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Help please, i am desperate.


Hi Sam, i will not say to much on this thread as i have replied on my forum and i have sent you a PM on here with my thoughts. I do agree with Anastasia and some of the others who have replied on this post. You have broke the ice now and he knows you love him and thats the main thing, all he needs is some support and even though you may not understand why, and deep down he says fascination because he cannot explain it himself as yet, you just need to show him you care and your open to him if he wants to talk. The most importent thing is his health and wellbeing and ovarall happiness. Is'nt that what we all want and he is no different. It is a hard thing to come to terms with and if i had a son who had done the same i would feel i had let him down aswell, but you havent, you cannot decide how someone feels or who someone wants to be in there life, the only time you will ever let him down is if you dont support and love him right now. Your a good mother and froim what i can tell a very loving and caring one so show him. He will open up when he is ready he just needs to feel its safe to do it and you need to show him that, and i know you can and will Sam. Good luck and let me know how you our.

Hugs Cheryl xxxx

P.S so much for not writing much on this thread lol sorry Tongue

Please don't pay any attention to the Wahaika. Someone needs to put her in a head to toe robe and drop her into a backward area of North Africa. Then she can gain an understanding of feeling differently than the majority around you and not having the power to change how those with authority feel about you.

Regarding your son, I don't know you or your son. I wouldn't presume to tell you how to deal with it, or to tell either of you what you have to accept or tolerate from the other. I understand you probably can't put yourself into his shoes any more than he can put himself in yours (although it seems the literal interpretation of that might be possible). I can only offer the idea that if you feel strongly enough that he has "broken" himself and needs to be "fixed", then you might consider minimizing the damage to both of you, your daughter and other people you care about who would get hit with the splash damage from such a battle. Based on what he has done, and how far he has gotten with it, I sincerely doubt you will be able to do anything other than discover for yourself what role you can play or be willing to play in his world. If you want to try to force him to think the way you were taught to think, be prepared for a fight that will have all sorts of collateral damage to you and yours.

If you genuinely want to understand what he is doing, this forum and others like it (try for more info on androgyny and people who want to be both genders or neither) are great places to gather points of view from the extreme like wahaika to many well balanced, educated perspectives. Deciding which ones are meaningful or useful to you is the hard part. Anyone who tells you they know the whys of it is guessing. There is a great variety of whys and I have never yet read of one that was not complex and only partly understood.

Either way, I hope you are able to find common ground enough with your son to be able to continue and perhaps even grow the depth and strength of your relationship with him. He will benefit greatly from your genuine support. The path he is taking is far from easy. There are many, many wahaikas out there.

I wish you both the best.

sfem, Wahaika is not a female, he's a male, has been on the forum for years because years ago his own wife grew breasts naturally with NBE and he supported her through it, did all the research, etc. Just wanted to clear that up haha. I've known him since I first started on the BE board, where I was told that pumps don't work and only herbal NBE (which messed up my hormones btw and gave me bad side effects) was the only way to naturally grow breasts LOL. I'm proof that was incorrect information!

Hmm, that might explain some of the hostility and aggression in wahaika's post.

Hi Anastasia,

I really see where you are coming from, that if someone in that position - of having a child go off the deep end like that, finds out about it out of the blue, puts the hammer down, all of the sudden, out of nowhere, all at once, they will lose their child. I had hoped that I articulated that better in my message above. LovingMum has a very fine line to walk. Absolutely agree with you on that point.

But to be "accepting" or "supporting" for me, is perhaps not the right word or way to go about it if the idea is to reverse the situation as LovingMum stated, and as I would surely feel if in her position. But I'm sure that you would agree that children need to learn a few basic things - that actions have consequenses, and that children should not rebel against their parents or they will both suffer the consequences.

At this point I do need to say that I do not see the harm in pointing out the reality that right and wrong are decided by God, not by any of us. To me that is not bible thumping, it is simply pointing out reality - and I do have a few friends who are real bible thumpers. Trying to reason with them is like beating your head against the wall! I think that religion, no matter how good one may be, can be taken to an extreme and is ultimately counterproductive. But conformance to requirements is part of the reason we are all put here, on this earth, for this short time. There are consequences to our actions, and that is one of the realities of existence. Not trying to talk down here - I'm just trying to make my position understood. Yes, my opinions on gays, transsexuals, crossdressers, etc. are very biassed, absolutely. I would even go so far as to say that all of my opinions are biassed in some way. It seems only natural. When one has done the proper amount of research on an opinion, and then reaches a conclusion, their opinion is now biassed by their research and will tend to be (and should be) harder to disprove. I think it is very healthy, even vital, to keep an open mind so as to learn more and more. This may either disprove or strengthen a previous bias. Reality, truth, facts, whatever you want to call it should be the goal at the end of the day regardless of previous biasses or research or anything else. But when something is well researched, well documented, well proven, whether widely accepted by others or not, it should carry more weight in one's mind than other things that are not. I think that this is natural.

