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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

I will be purchasing this collagen 1 and 3 from Neocell:

$10.72 from

I also noticed it has some amino acids added, great bonus.

That's the one I'm taking, GorgeousBlonde.

gorgeousblonde - there was a discussion awhile back about gelatin and collagen with just4fun. I think we worked out that collagen and gelatin are the same thing? . It's somewhere on my program page the discussion.

I take the neocell 1 & 3 collagen powder. It's actually not bad tasting if you put some vitamin C powder with it.

Have had tonnes of aches and pains and itchy sensations yesterday. They started driving me crazy at one stage.

I'm feeling like I am going to get sick, so resting up lots.

had lots of aches and pains again. Woke up in the middle of night and breasts were sore. Again irritatingly so.

okay. wow. some pain in this case seems to be equaling some gain!!! hey hey! so next time they start to hurt and drive you crazy, address the pain in a new way be really thankful like even just for a moment. smile to the inside of your breasts, to the pain, the growing, the beautiful breasts. be happy, even just for a moment. sounds a bit hippie maybe, but you would be surprised maybe :] hope that helps!

had aches and pains again. I think I accidentally took 9 BO pills yesterday instead of 8 and got more pains. Might try it again today and see if it works!

You won't believe this, but I started noogling again! lol Just once, with the large cups and on my RH Breast. The great thing is that now my breasts are bigger they already stick out in the cups much more than more. But of course I got red dots...... Dodgy particularly where the rings sit. Am going to give it another go though and see if it helps me grow faster.

Char - I will remember to thank my boobs for causing me pain and growing just like I want them! I think pain does mean something is working and happening, so that is good for me!

I'm in the second half of my cycle, about day 21, and I'm getting lots of aches and pains which is unusual for me as I usually get most aches and pains in the first half of the cycle. Am making sure I consume lots and lots of protein. I notice the aches especially after eating protein!

Tried noogling again for a second time which didn't go so well.... hmmmm... Breasts turned purple even without hardly any pressure and I then got lots of red dots. I didn't apply heat or massage beforehand, so next time I'll make sure I do that.

Are your boobs looking bigger?

more pains again, this time really deep pains in my chest. Felt like they were deep inside like the base of the breast.

Raw - no they don't look or feel any bigger. In fact I swear they felt smaller after noogling.

Haven't noogled again since last time as just got too many red dots. SOoooooo annoying.

Cycle 8 Day 4

Woah, cycle 8! never thought I would make it this far! My patience that is!

So just to recap as have been away for past week, had lots of aches and pains during last week, and itching on sides of my breasts. Started my period and had aches and pains. Had some really intense pains and pains which feel not like inside the breast, but structural ones... (ok that may make no sense). Kindof like the base of the breast as opposed to inside the breast....

I'll measure tomorrow on day 5. Haven't noogled at all since last time I reported. Red dots have gone.

Breasts don't feel noticeably bigger, slightly wider (maybe) but nothing that makes me go, yep, I definitely notice a big change. Obviously progression isn't linear, and so on average I seem to be changing a bit less then 0.25" per month. So some months I didn't notice much of a change, and other months I have.

I've got about another 4 or 5 months work of BO so am going to keep taking it until I run out. Will see how I grow over the next few months to work out if I'll take it after that or not.

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