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Zero progress (rant)


Where do I even start? I've been trying to grow my breasts for years now because I despise how small they are. I'm 5'3" (161 cm) and my bust is about 33 inches, which may be being generous as I'm not sure I'm even measuring them correctly. My band size is only 28 inches so overall I have a small frame. I was made fun of in high school for having small breasts, but couldn't really do anything about it at the time because I was still a teenager and didn't have any way to make money. I'm almost 28 years old now, and I hate my body with a fiery passion. I'm so goddamn shapeless that I can't stand looking at myself in the mirror. The only place I seem to ever gain any weight is my gut. And we all know that nobody finds a fat gut attractive. Don't try to bullshit me with the idea that someone out there would find me attractive. That sort of person doesn't exist. Men have always hated me and called me ugly, this is something that has never changed even in my adult life. I still have acne at my age, which I've had since I was 12. I kid you not, it's been 16 years and there's no signs of my acne ever clearing up. It seems to be the only part of me that still thinks it's in puberty. I look around me and I see all of these beautiful women with nice ample chests, meanwhile mine are smaller than my hands. And given that I have small hands, my breasts being even smaller just makes things much worse. 

I've been using a breast pump for a while and breast creams for several years at this point. Literally no change since the start. I started on Total Curve two months ago and still nothing. I've been generously applying the cream and messaging it in twice a day, as well as taking the pills twice a day as instructed. I even still continue to use the breast pump daily in a desperate attempt to see any sort of change. Have I not been doing it long enough? According to the website I should have seen a change by now, even just a small one. What am I doing wrong?

I'm probably gonna be called an attention seeking whore for this but I'm just gonna say it: This piece of shit body of mine makes me want to commit suicide. All I want is to feel good about myself. I don't need to have the biggest breasts to feel good, just enough so it gives me a nice shape at least. Is it so wrong to want an hourglass body? I'm stuck with this worthless rectangle, everyone's least favorite shape. My younger sister has a bigger chest than I do, not to mention a tiny waist and nice full hips. Basically a petite hourglass. I know I carry the genes for at least a medium size chest because I have direct blood related relatives

(aunts from both sides of the family)  who have nice sized chests. None of them are massive, but definitely not small either. My dad's younger sister recently visited us and I couldn't help but notice how nice her chest was, and this is a woman in her 50s. I know for a fact that she hasn't had any work done. She also has that perfect hourglass figure and continues to maintain it despite her age.

The way my body is now, it could never please a man in bed. Not even another woman. Men like big breasts, they don't like small ones. If a guy says he hates big breasts and likes small ones he's lying. I have seen so many things about how women with small breasts are worthless, and without them she's basically a dickless man. To men, breasts are what make a woman a woman. It doesn't matter if you have a female reproductive system. If you don't have at least a decent size chest, you're not a woman. It's not like I want every man I ever come across to fawn over me, but knowing all of these things has made me feel completely worthless. I haven't dated in almost 9 years now due to multiple factors, my body being one of the main problems. I have never once been beautiful, not in the face and especially not in the body. It's like I've been cursed. I honestly wish it was possible to change/implement new body parts like how you can change the components of a computer. That way I could throw this piece of shit in the garbage where it fucking belongs and exchange it for a new one. One that isn't absolutely hideous. If there is a god, then the way I must have been created was after he took a massive shit and forgot to flush. It later being found by an angel who flushed it and declared: "It's earths problem now."

Nobody is probably going to read this or even reply, but I'm just about to give up completely. It hurts to see all of these success stories while I can't even get a slight change. Any time I feel like I make any progress at all it literally goes down the drain when I bathe because my breasts shrink in the shower. I can't even get them to lift or feel firm. I forgot to mention that they're also uneven (not symmetrical), and have been since they first showed up. For the record, I do wear a bra, but even that doesn't seem to help their shape. I'll give it a few more weeks, a month at most. If I don't see anything by that point, it's hopeless. If I can't feel happy with my body, then there's no point in living. I'd rather just free myself entirely from this garbage vessel that I'm trapped in. Is it wrong to want a body you find attractive? If it is, then I'm the biggest sinner alive. I'm not getting any younger, it's only downhill from here. Before it all ends, I want to be able to experience what it's like to be happy with oneself, even if only just once. But it looks like I can't even have that. These days, everything is about looks. Very few people care about what's on the inside anymore. Being beautiful, even if just in the face, has a myriad of perks. Last I checked, being unattractive comes with precisely zero bonuses. It just serves as a reminder that nature goofed on you.

