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(15-11-2012, 20:39)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  Number four, and my last and most important point. In a way, we're all of us hacks. No one can claim to be an NBE expert. There's no such thing.

!!! So true, I remember when emily loretta started posting. I called her out for using the tag booby expert.

If someone was an expert and knew exactly how to do it for all the women. He or she wouldn't be posting on her but, instead making billions of dollars.

Experts have a prolonged or intense experience through practice and education in a particular field. There's no time requirement for being in the field and they might not know it all but they know enough. So yes there can be experts in the NBE field, if you don't want to be labeled as one that's fine but you can not tell others they aren't one as you have no clue what they really do know. It doesn't mean a person is above anyone it simply means they know of what they're speaking and I personally do research into the things I suggest on this site, this also means however there is room for error as each individual responds to certain stimuli differently. And in fact as a part of my studies I'm required to know certain information about herbs/supplements (non-drugs), beginning NBE I came with a knowledge of certain herbs and through NBE I have have more knowledge about other herbs. There is no do it all wonder herb, cream, soap, spray or whatever else which I'm sure you know, there is however a difference between an expert and a magician. So to suggest that the only people who can be called experts are people who can guarantee 100% results and do it all for women is silly as there's very little in this world that is 100%. Even breast augmentation surgeries aren't 100%. That was my point to you Jibberish when we discussed it earlier.

I know it was a different view of the meaning. Which is why I stopped the discussion before. In my opinion we are all amateur. Some more learned than others.

(21-11-2012, 15:19)Emily Loretta Wrote:  Experts have a prolonged or intense experience through practice and education in a particular field. There's no time requirement for being in the field and they might not know it all but they know enough. So yes there can be experts in the NBE field, if you don't want to be labeled as one that's fine but you can not tell others they aren't one as you have no clue what they really do know. It doesn't mean a person is above anyone it simply means they know of what they're speaking and I personally do research into the things I suggest on this site, this also means however there is room for error as each individual responds to certain stimuli differently. And in fact as a part of my studies I'm required to know certain information about herbs/supplements (non-drugs), beginning NBE I came with a knowledge of certain herbs and through NBE I have have more knowledge about other herbs. There is no do it all wonder herb, cream, soap, spray or whatever else which I'm sure you know, there is however a difference between an expert and a magician. So to suggest that the only people who can be called experts are people who can guarantee 100% results and do it all for women is silly as there's very little in this world that is 100%. Even breast augmentation surgeries aren't 100%. That was my point to you Jibberish when we discussed it earlier.

Boy, this has delved in another direction.
And I say this with lightness. I guess why some may see you as the [undefined=undefined] porported miss know it all[/undefined] is because all of the suggestions and things you have shared and posted have already been researched, shared and exercised. In other words, common knowledge.

Its great that you have took it upon yourself and studied the herbals just like many have here on this forum before you.

I guess the difference between you and the others are that, you have simply rewarded yourself with the title of [undefined=undefined]Booby Expert[/undefined. A sort of pat on the back... Yes, you don't have to have credentials to be an expert and there are at least two types: the credentialed, and the streetsmart. In our case, you included, the habitual experimenter that constantly researches. I don't really see an issue with your tagline but others will because of the way you post perhaps.

Big Grin That's what has ticked people side ways, incase you are wondering.

On a side note: I have noticed your postings and it seems you are very insecure. I know we all have our insecurities but it just seems you have had some internal damage from the past that you have not quite healed from and it shows in the way you post. I was teased heavily as a teen as I looked very young for my age and extremely underdeveloped. I am sure many that have found the forum have as well.

All in all, you are helpful to ones who have just arrived here, so kudos!

btw, I would kill to have your results!


Personally, I don't reserve the word "expert" quite so much as jiberish does, but I do feel it needs to be reserved for things that are more proven rather than the "working theories" that we tend to practice here.

I tend not to think of the psych folks as experts either simply because of the field they practice. Their field, like NBE, is very changeable and is practiced using working theory rather than scientifically proven facts.

I also use the word "hack" in the form it was originally meant when first coined by the early computer industry. A "hack" in programming is "an inelegant but effective solution to a computing problem".

Likewise, NBE is a practice in hacking our bodies to cause breast development to initiate/re-initiate. It's inelegant. Imprecise. But largely, when done correctly and with appropriate research, it is "an effective solution".

(22-11-2012, 00:23)jiberish Wrote:  In my opinion we are all amateur. Some more learned than others.

I can definitely agree with you on this, there's still alot of info out there to be learned.


Bloody hell! I used to be on a site called skin care talk I am sure some of you may already know it. It was a good place until some long time members went beserk/power crazed on everyone. I never went back because it was a hotbed of negativity and bitchiness, ironically it all started with the type of nitpicking that is developing on here!

I really hope this place doesn't go that way. Yes there are people on here who act like they know everything and don't and some that actually do and don't say a jot. There are people with real results and fake results, secure people, insecure people, people who don't care about what they say to affect others, sellers, spies the lot! I like to take it with a pinch of salt, but I think the genuine people shine through.


^ I AGREE with your statement, but I can also understand where a lot of it comes from. Just so long as it doesn't get out of hand and start giant wars where people take criticism as a personal attack and start harshly attacking the person that simply criticized them. Because I in all honesty am happy to see those people go. Wink

Also, you have to keep in mind, that some of the genuine people here are also the fakers, the insecure and the power-hungry. That is not the attitude to take when coming to a site like this, and whether their results are genuine or not, they still tend to contribute much negativity to the site.

This is a place where people can come together on a common problem and help each other find a solution. It shouldn't be about trying to shine through over everyone else for your own personal satisfaction, and taking credit for things that you not only did not invent, but also advice that others have given to you in an attempt to help your results. And the personal tag "Booby Expert" hints at that type of personality, so I can definitely see where it might ruffle someone's feathers, especially someone who makes actual contributions to this site. I personally love being able to learn from the other members here, and help new members in any way possible, and believe that's what this site is about. Honestly, the people that get harassed here usually bring it on themselves, and we'll do just fine without them. Smile

(I know this is all in Wahaika's thread, but he knows my comment isn't directed towards him.)

(22-11-2012, 00:44)tibetan113 Wrote:  [undefined=undefined] porported miss know it all[/undefined]

Oh God, I'm so glad to see the site is finally doing this to other people. xD

(21-11-2012, 14:12)jiberish Wrote:  If someone was an expert and knew exactly how to do it for all the women. He or she wouldn't be posting on her but, instead making billions of dollars.

Ironically, she actually IS making money from all this. Her NBE blog is one of many (and features information that she took from many people in many different places), and features links to other websites that, every time someone clicks on one of the links, she gets paid. It may not be billions, but she IS still cashing out on all the information we've been so kind as to provide her with over these past few months.

Hah, I never looked at her bio/blog. Plenty of affiliate programs there.


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