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Reasons for doing this?


(20-03-2011, 08:02)ArtemisRose Wrote:  since I only get to live one life, I'd like to experience having cleavage.

I love this response. Big Grin

I doing this for my own pleasure I just want larger boobs simple as that I like how larger boobs fill cloths, I miss have big boobs, I want to feel sexy and womanly.

Well I started nbe because I was feeling insecure about my boobs after having kids and I really liked the way I looked when I was breastfeeding, I had nice round boobs for the first time in my life (while being thin overall)! Also, I wanted a self esteem boost after my divorce. But to be honest, I don´t feel it´s so urgent anymore, I´ve been wearing all these lovely new clothes that I feel good in and I´m afraid I won´t fit in them if they grow too much, haha! So I think I´ve regained my self confidence, so that´s a good thing I guess.

I am new to NBE, and I am 21 years old. During most of my teenage years I struggled with an eating disorder, and I actually wanted the smallest breasts possible. I was a 34B until I was about 18, which is about when I got to a normal body weight and recovered from my eating disorder. Then I grew a size, and I have been a 34C ever since. I've been fairly happy with that until recently. I now hope to go up to a 34D. A lot of my reason for wanting bigger breasts stems from wanting to have a more womanly figure. I have a fairly big butt which I'm happy about, and I would like bigger breasts to balance it out. I also hope to get into better shape and lose about 10lbs which would still keep me at a normal body weight for my height. Also, another thing that has lead me to want bigger breasts has to do with my boyfriend and his ex. He tells me constantly that he loves my body and I'm beautiful, he's never made me feel like I need to change anything. However, his ex has very large breasts on a small frame, and honestly I have started wanting bigger breasts partly for that reason.

I just want my boobs back!

I hated them all my life...F cup....I hated them cos I had stretch they look even worse cos I've lost weight and my boobs are flat and deflated, although the breast envelope is the same size Sad

So I want to "re-inflate" them! Big Grin

I would LOVE to have small boobs by the way, the only reason I am wanting them big again is cos my skin won't shrink back and so my boobs are just flat and saggy now Sad

Hello to everyone!

Edited to add: Some of you probably think I'm lucky - but my boobs honestly look horrible - I cry myself to sleep sometimes and have split up with my last partner as I couldn't bear anyone to see me naked Sad I have horrible stretch marks, that since I have lost weight, have become deep for me, it's about filling out the lost tissue so I don't hate myself and disgust myself as much. I now wear a 34D but it's mainly loose skin...waaahhhh! Sad

(23-04-2011, 22:32)Debbie1234 Wrote:  I just want my boobs back!

I hated them all my life...F cup....I hated them cos I had stretch they look even worse cos I've lost weight and my boobs are flat and deflated, although the breast envelope is the same size Sad

So I want to "re-inflate" them! Big Grin

I would LOVE to have small boobs by the way, the only reason I am wanting them big again is cos my skin won't shrink back and so my boobs are just flat and saggy now Sad

Hello to everyone!

Edited to add: Some of you probably think I'm lucky - but my boobs honestly look horrible - I cry myself to sleep sometimes and have split up with my last partner as I couldn't bear anyone to see me naked Sad I have horrible stretch marks, that since I have lost weight, have become deep for me, it's about filling out the lost tissue so I don't hate myself and disgust myself as much. I now wear a 34D but it's mainly loose skin...waaahhhh! Sad

I totally understand how you feel. I used to feel the same way over the size and shape of my boobs although now it bothers me less than it used to. How much weight did you lose btw?

Hey Raw Big Grin
I only lost 20lbs! I guess I am one of those unlucky ones with very non-elastic skin - booooo Sad

It's like, my boob shape hasn't changed or gotten smaller from the front, they've just gone flat. Add the stretchmarks to that and it just looks AWFUL! Loads of loose wrinkly skin Sad

So my reasons for being here are kinda different from everyone elses I guess!


I am doing NBE because I breastfed, and I was unfortunate enough to stretch to gigantic size, and then when I was done all went away.

I don't feel like they were attractive before. I think my husband has confirmed my suspicions, as it's only been almost a month of taking all my herbs together, and he makes comments about how he likes his new toys....and show me your boobies. So I told him last night that it makes me feel like he hated them as much as I did. Sad

So the goal for me is to fill them out so they aren't so saggy after breastfeeding. And to have more confidence in tank tops and bikini's.

I'm 19 and a 32a. I've been this size since 13. I'd like to have a more womanly figure. Everyone tells me that with hormones, I'll fill out everywhere (I'm also 5'3 and about 100 lbs, been this size since 13), and by the time I'm 30 I'll just be fat. I don't want to be fat, I just want to be a normal weight that people aren't compelled to comment on. I'd like to find clothes that fit... I can't even fit into a XS top in junior's. that's just pathetic, really, but apparently my problems are my "really tiny ribcage". No, it's my boobs, since clothes fit everywhere else just fine.

(28-04-2011, 21:14)bunnyday Wrote:  I'm 19 and a 32a. I've been this size since 13. I'd like to have a more womanly figure. Everyone tells me that with hormones, I'll fill out everywhere (I'm also 5'3 and about 100 lbs, been this size since 13), and by the time I'm 30 I'll just be fat. I don't want to be fat, I just want to be a normal weight that people aren't compelled to comment on. I'd like to find clothes that fit... I can't even fit into a XS top in junior's. that's just pathetic, really, but apparently my problems are my "really tiny ribcage". No, it's my boobs, since clothes fit everywhere else just fine.

You probably won't be fat at 30. A lot of people have told me that, too. People say a lot of weird things. Don't let it bother you. You'll probably gain weight by 30 and look great, but not fat. The people that look normal now run a higher risk than you of getting fat at 30. I know some people who are now 30 and they are still underweight, or are now normal. Not everyone gets fat at 30... these people are probably jealous of you. Don't ask me why people love the tiny look because I was once tiny like you and I didn't like it either. You can and you will gain weight though, as long as you work for it. It's not going to happen without some effort. But the payoff is great.

One thing about your rib cage and bone frame is that unless you finally gain weight, you really don'y know how much bigger you'll get. After 15 pounds you may look like a totally different person and look and feel amazing. Don't let people tell you that you can't change your looks. People used to tell me I had a small frame, but after gaining 15 lbs I realized I actually look pretty awesome now.

Here's another thing: don't worry too much about the band size. I would focus more on adding mass to your shoulders instead. My band size is the same as it was 15 lbs ago, but my shoulders are super broad now and my arms are healthy and strong. Band size doesn't matter much, really. If you really want to increase it, buy some 5 lb weights and work your chest muscles and back lateral muscles. The lats will make your shoulders broader and balance out your upper body. I work my lats and I look like a swimmer now from the back. Wink You can work your chest muscles enough to definately get to a 34 band size for sure, but I wouldn't worry about it. Lats are what I focus on, but not chest.

By the way, I used to wear a size XS/S top but I wear a Medium now. Awesome, right? Wink YOU CAN DO IT. Ignore what others say about your figure for now - people are stupid! Only you know what's right for you! Smile

I want to have atleast a C-Cup, and even boobs (one is slightly bigger than the other) because my boyfriend is not too happy with them. I always wore a padded bra, and when he saw me without a padded bra he was shocked and disappointed!

Plus I want to be as beautiful as I can be, as Valentino said, "Women want to be beautiful"..its a very good feeling being admired by men AND women for being beautiful.

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