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Is swelling a sign that growth will eventually happen?


I don't even know anymore. I feel like it's just so hard to tell because it's so hard to remember exactly what they looked like before when talking about minimal changes. I still stand by the areola being bigger though. The actual breast feels a bit harder to tell. It's been 36 hours though since I last pumped and I finally took the plunge and took photos. I felt like it was the only way to tell the difference at this point is to start taking photos. I was so nervous too because it uploaded to googlephotos first and I was like ekkk just so nervous up until the point they were on my computer and I could delete them from everywhere else. I saw some photos from when I was skinnier on there too and between that and looking at the photos of my breasts it was pretty depressing. At least I have them now though.  I should have done it four weeks ago and perhaps I would have been able to more easily tell the difference now, but it's better four weeks late than never. I don't even think I'm going to worry about whether there is a change right now. There's just too many variables. I think in a month when I will (hopefully) have lost enough weight I have the same underbust size as usual for the tape measure to be more helpful and I'll have pictures to reference back to from before it will be easier to tell. I'm just going to keep on keeping on. I think the three month mark is the norm for when a lot of people start to notice noticeable differences so I'm going to just keep going and get my diet and exercise together and hopefully by then while not at my goal weight I will hopefully be  in the weight range I'm more comfortable and my larger breast will decrease some so hopefully they are  closer to being symmetrical. 
How are you doing?

Can't believe I'm doing this again, but I'm posting a photo. The more I look at it the more I can see that not only is the areola a bit bigger but it has a bit more of an outward/bottom curve than before. Like the c looking curve it now has, if that makes sense? I think I'm being too rough on myself. 36 hours later there is a 1/2 an inch increase and there is a bit more roundness on the outer breast and where the outerbreast meets the underbreast that wasn't there before. I wish I took a photo four weeks ago, but here is a photo at exactly the four week mark.

Your breasts look awesome! They have such a nice shape. Yes, one of them points a bit more outward and is smaller, but your nipple/areola doesn't even look underdeveloped to me, it just looks like a very small breast. Too bad you didn't take one four weeks ago so I could see the changes, but I am glad you posted one now! <3

I went swimming with a friend yday. It's hard to find a swimsuit that looks decent on me. I can't wear a one piece bathing suit because my breasts look hideous under it. I can't wear a bikini because I just don't have the body for it (yet). So I wore a tankini. I always look down on myself and check my breasts to see if they look weird. We didn't stay long, though, half an hour maybe, so that was ok. But I caught my friend looking at a busty chick, didn't necessarily make me feel better about myself.

I was up to 130.8 yday, didn't weigh myself today.

I don't even know how I stay on track diet-wise on some days, I certainly don't all the time (I wouldn't be borderline overweight if I did lol). I've been hanging out with my friend a lot lately ever since his cat had disappeared (he's back, but he was injured). There was a time in my life where I avoided hanging out with people because I found it so much easier to stay on track when I wasn't around people, but I am finding it harder not to overeat when I'm alone these days. Some days I think a lot about food, like looking forward to meals and it even feels like my whole day revolves around food or like I am waiting for the time when I can finally eat (I'm such a monster).

Sorry to hear things are still so bad in the US. How come they are not getting things under control over there? I rarely watch the news, most of the time I read something online here and there, but I don't really know what's going on. I just heard that they made it "optional" to wear face masks somewhere because people had refused to wear them and had gotten aggressive towards staff. And that people had gone to the beach and some lawyer was dressed up as the grim reaper to scare them away lol.

It seems like some countries got this under control in no time and others didn't. I don't know why, though.

The numbers have been on the rise over here since the restrictions were loosened, but it's still under control. There were 7 newly infected people in my region the other day and only if we hit 50, they will take measures again. There was only one area in the whole country where this was the case. With restaurants and swimming pools being open again (even if they only allow a certain number of people in at the same time), people are at higher risk to get infected, so we will see how this goes.

Are you worried about getting sick or about losing your job? I am sorry to hear you are dealing with so much anxiety because of this stupid virus.

I am going to lose those 18 lbs with you!! I was 112 lbs last year when I fit in another tankini which I initially had planned on wearing yday. My friend wanted to go swimming last week already and I had taken that one with me, THANK GOD we didn't go, I tried it on yday and it was really tight. As in, so tight, there wasn't even room for my right breast, it was being pushed out in the middle and on the side ugh. I have no idea if my breast got that big or if it's back fat, or both.