I'll try for a little bit longer, but it's looking like things are just never going to work in my favor. I really don't see what more I could do to stimulate breast growth. I eat fine, I move around plenty, and I'm not going to stop washing myself just because it makes my breasts shrink. If anybody reading this has made it this far: Congratulations, you must have a lot of patience and tolerance to make it all the way here. I commend you for that. Please don't bother with telling me to call a suicide hot line. Very little can help me anymore, suicide lines aren't one of them. I don't want to listen to the generic "It will be okay" or "Things will get better" and other phrases that have been said so many times at this point that it probably amounts to the age of the universe. The only thing that will help me at this point is to somehow gain a little bit of happiness with myself. Bigger breasts would do the trick. I wouldn't feel the need to constantly compare myself to other women anymore, and I could look in the mirror without wanting to vomit. I don't care if it's superficial, I just want bigger breasts. Maybe it simply hasn't been long enough with the new cream and pills I've been using, but there should be some sort of change any day now. Even just a small sign that what I'm doing is slowly working would be enough for me to keep going. Anything, I'll take the crumbs at this point, just let me see something. I'm sick of constantly being jealous of other women who have been blessed. Let me be blessed too. Let me have just a little something in my empty life to feel good about. Give me a reason to want to live to the end. Otherwise my life truly is pointless. I want to feel joy, I want to be be happy and positive. So please, just let me have something. That's all I ask for. I don't need fame, fortune, or the world to worship me. I just want to know that there's a chance for this body to become beautiful and isn't doomed to be disgusting until its natural death. Let me know that it's worth it to keep going, that everything I've done up to this point hasn't been for naught. Please.


Hi Nightshade.
Phew That was a good rant, and I hope you feel lighter having let all that out.
Now time to roll up the virtual sleeves and get to work.
This requires lots of work on your part. You will get a lot of support here, but there is no magic pill, or program, and everyone's program is different. AND it takes time and persistence.
If your not scared off yet then lets begin.

!. most of all your body will not respond at all if you hate it. It has no incentive to please you if you don't like it So you first job is to change your mental approach. Everyday massage your breasts, and tell them how much you enjoy them. Take a long look at your body and mentally tweak those parts you want to change and visualize what your new body will look like. Maybe even write some notes on your goal measurements.  You gotta love yourself or nothing will work.
2. get a hormone test to find out whats out of wack. If you still have Acne at 20 then something in there needs adjustment.

Once you get your results you can work on a plan.
In the mean time here's some homework.

Two very good massage threads

Good thread for thin flat girls

wisdom from surferjoe

Its important to know the make up of your hormones.

You have a whole wonderful life ahead of you, grab it an run!
and you better not give up either!


(22-08-2021, 14:16)Happyme Wrote:  Hi Nightshade.
Phew That was a good rant, and I hope you feel lighter having let all that out.
Now time to roll up the virtual sleeves and get to work.
This requires lots of work on your part. You will get a lot of support here, but there is no magic pill, or program, and everyone's program is different. AND it takes time and persistence.
If your not scared off yet then lets begin.

!. most of all your body will not respond at all if you hate it. It has no incentive to please you if you don't like it So you first job is to change your mental approach. Everyday massage your breasts, and tell them how much you enjoy them. Take a long look at your body and mentally tweak those parts you want to change and visualize what your new body will look like. Maybe even write some notes on your goal measurements.  You gotta love yourself or nothing will work.
2. get a hormone test to find out whats out of wack. If you still have Acne at 20 then something in there needs adjustment.

Once you get your results you can work on a plan.
In the mean time here's some homework.

Two very good massage threads

Good thread for thin flat girls

wisdom from surferjoe

Its important to know the make up of your hormones.

You have a whole wonderful life ahead of you, grab it an run!
and you better not give up either!


You couldn't say it better, Bobbi. You always are so kind to everybody <3


(22-08-2021, 08:19)LastNightShade Wrote:  

Where do I even start? I've been trying to grow my breasts for years now because I despise how small they are. I'm 5'3" (161 cm) and my bust is about 33 inches, which may be being generous as I'm not sure I'm even measuring them correctly. My band size is only 28 inches so overall I have a small frame. I was made fun of in high school for having small breasts, but couldn't really do anything about it at the time because I was still a teenager and didn't have any way to make money. I'm almost 28 years old now, and I hate my body with a fiery passion. I'm so goddamn shapeless that I can't stand looking at myself in the mirror. The only place I seem to ever gain any weight is my gut. And we all know that nobody finds a fat gut attractive. Don't try to bullshit me with the idea that someone out there would find me attractive. That sort of person doesn't exist. Men have always hated me and called me ugly, this is something that has never changed even in my adult life. I still have acne at my age, which I've had since I was 12. I kid you not, it's been 16 years and there's no signs of my acne ever clearing up. It seems to be the only part of me that still thinks it's in puberty. I look around me and I see all of these beautiful women with nice ample chests, meanwhile mine are smaller than my hands. And given that I have small hands, my breasts being even smaller just makes things much worse. 

