanic, so most of my family members have black eyes (although my dad's are blue as shizz). So I'm doubtful that my eyes could get too much brighter (I'm amazed that they've gotten so light on their own!) I have been wanting to try a full body cleanse with a good colon cleanse anyway, though, so maybe it will at least help. Smile Last time I tried a full cleanse, I didn't realize yet I've got low stomach acid, body didn't absorb any of the medicine. I knew there was something wrong when a recommended cleanse kit didn't help make me regular even in the slightest...Dodgy So maybe this time I'll get some good results (and maybe I'll also be able to get rid of some of this pudge in my lower tummy!)

I might try a cleanse kit this weekend, but even if it doesn't help my eye colour, I'm sure it will at least still help in other areas. Win/win.

Also, decided against laser eye surgery. Barely had to "research" it to realize the chances of awful side effects are way too high. I might look for some natural remedies to at least help strengthen my eyesight some (now that the cause of my poor eyesight is being addressed), so in the meantime I'm going to start trying this honey method! I'm also going to start using an old mascara stick to apply petroleum jelly to my lashes before bed, to try to make them longer and thicker like they used to be before my health started going way downhill. I think if they get darker like they used to be, it'll help bring out my lighter eye colour more against my dark hair.

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