So for me it's been a year since I last saw that number on the scale, it's about time we get to that weight again :-)

My mom brought me so much food last week (she meant well), I am not going to start to actively try to lose weight until it's gone, I HATE throwing out food or letting it go to waste. I think it will be gone by the middle of next week, so I should be good to go Wednesday/Thursday. Thursday is the 13th, I like that number, so that is gonna be it for me I think.

That sounds like a plan! I am finding it much easier to get stay on track after a workout because like you said, it would feel like such a waste of a workout if I just went and overate later. I think it will make you feel better and 2 hours of pumping is still a lot.

Congrats on the areola growth, I am sorry to hear the rest is so confusing. I wish you could celebrate your growth, but I know what it's like when you don't want to get too excited over something that might not be long-lasting or not even real. Maybe you really need to stop measuring until you are at your goal weight, or just rely on pictures. But even then, you wouldn't know whether it was just swelling or real growth. Maybe take pics every month and try not to examine your breasts the rest of the time? Easier said than done, I know. 
Areola size wouldn't make a difference, no. Unless it had become puffy, which isn't the case. Your nipple is probably responding to all that stimulation :-)

I don't pump before going swimming, I am too worried about the dome leaving a very visible mark on my chest lol. And I got home around 11pm and went to bed. It's ok to skip a day here and there. I will start a new routine this Thursday, as well, as my Kinesio tape arrived this week, I also ordered some flaxseed oil after reading about someone on here who achieved visible growth with it after just one massage (only one breast, though).


(09-08-2020, 09:23)koyasha Wrote:  

Your breasts look awesome! They have such a nice shape. Yes, one of them points a bit more outward and is smaller, but your nipple/areola doesn't even look underdeveloped to me, it just looks like a very small breast. Too bad you didn't take one four weeks ago so I could see the changes, but I am glad you posted one now! <3

I went swimming with a friend yday. It's hard to find a swimsuit that looks decent on me. I can't wear a one piece bathing suit because my breasts look hideous under it. I can't wear a bikini because I just don't have the body for it (yet). So I wore a tankini. I always look down on myself and check my breasts to see if they look weird. We didn't stay long, though, half an hour maybe, so that was ok. But I caught my friend looking at a busty chick, didn't necessarily make me feel better about myself.

I was up to 130.8 yday, didn't weigh myself today.

I don't even know how I stay on track diet-wise on some days, I certainly don't all the time (I wouldn't be borderline overweight if I did lol). I've been hanging out with my friend a lot lately ever since his cat had disappeared (he's back, but he was injured). There was a time in my life where I avoided hanging out with people because I found it so much easier to stay on track when I wasn't around people, but I am finding it harder not to overeat when I'm alone these days. Some days I think a lot about food, like looking forward to meals and it even feels like my whole day revolves around food or like I am waiting for the time when I can finally eat (I'm such a monster).

Sorry to hear things are still so bad in the US. How come they are not getting things under control over there? I rarely watch the news, most of the time I read something online here and there, but I don't really know what's going on. I just heard that they made it "optional" to wear face masks somewhere because people had refused to wear them and had gotten aggressive towards staff. And that people had gone to the beach and some lawyer was dressed up as the grim reaper to scare them away lol.

It seems like some countries got this under control in no time and others didn't. I don't know why, though.

The numbers have been on the rise over here since the restrictions were loosened, but it's still under control. There were 7 newly infected people in my region the other day and only if we hit 50, they will take measures again. There was only one area in the whole country where this was the case. With restaurants and swimming pools being open again (even if they only allow a certain number of people in at the same time), people are at higher risk to get infected, so we will see how this goes.

Are you worried about getting sick or about losing your job? I am sorry to hear you are dealing with so much anxiety because of this stupid virus.

I am going to lose those 18 lbs with you!! I was 112 lbs last year when I fit in another tankini which I initially had planned on wearing yday. My friend wanted to go swimming last week already and I had taken that one with me, THANK GOD we didn't go, I tried it on yday and it was really tight. As in, so tight, there wasn't even room for my right breast, it was being pushed out in the middle and on the side ugh. I have no idea if my breast got that big or if it's back fat, or both.

So for me it's been a year since I last saw that number on the scale, it's about time we get to that weight again :-)

My mom brought me so much food last week (she meant well), I am not going to start to actively try to lose weight until it's gone, I HATE throwing out food or letting it go to waste. I think it will be gone by the middle of next week, so I should be good to go Wednesday/Thursday. Thursday is the 13th, I like that number, so that is gonna be it for me I think.

