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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

I think itchiness is a good sign. I recently went from a AA to an A (no NBE just nature) and my breasts were really itchy from time to time for 2 weeks before my period and it ended up in growth. I never had any pain except the usually tenderness I get about a week before my period.

Cycle 3 Day 18

That's great Raw! If only nature allowed me to do that!

Random aches here and there mostly quite strong ones but that didn't last for long, and a couple of really sharp pains in the evening that almost made me jump. 3/10

Going to the dietician today so will be interesting to see what they have to say.

I read through the BB website as I was thinking about switching. And I worked out it would cost me about double each month what it costs now.... but then the benefit is that I would only be swallowing 1 pill for every 6 pills I take now!

Cycle 13 Day 19 and 20

Day 19 - had sporadic pains throughout the day which were MEGA painful, probably the most pain that I have experienced to date. Really really sharp pain that made me stop and almost wince. But they only last for a minute or so, and would come and go throughout the day. Like I would have no pain, and then suddenly out of nowhere bang....

Day 20 - less sore but a couple of sharp pains again throughout the day that don't last very long. About a 4/10.
Breasts feel a bit sore.

I'm not sure what the story is with my period, but I'm on this birth control where I am starting to take sugar pills now and there are 6 of them and then 3 more proper pills afterwards.... so I have no idea when I am meant to get my period in the cycle?!?! I guess I'll find out soon!

Cycle 3 Day 21

Absolutely no pains or aches today. Zilch.

Cycle 4 Day 1

Hmm, so got my period today. That's pretty annoying it came so soon. It's because I've started on this new birth control pill and on the first pack you seem to get your period much quicker than normal. grrrrrrr.

Had lots of pains today, twinges and then in the evening heavy aching pains. 4/10.

Have started taking 1 cup of spearmint tea, because I've noticed I seem hairier than before. Still sitting at 50.4kgs.....

Went to the dietician last week and they said I can start introducing a few more things into my diet, but only one at a time. And then see if I have any adverse symptoms 3 hours after eating something. Try that 3 times over a few days with the same food, and then move on to a different food to try.

They also said that I have a great 'diet' and am getting lots of protein. So that is good. The only thing I am going to change is to eat a bit more carbs for my lunch time meal. Generally I just eat a big tin of red salmon, so I need to add some carbs with that.

I measured myself before and only got 31". I seem to fluctuate wildly between 31 and 31.5". I'm not getting to hung up on it (ok I may have sighed disappointedly when I measured!), because my breasts feel a bit wider than they used to. I read on the BB website that for some women they find the circumference of their breasts widens before it starts to fill out. I think that is what must be happening to me. I've also noticed that the top of my breasts seem to have alot more tissue on them. So I'm not going to get upset with the measuring tape when I see no measurement change..... for another 3 cycles. Then I will get upset if there is no change!

I've considered whether I should stop posting each day on whether I feel any breast sensations or not! But I kindof like doing it because I can look back on it and see hmm I seem to have had x number of breast sensations this month. I also think it may be useful for other people to see so they can compare what kind of sensations they get and how frequent, intense etc. And it also shows how LONG it takes to try and grow anything! And that it IS NOT easy.

I'm hopeful enough that BO can work for me that I'll keep going with it for 3 more cycles. At that stage I'll reassess.

I have some ridiculous large number of posts now, which I guess shows how long this breast growing really is. It's great that some ladies report that they grow 1", 2" just in a few months.... well the reality is for other people like me it takes SOOOOO long to see any change whatsoever that is lasting.

I think it's nice to share in each other's successes and encourage each other when we are frustrated with this process. But also if we can't grow whatever we try and do, that's ok too. And I'm OK with knowing that at least I tried my best, researched, and stuck to my program, even if it doesn't work out with any growth for me. Then I will just wait till I get pregnant one day to grow some breasts!!

Right, enough rambling. I'm slightly optimistic and excited that I'm now on cycle 4 of BO..... I'm assuming this means that I will MAYBE (PLEASEEEEEE!!!!) get some growth this month or next month!!!!!! I must be closer to that elusive growth!!!! I can smell you growth... I can find you! Big Grin

Good luck, GF! I really enjoy your thread, and I love how dedicated you are. An inspiration, truly. (:

Hi Dear!!!!
Don't stop posting your daily routine!!!! PLEASE!!! I read your progress every day!!! Please don't stop!!!
Your diary here is one of the threads that hold this forum!!! Wink
You are great!!!! Smile
I wish I could keep my progress updated like you do...but I am TOO L-A-Z-Y!!!!
And I want to tell you don't use the STUPID tape!!! Please! Stop using it for a few months! I stopped using it too...because I didn't see any difference...and after 3 months I measured again and I grew 1". I grew a total of 1.5".
I am sure that you are growing!!!! sometimes it's hard to see it in pictures so don't get frustrated!!! If you feel that your breasts are fuller and heavier then you are GROWING!!!!
Good Luck my dear!!!!

