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BO Dosage


Need BO users advice
June 14 2007 at 10:49 AM
sandy (Login sandy111)


Hello ladies,sorry for the long paragraph in advance.Just need a little advice of what u think.
Should one stick to the lowest dose u feel pain with?I mean i felt pain on 1500 mg but still tried 2000mg to see if i feel any thing extra.Haven't felt anything yet but i was also going through a rough time..I also remember many talk about stalling because the receptors are overloaded or something..So as a conclusion do u think one should stick to the lowest possible dose? Thank you all and good growth for u all.

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(Login Myjourney) yes June 15 2007, 3:28 PM

IMO YES!!! I found that trying higher doses made me stall out bad...and gave me a headache.

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(Login Ann5)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Need BO users advice June 16 2007, 12:56 AM

I'd suggest to stay at 1500mg. How long have you been at that dose btw?

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(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Need BO users advice June 16 2007, 8:40 AM

Hi Ann.I was about 2 weeks on 1500 mg and 10 days 2000 mg.But all together i have been 2 months on BO.At the biginning i was very unpatient and upped and lowered my doses without giving it a chance.I also believe now that 1500 mg is best.I am now out of BO.I am making a milk thistle cleanse until i get the rest of the Bottles.Thanks and good luckSmile
How are u donig with ur program.I think u are on 1500mg too right?

(Login Ann5)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Need BO users advice June 19 2007, 3:03 AM

Thanks Sandy. Hope you get your bottles asap. Yeah I'm doing well with the BO. I love not having the bloating as with herbs. I'm taking 1500mg per day and have tingles off and on. Though not as much as in the begining. But I'm not going to ramp up yet. I want to stay a couple of more months at that dosage. I've had an inch growth, but can't say if it's permanent yet since it's my first day of my might go away. I sure hope it doesn't. Anyhow, take care and breast wishes to ya (as they say around here Wink.....).

What do you think?
February 8 2007 at 4:30 PM Holly (Login Holly34)


Hi ladies,

So I have been taking BO now for 3 weeks. I only took 2 pills 500mg for the first 2 weeks and increased to 3 pills about 6 days ago. I have not felt any tingles or ichyness etc. at all. Do you think I should ad another pill? I know others seem to be taking more and doing well. I ordered kelp, l-tyrosine and dim-plus which I will ad next month. I haven't checked my temp but i do take a lot of cayenne every day.

I know it is still early but suggestions please!!! I always got tingles on herbs at least in the begining.


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(Login emmiedee) nettle root? February 8 2007, 5:04 PM

maybe try adding nettle root? its really the only herb i take with the bo... most of the rest is oil or collagen. oh i started vitex with it too, but who knows. just wanted to experiment...

i would say nettle. i used to take saw palmetto but switched recently and im not as dehydrated.

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(Login Holly34) Re: What do you think? February 8 2007, 5:19 PM

Thanks Emmie,

I was thinking about Nettle Root. I already take vitex. I did take nettle for a while when I was on herbs, sp made me gain too much weight. What brand do you take?

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(Login Buffeeee) Re: What do you think? February 8 2007, 9:30 PM

How much do you weigh? I'm 140-145 lbs and I started with 2 500mg capsules twice a day. I felt sore spots and tingles within about 4 days. Started in the middle of my cycle.

Maybe you aren't taking enough??

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(Login wonderbride)
SENIOR MEMBER Hi Holly, February 9 2007, 12:54 AM

I upped my bo, 500mg ea. from 4 a day to 6(3 twice a day) a day about 5 days ago. I also started taking 4SP(2 twice a day) capsules along with liquid damiana & WY extract with my pills. After 2 days, I woke up with tingling on the breasts in the morning. I haven't felt tingling for quite a while now so it's good to feel something happening again. I've had problems with yeast infections a couple of months ago but now that I feel healthy again, I decided to up my bo dosage to see if I can get more growth going. So far so good... Good luck with your experiment and hope you feel something happening soon. Smile


Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve...

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: What do you think? February 9 2007, 1:25 AM

Hi Holly, just a thought, maybe take 2 pills twice a day. Michelle said that BB told her they do some kind of potenization to their pills, so maybe you need a little more with the generic? Hang in there, there are testimonials on their site where women took the pills and didn't grown until the 3rd or 4th month, then had good growth. You are basically taking the same product.

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(Login mama2fiveboys) Re: What do you think? February 9 2007, 2:36 AM

I have taken BB pills for 9 months now, I didn't grow or notice a change at all until AT LEAST my 3rd month, since then I have grown about 2 inches and have a lot more fullness and my breasts are more round and firm. I still have a lot of growing that I would like to do, I started out an A cup and am now starting to fill out a 34 B, my goal is to be a C . . .I am just not very patient and NBE takes a long time! But at least I do know that it is working.

Hope that helps!

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(Login Holly34) Re: What do you think? February 9 2007, 2:14 PM

It's very frustrating trying to get it right. I did take a nettle root pill last night. I had some left over..not sure if they ever helped me before...the brand I have is nettle root power extract and it says to only take one pill a day??

