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Does breastfeeding cause saggy breasts?


(07-06-2011, 21:34)Bibi Wrote:  You shouldn´t get sore nipples from breastfeeding because they naturally get more resistent after you give birth. If breastfeeding does cause pain, however, it´s probably because the baby isn´t sucking right or his/her tongue is getting in the wrong way, and there are techniques to correct those problems. A good friend of mine had painful nipples with her first baby and she contacted la leche league and they helped her with it, the solution was actually very simple. After that she nursed her baby with no problem at all.

The rotting teeth must be from something else, in fact teeth and bones grow more healthy when you give a baby her mom´s milk. As for those girls grabbing boobs, how old were they? The brothers of my best friend used to do that too at a certain age but they were never breastfed, it seems it was just part of their development.

Hi, Bibi,

Both girls did this as long as I knew them up until between age 7 and 10ish. One was three years younger than the other. I haven't seen them for several years now though, so I am not sure about their behaviors in middle school.

I was also mistaken, my boyfriend's mom was not able to breastfeed him. So if neither of us were breastfed, how should we feel about our own child? And why is this decision so difficult?

Well that is kinda weird, about those girls! Perhaps there was some family situation that made them behave like that? Because at 7 kids are a lot more restrained, they are shy of even talking about boobs, let alone grab them! I breastfed both of mine until they were todlers (they say they even remember the taste of breastmilk) and whenever they see me in a bra or someone on tv insinuating breast (or anything that reminds them of nakedness) they go like eeewww! And they are 7 and 10 at the moment. The other moms I know who breastfed for a long time tell me their kids are the same.

Anyway, why do you think this is a difficult decision? I think you should just do what comes natural to you once you have a baby. I had a lot of ideas about bringing up kids before I became a mom, and found out they were completely wrong for me once my first one was born, and luckily my husband supported me in the decisions I took because otherwise we would´ve had a lot of conflicts! I find that it´s true that moms know best what their kids need, they are just biologically wired that way.
My mom wasn´t able to breastfeed me but that didn´t affect my decision to breastfeed mine, and she was always amazed at how easy it was to take care of a baby that way. When I was a baby I had a lot of trouble adjusting to formula, had a lot of rashes and stomach aches and it was just very traumatic for all of us. My grandma, who had 4 kids, was also amazed when she saw how easy things turned out for me thanks to breastfeeding.
I think perhaps nowadays it isn´t mainstream to opt for breastfeeding, there is some kind of idea that it´s obscene of whatever, but that´s just terribly silly! I mean breasts were intended to use for breastfeeding, not for lapdancing, haha.

yh its slightly weird but all kids are weird haha and they do go get funny ideas and phases, its their parents job teaching them about socially appropriate behaviour, but breastfeeding an innocent little baby wont make him/her into a perv when theyre older i promise x
It will just help them be healthy and grow up strong, formula babys are more likely to be either obese or underweight as adults, i was breastfed and i can eat as much as i like(im a lazy butt student i admit to eating whole cheesecakes and packs of cookies at a time not exercising and i stay healthily slim quite toned uk8) whether its my genes or what, my cousin who wasnt breastfed had slim parents too struggles so much with losing weight she plays football eats less than half what i do and much healthier but she cant drop from size 16 or tone up.

It really shouldnt even be a disision to make its a natural part of being a mummy just western society trying to make money out of selling stuff you can make better yourself.
i mean i doubt youd drink a bottle of formula(now out of choice) so why give your beautiful precious baby that crap.

I think the main tip is wean gradually to refillout your bust and reduce sagging its also better for your baby emotionally and healthwise.

One more thing dont think about those to girls anymore its just a random nothing to do with being breast fed :s

Okay just scanned through the messages here so if some of what I say has already been said sorry, was mainly seeing what prettypurple's concerns were.

Okay my experience with breastfeeding, pregnancy and boobs... I was a 32B before pregnancy, during pregnancy and breastfeeding went to a 34C, maybe a D when gorged. I breastfed for 3 months until my milk dried up, I tried everything for it not to, but I think it was because I was a teenage mom and just too young at the time. Anyway... after I dried up I went down to a saggy 32AA (if it's possible), but yes through NBE I did perk them back up and fill in the emptiness. Now about the concern with nipples... I'm not going to sugar coat this... I have EXTREMELY sensitive nipples, if my hubby came on here he could tell ya lol, he wishes they weren't as bad as they are, I can't even have him touch them, it's that bad. When I first breastfed, it was VERY painful for me, but I sucked it up and went through it for my child because it is the BEST thing you can do for your child. After I'd say 2 days, it got to where it didn't hurt. I do recommend if you have sensitive nipples to learn good latching techniques, a lactation nurse can teach you this, also use a nipple cream in between breastfeeding so your nipples don't chap and crack, my dr gave me a lanolin based one, it's safe for babies.

Now, just because I ended up smaller and saggy after does not mean everyone does. I was very unlucky, and it could have been that I was 16 when I got pregnant and 17 when I had my son. So age could have been a factor, who knows. I'm also a very petite person, at the time was very skinny. I'm not as skinny now but not overweight either. Now I do know someone who has 3 kids, breastfed all of them. She said she was an A cup before the kids, she is now a perky round D cup, so like I said, everyone is different. I also know women who didn't breastfeed who have saggy empty breasts because of the drying up process after having the baby. So don't let boobs discourage you from breastfeeding, it's the best thing you can do for your child, it's a bonding process that cannot be matched, and either way you could end up with either saggy/smaller breasts or bigger/firmer ones, it all depends on your body. But if you end up like I did, there is always NBE there to help you get back to where you want to be!

I suggest you better consult a gynecologist regarding this.

He can give you a better advice.

My Personal suggestion, don't compromise on your child's health.

According to a Medical News, breastfeeding does not create sagging breasts. On the other hand, does not affect the shape of the breast of a woman. A study of 93 women who breastfed a child or children. The researchers found no significant factors for breast sagging.

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