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(18-04-2011, 02:55)magymtz Wrote:  Anastasia916

I'm new here, and I noticed that the same people always post. Why is that? It just seems to me that the same people always post because that is their job.. Maybe I am wrong... But it makes me skeptical when the same people are giving the answers...

Because breast enhancement takes a lot of time and this is a community.
Most of us who are dedicated to our journey don't just come and go. We give our tips, tricks, and experiences. It's what makes this community a community.

(02-05-2012, 04:04)Ann80 Wrote:  I'm planning on getting NB but I was just wondering, does the box that it is delivered in say "noogleberry". Weird question, but I live with a few friends and it'd be awkward if they saw what it was that I bought..

Nope, my noogleberry came in a boring brown box. Only thing that was on it was Royal Mail and my mailing address. Don't worry, I had the same worries but my delivery wasn't obvious at all. Tongue


Anyway, to answer your questions based on my experience,

About Noogleberry Method

1. How does Noogleberry work? Well from what I've read, it works by tissue expansion, the same method Brava works on. But Noogleberry works on a higher pressure than Brava.
2. Is it safe and natural for your body? Natural? Heck no! Haha! The body doesn't naturally put pressure on itself to expand! However, the body adapts to this expansion by making more tissue. Thank you, body! It is safe as long as YOU put a safe pressure on your breasts. If you pump too much, you can actually damage your breasts!

3. Are the results completely permanent? Or do I need to keep on pumpinp to maintain size? From the noogleberry legends, I would say it's permanent. But it can't hurt to maintain~ Gravity is a never-ending battle, yo!

4. Will you get stretch marks, sagging breasts, bigger nipples or health problems? I never got any new stretch marks. What I really like is that as my breasts get bigger, my stretch marks get less noticeable! The noogleberry actually corrects sagging so don't worry about that. I don't think you will experience any health problems as long as you are a healthy individual and as long as you use it correctly. Don't abuse it!

5. How much bigger did your breasts get? I'm nearing my fifth month of using the noogleberry and I think I've gained a few centimeters. I don't measure my breasts, but I cannot deny that they have gotten bigger. Nothing substantial YET, but ohhhh they're on their way! >:3 I am also taking pueraria mirifica so PM paired with the noogleberry is just gonna be great! One noogleberry legend who did this method and is now an E Cup is Philli. Her progress is over years but it is AMAZING. Her pictures.

6. How long did it take you to reach that size? 4 months. The journey isn't over!

7. How often do I need to pump, and for how long each time? Everyone has their own regimen. Some do 30 minutes a day, some do one hour, some do more. I personally usually do one 2-hour session daily. If I feel up to it, I'll do another two-hour session totalling four hours. I do at least two-hours because I read a testimonial on eBay from a woman who used many different pumps over 5 years and gave tips. She stated it does work, but at least two-hours of the pump being used are needed to grow. The body can't ignore two hours of its tissue being expanded so it has to adapt. Tongue

Pros: Delicious fullness, perkiness, lovely round shape, and the swelling you get after every noogling session is so inspiring because that temporary size will someday become your permanent size!

Cons: After awhile, it can get a bit uncomfortable. That's when it's time to readjust. The noogleberry is not a torture device!


You are hilarious. If I read correctly, you are Tank Girl on the NB forum right?? In which case, you are also hilarious over there.

It's a very discreet brown box. No worries, everyone has wondered this at one point or another before buying.


(02-05-2012, 22:46)NotSoBusty Wrote:  Ladyflash,

You are hilarious. If I read correctly, you are Tank Girl on the NB forum right?? In which case, you are also hilarious over there.

MY COVER IS BLOWN! Hello, SoonToBeBusty! <3 Tongue

I started on 3 Nov 2012 for about 2 months and got nothing, not even swelling. I am doubtful with the result.

lillady, we need a bit more details to help you here. What cup sizes are you using? How long are you noogling and how often? What noogle method are you using? Are you taking any supplements for NBE? What is your current bra size? I can almost bet that you just need to adjust your routine a bit.