>>"So if I were to be like you, going around putting my beliefs about that certain group onto others, wouldn't you find that wrong?"

No, I wouldn't find that wrong. In fact, I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts. They are well thought out and make sense from your point of view, which I understand more and more in conversations like this. Do I agree with you? Not always, especially not on this subject. I think that some of your beliefs are wrong, dead wrong, but I also think that expressing your beliefs is definitely not wrong, nor would I think that it is "pushing" your beliefs.

>>"I speak from experience here...." (Warning: Religous opinion about to be stated...)
Can you see the difference between judging others and simply identifying what is known to be wrong? One can have some attraction to the same sex and still be in conformance with the laws of God. The attraction is not what is condemned, it is the action that is condemned. We are all put here to be tried and tested. For some, that could their test - to have some attraction to the same sex but to exercise self control and not act on the impulse. In other words, a celibate gay, who has never acted on the impulse, is not condemned because they have never acted against the will of God. Further, if he wants to change his ways, there can be forgiveness of those crimes. The way back for some can be very hard, but it is definitely there as a possibility. But in order to do that, right and wrong must be understood and acknowledged.
I believe it at least crosses the mind of many if not all children under the age of 18 that they might have an attraction to same sex. At these forks in the road, they could easily go either way, depending on their teachings and values. But one way is definitely right and one way is definitely wrong. This is a fact, not merely my belief. Can you see the frustration of a parent who is circumvented by a bunch of people who are pushing their child down the wrong path?

>>"So you tell me....Same question but reversed..."

I carefully avoided answering this in my previous post so as to spare this mother from thinking that it is all her fault, because I would have no idea of that. I do not know her situation. But here is the answer to your question: It is two fold. First, my wife and I talked for hours and hours and hours about how we were going to handle certain situations should they arise, both in our relationship to each other, and in raising our future children. I chose a profession that would allow her to be at home fulfilling the traditional role of a mother. I'm not knocking working women. This is just how we chose to handle it. If your interested in that line of reasoning, I can go into that. But the point is that I started spending all of my "spare time" with my children. I played with them and spent time with them from the moment they popped out. I couldn't feed them but I definitely changed a truckload of diapers. I have tried to spend all of the time that I could either with them or with my wife. When she needed time off, with her friends, sisters, etc., I let her have it - and vice-versa. We make a great team if I may say so. The end result with regard to the subject of possibly gay/lesbian children has been eliminated by our design. We followed a known pattern that is thousands of years old and it has worked and is still working. This eliminates the premise of your question. But secondly, and more to your question, let's say that we were taken by surprise. The answer is that it depends on the age. In the case of a 19 year old, in our house where standards are well established and understood, of course, I would try to help. I would do everything I could to try and reverse the situation. It would take time. But there is a difference between a grown child with a problem and a grown child with an attitude of "to hell with you, I'll do what I want." Child #2 would get appropriate time to reverse course and then, as a last resort, if it was obvious that they totally rejected what was right, and if keeping them home only made it worse and enabled the behavior, then yes, I would kick them out. This is because I have already seen this work successfully. They are not gone forever. They may be gone for a long time, but they have been taught correctly, loved, then rebelled. Eventually, when they get more mature (expecting at least 10 years here) I have seen one (friend of the family) return and become a good man - even a good example - even for my own children. He returned later in life (in his 20's) and was welcomed with open arms by his family. (The issue was not gay, it was something else, but his father kicked him out or he may have just left.)

As a military wife, Navy right?, you understand (and your husband would surely understand) that there are some things that are bigger than we are. And even when carrying out a mission, the goal is still for all to return safely. When one falls, he is retrieved. Everyone makes mistakes early in life - and 19 is very early. The boy who is the subject of this thread could pull himself out of it if properly encouraged. But he needs to be encouraged with what is real and works, not what simply feels good for the moment. And if push comes to shove and he is using the home to enable his behavior, then he needs to experience reality and be kicked out, for his own good, in my opinion. It all really goes back to understanding what can be lost and how this can wake one up and they correct their course themselves.

