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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

I know! I hope he doesn't google 'raw ovarian glandular'.

So last few days barely any aches or pains. Just a 1 or 2/10. My temp has been a bit crazy last few days going from 36.7, to 35.9, to 36.7, to 35.7 today!

35.7 is like hypothermia territory! Ok maybe not quite, but its pretty low!

Anyhow, I didn't take any of my pills last night.

Today theoretically should be the start of my period (according to my contraceptive pill). The annoying thing is that I have had spotting ALL WEEK, so I'm assuming when it does arrive it will be pretty low. They only give you 4 sugar pills, so I guess its a smaller period anyway.

My breasts feel really large. I'm down to 51kgs, I think due to a stressful few weeks. My breasts feel like when I used to noogle at night and then the next morning they would still have a bit of swelling left over. That's how they feel. I'm really interested to see what happens in the next 5 days (because on Day 5 or so of my cycle) that will be when I am measuring the least. So I'm 'looking forward' to seeing how I measure then.

Acutally, I'll measure right now just to check. Ok, so I measured 28" under and 31" over. Its weird because I swear that I am WAYYYYYYY bigger than when I used to measure myself at 31". To me my breasts feel like they are 31.75" right this minute.

Ok, so I just was looking at my breasts and what I notice is that when I look at them straight (look them in the eye lol), the whole area where the breasts sit is bigger, its almost like when you see guys who have been working out and they have those pec muscles which you can see, its like that. So it doesn't necessarily look like more breast, but just more breast muscle or something. I.e. limited ribs! Not just skin and bone.

Next, what I notice is when I put my hand on my breasts and cup it, it feels HUGE compared to before. And when I look in between my breasts there is all this breast tissue there that never was there before. So its like my breasts have grown in between! I've taken some pics to show what I am talking about.

In these photos here I am holding my arm up to show how the breast actually remains there. There appears to be actual shape to it as opposed to before if I lifted my arm up all the tissue would just have disappeared and you would see ribs!

The other photo I am leaning forward because I find that when I lean forward or when I am looking down on my breasts I notice that there appears to be lots more tissue there.

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In the photo where I am pushing my breasts together, I did this shot quite awhile ago too and I could barely push my breasts together, there was a huge gap in between them. But now I can actually push them together way more.

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last ones

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Well, period still hasn't come properly. Only brown spotting. Its ironic that many people go on the pill because it regulates your period. And my period was perfectly regulated BEFORE I went on the pill, and now its all crazy.

Also, I don't recommend starting the contraceptive pill and BO at the same time. Now of course I am left wondering if the BO is affecting the pill etc.

Last night had major pains which were pretty much constant for hours. About a 7/10.

Period seems to have arrived. Breasts feel NOTICEABLY smaller! Darn.

Had major sharp tingles in my breast for about 1 hour this evening, 7/10.

breasts are going crazy today. In the morning they ached for about an hour and in the middle of the day. Now in the evening they are really really sore, to the point where I'm getting quite sick of them feeling like this. Overall 6 or a 7/10.

breasts are going crazy this morning. I woke up during the night and they were aching away. Then this morning when I woke up they went from being a really dull ache that just kept going and going, to a really tight feeling in my chest, to really sharp aches that just go on and on. This has been going on for about 1.5 hours so far. And its kindof cool but it is also driving me nuts. It makes me feel really tired, like I am sick because aches usually mean, slow down and rest.

I think a 'moment of truth' came to me late last night. It was quite cold so I had lots of goosebumps and I snuck a look at my breasts and was amazed that they were sticking out still. Usually when I am cold it looks like I have no breasts pretty much. So when I saw that, I can say for sure that BO is helping my breasts grow, without a doubt. Particularly as I am now in the part of my cycle where my breasts are naturally smaller.

My temperature has gone down lots and is now around 36.2 which is pretty poor effort. So I'm googling more about adrenal glands. I think that is my problem that I have too much stressors so the adrenal glands are going crazy. L-tyrosine is meant to be really good for that. I may need to look at my dosages. I was also thinking about upping my kelp intake to 500mcg per day (maybe every second day).

I'll be interested to see what happens this cycle, but I doubt very much that I will have the success of 0.5" that some have reported that they achieved in a month on BO. I can't see any difference with the measuring tape, but can definitely see a difference by looking and feeling them. They literally swelled up LOTS towards the end of that first cycle.

