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beachbumbythesea's program


Hi and welcome,

Thank you..Big Grin

Hi there,

I just had a run through on your program and I see that you are taking PM. I hope it works well for you. If you don't already have this, I would suggest calcium, magnesium and vitamin D along with your program. Smile This is because one of the side effect of taking large doses of PM for a long time will cause your bone to lose density and to brittle.

Happy growing!

(03-07-2011, 10:12)crystalelle Wrote:  Hi there,

I just had a run through on your program and I see that you are taking PM. I hope it works well for you. If you don't already have this, I would suggest calcium, magnesium and vitamin D along with your program. Smile This is because one of the side effect of taking large doses of PM for a long time will cause your bone to lose density and to brittle.

Happy growing!


yes I am taking them..thank you for letting me know..

Hi Susan,

I was a bit worried about what you posted here:

If they're coming to the surface, it means they are healing, and that will take a week, or maybe two. If you get new ones deep in your skin, you don't take enough anti-androgens. I know you backed out the SP, but are you still using borage oil, spearmint tea, or fennel tea?

Anyway, I know PM users prefer not to do other herbs, but what do they do for anti-androgens then? Zinc and vitamin B6?

Don't know a lot about PM programs - just confused Huh

I did get one that was deep but it is going away.. It may have happened because I was taking to much borage oil or not enough..sometimes I forget to take a dose or I take an I guess my body needs a happy medium..the old acne is slowly going away plus I have been using dif. face cleanser and hair me what my face looks like now to what it use to look like it looks really good..not complaining..just getting some feedback on others that may have had changes first..I was thinking of taking maca...could you give me more on that or post a link on the subject..I think there is a topic on it..I will look now for it...thank you Isabelle..

This is the thread where we discussed maca:

Rosie cut carbs before she started maca, and she kept her skin clear without SP.

Hope this works for you too Smile

Thank you for the link..

OK..I have to be really strict with my food.. I have this rash on my face which was wayyyyyyyyy worse years ago.. but it is came back but not really bad..but it is embarassing and annoying.. Evey time I eat food with tomatoe sauce, sugar, fermentated sp?, I think garlic and onion too, I get acne and my rash gets me it looks like food that is acidic..HuhRolleyes

Anyway...maybe this is a way of me getting more out of the NBE and having my girls backBig Grin Have to look at the positive.. so today I reduced my PM to 2x a day should be getting my period in a few days..if my growing pains go away I am upping it back..not sure playing by ear..

Came up with an exercise..I walk to the store to do grocery shopping and I have a rolling suitcase and a backpack had groceries sp? in both..well I decided I will use my backpack and put weights in it plus I had my shape up sneakers on and ankle weights..well my hams and glutes felt it pretty good..that is just one exercise..I do the combat type too for upper and my own body weight..but the one I mentioned with the weights works cause I need that extra to hit the muscle better and it didnt bother my quads much at all..

so going to deal with stupid is itchy now..water makes it worse..haha go figure..I need to fix my immune system..healed it before..

Hey anyone could help me..I cant get a hold of chicken feet so I bought a whole use.. should I roast it first or just put it straight into water like the feet..just do like you would make the chicken feet? I also bought beef with bone for the marrow..I feel I need more good fats to get the girls to grow..I believe I dont have enough of the good fat..

Hi Susan,

Wouldn't really know how to do the chicken, but I'd prepare portions if I was to eat it all myself, and prepare the feet separately. You can still use the bones for broth after eating the breast and wings and making salad out of the smaller bits.

The exercise sounds great: targets the upper part of the thighs, front and back Cool

(06-07-2011, 02:19)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  Came up with an exercise..I walk to the store to do grocery shopping and I have a rolling suitcase and a backpack had groceries sp? in both..well I decided I will use my backpack and put weights in it plus I had my shape up sneakers on and ankle weights..well my hams and glutes felt it pretty good..that is just one exercise..I do the combat type too for upper and my own body weight..but the one I mentioned with the weights works cause I need that extra to hit the muscle better and it didnt bother my quads much at all..

Hey anyone could help me..I cant get a hold of chicken feet so I bought a whole use.. should I roast it first or just put it straight into water like the feet..just do like you would make the chicken feet? I also bought beef with bone for the marrow..I feel I need more good fats to get the girls to grow..I believe I dont have enough of the good fat..

You just crack me up...I'm imagining you walking, getting weighed down with all those weights attached on you, huffing and puffing, but happily taking it in, all for NBE cause, because increased circulation also means increased blood flow to the breast, and this is what's it's all about, and of course, looking buff and toned too.

For the chicken, Fengshui posted something about using the whole chicken if you don't have access to chicken feet; she would just boil the whole chicken, remove the fat, strain the liquid, and start drinking. The broth would still gel up, and that gel is where the collagen is.

I live in No. CA, and we have plenty of Asian supermarkets around here, which stock chicken feet all year round. Do you have Asian supermarkets around where you live? I buy like 4 packages at the same time, simmer 2 packages, and freeze them, so I don't have to make a batch weekly. Husband is so disgusted at the sight of those chicken feet that I try to make when he's at work or something.

Hey Isabelle,

Thanks for trying to help with the chicken..thanks for the tips on how to eat it.. As for the exercise..honestly I mainly felt it in the back but I will let you know..couldnt do the exercise today..maybe tomorrow I can do it..

Hi Soonenough,

Haha...well I always use my backpack when I go to the store but this time I had those sneakers and my ankle weights (got a lot of comments at the store about the 20 something guy, cute, said getting those legs strong..haha I though hey check me out ay..haha) and the sneaks and weights really made a dif.. yeah it would get pretty hot with all that on but it did such a good job on the hams and butt which I need to get my j lo ass and legs..Big Grin Yeap lovin this NBE fun doing good for myself and seeing me looking better then some 20, 30, and under 45 year old..I do want to get my face laser resurfaced but in time..haha first need to get a dam hard finding one..I have had 4 interviews in the 3 weeks and time (haha Soonenough)Big Grin..grrrrrrrrrrrr..Dodgy

anyway..I could get the feet but I dont have my own car and I dont want to ask my father to take me here and there..cant wait to get my own place remove the it good fat cause I need to add some fat food to my diet..but not satruated..Thank you for clearifing that on how to fix the chicken..

I use to live in ex husband lived there most of his life..we lived in La was ok..but I started missing here in NJ...but I think if I was with someone like the man I am with now I would say otherwise..we have a great time anywhere...

Hey Ladies I've been taking the PM and up until Monday I took 3 pills (1500mg total a day, well started out 1 then few days later 2 then few days later 3 (tomorrow will be 3 weeks on PM straight) but yesterday took only 2 just gut and my period was on the 9th last month (I actually wrote down..whoo hoo) and it started today it didnt even mess up my period actually it was more on time then last month.

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