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Giving it another try!


I received my Booby Stacked Cream yesterday and wanted to give my initial impressions. The packaging was very nice and very cute! I was pretty impressed by it. The cream itself has a very lovely whipped soufflé consistency and it feels so nice for massage! You don't need a lot of product at all, yet it doesn't dry up or ball up even toward the end of the massage. (Although I have to admit, it feels so nice that I get the urge to add more and more! It definitely encourages a good, long massage.) In the jar, to me it smells like a very sweet vanilla cupcake. Or possibly a carrot cake with sweet homemade cream cheese/vanilla frosting. So yummy! After applied, another scent comes out in it that I can't really pinpoint. It smells like something I've used before - a body butter or something - but I don't remember what kind it was. I love it though. I could smell it on me all day yesterday and it was such a pleasant scent! Anyway, as I said, a little goes a LONG way. I used it on both breasts twice yesterday and I can't even tell I used any by looking at the jar. Since one jar should definitely last a while I think I will start using it on my butt just once a day after showering. If I remember correctly, the niece of the lady who makes this stuff said that when she was first testing it out (to test for potentially negative side-effects), she started applying it on her booty because she didn't want to gain in the boobs area, and she gained there and in her boobs as well! I don't think I would be that lucky...

I noticed a tiny increase in tingles after the first use. After the second I noticed the same along with some pains in my right breast. This morning I have slight tenderness in both breasts for the first time before my period started. I'm not getting too excited just yet, but I can definitely say that I'm eager to continue using it!

Today is day 4 of my cycle so tomorrow I will add in Fenugreek and Goat's Rue. So far, no negative effects from my program.

Here are my measurements:

Above bust: 30 1/2" (+1/4")
Across bust: 30 1/4" **
Under bust: 26 1/2" (same)

Waist: 22 1/2"
Hips: 32 1/2"
Weight: 90 lbs

** This is fluctuating between 30 1/4" and 30 1/2". I'm going to go with 30 1/4" since it's not consistant.

I'm more sore today. I felt some pretty decent growing pains/tingles/aches later yesterday. I know this is all due to the cream (so far). Today I've added in the FG and will be making the GR tea this afternoon. I sure hope it doesn't mess up what's going on with the cream!
Nighttime update: A short while after I drank my second cup of GR tea, I lost all my soreness. I also lost all growing pains. I got to thinking, PM suppresses prolactin, and the Booby Stacked Cream has PM in it. It also has FG in it though. I'm wondering if the GR is pointless to take while using the cream. Then again, some people have had success taking GR with PM internally. Anyway, I think I'm going to cut out the GR for this cycle. The cream seems to have potential so I'm going to focus on what works with it. I was toying with the idea of taking Licorice in it's place but I'm not sure if that's a good idea.

I've decided I'm not going to carry on with my program as it was. The BSC seems to hold some promise for me and I want to be sure I'm taking things internally that will work with it; not against it. So I'm going to throw myself on the PM train and see how that works for me. So far I've only taken 5 full days of SP (which I'm going to continue taking with PM anyway) and 1 day of FG and GR tea which I don't think will make a huge difference in switching my program. I'm going to be doing a whole lot of tweaking with this I'm sure so I'm not going to post an official program yet. I will keep it the same for one cycle, change it if needed for the next, and then once (if) I find something that works just right for me, I'll post it. For the most part I will be following the cycling program that Isabelle suggested for me. I will start taking PM tomorrow. I probably won't be updating as frequently since I'll keep be keeping my detailed notes in a notebook, and then posting when I figure out what works for me. But I'll definitely still be browsing the site daily!

Some soreness has returned today. Yay! Visually I think I'm a little bit fuller but that could just be my imagination. When I massage and cup my breasts though, they definitely feel fuller and more dense. My period is still dragging on but in a very strange way. I wish it would just get over with already!

I think I've decided that my Christmas gift to myself this year will be to order a jar of the Booty Stacked Cream as well. It sounds like it has a great success rate.