That sounds like a plan! I am finding it much easier to get stay on track after a workout because like you said, it would feel like such a waste of a workout if I just went and overate later. I think it will make you feel better and 2 hours of pumping is still a lot.

Congrats on the areola growth, I am sorry to hear the rest is so confusing. I wish you could celebrate your growth, but I know what it's like when you don't want to get too excited over something that might not be long-lasting or not even real. Maybe you really need to stop measuring until you are at your goal weight, or just rely on pictures. But even then, you wouldn't know whether it was just swelling or real growth. Maybe take pics every month and try not to examine your breasts the rest of the time? Easier said than done, I know. 
Areola size wouldn't make a difference, no. Unless it had become puffy, which isn't the case. Your nipple is probably responding to all that stimulation :-)

I don't pump before going swimming, I am too worried about the dome leaving a very visible mark on my chest lol. And I got home around 11pm and went to bed. It's ok to skip a day here and there. I will start a new routine this Thursday, as well, as my Kinesio tape arrived this week, I also ordered some flaxseed oil after reading about someone on here who achieved visible growth with it after just one massage (only one breast, though).

Thank you! I really hope they wind up the same shape when they are symmetrical. Yeah, I wish I took a photo at the beginning too. Even though it's minimal changes, the small amount of areola growth and hopefully breast growth does make it look a bit more like a very small breast vs underdeveloped, but it did look more underdeveloped to me beforehand. I just want them to be symmetrical already so badly. I took more photos so I had side photos as well but freaked out when I realized it uploaded to the cloud and I didn't want that so I deleted it from the cloud, but it deleted it from my computer too, so all I have now is the photo I uploaded on here.

I don't think I've even wore a swimsuit since I was like a pre-teen. It's sad really. I'm the same way lately. I feel like my day revolves around wanting to eat and thinking about food constantly. It's still crazy to me that we're like the same weight with the same goal weight. Sorry that you were feeling self conscious yesterday. I was just at home but was having those days where I was beating myself up for getting so off track and struggling to get back on track. 

We're not even really trying to get it under control in my country. The states did their own thing for the most part. Some states have gotten it under control, including mine, but the problem is because we can all travel into other states that it doesn't really matter if one state got it under control if another state hasn't really done anything about it because it will just wind up back in the states that did take it seriously. It's not even just the virus though. There's quite a lot happening here at the moment, and there's a lot of anxiety going into November 3rd/our election, and the current president won't even say whether he'll accept the results of it, so that fear of the unknown leading up to Nov 3rd is big and a lot of people around me are feeling it. The virus throws an extra unknown into the mix though because they want kids back in school even w/ us ranging between 50,000-70,000 new cases a day so between that and flu season at the same time it's predicted to get bad in the fall and we'll be trying to hold one of the most important elections in the midst of it. I don't want to get too into it though and have this turn into a political post though. 

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm going to do is take photos every month and measurements and try not to look at them much throughout the day. We can do it! We'll both get to our goal weight and get our breasts symmetrical at the same time Smile

It's a good thing that your breast doesn't look underdeveloped anymore, I believe that it can make a big change, like going from a childlike to a womanly look. Even though there hasn't been much growth, it's a big achievement already!

Are your breasts the reason you don't feel comfortable wearing a swimsuit or is it body image issues in general? Or is it that you just don't like swimming?

I'm sorry to hear you are struggling with constant thoughts about food, as well. I wasn't good yday, but I was sweating my ass off last night (it's so warm here for our standards), so I was 130 lbs this morning. I probably sweated it all out lol.

Thank you for filling me in on what the situation is like over there. You never really hear how people feel, what you see on the news is the big picture. And for some reason, Americans are not very popular among a lot of people I have talked to about this. Nobody likes Trump so they blame the Americans for a lot of things. Like I heard someone had invented a cure for the virus and apparently the Americans bought it and they want to sell it to the rest of the world for a lot of money, trying to get rich at the expense of nations of sick people, whereas the Russians were about to come up with a cure, as well, and they are willing to give it to the rest of the world for free (or little money). I have no idea if any of this is true, but people like to badmouth the Americans. So I really appreciate your input on this as someone who is living there and is not just talking nonsense.

It sucks that the States that put enough effort into this to get it under control don't have any way to protect themselves against those that don't seem to care. Especially with schools planning to reopen soon.

What do you mean by if the president is going to accept it? Can he just refuse to accept the results of the election?