I've been using a breast pump for a while and breast creams for several years at this point. Literally no change since the start. I started on Total Curve two months ago and still nothing. I've been generously applying the cream and messaging it in twice a day, as well as taking the pills twice a day as instructed. I even still continue to use the breast pump daily in a desperate attempt to see any sort of change. Have I not been doing it long enough? According to the website I should have seen a change by now, even just a small one. What am I doing wrong?

I'm probably gonna be called an attention seeking whore for this but I'm just gonna say it: This piece of shit body of mine makes me want to commit suicide. All I want is to feel good about myself. I don't need to have the biggest breasts to feel good, just enough so it gives me a nice shape at least. Is it so wrong to want an hourglass body? I'm stuck with this worthless rectangle, everyone's least favorite shape. My younger sister has a bigger chest than I do, not to mention a tiny waist and nice full hips. Basically a petite hourglass. I know I carry the genes for at least a medium size chest because I have direct blood related relatives

(aunts from both sides of the family)  who have nice sized chests. None of them are massive, but definitely not small either. My dad's younger sister recently visited us and I couldn't help but notice how nice her chest was, and this is a woman in her 50s. I know for a fact that she hasn't had any work done. She also has that perfect hourglass figure and continues to maintain it despite her age.

The way my body is now, it could never please a man in bed. Not even another woman. Men like big breasts, they don't like small ones. If a guy says he hates big breasts and likes small ones he's lying. I have seen so many things about how women with small breasts are worthless, and without them she's basically a dickless man. To men, breasts are what make a woman a woman. It doesn't matter if you have a female reproductive system. If you don't have at least a decent size chest, you're not a woman. It's not like I want every man I ever come across to fawn over me, but knowing all of these things has made me feel completely worthless. I haven't dated in almost 9 years now due to multiple factors, my body being one of the main problems. I have never once been beautiful, not in the face and especially not in the body. It's like I've been cursed. I honestly wish it was possible to change/implement new body parts like how you can change the components of a computer. That way I could throw this piece of shit in the garbage where it fucking belongs and exchange it for a new one. One that isn't absolutely hideous. If there is a god, then the way I must have been created was after he took a massive shit and forgot to flush. It later being found by an angel who flushed it and declared: "It's earths problem now."

Nobody is probably going to read this or even reply, but I'm just about to give up completely. It hurts to see all of these success stories while I can't even get a slight change. Any time I feel like I make any progress at all it literally goes down the drain when I bathe because my breasts shrink in the shower. I can't even get them to lift or feel firm. I forgot to mention that they're also uneven (not symmetrical), and have been since they first showed up. For the record, I do wear a bra, but even that doesn't seem to help their shape. I'll give it a few more weeks, a month at most. If I don't see anything by that point, it's hopeless. If I can't feel happy with my body, then there's no point in living. I'd rather just free myself entirely from this garbage vessel that I'm trapped in. Is it wrong to want a body you find attractive? If it is, then I'm the biggest sinner alive. I'm not getting any younger, it's only downhill from here. Before it all ends, I want to be able to experience what it's like to be happy with oneself, even if only just once. But it looks like I can't even have that. These days, everything is about looks. Very few people care about what's on the inside anymore. Being beautiful, even if just in the face, has a myriad of perks. Last I checked, being unattractive comes with precisely zero bonuses. It just serves as a reminder that nature goofed on you.

