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Adding Goats Rue to PM routin


I bet you are the student that failed in class because she thought she knew everything...

But really you are saying if someone has continual high levels of oestrogen that it will NOT affect their cycles at all and that the increase progesterone compared to oestrogen has no effect on cycles.

Ok miss I am so super educated. Explain your logic and prove why.


Don't waste your time on her, she just likes pissing people off. At least I hope she does because I do not want to accept the fact that she probably truly thinks she is smart, even less, useful in this forum Cool
If she surely thinks that, then she thinks "[she] knows what [she] does not know" (Socrates), meaning that she is doomed to unimaginable ignorance, which means that she is incapable of reasoning. Any argument she starts, she will either not end or end stupidly. So if your point, Jiberish, is to point out her ignorance, you will succeed...haha. But if your point is to make her see AND accept something (that being that she is totally wrong), you wont succeed.

Listen up Malina (the english teacher) I type on a laptop with one hand behind my back in the dark....these things have a mind of their own.

Most women are a little low in progesterone. Depending on your age women and men can use progesterone. The term estrogen dominance really is a term which refers to low progesterone. Progesterone has several functions in women. It helps to sensitize receptors, it actually down regulates estradiol (estrogens) and up regulates and down regulates several genes. There is a school of thought that low progesterone plays a big role in hormonally based cancers in men and women. Leaving out the influence on genes......there is a problem in the conversion of estrone to estradiol. There is a metabolic problem where an undesirable intermediate compound is produced that is mutagenic. A reletively benign dose is 20 mg 3 to 5 times/ week for 2 weeks of the month before menstruation. You don;t have to balance it you just need to use sensible dosing. Excess progesterone converts to estradiol.

What is my source? THE domain of common knowledge,,,,READ!


Good job you just proved you don't understand the context.

All you did was explain something that didn't relate to the stated situation and just explained what progesterone is.

The whole concept of estrogen dominance is an imbalance of estrogen to progesterone. So if your estrogen is consistently higher than your progesterone it would be advised that you either lower your estrogen via stopping your estrogen supplements. Or do something to raise your progesterone for the luteal phase. Why do you think so many people on here that take it without break say "OMG I missed my period help!"?

Nice attitude on sources...clearly you would fail any academic paper with that mindset.

Lol u guys r funny. This thread got way off topic. The reason why I even asked about goats rue was because I read that it increased prolactin like fenugreek minus the extra estrogen and fighting PM for the reseptors. Honestly in my opinion NBE is theory and trail and error. There is no one way that will work for everyone. Ive read that ur not supposed to mix other herbs with PM or take it all month but for me that's what works. I've been doing it for a few months now. Granted my PM dose was pretty small in the beginning but I've been mixing the whole time. I've noticed whenever I take PM without the fenugreek my results seem to diminish a bit but when I take them together my boobs just keep getting bigger and bigger. I don't think I've liked my boobs as much as I do now.

I have been on PM and Goats rue with L-arginine for a month now, i haven't noticed much more than a bit more fullness (from the PM). I was on the Greenbush #2 kit for a while and then switched to PM capsules and Fenugreek extract for massage, and that's when i had the best swelling i have ever experienced! Then my period came and lost everything i had gained, i haven't responded the same to anything i have tried since. Sad
Im glad your getting results, i remember how happy i was with my swelled boobage. Big Grin

Well if u don't notice a difference u could try taking fenugreek capsules and start out on a small dose that way u can up the dosage if u feel like ur results r slowing down. When I first started taking fengureek it'd give me headaches if my dose was too high. Also I take a dose of hops before bed.

Good job you just proved you don't understand the context.

All you did was explain something that didn't relate to the stated situation and just explained what progesterone is.

The whole concept of estrogen dominance is an imbalance of estrogen to progesterone. So if your estrogen is consistently higher than your progesterone it would be advised that you either lower your estrogen via stopping your estrogen supplements. Or do something to raise your progesterone for the luteal phase. Why do you think so many people on here that take it without break say "OMG I missed my period help!"?

Nice attitude on sources...clearly you would fail any academic paper with that mindset.


Listen up you pathetic goofball (and i say that affectionately) estrogen supplements do not make you estrogen dominate. They are considered modulators or adaptogens. Look that up! They actually compete with for the same receptors as estradiol keeping it in suspension...the conversions
of estrone to estradiol and vice versa does not take place in the cell and hence the intermediary mutagenic metabolite can not occur....right?

Things like plant estrogens have a different metobolic pathway than estradiol and there are no mutagenic metabolites in the absence or low I know why your name is jibberish!!!!

Another basic thing you don't understand the appropriate supplement of progesterone down regulates estradiol..........translatiion it decrease it.

plant estrogens modulate estradiol helping to decrease estrogen dominance............

got it...........come out of the "GOOFY ZONE"


Although they can both fight for the receptor attention. If you consume too much you will still get the same affect as estrogen dominance.

Like if a man takes an anabolic steroid. It is not natural testosterone and in fact inhibit your natural production. You will still get the overall affect of too much testosterone.


jiberish you have absolutely no clue of what your talking about.

You do not understand the basic concept of estrogen dominance,,,,,,,,,your
notion you constructed in your mind.

You get an F

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