I absolutely agree with eva_bs; forget the *&%@ing tape measure! Your breasts WILL get wider; and you WILL gain more "meat" on the tops of your breasts before anything shows up on the measuring tape. That's exactly how it's been for me! I don't always have very noticeable pains every day anymore; yet I still noticed that my breasts looked a *little* fuller yesterday than they did a few days ago. So lack of pains or sensations does NOT mean that nothing's going on! Smile You've got a great program; everything is in the correct dosages for your body. Unfortunately, us smaller girls grow VERY SLOWLY. And it's so hard being patient! I have to keep reminding myself that the pills ARE working; and I have the fullness to prove it! It seems like it takes quite awhile for the breast-growing-process to kick in for those of us in the AA and less size. But it does happen! I think when (NOT if!) we make it up to an A cup, we should all have a major boobie party! Open up a bottle of champagne, bring out the disco lights, crank up the music and CELEBRATE! Big Grin And go out and buy some nice v-neck tops or something. Wink We're in it for the long haul; and our efforts will pay off! Keep us, and yourself, updated; as you said, it gives everyone a realistic idea of the whole NBE process. And your commitment is so admirable! Keep up the great work!!! Big Grin

Cycle 4 Day 2

Thanks ladies. Ok, I won't measure again until I finish my 6th cycle on BO. How about that! (haha do you reakon I can wait that long before measuring... probably not!) but we'll see.

Today had some weird feelings in my chest that only lasted a second or so but felt really intense like my chest was going to explode. And a few aches here and there, but otherwise nothing. 1/10.

Have got a headache which is unusual for me as I don't really ever get headaches.

Period has been a bit sore with aches and pains, very sore yesterday, but not heavy. I'm a bit annoyed about being on the birth control pill as I didn't want to go on it but my boyfriend wanted me to. I would have preferred to use the rhythm method. I hope the birth control pill doesn't interact with the BO.
Thumbs Up 

(11-04-2010, 09:07 AM)girlfriday29 Wrote:  Stats:

Age: 29
Weight: 55kg/ 121lbs (fluctuates from 54Kg to 57Kg)
Height: 5"7 / 170cm
Under Bust: 28"
Bust: 30.5"
Over Bust: 30"
6" over left breast from one side to the middle rib cage
5.5" over right breast from one side to the middle rib cage
4" from bottom of breast to top of breast
Bra size: 32AA


I have always been very thin and eat and eat and never put on any weight.

I have had a problem with an ovarian cyst which was diagnosed a few months ago. It was very painful. Leading up to this event I put on 4kgs particularly around my middle area (however also had larger breasts and almost made use of a push-up bra because there was something small there to push-up!). I was eating ALOT of sugary foods. I have subsequently lost all this weight.

I am resolving the ovarian cyst issue through diet - I have cut out refined sugars, no alcohol, I eat organic vegetables and fruit, no red meat only chicken and fish, gluten-free, wheat-free and dairy-free. My periods have now returned to normal timing and I do not experience very bad pain with them. In fact my last period has been the least painful even before I got an ovarian cyst! I am also exercising regularly, at least once every day for 30 minutes. I believe that the combination of diet and exercise has helped my ovarian cyst problem.

Since the first and only ovarian cyst which caused me problems, I have experienced slight hirsutism, finding more hair than usual over my body including legs, arms, breasts, chest, and even eyes! I have started drinking spearmint tea (twice daily) for this.

I am going to the doctor tomorrow to talk about the hirsutism and I want them to check my hormone levels. From my own research, I feel that I must have a problem with my hormones.

I will also go to see a naturopath to take a more holistic approach to my issues.

Other than that, my general health has been good.

Grow Breasts Grow:

I want to have bigger breasts. I find it embarrassing to have such small breasts. I wear padded bras always to give me some shape. I bought some "chicken fillets", little 100gram silicone inserts to also put into the bra. At my largest weight this almost started to look a bit like cleavage..... almost!

When I am with a guy, I am embarrassed as men's hands are quite large, and when they go to "cup" my breast, and there is nothing there for them to cup, they then turn their attention to other things. Which is fine, but it makes me feel so unsexy!!!.

I would love more than anything to get up to a B size, even a very small B size would be brilliant. I am a small build, and I am happy to have smallish sized breasts, but just bigger than what I have now! I don't even know if I would call what I have now breasts! It is more like a layer of very thin fat covering my rib cage which I can feel through it!

My Program:

I toyed with the idea of taking Pueraria Mirifica but decided that I will start with the more "well-known" herbs. I don't have a complete idea of what I want to use yet, however I will take it slowly to ease my body into receiving the new substances. Any advice appreciated.

I have bought Fenugreek seeds. I have thought about taking Saw Palmetto however am still doing some research on this one as I understand it can make you have an upset stomach.

Yesterday I cooked stir-fry vegetables and put the fenugreek seeds in it. It was absolutely disgusting and the next morning I had diarrhea. I won't be doing that one again!

Today I put 1 tablespoon of Fenugreek seeds in boiling water and covered it for 15 minutes, then drank the Tea.

I plan on taking two cups of tea like this per day, one in the morning and one in the evening.

I will also look into massaging with fenugreek too.

That is all for now folks. Any questions feel free to ask. Any advice greatly appreciated.

Oh my Gosh! How long did you do that program?
:huh :

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