(02-05-2012, 21:49)Ladyflash Wrote:  7. …..I do at least two-hours because I read a testimonial on eBay from a woman who used many different pumps over 5 years and gave tips. She stated it does work, but at least two-hours of the pump being used are needed to grow. The body can't ignore two hours of its tissue being expanded so it has to adapt. Tongue


Brava breast enlargement,Bosom Beauty 2012,breast hand pump and Enhance system - I have used all these breast suction machines and devices over the last 5 years and I wanted to write this guide to let women know the ups and downs of these systems and what sort of results they could expect.I have read so many forums and guides with women giving advice on all types of systems.Some forums and groups are run by the company selling the product on their own websites etc so these are never going to give true feedback of the products, as they only show the posts they want to show and not the negative ones!!Some women on forums tell you to pump like mad and others fill the domes with water to get extra suction.I know it sounds mad but this is the lengths women go to to get bigger breasts.I am the same but over the years I have learnt a lot and want to share my experiences with other women, either using or considering breast enlargement through suction.Well here is a little bit about me - My name is Issy and I am 37, a midwife and have two children 2 and 9 and have been using breast enlargement products for 5 years.I had break in between when I had my second child.

What is the main fact I have learnt over the 5 years- The only way to achieve real tissue expansion is to wear a system for a number of hours a day with a constant pressure in the dome.Sucking and releasing will simply only swell breasts over a short period.I would say the system needs to be worn for at least 2 hours a day to get results.That is constant wear with no breaks and constant pressure in the dome with the breast pumped to the same size for the whole duration.

Here is my 5 year story starting back in 2002 with my first experience.Starting size 32AA

Breast hand pump/Squeezy Bulb

This was my very first breast suction experience.I found this great hand breast suction device on the internet and was so excited.It consisted of 4 plastic domes with a pump that sucked out the air.You can still buy these on the internet today in may different styles.You simply pump the air out of the domes as far as you can, then hold it for 5-10 mins and then release and pump again.You do this for as long as you can,may be half an hour in the morning and same again at night,thats what I did. As you pump your breasts get bigger and bigger.

Problems- Can be painful to wear as it seems to really suck out your breast.Leaves rings around your breasts and is very boring sitting pumping with your hand.Very hard to keep domes in place as you start pumping ,as there is no bra to keep the domes in place.These systems are cheap to buy around 20-50 GBP and this shows with the design of the domes.They are like tupperware dishes,very wide and with no shape at the bottom.The plastic can be cheap and the pump is often stiff to pump and noisy.The other type I tried was with a bulb that you sqeezed,this was even worse,the domes wouldn't stay in place while you were squeezing the bulb.Then after a couple of sessions the bulb split!

Results- Used the system for nearly a year on and off.When I used the system my breasts would swell and stay for may be a few hours.My breasts used to go purple which I later found out was really bad for your breasts and can damage tissue.Your breasts should never go purple and even worse some women talk about blood blisters and broken blood vessels.This is a no no and please never let this happen.Your breasts should never go purple,this is pumping your breasts too far ,too hard and is not recommended.Once I stopped using the hand pump system my breasts went back to normal and I was dissapointed and gave up for about a year.During this time I read up a lot on breast tissue expansion and this is when I learnt that suction had to be a constant even pressure in the dome ,so I now understood why my efforts with the pump were wasted. However I felt better about myself while using the system as they did swell up and look fuller.I was not going to give up.I kept looking for new machines and devices as I knew I was never going to go under the knife.At this time I knew I wanted another baby and was not going to risk not being able to breast feed etc.

Brava Breast -

Now I was excited! I found out about the Brava system via the internet and thought I have just got to have one.It cost me a small fortune at the time but I wanted one so badly.I had done my research and Brava did sound perfect.Two huge domes with a silicone rim that was attached to a small pump giving constant pressure in the domes.I got myself down to Harley medical group and handed over my money.