I'll try for a little bit longer, but it's looking like things are just never going to work in my favor. I really don't see what more I could do to stimulate breast growth. I eat fine, I move around plenty, and I'm not going to stop washing myself just because it makes my breasts shrink. If anybody reading this has made it this far: Congratulations, you must have a lot of patience and tolerance to make it all the way here. I commend you for that. Please don't bother with telling me to call a suicide hot line. Very little can help me anymore, suicide lines aren't one of them. I don't want to listen to the generic "It will be okay" or "Things will get better" and other phrases that have been said so many times at this point that it probably amounts to the age of the universe. The only thing that will help me at this point is to somehow gain a little bit of happiness with myself. Bigger breasts would do the trick. I wouldn't feel the need to constantly compare myself to other women anymore, and I could look in the mirror without wanting to vomit. I don't care if it's superficial, I just want bigger breasts. Maybe it simply hasn't been long enough with the new cream and pills I've been using, but there should be some sort of change any day now. Even just a small sign that what I'm doing is slowly working would be enough for me to keep going. Anything, I'll take the crumbs at this point, just let me see something. I'm sick of constantly being jealous of other women who have been blessed. Let me be blessed too. Let me have just a little something in my empty life to feel good about. Give me a reason to want to live to the end. Otherwise my life truly is pointless. I want to feel joy, I want to be be happy and positive. So please, just let me have something. That's all I ask for. I don't need fame, fortune, or the world to worship me. I just want to know that there's a chance for this body to become beautiful and isn't doomed to be disgusting until its natural death. Let me know that it's worth it to keep going, that everything I've done up to this point hasn't been for naught. Please.

My honest advice:

1- Hormone panel first. Bobbi's right, you need to know if your hormones are balanced or not. After the test, you can figure out what is going on with you.

2- Breast pump - using a gauge. (And please, do not compare to others' progress. The first year and a half I grow 7cm pumping AMONG gaining weight, and then I hit a plateau THAT LASTED ALMOST TWO DAMN YEARS. I have have grown another 4cm in total this year (2021). BUT ZERO (well, 0,5cm actually)  IN 22 MONTHS.

3- Topical path = VOLUFILINE a.k.a Zhi mu liquid extract. ALSO, herbal infusions.

4- GAINING WEIGHT THE SMART WAY = RESISTANCE TRAINING. If you wanna have a hourglass body and you are not gifted, WORK FOR IT. PERIOD. When I started NBE in 2015 I was 31-27-35"/ 81-69-90cm . Currently I am 37-29-44 "/94- 74-112 cm.

Nothing was given, I work my ass off! NO PAIN NO GAIN. Eat well, find out if you need to recomp or be on a bulking (How much do you weight?), 2 days per week at least glutes and 2 upper body, 2 days abs  (hourglass appearance it's best done this way), good rest, educate yourself about exercise and fitness industry. You have a ton of info on YouTube.

5- You need help. Sorry but it's true. This was not a random rant, you had all this bullshit in your mind and you wrote it here for a reason.  Even if you reach to grow cells in your breast this mindset is not healthy.  And to be honest, even you grow eventually you will still feeling incomplete.

Why are you trying to grow your breasts? Have you ever thought your attitude perhaps is not the best way to make this journey? Because this is a journey. And all journeys are different. My body and yours ain't the same, and the chemistry does not work the same on you and me. That's it.

We gotta accept ourselves and our limitations as well, but torturing yourself is not the solution. Seek help, please. And remember this is a community, we are here to help each other, so we got your back okay? You deserve to be happy no matter what.


I'm really disappointed that you havent posted again. and a bit worried too.
Everything is possible if you try

A few observations and my opinion.

One, not all men like large breasts.  Over a billion women worldwide are flat or have small breasts and yet the world goes on.

Two, I have several male friends who only like women with small breasts with a less curvy body shape.

Three, to please a man in bed has very little to do with your breasts and more to do with how you pleasure him.  Technique is everything, IMO.

Four, If a guy only likes you for breasts, then run.  Your personality is what attracts the right kind of guy for a long term relationship.  I have a close male friend who only goes for one body type and personality is secondary.  He has been divorced three times.


(22-08-2021, 08:19)LastNightShade Wrote:  

Where do I even start? I've been trying to grow my breasts for years now because I despise how small they are. I'm 5'3" (161 cm) and my bust is about 33 inches, which may be being generous as I'm not sure I'm even measuring them correctly. My band size is only 28 inches so overall I have a small frame. I was made fun of in high school for having small breasts, but couldn't really do anything about it at the time because I was still a teenager and didn't have any way to make money. I'm almost 28 years old now, and I hate my body with a fiery passion. I'm so goddamn shapeless that I can't stand looking at myself in the mirror. The only place I seem to ever gain any weight is my gut. And we all know that nobody finds a fat gut attractive. Don't try to bullshit me with the idea that someone out there would find me attractive. That sort of person doesn't exist. Men have always hated me and called me ugly, this is something that has never changed even in my adult life. I still have acne at my age, which I've had since I was 12. I kid you not, it's been 16 years and there's no signs of my acne ever clearing up. It seems to be the only part of me that still thinks it's in puberty. I look around me and I see all of these beautiful women with nice ample chests, meanwhile mine are smaller than my hands. And given that I have small hands, my breasts being even smaller just makes things much worse. 