Beffeee, I weigh 120 lbs. I'm not too skinny as I am only 5.1

Wonderbride, I knew you were one that was taking more much did you start with?

Sissy, I was thinking about taking 2 pills twice a day and I think I will try that after a couple more days on the nettle root. Right now I take 3 pills a day but only one at a time. Was also thinking that maybe I would take 1 in the morning and 2 at night instead??

Melissa, I'm glad you are having success. I know I am impatient too as you can see. It just bothers me that I am not having any sensations at all. Did you at least have some tingels before you noticed growth?

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate all the help!!

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(Login emmiedee) hmm... February 9 2007, 4:38 PM

vitaminworld brand nettle root... stinging nettle. i take two in the morning and two in the evening...

i also take a lot of bo... trying an experiment though. i think i am taking 4050mg a day right now? at this rate ill burn right through these bottles, but im giving it a shot...

i hope you find something that works for you... sometimes its tricky!

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(Login mama2fiveboys) Re: What do you think? February 9 2007, 7:50 PM


Patience is definately not my vurtue! Smile That is why this whole NBE is so hard for me. I didn't really notice anything no soreness, no tingles no nothing until I started to grow then they were still slight, I still hardly have any of the tingles that everyone talks about. My growth has slowed at this point but I have not lost any of the growth I have gained. Good luck to you!


(Login wonderbride)
SENIOR MEMBER To Holly, February 10 2007, 12:22 AM

I went from 3 to 4 to 6 bo pills a days now. I didn't feel much tingles just increasing the bo. I noticed some tingles after I added SP, damiana and wy. I'd try taking more nettle root. At least 2 twice a day to see if you feel something. Jelly said she didn't feel the nettle working until after she's taken it for about a week. Good luck

More Bountiful?
July 6 2007 at 8:15 PM lindyrose (Login lindyrose)


Ok... I've been on the Bountiful brand for 3months, I'm not growing, not feeling anything & not looking any different. I'm thinking of taking 1 extra pill a day to see if that does anything. What do you guys think??

Author Reply
(Login lilmama40) Re: More Bountiful? July 7 2007, 5:50 PM

I would up it one more pill a day and see what happens. If still nothing, perhaps you need to research whether or not your body temp is high enough and whether or not you're getting enough protein in your diet. If so, it's possible that BO isn't the right method for you and you could try another.

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(no login) NO GROWTH IN 6 MONTHS July 10 2007, 10:16 AM

I'm in the same situation as you. I have been on BB for 6 WHOLE months and there is absolutely nothing. I take kelp, selenium, Omega-3, protein shake and 2 BB pills, but I can't feel anything. I think I'm one of those people who are left with the option on surgery (if I keep on being obsessed with my breasts). I will continue taking the pills till I finish, then really think about other options.

Wish you luck.

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(Login lindyrose) Re: More Bountiful? July 10 2007, 12:53 PM

I'm still hopeful but I do feel like I need to try something different. Yesterday I took an extra pill so I think I'll do that for a while and see if anything happens. I'll give ya guys an update if I see/feel anything. My temp has been good at least for most of the month. It always takes a dive around my period no matter what I do.

Good luck ladies!!!

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(Login lindyrose) Re: More Bountiful? July 27 2007, 7:36 PM

Well I think I made the right choice... I measured myself today and I'm at 34 1/2"!!!!!!! Not much to get excited about but something is happening... I've been feeling an occasional "something" in my boobs too. I've also ordered some goats rue I did some research and it doesn't contain phtyoestrogens so it should be ok to take with the BO. I don't have it yet but I'll let ya all know if I think its helping or not.

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(Login lindyrose) Re: More Bountiful? August 2 2007, 6:59 PM

NEVERMIND! I lost my growth and my temp went down... What is going on? My temp is usually at its highest this time of my cycle. I'm gonna go back to the 2 pills... possibly gonna stop altogether. Has anyone grown that couldn't get their temp to stay up?

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(Login lindyrose) Re: More Bountiful? August 6 2007, 2:05 PM

Well I decided to stop taking BO. My ovaries are killing me... I have a kidney infection...headaches... and my temp still isn't cooperating.

Good luck ladies but I'm gonna leave it up to God now as I have prayed about it and He always answers... maybe not as quick as I would like Smile but I need to make sure I'm not hurting myself with these pills and right now my body is telling me to stop.

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(no login) Re: More Bountiful? August 21 2007, 3:43 PM

I took an extra pill and my period started coming twice a month. Keep it in mind. Gigi told me that taking more pills then required may produce faster growth in the beginning, but then growth will come to a halt and nothing will happen.

stalling AGAIN changing AGAIN
May 10 2007 at 3:25 PM
MyJourney (Login Myjourney)


Ok. So. I did a break with my cycle this month, when I started my period, I stopped the bo etal. next day, tons of aches and tingles. So, for three days I did progesterone cream, milk thistle, dandelion, and a couple of other herbs to cleanse. Then started back on the BO...tingles! Then the next two days...diminished again. arg! I kept up on the progesterone cream...thinking it was a good thing. but went back and did some reading, found pro cream could be a no no.
Actually, I went over to the BE board and found one of Wahaiki's posts on stalling and ramping etc. I do not know if we have that resource over here, but it is really good info. i think basically I have been taking to much of everything. Cuz the principal is, depending on your starting breast size, you have a limited amount of receptors, so you need smaller doses. Also, you want to take enough to grow, but not enough to over fill (receptors) because then your body signals to stop (stall).
This is a very simplified version, since all of our bodies are different. Anyway. new plan.
Taking bo. 1 pill a day. no saw palm or anything else. going to see if I actually need that. On W's ramping plan you start with just the estrogenics, and only add in the sp or nettle a few days down the road if you are still not getting tingles.
Might throw in a progesterone blocker.
I will let you know how this pans out.