I measured my areolas yday and they are HUGE. The small one is 2.5 inches, the big one is 3 inches in diameter. Monsters!

I am sure I won't be happy for long once I'm at 112 lbs, but since it's the lowest weight I have seen on the scale in 1 1/2 years, it's definitely going to be my goal weight for now!

But you are right, we will get to our goal weight and get our breasts symmetrical. Yes, we can! :-)


hi, sorry for my english. I have been pumping since March 2020, without enlargements. Always done 7: 2. I have now switched to pump and hold, for 2 sessions a day of about 1 hour or more. So I have swelling, but it never lasts longer than half an hour .... I'm a little discouraged   Sad" alt="Sad" title="Sad">

I'm very flat, I don't even fill the smallest bra that exists

oUyQd" data-ved="2ahUKEwjt4_ad0JDrAhXOGuwKHbsvCr8Qz_AEMAB6BAgFEA4" style="visibility: hidden; position: relative;">


(10-08-2020, 13:28)giogio Wrote:  

hi, sorry for my english. I have been pumping since March 2020, without enlargements. Always done 7: 2. I have now switched to pump and hold, for 2 sessions a day of about 1 hour or more. So I have swelling, but it never lasts longer than half an hour .... I'm a little discouraged   Sad" alt="Sad" title="Sad">

I'm very flat, I don't even fill the smallest bra that exists

oUyQd" data-ved="2ahUKEwjt4_ad0JDrAhXOGuwKHbsvCr8Qz_AEMAB6BAgFEA4" style="visibility: hidden; position: relative;">


The rule of thumb is 200 hours of pumping before your progress begins to stay!

Seems like a long time but it goes quickly.

Dont be tempted to go overboard on the pumping. Too much suction will cause problems, so keep to your safe routine.

Personally I found that pumping for an hour or so gives me some nice swelling, and I will take a 4 hour break and pump again before the swelling goes away, and then another 4 hr break and 1 more hour at the end of the day.

If you are very thin you might have slower response times since  there is not much fat to pull into the domes.

Patience is the key.

And you might want to start your own thread so others can follow your success and offer any help you might need.



(10-08-2020, 11:57)koyasha Wrote:  

It's a good thing that your breast doesn't look underdeveloped anymore, I believe that it can make a big change, like going from a childlike to a womanly look. Even though there hasn't been much growth, it's a big achievement already!

Are your breasts the reason you don't feel comfortable wearing a swimsuit or is it body image issues in general? Or is it that you just don't like swimming?

I'm sorry to hear you are struggling with constant thoughts about food, as well. I wasn't good yday, but I was sweating my ass off last night (it's so warm here for our standards), so I was 130 lbs this morning. I probably sweated it all out lol.

Thank you for filling me in on what the situation is like over there. You never really hear how people feel, what you see on the news is the big picture. And for some reason, Americans are not very popular among a lot of people I have talked to about this. Nobody likes Trump so they blame the Americans for a lot of things. Like I heard someone had invented a cure for the virus and apparently the Americans bought it and they want to sell it to the rest of the world for a lot of money, trying to get rich at the expense of nations of sick people, whereas the Russians were about to come up with a cure, as well, and they are willing to give it to the rest of the world for free (or little money). I have no idea if any of this is true, but people like to badmouth the Americans. So I really appreciate your input on this as someone who is living there and is not just talking nonsense.

It sucks that the States that put enough effort into this to get it under control don't have any way to protect themselves against those that don't seem to care. Especially with schools planning to reopen soon.

What do you mean by if the president is going to accept it? Can he just refuse to accept the results of the election?

I measured my areolas yday and they are HUGE. The small one is 2.5 inches, the big one is 3 inches in diameter. Monsters!

I am sure I won't be happy for long once I'm at 112 lbs, but since it's the lowest weight I have seen on the scale in 1 1/2 years, it's definitely going to be my goal weight for now!

But you are right, we will get to our goal weight and get our breasts symmetrical. Yes, we can! :-)

I actually just sent you a private message about the politics thing because it was pretty lengthy and I figured it would be better to private message you then talk about it here. 

Thank you. I think it was the areola thing that helped the most for it looking less underdeveloped. It's still pretty small, but it makes a big difference whereas before it looked like a nipple with a tiny ring of areola around it which didn't help the appearance. It is a bit bigger as well, but I didn't realize what a difference the areola made. 

I just don't feel comfortable in a swimsuit at all. I've always been very uncomfortable in my own body. 