I've been using a breast pump for a while and breast creams for several years at this point. Literally no change since the start. I started on Total Curve two months ago and still nothing. I've been generously applying the cream and messaging it in twice a day, as well as taking the pills twice a day as instructed. I even still continue to use the breast pump daily in a desperate attempt to see any sort of change. Have I not been doing it long enough? According to the website I should have seen a change by now, even just a small one. What am I doing wrong?

I'm probably gonna be called an attention seeking whore for this but I'm just gonna say it: This piece of shit body of mine makes me want to commit suicide. All I want is to feel good about myself. I don't need to have the biggest breasts to feel good, just enough so it gives me a nice shape at least. Is it so wrong to want an hourglass body? I'm stuck with this worthless rectangle, everyone's least favorite shape. My younger sister has a bigger chest than I do, not to mention a tiny waist and nice full hips. Basically a petite hourglass. I know I carry the genes for at least a medium size chest because I have direct blood related relatives

(aunts from both sides of the family)  who have nice sized chests. None of them are massive, but definitely not small either. My dad's younger sister recently visited us and I couldn't help but notice how nice her chest was, and this is a woman in her 50s. I know for a fact that she hasn't had any work done. She also has that perfect hourglass figure and continues to maintain it despite her age.

The way my body is now, it could never please a man in bed. Not even another woman. Men like big breasts, they don't like small ones. If a guy says he hates big breasts and likes small ones he's lying. I have seen so many things about how women with small breasts are worthless, and without them she's basically a dickless man. To men, breasts are what make a woman a woman. It doesn't matter if you have a female reproductive system. If you don't have at least a decent size chest, you're not a woman. It's not like I want every man I ever come across to fawn over me, but knowing all of these things has made me feel completely worthless. I haven't dated in almost 9 years now due to multiple factors, my body being one of the main problems. I have never once been beautiful, not in the face and especially not in the body. It's like I've been cursed. I honestly wish it was possible to change/implement new body parts like how you can change the components of a computer. That way I could throw this piece of shit in the garbage where it fucking belongs and exchange it for a new one. One that isn't absolutely hideous. If there is a god, then the way I must have been created was after he took a massive shit and forgot to flush. It later being found by an angel who flushed it and declared: "It's earths problem now."

Nobody is probably going to read this or even reply, but I'm just about to give up completely. It hurts to see all of these success stories while I can't even get a slight change. Any time I feel like I make any progress at all it literally goes down the drain when I bathe because my breasts shrink in the shower. I can't even get them to lift or feel firm. I forgot to mention that they're also uneven (not symmetrical), and have been since they first showed up. For the record, I do wear a bra, but even that doesn't seem to help their shape. I'll give it a few more weeks, a month at most. If I don't see anything by that point, it's hopeless. If I can't feel happy with my body, then there's no point in living. I'd rather just free myself entirely from this garbage vessel that I'm trapped in. Is it wrong to want a body you find attractive? If it is, then I'm the biggest sinner alive. I'm not getting any younger, it's only downhill from here. Before it all ends, I want to be able to experience what it's like to be happy with oneself, even if only just once. But it looks like I can't even have that. These days, everything is about looks. Very few people care about what's on the inside anymore. Being beautiful, even if just in the face, has a myriad of perks. Last I checked, being unattractive comes with precisely zero bonuses. It just serves as a reminder that nature goofed on you.

I'll try for a little bit longer, but it's looking like things are just never going to work in my favor. I really don't see what more I could do to stimulate breast growth. I eat fine, I move around plenty, and I'm not going to stop washing myself just because it makes my breasts shrink. If anybody reading this has made it this far: Congratulations, you must have a lot of patience and tolerance to make it all the way here. I commend you for that. Please don't bother with telling me to call a suicide hot line. Very little can help me anymore, suicide lines aren't one of them. I don't want to listen to the generic "It will be okay" or "Things will get better" and other phrases that have been said so many times at this point that it probably amounts to the age of the universe. The only thing that will help me at this point is to somehow gain a little bit of happiness with myself. Bigger breasts would do the trick. I wouldn't feel the need to constantly compare myself to other women anymore, and I could look in the mirror without wanting to vomit. I don't care if it's superficial, I just want bigger breasts. Maybe it simply hasn't been long enough with the new cream and pills I've been using, but there should be some sort of change any day now. Even just a small sign that what I'm doing is slowly working would be enough for me to keep going. Anything, I'll take the crumbs at this point, just let me see something. I'm sick of constantly being jealous of other women who have been blessed. Let me be blessed too. Let me have just a little something in my empty life to feel good about. Give me a reason to want to live to the end. Otherwise my life truly is pointless. I want to feel joy, I want to be be happy and positive. So please, just let me have something. That's all I ask for. I don't need fame, fortune, or the world to worship me. I just want to know that there's a chance for this body to become beautiful and isn't doomed to be disgusting until its natural death. Let me know that it's worth it to keep going, that everything I've done up to this point hasn't been for naught. Please.


