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Newbie using PM for BE!


(10-11-2012, 20:36)francesca22 Wrote:  Im gonna post a couple of pics to show where I am starting from this go-around. As you can see I have quite a way to go before I reach where I used to be. I found some pictures that I sent to my husband in July Tongue and my breasts were so much fuller and stood out so much more than they do now. I can't believe I stopped and thought that I wasnt growing! Once you lose and see proof of it, you realize how crazy you were for thinking you were small in the first place!! Angry

But here is me now, you can compare it to my last pictures from my last major swelling and how big of a difference it was.
Maybe the cleanse was good for me, but I don't think I have to take as much time off as I did. Next time I'll just do a milk thistle cleanse for a week when I am on my period.

You look like a full A cup. Don't worry, whatever you gained before, you should be able to get it back quickly. It happened to me too when I lost weight doing a fast. I got it back quickly when my reg eating habits came back.

You have a nice shape and it will be even better when you grow to the next new size you haven't yet. You'll be skinny with even bigger boobs.

Thank you! In July when I was on NBE and exercising I was skinny will full breasts...but now its gone! Sad I dont know if I am a full a or small b. My A cups dont fit and my nipples pop out and my B cups fit fine. I think I have more fat on the side of my breasts than the middle. Straight on they look pretty small.

(10-11-2012, 21:08)francesca22 Wrote:  Thank you! In July when I was on NBE and exercising I was skinny will full breasts...but now its gone! Sad I dont know if I am a full a or small b. My A cups dont fit and my nipples pop out and my B cups fit fine. I think I have more fat on the side of my breasts than the middle. Straight on they look pretty small.

My size looks smaller on me too. I am a small tiny C cup but don't look it. So if you are a b and look like a full a, you can hold a large size rack elegantly compared to the average girl, IMO.

I have broad shoulders so, I need a larger size up to look my size on my body.


It is almost the end of my first cycle back on PM and I see a very slight change but not noticeable. I took pictures for my first month back on NBE and I dont really see a difference. My right boob is a lot bigger than my left, so I think I am just going to put lotion on that one only until it catches up. This happened on my first attempt of NBE and it did catch up. I have also been using Ro-bust lotion and I hate it. It does nothing at all for me. Ainterol cream was A LOT better than this, and I'm upset I wasted my money. I just ordered another tube of Ainterol and will use Ro-bust until it comes because I guess it's better than nothing. I think I have also lost weight so it might be cancelling out my growth, even though in the summer when I was working out and dieting like crazy I grew a lot. Hopefully next month I will get more growth.
now that I'm looking at my pictures from October I think I look smaller Sad


A little bit of another update. I just applied some progesterone cream because I have been spotting all month. I just read that spotting and break through bleeding could be from low progesterone. Low progesterone might also be the culprit of my loss in growth.


Quick update on the progesterone. I have only used it for two days and I can already see and feel a difference. My breakthrough bleeding has stopped. The morning after, my nipples were also very puffy, which when I was getting growth was always a good sign that something was working. I was also getting some pain and soreness but only for a day. Wish me luck that this keeps going!

I have just finished my period and 4 day Milk Thistle cleanse. I have also finished my first week of reusing Ainterol lotion. I had good swelling throughout the whole Milk Thistle cleanse, especially yesterday. My boobs feel (and I believe look) bigger. They are fitting into my B's perfectly again. I think the lotion has definitely helped my growth. I was using it continuously through my cleanse. Ill take pictures again soon.

Well it is almost the middle of my second cycle on PM and I'm happy with my results so far! It was about a month ago when I posted the pictures the last time and I can already see the difference (it might all be in my mind but they look bigger to me! Big Grin) My routine is the same;

500 MG of PM
2000 MG of MSM (i havent seen a difference with or without it, I am just doing it for hair growth now)
Multivitamin for women

500 MG of PM

I dab a little progesterone cream on once in a while when I feel like I need it. I think my progesterone is level again after the last cycle. I also put PM cream on my left breast only to make it even with my right breast. It seems like it is working but there is still a delay in growth in that breasts.
Also, I think the ainterol lotion isn't the same formula anymore. The last one I used would bleach my nipples (I didn't care if it did, I just put the lotion all over the breast), but this time I don't notice any color change in the nipple. It says II Generation so they might have changed it. Either way I feel like it is helping my growth.

That's it for now. I was just excited I actually started seeing growth again so I wanted to post Tongue Also, sorry if I keep posting, this is helping me follow what I'm doing and keeping track of my own program so I can look back and see what is giving me success.


I can DEFINITELY see the difference too!!!!! AMAZING!!!! Smile
Which PM are you taking?

(20-12-2012, 01:58)eva_bs Wrote:  WOWZA!!!
I can DEFINITELY see the difference too!!!!! AMAZING!!!! Smile
Which PM are you taking?

Thank you! I'm glad I'm not the only one haha. I am taking Ainterol

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