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The Corset Training Thread


Hi Doll I was wondering have you purchase any corset from I saw that you mention it before awhile back. I find that they are reasonable especially for waist training corset. If not which site would you recommend?

(14-12-2012, 04:50)CocoChanel Wrote:  Hi Doll I was wondering have you purchase any corset from I saw that you mention it before awhile back. I find that they are reasonable especially for waist training corset. If not which site would you recommend?

No, I got mine from eBay. NEVER BUY FROM EBAY!!! Lol
I'm actually thinking about getting one from Corset-Story next time I buy one (which might be soon, I keep needing to resew this one). I'm going to e-mail them and ask them about them when it comes closer to the time. They've got some great prices for someone on a budget like me, and seem like they stand by their products. I can't say which are the best sites, though, since this is the only one I've bought. For higher-end, custom corsets, Romantasy is good.

I also found a seller on eBay that ships from Baltimore, and their stuff looks pretty good. So I might e-mail them and see if they have a storefront I can go visit. I hate internet shopping for any type of clothing, so I'd feel much better if I could look at something in person before committing to it.

(13-12-2012, 20:30)Doll Wrote:  
(12-12-2012, 03:52)BonitaDDs Wrote:  is she a corset trainer first pic just looks like a skinny girls natural waist proportions and pvc photo is hardly reducing corset at all?

this is me cropped from photoshoot before editas slightly adult but this is the sort of proportion tight lace corset should give see difference from shoulder to waist or no real gain will be made from wearing corset the girl from above photos is just thin iv had a natural 20in waist no training just thin before.
in pic I'm still don't need to waist train to wear 20in corset all day if I want to I really should get an 18in because 7in reduce not tight enough

Wow, you look great! I still can't close my 20in corset yet because of my wide ribcage. :/ So your ribs must be a lot smaller than mine (when I corsetted down to 22in, the pain was all in my ribs, which became the reason I had to loosen it). Ultimately, rib size will determine how well people adapt to a corset. That's why larger, squishier women will be able to go through sizes so quickly. I think that's also the reason I haven't gotten a suppressed appetite. Since my ribs prevent me from closing my corset too much at the middle, it isn't affecting my digestion the way it would on someone experiencing a much better reduction.

And Darenzia is definitely a tightlacer. I couldn't find many shots from the photoshoot from the show, but you could definitely tell from other angles that her ribs are shaped from corsetting. It's very unnatural, and very sexy. Her 20" waist is also what makes her 34" hip measurement look much larger. I also don't know why that last corset on her really doesn't reduce either, it actually looks like it bulks up her midsection...

I have trouble wearing it during the day sometimes, too, so I understand. I've gotten used to wearing it during work, but still can't wear it if it's a day I'm doing a LOT of bending. I've grown to love 23/7 corsetting already, even though I haven't been wearing it quite every night yet (although close to it). My corset gets really itchy, so when I take it off at night to put on PJ's, I rub lotion and Cortizone 10 together on my stomach and give it a second to dry. I get a lot less itchy at night and don't have to worry about waking up in the middle of the night to peel it off. ^^;

Let us know how the Romantasy training method works for you! As I've said, my wide ribcage is the reason I can't corset any smaller, so 23/7 is probably the only way I'll be able to more quickly see results. Le sigh. Good luck to you! I want a waspie next time as well. I love the shape, and it would be great for my short torso (although I'm still holding out hope that this one can help lengthen my torso just a little bit before I wear it out!)

Since I've begun 23/7 training, I've noticed my ribs becoming sore again when I take the corset off. I'm not seeing any changes in the tape measure yet, but that may still mean that my ribs are getting ready to shift some. That would be fantastic!

yes I don't corset train just for special occasions Wink Wink my shape would naturally be pair except my wide boney shoulders before nbe I'm now a slightly top heavy hourglass so I have kept the pair narrow waist to hip ratio but stuck some boobs on top my rib are average but squashable but thinnest below ribs I would corset train but 20in seems too easy to train with and it seems impossible to find an 18 to fit my hips I would try a squeem though what size do they go down too and what are they like where did you buy and which one?