From a biological perspective, the reason some people respond to hormones better than others is due to the number of receptors they have on their breast tissue. You could have 10 molecules of oestrogen but only 1 receptor, and that receptor can only take a molecule at a time, making growth very slow or unnoticeable. Whereas if you had 10 receptors, there is more oestrogen that can bind at any one time, thus increasing the growth rate. This receptor number is unfortunately determined by genetics. So in my family all the women have small breasts and that would signify a genetic limit I may never overcome in my NBE journey. However if there are women in your family who are curvaceous it is possible that you have the receptor capability but perhaps not enough hormone. So get your hormones checked and consider glandular therapy. Always research thoroughly.

Also, the stress hormone cortisol can occupy and block these receptor sites, so being stressed and angry at yourself will stunt your growth as the cells in your breasts do not receive the signal to grow. So as hard as it is to de-stress, do focus on this first. Try breathing exercises, and maybe purchase some stocking lace lingerie from ann summers or somewhere, and just dance with  yourself and enjoy your own touch. Even if you dont feel sexy yet, your body still has erogenous zones and millions of nerve endings that serve a purpose to please you. Utilise this to help you destress and reconnect with your body. Do it in the dark, or with mood lighting. Incorporate breast massage into this routine in a sensual way, dont be so focused on massaging as hard as possible or counting the rotations. Just focus on enjoying it, and allow yourself to move across other parts of your body as you wish, dont force yourself into one area, just be free.

This should help you reconnect with your body and enjoy your journey, as well as helping you achieve larger breasts.

If you are particularly thin, gaining weight will help because fat cells are needed for oestrogen production, the less you have , the less you produce.

And like me you have acne way past puberty (what a life :/)

This is usually by excess androgens. So sort out your hormone levels and consume foods that help you get rid of androgens. Also eat enough iodine to flush out your lymphatic system and support your thyroid. If the lymph is clogged, fresh hormones that you're working for wont reach the receptor sites in your breast. But dont overdo the iodine. The dose needs to be controlled or else your thyroid will become messed up and you will have the same problem again with acne and low feminising hormones. It must be controlled and accurate.

I hope that you feel better soon. And remember life and experiences are more important and valuable than sex and attraction. Though you have a complete right to try and get the body you desire.


(22-08-2021, 08:19)LastNightShade Wrote:  

Where do I even start? I've been trying to grow my breasts for years now because I despise how small they are. I'm 5'3" (161 cm) and my bust is about 33 inches, which may be being generous as I'm not sure I'm even measuring them correctly. My band size is only 28 inches so overall I have a small frame. I was made fun of in high school for having small breasts, but couldn't really do anything about it at the time because I was still a teenager and didn't have any way to make money. I'm almost 28 years old now, and I hate my body with a fiery passion. I'm so goddamn shapeless that I can't stand looking at myself in the mirror. The only place I seem to ever gain any weight is my gut. And we all know that nobody finds a fat gut attractive. Don't try to bullshit me with the idea that someone out there would find me attractive. That sort of person doesn't exist. Men have always hated me and called me ugly, this is something that has never changed even in my adult life. I still have acne at my age, which I've had since I was 12. I kid you not, it's been 16 years and there's no signs of my acne ever clearing up. It seems to be the only part of me that still thinks it's in puberty. I look around me and I see all of these beautiful women with nice ample chests, meanwhile mine are smaller than my hands. And given that I have small hands, my breasts being even smaller just makes things much worse. 

I've been using a breast pump for a while and breast creams for several years at this point. Literally no change since the start. I started on Total Curve two months ago and still nothing. I've been generously applying the cream and messaging it in twice a day, as well as taking the pills twice a day as instructed. I even still continue to use the breast pump daily in a desperate attempt to see any sort of change. Have I not been doing it long enough? According to the website I should have seen a change by now, even just a small one. What am I doing wrong?