Problems- The domes were huge,the silicone was itchy to wear but was more comfortable than the hand pump.I had to sleep in this system for 10 hours a night which I have to say I did for the first 6 weeks then I couldn t do it any longer.I then reduced to about 6 hours in the day for most of the time with the occasional 10 hour session.I used the system during the summer and my god those domes were itchy.The smartbox alarm used to also go off through the night for no reason which drove me mad.I also came up in a red rash that got so bad around week twelve that I had to go to the GP.He told me I was allergic to the silicone and had to stop using the system.I still carried on for another 3 weeks but then had to give up as it became unbearable.The good thing about Brava was my breast never hurt,never went purple and did swell up lots.The bra was also great as it held the domes in place until the air was sucked out of the domes.I was not sure if this was going to last but had gone up from a 32AA to a 32A.I used the system for about 15 weeks in total .

Results- I grew one cup size which I did feel was worth the money- if it lasted.The good news is yes it did last and yes it still has stayed even after having another baby.It was the hardest 15 weeks of my life and some days wearing those domes was worse than childbirth!! Do I regret it -No as least I got a result.I would have liked bigger than one cup size but I was still happy.I then gave myself a break from breast tissue expansion and had another baby in 2005.I sold my Brava on ebay and got some money back!

After my second baby my breasts had more sagging and although still bigger than before I started my breast enlargement they looked a little more empty.I still filled a 32 A but was empty at the top of the bra,So yes you guessed it -I started to look for another breast enlargement system to get back some of the fullness.

Bosom beauty 2012

Having seen this system on a BBC documentary I thought I would give this a go.The machine looked easy to use and came with 3 sets of domes and a suction machine.You only needed to wear the system for about 1-3 hours a day and the pressure was constant in the domes due to the machine constantly sucking.The price was around 250 GBP so it was much cheaper than Brava.I knew Brava was not an option because of the silicone problem and long hours.So I bought one!

Problems-Well this thing was huge and weighed a ton! The machine alone was huge.There was no hiding this one away.You could never travel with this system.We liked to go away for the weekend with the kids whenever we could but this was never going to come with us.You would need a suitcase just for the Bosom beauty.I started using the system and the suction was unbearable,even on the lowest setting.I used the system for about 3 weeks but when my breasts started to turn darker in colour I stopped using it for a week.Yes my breasts did swell up and look much fuller but the dark colour scared me.I then let my breasts go back to normal and tried again but this time, again on the lowest suction my breasts turned purple.This was the final straw.The Bosom beauty was clearly not for me.I found it very painful and I really felt out of control with the whole thing.I liked to use gentle suction,like I had with Brava and I knew gentle suction worked , so I was not going to put my breasts through that every day.Also I could not bear being attached to a machine.I am a very active person and need to move around,I hate sitting still for 10 mins let alone 2 hours! The Bosom beauty did not come with any sort of bra either so it was hard to keep the domes in place whilst getting the suction.The machine was also very noisy.

Results- Yes I did get swelling but I didnt really give it long enough to know whether the results would have lasted.This machine may be bearable for some women but I found it far too painful and after reading up on it so have other women.I sold my Bosom beauty and got some money back.By now I knew I wanted to try one more device/machine but it needed to be gentle,it needed to have a bra to hold everything in place, no silicone and not attached to a machine.

Also worth mentioning that these bosom beauty machines are from China an are not CE certificated so they are not even a legal electrical product. I have heard stories of these machines blowing peoples electrics when plugged in and also over heating. One women even told me hers had smoke coming out of it!There is now even a home made Smarty box sold which looks even more lethal. I have been emailed by so many women and read all these horror stories after I bought mind so I was so glad I never continued using it.Anything that is plugged into the mains that then sucks on your breast has got to be a no no!

