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Oh, and I was dieting to help slim my waist in time for the beach Saturday, but I was worried it was taking away the butt I've been working so hard for (although my growth came back). Well, I guess I've been dieting for so long now (almost two weeks) that I've completely killed my appetite. I'm barely hungry anymore. I guess that's good, because I'm less bloated now and food isn't going as fast, but I'm also trying to build more muscle, and a poor diet isn't good for that at all. :/

At vitamin Shoppe, the girl suggested Digest Extra to help with bloating and digestion. It says to take one with each meal, but since she eats small meals, she only takes it once a day and is fine. I really hope along with my Probiotics that these work wonders. It helps your body break down dairy and gluten, and I'm thinking one of these may be my problem with bloating (since I lost an inch of bloat just from eating less with my diet). I'll never go gluten or dairy-free, but with these maybe I'll be ok if that does turn out to be my problem. Smile

(13-09-2012, 17:48)Doll Wrote:  Lol I know, it really has completely turned into a corset thread. Smile But the OP did mention she would be interested in bringing her ribs in slightly, so I'm sure this helped her learn more about how to do that. Wink

I've been wondering when this was going to branch off into its own thread. Lol When the corset thread goes up, I'm definitely going to be posting my progress throughout! I hate that there's hardly any corset progress photos online, so I think it'll be helpful for others who are looking to get into it as well.

I woke up this morning angry about my colour choice again...then found some shirts that it would go really well with (a lot of my shirts are black and red or black and blue luckily), but then I also realized that most of my shirts wouldn't go with a corset no matter what colour I chose. :/ Guess I really do need to go shopping...(I know when the corset gets here, I'll be so excited about how gorgeous it is, I won't even be able to be mad about the colour or price difference anymore! Lol)

Once it ships out, I'm going to obsessively check the tracking everyday. xD

(13-09-2012, 17:54)Doll Wrote:  Oh, and I was dieting to help slim my waist in time for the beach Saturday, but I was worried it was taking away the butt I've been working so hard for (although my growth came back). Well, I guess I've been dieting for so long now (almost two weeks) that I've completely killed my appetite. I'm barely hungry anymore. I guess that's good, because I'm less bloated now and food isn't going as fast, but I'm also trying to build more muscle, and a poor diet isn't good for that at all. :/

At vitamin Shoppe, the girl suggested Digest Extra to help with bloating and digestion. It says to take one with each meal, but since she eats small meals, she only takes it once a day and is fine. I really hope along with my Probiotics that these work wonders. It helps your body break down dairy and gluten, and I'm thinking one of these may be my problem with bloating (since I lost an inch of bloat just from eating less with my diet). I'll never go gluten or dairy-free, but with these maybe I'll be ok if that does turn out to be my problem. Smile

Haha at the corset rollercoaster. Jeeeesh do I know EXACTLY what that's like! Except not with a corset. Yet. I went through it when I bought a swimsuit that was absolutely perfect for me. And then realized I really didn't have the money I'd just spent. And I'd have to, like, wear it in public to get it's intended use out of it. Then I was like, screw it, the swimsuit is awesomesauce! Then I was like, but in public... Then I was like screw em. If they don't like it, they can leave the danged pool, I'm the pool manager dammit. Big Grin

I'm not anymore... And I don't have access to a pool anymore... but the swimsuit did end up getting used this summer.

As for the diet so long you lose your appetite... That's normal. And it's not really a lost appetite so much as a diminished ability to digest food after being on a starvation diet for even a short time. You generally need to ramp back up slowly. Or... The combination in that Digest Extra is pretty awesome! I'm glad you have a health food place near you that actually knows their business. The ones by me are more into the whole homeopathy shenanigans. So I tend to order my stuff from Swanson. They're into homeopathy shenanigans too, but they also do know their business over on the real side of things. They've been in the REAL business a lot longer than most. They just joined the homeopathy bandwagon so as not to lose that set of customers from their base to the idiots that overhype the junk.

(13-09-2012, 23:58)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  Haha at the corset rollercoaster. Jeeeesh do I know EXACTLY what that's like! Except not with a corset. Yet. I went through it when I bought a swimsuit that was absolutely perfect for me. And then realized I really didn't have the money I'd just spent. And I'd have to, like, wear it in public to get it's intended use out of it. Then I was like, screw it, the swimsuit is awesomesauce! Then I was like, but in public... Then I was like screw em. If they don't like it, they can leave the danged pool, I'm the pool manager dammit. Big Grin

I'm not anymore... And I don't have access to a pool anymore... but the swimsuit did end up getting used this summer.