>>"Your type of mentality is why gays and the like are killed, bullied, abused, everyday..."

In this paragraph you equate gays with religous persecution. If ever there was a comparison of apples and oranges, you hit the jackpot. If an opposing force meets no resistance then they advance on you. When a group of people decide that they are going to walk over and kill you, do you just accept them as they are or do you defend yourself? Tell me, are you in favor of self defense? Are you in favor of Sharia Law?

>>"I think everyone should be accepted as long as they are not doing anything illegal, etc.

Really. What if a husband decides that he is attracted to another man and a woman in order to be happy? Should there be threesome by marriage? How about if they decide to include animals? Should they all go to a country where it is legal and do it, then expect everyone to accept them as they are?


Don't mistake anything I say for disrespect, hostility, or aggression directed at Anastasia. Not the case at all.

BTW, Anastasia, if herbs didn't work for you, I don't know why. I'll take a look on the BEBOARD. But the suction devices have a far far smaller success ratio from what I have read, especially where permanence is concerned. I'm glad you found what worked for you, but suction devices tend to not work for many many women, and for those that do get some differences - they tend to be from stretching and are not permanent. All women are different, and those devises are just one more thing on the list of possibilities.

Well, after reading the above, it is my opinion that if she listens to Wahaika, her son will be moved out and gone before the conversation ends. He is an adult and he should be treated as such. Wahaika's tough love may work on a 13 year old but an adult who has the option of packing up, saying goodbye, and leaving? good luck.

Thank you all for you're time and advice.!!

Today has been a better day. I have taken the advice of Anastasia and Cheryl and some other's on here and really supported my son today.
I have taken the day of work and spent the day with my family, i insisted on it. And you know what, it has opened my eye's.

I have spent too long working every god given hour to provide for my family when all i was doing was pushing them away.
My Daughter now know's about what my son has done. And she said " well i don't care to be honest mum, it is abit weird but i guess he is the same person, he's just got boob's."
Now i thought about this and she is right!! He is still my son and i love him, i want him in my life and i will support what ever he choose's. I do not understand it and if the truth be know'ne then i would rather him not have breast's. But the fact is he has and very nice one's which i am very suprised at. I never thought a man could develop breast's like a woman!

I told my son how i felt and he told me he missed me, i cried and he cried and for the first time in 5 year's we cuddled. This may be one of the worst thing's i have had to cope with in my life but in away it has brought me closer to my son than i have ever been.

We spoke for hour's and laughed and even though i was struggling at time's it went well.
I still have massive concern's and the effect's of the hormone's and pill's he has taken is not just limited to his chest! I have seen my son today with just underwear and i will not lie and say it was easy, my first reaction was to cry, i was speechless but deep inside i felt pride in knowing my son would share this with me. It must have been the hardest thing he has ever done and i just gave him a huge cuddle!

He has agreed to see a doctor with me and to be honest from now on. I have agreed to help him and support him as a mother should even though i still wish this had not happened, but it has and now i will try to deal with it the best i can.

Here is a picture of my son now, and i am proud to say he look's beutiful.


This picture is my way of saying i except him, and to some it might appear strange that i would be proud of my son. But what else can i be but proud! and a little

I would like to say thank you for all your help and advice..! i never expected to find such support on forum's like this one and Cheryl's
I only used these forum's in the hope my son would see my post's and to get some insight into why he had done this. To get the support i have is a huge bonus..... THANK YOU.


(07-03-2011, 21:56)Wahaika Wrote:  Don't mistake anything I say for disrespect, hostility, or aggression directed at Anastasia. Not the case at all.

BTW, Anastasia, if herbs didn't work for you, I don't know why. I'll take a look on the BEBOARD. But the suction devices have a far far smaller success ratio from what I have read, especially where permanence is concerned. I'm glad you found what worked for you, but suction devices tend to not work for many many women, and for those that do get some differences - they tend to be from stretching and are not permanent. All women are different, and those devises are just one more thing on the list of possibilities.

I agree with you on the breast suction devices.

I used Brava for about 9 months. After I stopped, I lost all my growth/swelling?

Anyway, I finally found this site and started using UB about 5 months ago.

I find that most of my growth happens when I'm lying down and or sleeping. I also find that wearing a suction device during this time, helps the growth along ... I guess by stretching out the skin?

So for me, suction by itself, did not work. But when coupled with other forms of NBE, helps things along.

Congratulations You have a son. I predict a long and happy relationship between the three of you. You have handled this perfectly. I can see why you are a bit jealous, so am I!! I love happy endings.

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