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My Chiyomilkish program


This cycle hasn’t been the best :/ I don’t have as much swelling and they don’t feel as full. I think I know what I am doing wrong. Perhaps the fenugreek/lavender mix shouldn’t be used everyday because my estrogen receptors are becoming desensitized to it. It’s no wonder my period was 5 days early when I added the lavender . I will only cycle the fenugreek /lavender in my follicular phase and use almond oil /wild yam oil in luteal phase. I will do a dandelion root tea cleanse once my period starts.


Thanks for this update.
I think its VERY important to follow your ups and downs.
We are all individual science experiments and hardly anything works as well for one person as it does for the other.
Your feedback and updates are really really vital for everyone.
Thanks and huggs

(16-11-2021, 05:23 AM)elusive_butterfly16 Wrote:  

This cycle hasn’t been the best :/ I don’t have as much swelling and they don’t feel as full. I think I know what I am doing wrong. Perhaps the fenugreek/lavender mix shouldn’t be used everyday because my estrogen receptors are becoming desensitized to it. It’s no wonder my period was 5 days early when I added the lavender . I will only cycle the fenugreek /lavender in my follicular phase and use almond oil /wild yam oil in luteal phase. I will do a dandelion root tea cleanse once my period starts.

This is very true, this is why I go back and forth between my korean volufiline cream for massage and my herbal oil for massage so to get the best of both worlds, non hormonal and hormonal massage, keeps my breasts reacting, good on you for figuring this out early on doll!


Hi all. I cant get b-up drop, so i purchased vitex, fenugreek, red clover, wild yam and saw palmeto.

How much of each herb should i take? I can’t find nutritional value of b-up on the web soooo i dont know.


(21-11-2021, 05:34 PM)Cely Wrote:  

Hi all. I cant get b-up drop, so i purchased vitex, fenugreek, red clover, wild yam and saw palmeto.

How much of each herb should i take? I can’t find nutritional value of b-up on the web soooo i dont know.

Hey , you could take fenugreek and red clover in your follicular phase and then vitex , wild yam , and saw palmetto in luteal . Don’t forget massage . I think that looks good . If you can’t get b-up don’t worry.


Thank you both . Yes it’s definitely all trial and error and will keep testing all the ways and updating until I hit that sweet spot. If anyone has periods , I think it’s so important to take menstrual suppressing herbs in lutual phase (anti estrogen ) to really let progesterone take over and dominate in the second half for the best breast growth .


Speaking of saw palmetto .. I don’t know why but I developed a tiny bit of nipple hair and one very tinny chin hair . I have always had this little chin hair and whenever it would show up I knew that I had elevated androgens that month . When it didn’t grow back I knew my androgens were low. But they are still suppose to be even lower while taking saw palmetto which they are not (hence the growth ) when I wasn’t taking saw palmetto it didn’t grow so I am confused now I thought saw palmetto was suppose to suppress my androgens . I am going to stop taking saw palmetto for now and gulp down spearmint tea everyday like there’s no tomorrow to reverse this effect now . Maybe saw palmetto isn’t agreeing with my body , but it doesn’t seem to work for androgens for me. Hm…


According to this website it seems as though spearmint tea increases both luteinizing and follicle stimulating hormone while suppressing T so it looks safe to take all cycle instead of just in follicular phase . I will also add some spearmint essential oil to my follicular and luteal oil concoction.


Alsoo! Just as I was typing out the reply I just got my YesStyle package at the doorstep ! It is the volufiline and bust cream . I will mix them tonight and start using it every day can’t wait ! I’ll also use it on my face cheeks and under my eyes , and my collarbones .

I  will now go and brew 6 cups of spearmint tea ~


I am stopping breast enhancement for a while . I feel a lump close to my armpit and it is scaring me . It feels like a marble . I don’t know what this is but I am going to wait until it goes away after my period hopefully .. in the meantime I will just take fenugreek seed in follicular and a pinch of wild yam powder in milk during luteal. I’m still using the oils for massaging.. I’ll be back when the lump goes away ..


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