Program recap

On waking up:

30 mins later
3 neocell capsules
1 hylarunic acid
0.5 teaspoon MSM powder
quarter teaspoon vitamin C powder

30 mins later
3 BO pills (250mg each)
1 pituitary
1 kelp
protein shake

30mins - 1 hour later

after breakfast
1 adrenal
1 l-tyrosine
1 teaspoon magnesium powder
1/2 teaspoon vitamin C powder
1 multivitamin B capsule

During the day I put 1 teaspoon of vitamin C powder in my drink bottle and drink it throughout the day.

In the evening -

3 neocell, 1 hylarunic acid.
every other day - 1 sheep placenta

after 30 minutes take a protein drink. Then, take:

2 BO pills (500mg) (although I am thinking about increasing this to 3 so I'm taking 3 in morning and 3 in evening making a grand total of 1,500mg). I might alternate the BO 2 in the evening one day, then 3 the next for the next week, as I don't want to stall. Last cycle I was only taking 1,000mg. It's tricky to know if the increase in the last two days of my breast sensations is because I have started a new cycle, or because I've increased the BO.....

After dinner
MSM and vitamin C

So that gives me 2 protein shakes per day, plus I make sure I eat protein at every meal.

Current weight is 51kg - giving me a BMI of 17.6 which is pretty shockingly low. Stupid weight! Can't believe I find it so hard to put on weight while everyone else complains they can't lose it. Again, I think this is due to stress. I eat the same amount but my body doesn't process it properly.

My temp is currently sitting at about 36.2 which is 97.1. Quite far away from the minimum recommended temp of 97.7 for BO.

On my first cycle of BO - my temp was at least 97.7 for 14 days of the cycle. So about half of the cycle I have had an OK temp.

8 days which were in my Luteal phase of the cycle. So for just over half of the luteal phase I was OK for temperature. That is reasonably pleasing.

6 days I didn't take my temperature so don't know what it was. This was only in the first half of my cycle though. So it may be that I have had a higher temp for even more than 14 days... but equally I could have had a lower temp. So who knows! Pays to take it!

My temp is still jumping around like a mad man all over the place. So that is irritating. I think this is mostly due to stress, and if I minimise the stress I reakon I won't see those terribly low temps like 96.2F!!! That was the lowest I hit and after the most stressful day I had.

Apart from that, I'm feeling pretty good about my program at the moment. And I'm hoping that after this next month I will be able to see some results from the measuring tape too.

Also, I should add, because I know Eva will remind me hehe, that I have ONLY been on BO for 1 cycle so far.... So may people did not actually report measurable growth, or in fact breast sensations until the second cycle. So yes, I do need to be patient and remember that. I have committed to doing BO for another 5 months at least.

i feel like i'm in the same boat as you. my bras still fit the same, but if i lean forward a little bit, there seem to be more breast tissues than before. if i stand up straight, they still look flat Sad. i haven't had nearly as much breasts sensations as you though, maybe only a few days total in the past 4-5 months.

are you still noogling?

well yesterday my breasts went crazy for nearly the whole day. There was only an hour or two that they WEREN'T aching either in a dull ache or sharp ache. It wasn't the sharpest or most intense sensations that I have had before, I would say 7/10, but they just went on and on and on.

I got pretty annoyed at one point.

Hi Lled, I only noogled once in the past 6 weeks. I stopped because I kept getting those stupid red dots. Even now I still have a couple of marks where blood vessels have been broken. I tried noogling once about two weeks ago, but got them all again, so thought I will give it a break for another month. And I think I won't noogle again until February probably. Plus noogling in summertime is super annoying because not if, when, you get red dots you have to wear a high cut top! So it kindof defeats the purpose of being in summer!

I think the collagen is really helping my growth. I am going to purchase Proline too which helps with building tissue.

Hi dear! made me laugh on what you said about me... Smile I was like....oooo...I am a celeb! Smile
I am so happy for you that you have your growing pains...that they go on and on and on....I wish I had those kind of growing pains! Smile
Your routine looks great!
I am so happy that you finally have a program that works well for you! YIPEE!!!
I got addicted to read your posts...I am like...hmmmmmmm...what kind of growing pains she had today? Smile
Good Luck dear!
And I am sure that you are growing!
You go girls!

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