I owned two Squeems, one fake and one real one. The fake one lasted longer than the real one and still broke in under a month. >:/ They are the biggest pieces of crap to ever have been invented. Save your money and just buy a waist slimming belt and work your obliques. I think the Squeems might work better for larger women, but those with already smaller waists (29" and under) won't really benefit from them. Although even larger women will see almost the same results with a waist belt, which is $5 versus $50.

I started corset training a few months ago (I have a strong desire for a feminine waist and an hourglass shape... hence the "My Goal" avatar). I was making some good progress but had to stop because of back issues (herniated/bulging discs). I am working on these and hope to resume corset training in the next few months.

I have two corsets (both from Corset-Story). One has a 28-inch waist. I got to the point where I could lace it so that the edges touched and wear it for 10 hours that way. I had just received a 26-inch corset and was planning on furthering my progress when the back issues hit and I had to quit. That, combined with a holiday season "eat-a-thon" has caused me to regress and lose what I gained Sad

My desire is to lose significant weight (I'm 5'10" and weight about 175). Before starting my journey I was an avid weight-lifter and had wide shoulders and beefy arms. I'm probably only a little overweight right now (maybe 5 pounds due to holiday eating) but I hope to lose twenty pounds or so as I lose muscle mass, particularly in my upper body. That muscle loss, combined with corset training (and some other tips I'm getting about adding weight to my hips and rear) will, I really hope, help me achieve a truly feminine figure.

Can anyone help me out with more tips or suggestions? Thanks!

#66 what do u think?

Well... I don't really know about that sites quality, but I do question it. Especially since they aren't at all following ANY corset sizing standards.

(08-01-2013, 16:27)Curvy Wrote: what do u think?

I've done a ton of research on corset waist-training. One thing in particular that I learned was that most corsets you can buy are really just lingerie and not at all suitable for training. If your goal is permanently changing your shape, you should look for corsets specifically designed for "waist training".

I also know that custom made corsets are the best choice, but they are WAY more expensive. Also, since I'm a biological male, I would have to make sure that before I contract to buy a custom made corset that they know my goal is feminization. Otherwise I would get a corset that would work counter to my desires.

I haven't bought a custom made corset yet (primarily because of cost). I have had pretty good success so far with off the shelve corsets from My biggest problem is I tend to overdo the tight lacing (a real lack of patience is one of the "male" traits I hope to lose with PM).


I have come into a little extra cash recently, so I'm finally ordering a coupla corsets from Timeless Trends:

I'm planning on going as close to 23/7 as I can get. I'll probably be closer to 22/6 + 18/1 (22 hours a day for 6 days out of the week and only 18 hours every seven days.) What can I say? I like to luxuriate in long baths and showers. And my body hair removal takes forever Dodgy


Holy crap that's fast! UPS just informed me that I'm due to receive a 3 pound package from "Timeless Trends" on Friday. If nothing else, you DEFINITELY can't fault their service speed on initial shipment if they have stock!

(08-01-2013, 17:59)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  I have come into a little extra cash recently, so I'm finally ordering a coupla corsets from Timeless Trends:

I'm planning on going as close to 23/7 as I can get. I'll probably be closer to 22/6 + 18/1 (22 hours a day for 6 days out of the week and only 18 hours every seven days.) What can I say? I like to luxuriate in long baths and showers. And my body hair removal takes forever Dodgy


You may want to look at replacing the lacing with nylon cord. The strings on these corsets (at least what's shown in the corset) won't hold up if you are planing to tight lace. I assume that's what you want to do since you mentioned wearing them for such extended periods.

I've actually caused blisters on my hands tight lacing my corsets (of course I do tend to overdo it, as I mentioned above Big Grin).

Good luck on the training and keep us informed on how it's going!

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