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New program, advise please- pm, fg, saw palmetto, gaba and progesterone cream.


(22-10-2018, 01:12)Missy8510 Wrote:  Hey bonny

Thanks for your reply to this. Oh man I'm such an impatient person I just want to get started with this and see some results. 

Well this is a definite period because it's a way heavier period than I used to have and I'm having terrible cramps.

I don't really understand because I had great results the first time I used pm. The body is so damn complex. 

I makes sense to detox till I know my cycle is back to normal but I'm not sure I have the patience to wait for that. But maybe I will lay off the pm and use fg instead for now. And then try a smaller dose later on and ramp up. I didn't cycle pm before and it screwed up my period and I was crazy constipated. I didn't like that at all. Which is why I thought I would cycle it this time. 

Thanks for your advise and thoughts, it's always helpful to hear others opinion who are working towards the same goal. 

I would interested to hear what methods you are using.

No worries. But like i said am not really into giving advice i dont know enough lol, everyone is so different! Ive just read alot of nbe stuff 'stories so alot of the time i can piece together alot of what other women have reported and hope i can condense it into something someone mite find useful. 

Yeah i think maybe your body is just trying to find its new normal after BC and now PM. I guess you either have a break and cleanse or you restart schedule, but i would consider lowering dose, ive found am more sensitive to lower doses and see more growth then high doses. With high i seem to run into problems and there is a theory that high doses desensitize your receptors and your bodies own E production, it thinks theres too much E so down regulates.

PM is stronger then herbs like fenugreek, maybe you needed the E when you previously used PM now your heading into E dominance and its too much am making that assumption from you saying about your Heavy menstrual flow. But as ive said before to 'others' there are many other methods of nbe not just the idea of balancing hormones like is generally done on this site. 

Anyway rabbitting on.

I generally dont put my program up on BN because ive tried a few and haven't found one that works however my recent one looks positive, its a herbal program am going to try it again this month then post it if it shows results again.

Hey bonny.

I guess I will do a bit of a cleanse I did look at the hormones on the menstrual cycle again and I got it a bit wrong I'm suppose to cleanse for about a week before using phyto estrogen so I'll do that now as I've just started my period and then I'll try pm this cycle but in a lower dose for about 7 days and then do a cleanse for 2 days before going into luteal phase and then use fg and progesterone cream.

Well you seem very knowledgeable and I love that you are so happy to give a bit of insight on the info you've pick up on here. There really is so so much. 

Well I really hope your new program works out for you and I am very curious to hear about it.

Awhile ago lovelydynseli posted something about pm, if I remember correct you are not suppose to take more then about 60 mgs, more ix said to be counterproductive. And watch out with that heavy flow, youll loose important nutrients.. Wink

T here it is

He is a knowledgable person imo.

(22-10-2018, 13:13)Missy8510 Wrote:  Hey bonny.

I guess I will do a bit of a cleanse I did look at the hormones on the menstrual cycle again and I got it a bit wrong I'm suppose to cleanse for about a week before using phyto estrogen so I'll do that now as I've just started my period and then I'll try pm this cycle but in a lower dose for about 7 days and then do a cleanse for 2 days before going into luteal phase and then use fg and progesterone cream.

Well you seem very knowledgeable and I love that you are so happy to give a bit of insight on the info you've pick up on here. There really is so so much. 

Well I really hope your new program works out for you and I am very curious to hear about it.

Yes there is alllllot of information on here as well as allllllot of opinions, or interpretation of scientific findings. Thats why i try to stay away from directing anyone in any direction, because it becomes another 'confusing' opinion lol. Hannah is right Lovely D, has great info and advocates for less is more nbe, with cycling herbs (lovely d has website too with info on there). Lotus is a nbe legend and you'll find great information scattered everywhere from lotus from science point of view, surfer joe is great for nutrition and has a great nutrition/nbe program.  Lots of great info around just try finding someone that really understands it. Cause theres plenty of peps like me, sort of get it but sort of dont haha. 