Lol I never actually measured my areola but now I'm tempted to and it's hard for me to even visualize what 2.5 inches of areola looks like because I've never measured them. It makes sense though to measure them. 

I got SO much swelling from my nightly session last night that they almost looked to be about the same size w/ the swelling. It was like 80% the size of the big one with the swelling and 1.25 inches of swelling. I measured it out of curiosity because I'm curious how many inches I'm going to have to grow just to get them even. I think I'll have to grow them roughly 2 more inches which feels insane to me. I've always heard that 1 inch difference between underbust and overbust is an A, 2 inches is B, 3 inches is C, 4 inches is a D ect but that doesn't apply to me. I have 2.5 inches difference right now so going by that rule I should be between a B and a C but I have a small B and like an AA. It looks like I'm going to need roughly 4.5 inches of difference (that is just a guess though based off swelling) just to have full, symmetrical B cups which sounds insane to me that I'd be so different from the norm. I don't know if I'm measuring wrong but I have a wide upper back and that might be part of the reason it appears like I need more inches for them to be even.

(10-08-2020, 15:30)Happyme Wrote:  

(10-08-2020, 13:28)giogio Wrote:  

hi, sorry for my english. I have been pumping since March 2020, without enlargements. Always done 7: 2. I have now switched to pump and hold, for 2 sessions a day of about 1 hour or more. So I have swelling, but it never lasts longer than half an hour .... I'm a little discouraged   Sad" alt="Sad" title="Sad">

I'm very flat, I don't even fill the smallest bra that exists

oUyQd" data-ved="2ahUKEwjt4_ad0JDrAhXOGuwKHbsvCr8Qz_AEMAB6BAgFEA4" style="visibility: hidden; position: relative;">


The rule of thumb is 200 hours of pumping before your progress begins to stay!

Seems like a long time but it goes quickly.

Dont be tempted to go overboard on the pumping. Too much suction will cause problems, so keep to your safe routine.

Personally I found that pumping for an hour or so gives me some nice swelling, and I will take a 4 hour break and pump again before the swelling goes away, and then another 4 hr break and 1 more hour at the end of the day.

If you are very thin you might have slower response times since  there is not much fat to pull into the domes.

Patience is the key.

And you might want to start your own thread so others can follow your success and offer any help you might need.


That's interesting. I have been doing 49 hours a week and I felt like I was starting to get some permanent progress, but I wasn't sure if I was able to get permanent progress after only a month or if it was still just swelling that hasn't left after a 36 hour break once. My areola got bigger though so it felt like it was real growth. Doing long hours isn't hurting me though because I do low suction and it seems like it's working well for me. No overpumping marks, and I'm getting good swelling afterwards. 

@ giogio I agree that when you are starting from almost nothing it's a lot harder. My small breast was starting from almost nothing so it previously didn't respond to anything before I started pumping. I'm putting in a lot of hours and it still seems to be slow. The less fat and tissue you have to start with the longer it will take, but patience is key. Trying different methods like you are doing is good too. I tried the 7:2 pump/release method and it wasn't working for me until I switched to mainly pump/hold. The beginning is a lot of trial/error as you find out which method along w/ what amount of suction and how long works best for your body too. Heat is a good tip too. I get better swelling when I use heat for 10-15 minutes before and after as it seems to increase the circulation.

Thank you for your private message :-)

I am really glad to hear that your areola growth seems to be permanent and how 'easy' it was to make the areola grow, that's really inspiring. You were very dedicated and pumped a whole lot more than I did, but seeing that it took you no more than a month to get here is awesome!

I don't feel comfortable in a swimsuit, either, mainly because of my legs (belly and breasts were covered) as you could very well describe them as pudding. But I am trying to act as normal as possible and not show people how unhappy I am in my own skin, I try to pretend to just be ok with myself. Fake it until you make it..

My areolas are probably 5 times as big as yours.

How did you get so much swelling? That sounds great, I want that much swelling, too lol. 2 inches does sound like a lot, it didn't look like you had such a long way to go. That's what the charts say, that 1 inch difference is an A cup, 2 inches B and so on. You are not a B-C from what I can tell, so maybe it has something to do with you having a wide upper back as you say, but still, that sounds like a big difference. I'd say just focus on what bras actually fit and don't worry too much about the numbers. Look at your before and (later) after pics to get an idea of how far you've come.

I was down to 128.4 today (again without trying), I think I'll start my diet tomorrow, even though I still have a lot of 'bad' foods in the fridge.


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