Things are going a little bit better with PM that I'd expected. So far, the main negative side-effects I've experienced are GI issues and some problems with headaches. The GI stuff is getting better (I no longer have the um... "bathroom issues") but my stomach is still feeling crampy and gurgley at times. It was better yesterday but yesterday was also the first day I experimented with dividing one 100mg capsule into two 50mg doses - one taken in the morning and one at night. That helped with my stomach but I also didn't feel as many growing signs. So today I went back to one 100mg capsule taken in the morning. I didn't really get a headache today, which coincides with the usual time I usually get headaches after my period. Unfortunately my stomach is a little worse now, I think because it got the break yesterday and was given the full dose again today. I remember experiencing the same GI problems the first 2-3 days when starting other PM programs before, but they always went away pretty quickly. This doesn't seem to be improving a whole lot with time. I'm assuming because it's so potent.

So far I've been getting pretty good growing pains. The last couple days I've had slight soreness on and off. No measurable growth (in fact, I should mention that my beginning "across bust" measurement is actually back down to 30 1/4" - I re-measured before I took my first PM capsule) but the outer sides are looking much fuller and more rounded.

Notes to self regarding changes for next cycle:

* Considering ordering Ainterol PM. I think this might help with my stomach problems and possibly with potential headaches. I've read programs of women who used Ainterol then switched to Siriporn and experienced negative effects that they didn't with Ainterol. (For them though, the problems eventually went away on Siriporn.) I also like the idea of being able to tweak the dosages a little more. With Siriporn I'm only taking 100mg per day. 50mg gives me very little negative side-effects, but past that, I can't really change the dosage much lower in the luteal phase. I don't really want to have to divide one capsule into four doses!

* Will start taking Goat's Rue capsules. I'm going to start drinking one cup of GR tea per day now (since I have it and may as well use it), but I just have no idea how much I'm actually getting. Capsules will be much more efficient for me.

* Start PM on cyle day 8 (which is what Isabelle advised) instead of day 7 (which I stupidly did instead). I think this will greatly help with the headaches. I just started too soon, given my history of headaches on NBE right after my period ends.

I seem to be experiencing a very strange side-effect of the PM. I noticed when I first began taking it that my throat became kind of dry and sore, but in a weird way. Not necessarily like I was getting sick, but more like I had breathed through my mouth all night (which I hadn't done). It never went away but it didn't get any worse, either. Yesterday I decided to peak my PM since I hadn't had any signs of headache for the last couple days and since it was the appropriate time of my cycle to do so. I took my second PM capsule shortly before going to bed and I woke up a few times during the night with my throat hurting worse. This morning it's still pretty bad. I also have a dull, heavy feeling in my lungs like I should have a bad cough, but I don't. I know it sounds weird that it would be from PM, but I don't have any other symptoms whatsoever of being sick. And it's pretty coincidental that it started right when I began PM, and got worse when I upped the dosage. I was planning on stopping PM on day 14 but I think I'll stop today in light of not feeling well, and hopefully that will keep my cycle pretty close to its normal 28 days. I will update as to whether or not the sore throat goes away after stopping PM.

I'm not really feeling that Siriporn is right for me so I'm going to follow with herbs in the luteal phase. I will be using what I have on hand that is used in the B-Up Drops that Chiyomilk used, and a couple of others that I have that I feel will be useful.
This will be:
Saw Palmetto
Dandelion (but in smaller doses, since it gave me headaches last time)
Wild Yam
Fennel Tea (on the appropriate days)
And I will continue using the Booby Stacked Cream for massage. For all I know, what little change I see now could be due to just using that.

My breasts are still looking wider at the bottoms and outer sides, which makes them actually look flatter, like pancakes. Still though, I'd rather have that rounder, wider shape. At least that's more of a "breast" shape rather than a "fried-eggs-on-a-nail" shape. And I'm assuming that's just initial rounding and filling out. Bras aren't really fitting any differently or better, which is depressing. I will see how things end up this cycle and how things go with Ainterol next cycle. If I'm still having problems I may just give up and focus only on topicals until the first of Spring, when Wahaika recommends starting NBE. Then I'll start up with internals again.

My butt has definitely made some gains. I can feel a definite difference when I walk, and I can see it too. If only my boobs were so quick to respond...