I'm probably gonna be called an attention seeking whore for this but I'm just gonna say it: This piece of shit body of mine makes me want to commit suicide. All I want is to feel good about myself. I don't need to have the biggest breasts to feel good, just enough so it gives me a nice shape at least. Is it so wrong to want an hourglass body? I'm stuck with this worthless rectangle, everyone's least favorite shape. My younger sister has a bigger chest than I do, not to mention a tiny waist and nice full hips. Basically a petite hourglass. I know I carry the genes for at least a medium size chest because I have direct blood related relatives(aunts from both sides of the family)  who have nice sized chests. None of them are massive, but definitely not small either. My dad's younger sister recently visited us and I couldn't help but notice how nice her chest was, and this is a woman in her 50s. I know for a fact that she hasn't had any work done. She also has that perfect hourglass figure and continues to maintain it despite her age.

The way my body is now, it could never please a man in bed. Not even another woman. Men like big breasts, they don't like small ones. If a guy says he hates big breasts and likes small ones he's lying. I have seen so many things about how women with small breasts are worthless, and without them she's basically a dickless man. To men, breasts are what make a woman a woman. It doesn't matter if you have a female reproductive system. If you don't have at least a decent size chest, you're not a woman. It's not like I want every man I ever come across to fawn over me, but knowing all of these things has made me feel completely worthless. I haven't dated in almost 9 years now due to multiple factors, my body being one of the main problems. I have never once been beautiful, not in the face and especially not in the body. It's like I've been cursed. I honestly wish it was possible to change/implement new body parts like how you can change the components of a computer. That way I could throw this piece of shit in the garbage where it fucking belongs and exchange it for a new one. One that isn't absolutely hideous. If there is a god, then the way I must have been created was after he took a massive shit and forgot to flush. It later being found by an angel who flushed it and declared: "It's earths problem now."

Nobody is probably going to read this or even reply, but I'm just about to give up completely. It hurts to see all of these success stories while I can't even get a slight change. Any time I feel like I make any progress at all it literally goes down the drain when I bathe because my breasts shrink in the shower. I can't even get them to lift or feel firm. I forgot to mention that they're also uneven (not symmetrical), and have been since they first showed up. For the record, I do wear a bra, but even that doesn't seem to help their shape. I'll give it a few more weeks, a month at most. If I don't see anything by that point, it's hopeless. If I can't feel happy with my body, then there's no point in living. I'd rather just free myself entirely from this garbage vessel that I'm trapped in. Is it wrong to want a body you find attractive? If it is, then I'm the biggest sinner alive. I'm not getting any younger, it's only downhill from here. Before it all ends, I want to be able to experience what it's like to be happy with oneself, even if only just once. But it looks like I can't even have that. These days, everything is about looks. Very few people care about what's on the inside anymore. Being beautiful, even if just in the face, has a myriad of perks. Last I checked, being unattractive comes with precisely zero bonuses. It just serves as a reminder that nature goofed on you.

I'll try for a little bit longer, but it's looking like things are just never going to work in my favor. I really don't see what more I could do to stimulate breast growth. I eat fine, I move around plenty, and I'm not going to stop washing myself just because it makes my breasts shrink. If anybody reading this has made it this far: Congratulations, you must have a lot of patience and tolerance to make it all the way here. I commend you for that. Please don't bother with telling me to call a suicide hot line. Very little can help me anymore, suicide lines aren't one of them. I don't want to listen to the generic "It will be okay" or "Things will get better" and other phrases that have been said so many times at this point that it probably amounts to the age of the universe. The only thing that will help me at this point is to somehow gain a little bit of happiness with myself. Bigger breasts would do the trick. I wouldn't feel the need to constantly compare myself to other women anymore, and I could look in the mirror without wanting to vomit. I don't care if it's superficial, I just want bigger breasts. Maybe it simply hasn't been long enough with the new cream and pills I've been using, but there should be some sort of change any day now. Even just a small sign that what I'm doing is slowly working would be enough for me to keep going. Anything, I'll take the crumbs at this point, just let me see something. I'm sick of constantly being jealous of other women who have been blessed. Let me be blessed too. Let me have just a little something in my empty life to feel good about. Give me a reason to want to live to the end. Otherwise my life truly is pointless. I want to feel joy, I want to be be happy and positive. So please, just let me have something. That's all I ask for. I don't need fame, fortune, or the world to worship me. I just want to know that there's a chance for this body to become beautiful and isn't doomed to be disgusting until its natural death. Let me know that it's worth it to keep going, that everything I've done up to this point hasn't been for naught. Please.

Do the Chiyomilk routine.