Enhance system-

Website - enhancebreastenlargement.com or Enhance-uk on ebay (I have added this info as so many women have asked me where to buy this system)

This was my last shot at tension induced tissue expansion.I bought the Enhance system for about 170 GBP off ebay from Enhance UK and it consisted of 3 sets of domes and a manual suction device.It also came with a zip up bra which I wanted and no machine that I needed to be attached to for hours.This looked like a good mixture of all the other systems.It needed to be worn about 2-3 hours a day so that is what I did.

Problems- It took me a bit of time to get the domes in the correct place in order to get a really good suction.The manual tubing was a bit fiddly to use at first but I did get the hang of it fairly quick.You use your own breath to suck the air out of the domes so you feel very in control.I sucked out a comfortable amount of air so that my breasts did'nt go purple etc and then the suction stayed in the domes until you take them off.The bra is a must as you need this to hold the domes in place while you suck the air out.You could not manage it without the bra.The domes are also shaped at the bottom and very good quality, a million miles from the tupperware dishes I had used a few years ago!The system felt secure as it was all held in place with the bra.I wore it under clothes while in the house which meant I could move around in it.It was easy to use and I wore the system for about 13 weeks.

There is a very helpful chat group with before and after pics at yahoo group groups.yahoo.com/group/ladylady345

Copy and paste address in to Google search and you should find the group.

Results- Well my breasts did swell up using this system and have filled out at the top of my breasts giving the appearance I had before my second child.I am now between a 32A and 32B so I have had some growth.I stopped using the system in Jan 2008 and still have the growth so I am hoping this growth will stay now.I am going to hold on to this system for now and use it again in the future,I think I am addicted to the whole breast enlargement thing.Once you start you keep thinking may be I could go just that bit bigger !!!


Just thought I would give you all an update on my breast enlargement journey.The greatest news is that I have kept all my growth from my treatment with the Enhance breast enlargement system I used back in Oct 2007.I can't tell you how happy I am.I have used nothing for nearly 10 months now but I am now thinking I might try a second treatment with the Enhance system and try and grow another cup size.I am thinking of starting again after Christmas.I am a 32B in most bras and the thought of maybe getting to a 32C would be a dream come true.I know some women will think I am being greedy but it worked so well the first time that I think why not! Baby number 3 has been put on hold due to my career so I really think now is a good time for another 13 week session.I will let you know on my progress.Enhance seems to be the system everyone is opting for at the moment and I agree.It is getting more and more popular as women see great results like I have.Here's to bigger boobs.

Anyway,I hope you have found this guide helpful and remember- Never let your breasts go purple and always keep the pressure even and constant in the dome.Also remember that pumping or sucking more air out of the domes will not make your breasts grow quicker.Your body will only respond when the tissue is pulled for a period of time away from the chest wall, this is when it triggers the production of new breast tissue,but only about a drop a day so it is no quick fix.

One more thing before I go,these systems would work the same for men wanting to grow new breast tissue.The same rules apply but they may need to wear the systems longer as they have very little breast tissue of their own.I think the bosom beauty would be painful for men as it is so strong.May be try Brava or Enhance.

Thank you for taking the time to read this guide and happy breast enlarging!

(02-05-2012, 21:49)Ladyflash Wrote:  Anyway, to answer your questions based on my experience,

About Noogleberry Method

1. How does Noogleberry work? Well from what I've read, it works by tissue expansion, the same method Brava works on. But Noogleberry works on a higher pressure than Brava.
2. Is it safe and natural for your body? Natural? Heck no! Haha! The body doesn't naturally put pressure on itself to expand! However, the body adapts to this expansion by making more tissue. Thank you, body! It is safe as long as YOU put a safe pressure on your breasts. If you pump too much, you can actually damage your breasts!


Dr Kevin Pezzi M.D.
Virtually everyone who uses a vacuum to enlarge the breasts wonders how much vacuum to use. Greater levels can trigger more rapid results but potentially also more problems, so more is not necessarily better.