As for the diet so long you lose your appetite... That's normal. And it's not really a lost appetite so much as a diminished ability to digest food after being on a starvation diet for even a short time. You generally need to ramp back up slowly. Or... The combination in that Digest Extra is pretty awesome! I'm glad you have a health food place near you that actually knows their business. The ones by me are more into the whole homeopathy shenanigans. So I tend to order my stuff from Swanson. They're into homeopathy shenanigans too, but they also do know their business over on the real side of things. They've been in the REAL business a lot longer than most. They just joined the homeopathy bandwagon so as not to lose that set of customers from their base to the idiots that overhype the junk.

Lol I'm incredibly bipolar, so I go back and forth like that with EVERYTHING. I hate everything in my closet right now, even though when I bought it I was absolutely in love with it. :/ I can just never be satisfied with things.

I've actually lost a pound or two somehow...even though I stopped dieting and exercising so much...I guess with my new, smaller appetite (I really did eat way too much before, so this is good) and my digestion pills, I'm finally starting to get to where I need to be. Smile I may even be closer to 25.5" by the time my corset comes in the mail! I'm so glad that woman knew what she was talking about. Unfortunately, not everyone there necessarily has these problems, so I'm so glad we could find the one girl who knew first-hand. If I ever need advice in-store like that again, I'm definitely going to see if any of the employees know first-hand before taking advice based on what most of the customers buy.


It is GORGEOUS!!! <3<3<3!!! It's very well made, I'm surprised to say. Last night I just wore it for under three hours to break it in, and wore it pretty loosely. Today I'm going to wear it for a few hours a little bit tighter. Since I ordered one six inches too small, the part that's raised for my hip bone isn't in the right spot right now, but once I start actually tightening it it'll be perfectly fine. It feels completely different from the Squeem, but I love it. It doesn't expand when I breathe, so that'll be something to get used to. ^^; The laces don't look like they'll be good for tightlacing, so I'll either just have to take it slow or get new laces later on. I love that it came with garter straps; my boyfriend's going to love it even more once he sees that. ;P

Right now I measure over the corset at 27", so I'm only pulled in by an inch or two. I wish I could jump right into it, I'm so impatient! The curve in my waist isn't as defined with it on, but I'm sure once I break it in it will be. I'm not used to the limited bending I can do with this (taking my shoes off was a hassle!), but it's still new and very stiff.

I can see my arms being completely toned in a month or so just from tightening and loosening the laces everyday! It is a serious workout! I keep stopping to take breaks because I'm not at all used to this. At least once I get the hang of it, I'll have incredibly flexible arms and I'll be able to wash my back in the shower even better! Big Grin

(30-08-2012, 04:03)mochaccino Wrote:  For those who want to try a cream instead of tightlacing, or in addition to tightlacing, a lot of people recommend Yohimburn ES. It's expensive, but at least it has a lot of satisfied users and a plausible mechanism by which it could actually reduce fat and not just water. In my opinion, most other creams work by localized dehydration, which does produce a visible reduction but it's extremely temporary. Products with Yohimbine work by inhibiting alpha 2 receptors. If you look at sites that cater mostly to male bodybuilders, the reviews of Yohimburn are very mixed. That's because Yohimbine only works on estrogenic fat. It can work on men who are already at an extremely low level of body fat because almost all of the fat they have left is either vital fat (meaning necessary to stay alive) or estrogenic fat. Small pockets of estrogenic fat are always the last to go on a very slim man. Most other men will see little or no results. The reason why there's such a huge sex difference is that estrogenic fat is much higher in alpha 2 receptors than other types of fat, so women should get much better results from yohimbine containing products like Yohimburn. I'm going to try making my own yohimbine topical, but I won't describe it here because it could be dangerous, and I have no idea who might be reading this. Sorry, guys Tongue

PS: If you're interested in making your own yohimibine cream, don't be, because it's actually not easier, cheaper, or more effective. I'm just doing it because I have a bunch of old yohimbine pills that I never used.

I will look up more on the yohimbe for sure. I have fat on the back of my arms that I want to rid myself of and also on the top back of my hips, but I dont want to loose any weight because it comes off my boobs.

They sell the "It Works" wraps at the place that I tan so I just got online to read about them today. Heres the ingredients. Not sure it says anywhere on the website how it works, it doesnt claim to reduce fat, but I think its some sort of detox. Do you think this is something that just dehydrates the area or is it pulling stuff out of the fat making it temporarily smaller?