Materials : 1. Japanese pig placenta ( buy on Amazon )

2. Pueraria mirifica 330 mg ( if you can’t find 330mg on Amazon then measure it out 1/8th of teaspoon , make sure it’s the white one)

3. Japanese nano collagen (Amazon , any brand is fine such as fish collagen)

4. Fenugreek seeds ( buy at Amazon or local Indian store )

5. Spearmint tea

6. Chaste berry tea

7. Either progesterone cream or placenta cream


Follicular phase -

1. Soak 2 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in morning and drink at night.

2. Take 1 tablet of pueraria mirifica or measure the quantity and drink.

2. Take placenta tablet and collagen powder at night

3. Drink spearmint tea in morning and night.

4 massage like crazy 10 mins a day morning and night with cream - empty out some pueraria and massage with that .

Lutual phase :

1. Pig placenta

2. Collagen

3. Chaste berry tea morning and night

5. Massage with placenta cream or progesterone cream .

** start wearing a waist trainer for a curvy body shape, squat for your butt and do hip exercises . Don’t forget to eat a balanced diet and drink whole milk . Asian diets are beneficial because they have lots of estrogenic herbs too in the food . Expect 1-2 cup size increase in a year . Read her blog , translate it into English on google translate . you will find all the answers


I know in your current situation the less you want to read is "comforting" gibberish so here is how you can fix your problems: 

1.- Gut gut fat take this.
2.- Acne take this.
4.- About what you are doing wrong with pumping: Cortisol is NBE killer and you're so stressed for results. The supplement on number one will help you with this too.
5.-If you carry the hourglass in your genes your problem is hormonal balance and I'm giving you a program to fix it:

If you are on a budget and/or dont want to cycle just take:

  • 1 cap Pueraria Mirifica 500mg
  • 1 cap Vit C 1000mg
  • 2 caps of MSM of 1000mg
  • 1 cap of Saw Palmetto 450mg
  • 1 imperial adaptogen cap
  • Massage twice a day with flaxseed oil
Remember to take a break of PM once in a while or balance with PC

If you're not on a budget:


  • 3 grams of Hydrolized collagen
  • 1 Whiteex
  • 300-500mg Pueraria Mirifica
  • 2 caps Biotech Natural Curves
  • 6-10 drops of Red Clover Liquid Extract

Massage everyday with the fatbrushing technique

If you don't want to cycle supplements:


  • 2 caps  MSM of 1000mg
  • 1 cap of Vit C 1000 mg
  • 2 caps  Shatavari of 250mg
  • 1 cap Imperial Adaptogen
  • 1 cap of Saw Palmetto (450mg)
  • Half a cap of progesterone (50mg)
  • 1 cap of Pueraria Mirifica (300-500mg)
  • 1 cap of Black Cohosh
  • 1 cap of Vitex
Keep it with your daily massage.

If possible massage with Flaxseed oil during follicular and wild yam cream during luteal.

You can cycle PM and Progesterone too, taking the first from day 1 of your cycle to 14. And Progesterone from 15 to 28.
6.-Pleasing another human in bed has more to do with technique than physique.
7.- If men didn't like girls without curves... the tag "flat chested" would not exist on porn sites... and loli hentai wouldn't be a thing!... I'm being serious!!
8.-Men who express like that are waaayyy more worthless than woman without big breast. 
9.-About an 80% of women have uneven breast, usually left breast is bigger.
10.-If you want results in less than a month get a boobjob.... Most success programs take min 3 months.

Boobs aren't the problem girl... I hope you can understand this and get some help... 


I can relate a lot to what you wrote. Trust me, I've been there and still am there with hating my body and feeling completely unattractive and wanting a body that everybody would admit is sexy/gorgeous not just a few select people with a small breast fetish.

But I must correct you that those people do exist... the ones that love big breasts will always be the loudest and most common, but they exist. Check out subreddits for small breasts and petite bodies if you don't believe it, the comments of the regulars there are pretty uplifting, they can choose to look at any of the numerous big breasts online if they want they have all of the choice in the world but they choose to look at and praise the small ones.

I know that doesn't help you though. I also feel worthless for my small breasts and knowing they are viewed so low by most people. I also see all of the nasty hatefulness towards small breasts and constant praise and drooling over big ones. I want to experience having a sexy full figured body that I can be happy in.

For extreme cases such as yours where you even consider suicide I would suggest plastic surgery. I heard some good things about fat transfer on this forum and elsewhere as an alternative to silicone implants.

Even I'm considering it though I just really want to be natural but if it saves your life as a last resort it's worth it.


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