So what is the best vacuum level? I can give you guidelines but no “one size fits all” numbers because people are not biologically identical. Your DNA (genes), age, medications, sleep, diet, and numerous environmental factors affect your body in many ways, such as by affecting the strength of your collagen. Collagen is one of the primary structural proteins in the body. Just as you can build a stronger home by building it with stronger boards, collagen strength is one factor determining whether your body is strong and resistant to damage or weak and fragile.

The optimal vacuum level also depends on what you are trying to achieve. For example, most men who use a vacuum for penile enlargement are using the vacuum to trigger a size increase produced by stretching the tissues. However, as I discuss in Advanced Enlargement, lower vacuum levels that produce negligible short-term stretch can trigger even greater long-term size increases through a medical principle known as tension-induced tissue growth.

Before I present guidelines to help you choose your optimal vacuum level, I will briefly mention the single greatest stumbling block that keeps most people from obtaining the results they desire. Especially in the case of tension-induced tissue growth, applying a vacuum does not directly stimulate tissue growth just as anabolic steroids do not directly stimulate muscle growth. Instead, steroids and tension create an internal environment conducive to growth. The extent of that growth depends on several factors, including diet, sleep, smoking status, and your exposure to dietary and environmental chemicals that counteract growth, oftentimes by partially blocking the effects of hormones favoring growth.

Now for guidelines on determining the best vacuum level. Pain, numbness, dysesthesias (unpleasant abnormal sensations), coolness, marked edema, and difficulty urinating (secondary to edema of the urethra or tissues surrounding it) should be obvious danger signs, yet I've heard from many men who repeatedly ignored those warnings and later regretted it. If you apply an excessive vacuum level to the penis long enough and carefully inspect it (using a magnifying glass if necessary), you may see innumerable tiny pinpoint hemorrhages resulting from red blood cells (RBCs) seeping out of the capillaries and into the tissues. You can't wash that blood away (as you can with a typical hemorrhage) because the defects do not communicate with (extend to) the outer skin. Once these microhemorrhages (microscopic areas of bleeding) appear, they fade slowly as the RBCs are broken down. Since blood contains iron, this leaches tiny amounts of iron into the penis. Iron can be a powerful oxidizing agent. Left unchecked, oxidants accelerate the destruction of tissues.

Breast and penis pumps have a flange where the vacuum dome or cylinder contacts the body. Increasing the vacuum level increases the flange force that presses into the body. This pressure is not uniform along the flange because no flange can perfectly conform to the shape of your body; the high points receive disproportionately more pressure. If the flange pressure is high enough, it can block capillary blood flow, which starves tissues fed by those capillaries. While it may take months for you to starve to death from a lack of nutrition, when part of your body is deprived of oxygen, it can die within minutes to hours, depending on its metabolic demands. Avoiding excessive flange pressure is therefore critical. You can reduce the negative effects of flange pressure by increasing the flange area, making the flange softer (which helps distribute the pressure more evenly), reducing the vacuum level, and applying a force to counteract the inward push of the vacuum dome or cylinder. A simple remedy is to apply the vacuum intermittently rather than continuously.

So how much vacuum should you apply? I generally favor using a low-level vacuum (15 to 30 mm Hg). While tension-induced tissue growth has been successfully used in medicine for years, no one yet knows the optimal tension. However, some research indicates that higher tensions may produce damage that counteracts some or all of the beneficial effects. If you wish to venture above this level, progressively increase it only if you notice no adverse effects. In any case, limit the pressure to less than 125 mm Hg for penis enlargement and much less for breast enlargement. When in doubt, use less vacuum. Lower vacuum levels usually give better long-term results by minimizing or eliminating the negative effects that often accompany higher vacuum pressures. Safety is more important than speed of results.

Finally, remember that vacuum creates tissue tension that doesn't necessarily maximize your results. To achieve optimal effects, you must pay attention to the other factors that influence tissue growth.

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