It seems that ovulation is right on track, beginning on day 14. I began feeling the typical cramping I get with it this afternoon. This morning when I woke up I saw that I had one very small red pimple on my chin and also one in my eyebrow! Huh That's definitely a first for me. I'm sure it's from the sudden and severe estrogen crash because I abruptly stopped PM and didn't taper off like I'd planned on doing. I'll do it differently next time.

I will start taking the other herbs in two days to make sure I allow myself to fully complete ovulation. This is actually pretty cool; I didn't think I'd really ovulate on time.

I'm toying with the idea of starting PM next cycle on the first day at a very low dose. I just don't see how taking PM for five or seven days (depending on if I want to keep my cycle at 28 days) can really have that much of an effect. If I'm going to do that I feel like I might as well just take herbs the whole cycle and not have to take that break. Hopefully I'll make some progress this cycle in the luteal phase.

Nothing new to report as far as progress goes, really. During the luteal phase I've been experimenting with which herbs I should be taking. First I started out with FG, WY, and SP. I only took one pill of each just one time the first day and I ended up with a horrendous headache. I was shocked. So the next day, thinking it was due to the WY, I took Licorice in its place and drank a cup of Fennel tea. It was better, but still there. So since then I've been trying different things to figure out what I can take without getting the headaches, and that will also giving me growing signs. I took only FG and SP for a couple days and felt just fine, so yesterday I took 1 FG in the a.m., 1 Dandelion in the afternoon, and 2 FG at night. Still felt fine, and had lots of aching, tingling, and pains going on. Today I will up it to 2 FG in the morning as well, 1 Dandelion in the afternoon and 2 FG at night and stick with that probably for the rest of this cycle. I did have some initial very slight tenderness and swelling after starting the herbs but it quickly went away.

I just get so disappointed that I'm not getting any soreness despite the fact that I always have so many aches and pains and tingles. Really the only time that I did throughout this entire NBE journey so far was when I was taking Dandelion, and that was completely by accident and it also went away and I started getting bad headaches again. I think it's odd that I seemed to have less problems with headaches when I was taking PM - and Siriporn PM no less! I haven't been able to order Ainterol yet and I'm not sure when I'll be able to. So it may be another cycle on Siriporn. Not looking forward to the stomach problems.

The most notable thing that's happened this cycle is with my moods. When I began PM I remember I was very emotional the first two days. Sad, weepy, feelings of despair and hopelessness... but then everything got much better. I really felt pretty good. But just over the last few days (and I could feel it coming on for a short time before that) my mood shifted considerably. I felt as if I were in a very deep depression. I crashed hard. I'm still feeling the effects and trying to fight it off. It's improving, but slowly. I've read about others having similar experiences with PM - it really improves their mood but then when the time comes to stop taking it, they feel horrible. So for that reason, I'm planning on taking PM in the follicular and luteal phase next cycle (still allowing a break for ovulation, of course), like Isabelle suggested. I know there will still be a stop/start but hopefully the PM will pick me back up before I crash too hard again.

If I can find my measuring tape, I think I'll take my measurements today. I know I don't have any pre-period swelling and I want to see if I gained anything at all before my period comes.

Once again, not much new to report. I'm not really measuring any different. I can feel a difference when I massage in that there's more there and I don't feel my ribs at all, but visually it's nothing drastic. My bras might be fitting just a slight bit better. When I woke up on Christmas Eve I felt some soreness and got so excited!... buuuut then I missed a dose that night as well as my massage, skipped my morning dose on Christmas Day because I had a headache and missed my morning massage, and yesterday I felt so worn out and lazy that I skipped my morning dose. Naughty me.

I'm still trying to decide how to do my next cycle on PM. My Ainterol will be arriving today, so I'll definitely have it in time for my period (which feels like it should be pretty much on time in a few days). I'm debating whether I should take the FG, SP and Dandelion for the first several days of my period, then switch to PM and gradually increase my dose up until ovulation... Or if I should just start taking PM at a very low dose on the first day of my period and gradually build up. And I'm also trying to figure out exactly how I want to do things in the luteal phase. I guess I'll figure it out as I go. Based on the mood/emotional problems I had during my luteal phase this time, I'm leaning more toward using PM (maybe with FG?) again at a lower dose during that time.