"It Works" wraps

I wonder If I could make something like this at home. My hubby would probably think I'd gone off the deep end. I told him about NBE and he doesnt think it can work. He was like..."thats rediculous.. I'm going to start looking into penis enlagement online haha"

On first glance, it seems like there's way to many ingredients over all. Im always wary of "kitchen sink" products. It would take forever to look up relevant studies on each herbal ingredient and figure out whether it's at all plausible that they would cause a local reduction, whether by fat or water loss, so Im not even going try, but I honestly don't think it's necessary in this case. On the other hand, there does seem to be some caffeine in there, which is usually considered to be the best local diuretic. There also apparently used to be an effective diuretic in preparation-H, but it was removed fom the product in the US. IMO, in most of these diuretic formulas, everything other than caffeine and carriers is just a waste. I know that that they claim that their product "gives you detoxifying, tightening, toning and firming", but in my opinion that's just clever marketing speak for "water loss". They also say that "many body wraps simply cause water loss" in an attempt to imply that their body wrap works in some other way, without ever actually saying that their product doesn't work by causing water loss, or that it causes fat loss, or that the results are permanent. If they made any of those claims outright, they would be lying. It seems to me like they're using tricky wording to avoid being legally accused of lying to customers, but they're also doing everything in their power to get potential customers to come to those conclusions on their own. Some of the ingredients might have a systemic effect to increase actual "dry" body weight loss over time, but you'd need to use it several times a day everyday for it to work in that way, and the effect wouldn't be local. It also might have some effect on your skin, but it couldn't actually cinch up your skin like a tummy tuck, especiall not to the point that your own skin would suck you in enough to reduce your measurements.

In my opinion, there are only 3 ingredients that have a plausible chance of reducing body fat locally. None of them have anywhere near enough support to be considered "proven" to work, but they still seem way more plausible than most other stuff out there. They are aminophylline, yohimbine, and forskolin. There doesn't really seem to be a safe reliable source of topical aminophylline at this time, and it's super expensive. The few companies that sell it strike me as extremely fishy. As another option, you could buy a liquid "coleus forskohlii" extract as a source of forskilin, and it'll probably be cheaper than yohimbine cream, if price is an issue. I might try it out myself in the future. You would need to mix it with carriers for penetration. Of course, If I were drowning in cash (I wish!) I might buy both the forskohlii extract and Yohimburn and mix them together.

Hmm well I think the "it works" wrap is out of the question then. I like to shop on amazon and I get the points a lot so I always use them for "extra" treats and so that I can also get super saver free shippingBig Grin.

So you think I could mix the coleus extract with a yohimbe product? I like the idea, but I would still need to be in a calorie deficit/weight loss mode in order for it to come off right? I noticed if I dont eat late at night and if I eat a no carb breakfast I can spend the morning in fat burn mode (I usually show trace to small on my ketostrips) and then by noon I can start eating carbs so its like I'm burning a little replacing all the time.

I couldn't find the yohimburn products on amazon, but I did find this one. It is cheaper.-

And this coleus extract -

Those both look great. A standardized coleus extract would be even better, but I haven't been able to find one. If you try it, I definitely hope you keep us updated. As far as dosage is concerned, I would just take the amount recommended for oral consumption on the bottle. I think I want to try those 2 myself, but I need to stop wasting money and get in shape first Tongue

Oh yes, I definately need to try the thing I need to know is, when to do it?

I just finished my first month of PM and I am on day 1 again.
Should I wait until me first break/cleanse after 3 or 4 months, hopefully I can get some boobage growth by then?!?......or should I do it during my next period break, or does it matter? I probably only need to loose maybe 3lb if it would just come off in the right places lol!

I lost a few lbs (not really on purpose, but just from diet changes) and gained it back while on NBE and doing topicals but I cant tell if it redistributed any differently or not.

ETA..I just found my flyer on the "it Works" wraps and it says here-

How does the ultimate applicator detox the body?
The toxins inside your body have already built up, around and between fat cells over the years. Toxins usually gain in number daily depending on lifestyle. The wraps reshape your entire body, repositioning the bodys fat cells which results to inches lost. It pulls toxins from the body into the wrap itself and you will also eliminate them naturally through your body. ...but then it does say your body will start to build them up again lol.

My friend did try one and said it took quite a bit off her waist so now she is selling them. but yes, the inches lost probably was from localized dehydration...unless there really are inches of toxins in there, in which case a wrap doesnt sound like a bad idea depending on how fast they will pile back up i guess?Huh

Insulin completely negates the effects of yohimbine, so you have to take it first thing in the morning and then wait at least 1 1/2 hours to eat breakfast. part of that time should be spent doing cardio, if you have time. It'll still work ok without cardio, but it will not work at all if you're not "fasted". All foods provoke an insulin response, not just carbs, so you really do need to be fully fasted. Luckily this means that you don't really have to follow a super low carb diet during the rest of the day in order for it to work. Scheduling it this way is a pain, and probably means that you'll have to take breakfast to work, unless you don't have a problem with skipping breakfast entirely. That's one reason why I decided that I don't want to start using yohimbine until I actual get fairly fit.

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