Author Reply

(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER hmm May 10 2007, 3:31 PM

It makes sense!!but will u only take i pill now?so only 500 mg or did i ge that wrong? I hope the new plan works for u..maybe u were just taking too much.You can do it,be sure!!Good growth

(Login Myjourney) Yes May 11 2007, 12:21 AM

I will be only taking one 500 mg pill to start...on day one, then ramp up to two on day 2 etc. until I reach where I know i am getting tingles, and then when I feel no tingles i know that is my threshold. Also that SP isn't added until some days down the road, and maybe not at all. I may just try Nettle. I won't cry to giv up SP...since it makes me gain weight.

(no login) Re: stalling AGAIN changing AGAIN May 11 2007, 6:22 AM

Why add anything at all? I don't think one is meant to take anything else together with the B.O. Anyhow, good luck and I hope you get a growth spurt real soon!

(Login Myjourney) Well.... May 13 2007, 2:57 PM

Sometimes we add things depending on our hormonal status. I don't think generic BO is an end all product that does everything. If my receptors are filled, or my body is using the BO incorrectly, then I would need to supplement something to clear the receptors and or redirect the effects of the BO. It isn't as simple as just taking a pill...or I would have some big boobs by now LOL

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: stalling AGAIN changing AGAIN May 13 2007, 4:56 PM

MJ, are you feeling anything yet?

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(Login Myjourney) crap shoot May 14 2007, 12:04 AM

Well Sissy, yes and no. the first day on new routine tingles. Next day ramped up to 2 bo 1 sp, and diminished tingles, and none by nighttime. So, today, I took nothing in morning, and am having tingles. Today will take 1 bo and 2 nettle root. I don't want to take the SP anymore because of the nice cottage cheese it left on my thighs.
I looked at Sports Illustrateds swimsuit issue today online...just to see what is what. I hate that issue. I wish they never would have made it. But...anyway, it gave me a good idea of how large I would like my end result to be. And it motivated me to start working out. ;-o
Oh my they all have such flat tummies! argh.
I have to say this was the first time I looked at that si issue and felt like I could try to compete. The BE I have done has helped a lot, especially in the "less saggy" dept. I have avoided looking for years, because I just thought it would make me depressed. But many of the models really aren't big chested at all...only one or two.
Well, I will let you know how I proceed. I think it is so weird that I have lots of tingles on such a small dose! Although, that just says that I either don't have a lot of receptors, and my negative feedback level is very low...or my receptors are filled.
Another problem I have is that I have to have caffeine. And I have quite a bit of it. Sooooo I may have to try to cut back on that.

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(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: stalling AGAIN changing AGAIN May 14 2007, 12:13 AM

That is interesting!!So u are responding to 500 mg..hmm..we learn everyday more and more about BO.Anyway,I wish u the best of luck and hope u feel tingles and finally grow..I am starting over too with low dosage this time.Hope this works too.Good luck

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(Login Myjourney) Sandy May 14 2007, 12:28 AM

Yeah...actually if this next dosage doesn't work I may just do one day on and one day off!!! Or maybe split my pills somehow for an even smaller dose? The thing Wahaiki posted on the BE board that I read was really interesting about the threshholds. I am assuming it is the same for Bo as it is herbs, and in that case, girls who are smaller in the chest have less receptors and therefore can only take very small amounts before they stall out. I don't understand why I would need smaller amounts, because I am a b cup, loose c cup...but whatever works.

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: stalling AGAIN changing AGAIN May 14 2007, 12:31 PM

Well, I know I've said it before..... if it were me, and it just might be after I finish my bottle of BB, I would take one DNE three times daily, regardless of the tingles and pains - and stay at that dose for 2 months. My pains come and go in spurts, sometimes I will go a week without feeling anything at all.

You also could be stressing out too much. Relax, stick to a program, and if they are going to respond to BO they will. What kept me going was the BB testimonials where growth didn't happen for several months.

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Paula Longstreet
(Login butterfly40) very encouraging May 14 2007, 11:11 PM

I am doing BB too.
I may continue if I get good results as I only take 2 BB pilss a day no other herbs with it, just L-tyrosine.
But i do take royal jelly and the evening primrose for my high metabolism.
I am sure all you would need is the DNE BO ( by itself), and maybe down the road ,if needed, add SP or Nettle or whatever herb you needed for growth, like wild yam or whatever if preference.
I just like taking the one BB in morning and one at night.
Very easy!
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