I placed an order last night for another 4oz jar of Booby Stacked Cream and a 4oz jar of the Booty Stacked Cream. I've never seen mention of anyone here using the Booty Stacked, so I'll be sure to report my progress with that every once in a while. I know lots of people here are interested in growing/developing that part of their bodies as well as their boobs! I'm excited to try it!

*ETA - Right after I posted this update I went to the bathroom and saw that I had started my period! That makes it four days early! So instead of having a late period on PM, it was a little shorter! Usually when I wake up the day that my period starts I feel really really tired and exhausted but I feel totally normal today! That's awesome. Granted I only took PM for six days of my cycle, but I've never had an early period on any other form of NBE. In light of this, I'm going to begin taking PM today at a very low dose. It seems my body can handle it!

Hi Shortcake,

How have you been.. Guess what I am back taking PM again.. I was taking hops and turned out I was very allergic to it.. anyway I am doing pretty much the same as you with PM keeping the dose low this time.. I actually missed it cause it was helping my mood, skin and hair alot along with booty too but I am taking maca too but the PM was doing stuff to the booty too..but maca is def doing booty work cause for one my jeans are getting very tight and when I was with my man I was bending over to take my shoes off he said your ass is looking it takes alot for him to say something like that..I had a nice smile next time I want to hear that for the titasBig Grin anyway...glad your feeling better..well it sounds like you are. As of now I am taking just PM and maca durning my period then going to stop PM a few days and then keep it low durning the second cycle and take FG, GR, barley grass, and maybe WY and throw in a few other progestin/prolactin herbs but use very low amounts and maybe equal amounts of each not sure..experimenting..Blush

Hello, Susan!

It's great to see you back here! I was wondering where you'd disappeared to! I'm glad you got to spend some time with your man though. Smile I hope you had a great time! (It sounds like you did!)

It sounds like we're going to have similar programs! Though I think I might just leave it at low PM along with FG and SP in the luteal phase. Still though, same basic concept. You're taking Ainterol PM, right? That's what I'm taking this cycle as well. (I'll give a little update below on my experience so far with that.) I hope this program works out well for you! It's amazing how complicated this whole process can be.

Isn't it great to get a compliment like that?! It's such a good feeling when the man in your life takes notice of things like that. Smile And I hear ya, I'd love to be told something along those lines about my boobs, too! My butt has always been much easier for me to "grow" than my boobs. Speaking of that, I know you used the Booby Stacked Cream before. You probably already read it in my program but I've been using it for a few weeks now as well, and just ordered a jar of the Booty Stacked. I'm really excited to try it. I'll be sure to let you know how it works for me! I've been putting the Booby Stacked on my booty once a day and I can feel and see a difference just with that.

Best of luck to you with your new program! I'll definitely watch your updates!! Big Grin


The first day of my cycle I took half a capsule of PM. I was so happy to find that I didn't experience ANY GI issues with it! None whastoever! No headache either. So the second day of my cycle (yesterday) I took half in the morning and half in the evening, for a total of 500 mg. Still no GI Issues and just a very slight hint of a headache today. I'm going to do the same today and if the headache starts to get worse I'll go back down to half per day until my period ends. I'm going to gradually increase the amount of PM I take until I peak for 3 days (days 10-12) taking 1000mg of PM per day. Then I will stop and resume after ovulation with taking 500mg of PM along with FG and SP. If I experience negative side-effects I will lower the PM to 250mg per day. I'll stop taking PM on day 25 of my cycle and continue with the rest until my period comes.

After taking the first half capsule I definitely felt some stuff going on in my breasts. I don't feel as much now after taking it but I'm not too worried about it. I usually don't feel a whole lot going on during my period with other NBE programs either.

I'm almost out of collagen and I don't think I'm going to repurchase. I just really don't think it's done much for me, not even really for my nails, hair, skin, etc. And hopefully the PM will benefit those areas anyway. I've been taking it for about five months and can't say I've noticed a difference with it. I'm going to add a calcium supplement.

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