As far as cleansing i personally have stop week day one of periods and take nothing until over. As my cycle is pretty regular i also stop for a few days at ovo time and again just before i expect periods. I dont always actually cleanse but i drink dandelion tea daily, lots of water and have regular bowel movements. I also eat super healthy lots of plants, seeds and eggs. Once every few months ill milk thistle. And i go thru pharses of drinking lemon water every month or so.  You could try cleansing mid cycle but i wonder if you'll get same results again and trigger ps? Let us know if it does. 

Goodluck and write it all down, do daily diary because if you find something that works you want to be able to repeat it.

(13-10-2018, 11:02)Missy8510 Wrote:  Hey boobies. 

So, I'm still afraid I might not be doing this right.
I have been massaging twice a day now around 10 min in the morning and 30min at night with coconut oil for about a week now. Today my boobs started feeling itchy. Is this normal or a sign of growth?
I will continue breast massage and daily smoothie with 2tbl spoons flaxseed, yoghurt, fruit, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds. 

-vit c
-saw palmetto 1200mg
- progesterone cream every second day on my ankle (they say you should apply it on your least fatty part of your body not your breast) 

 So confused! That's why I am really hoping someone can give me some advise. 

I have attached some photos so you can see 
1st pic the progress I had on pm before I stopped''

Hi Missy8510.
I just read through the whole thread and wanted to reply to some of your questions with what little experience i have.
I edited your OP and went a bit too far so this might not appear as a normal reply, doh!
Anyhow, when I started hrt my boobs were very itchy too. I think that might be normal.
I believe we should be eating a healthy, balanced diet and fears of dvt has pushed me to eating the healthiest diet ever. I'm actually eating greens every day for the first time in my life!
I have no idea what gabba or BO is.
Vit C is always good. I eat a lot of seabuckthorn berries lately, which grow in my garden.
I was going to add saw palmetto to my program but I read so many conflicting reports about it
that I decided not to bother. Some say it's a t blocker, others say it's a booster. Same goes for flax seed.
I have been using progestogel for about 8 months but I've never heard that you shouldnt put it on your boobs. Or that you should put it on your ankles. So you've taught me something there. I've also used PM cream, soap and capsules for a year. Re, your pics. I only hope my boobs will look that nice one day.  

(25-10-2018, 00:03)Bonny Wrote:  
(22-10-2018, 13:13)Missy8510 Wrote:  Hey bonny.

I guess I will do a bit of a cleanse I did look at the hormones on the menstrual cycle again and I got it a bit wrong I'm suppose to cleanse for about a week before using phyto estrogen so I'll do that now as I've just started my period and then I'll try pm this cycle but in a lower dose for about 7 days and then do a cleanse for 2 days before going into luteal phase and then use fg and progesterone cream.

Well you seem very knowledgeable and I love that you are so happy to give a bit of insight on the info you've pick up on here. There really is so so much. 

Well I really hope your new program works out for you and I am very curious to hear about it.

Yes there is alllllot of information on here as well as allllllot of opinions, or interpretation of scientific findings. Thats why i try to stay away from directing anyone in any direction, because it becomes another 'confusing' opinion lol. Hannah is right Lovely D, has great info and advocates for less is more nbe, with cycling herbs (lovely d has website too with info on there). Lotus is a nbe legend and you'll find great information scattered everywhere from lotus from science point of view, surfer joe is great for nutrition and has a great nutrition/nbe program.  Lots of great info around just try finding someone that really understands it. Cause theres plenty of peps like me, sort of get it but sort of dont haha. 

As far as cleansing i personally have stop week day one of periods and take nothing until over. As my cycle is pretty regular i also stop for a few days at ovo time and again just before i expect periods. I dont always actually cleanse but i drink dandelion tea daily, lots of water and have regular bowel movements. I also eat super healthy lots of plants, seeds and eggs. Once every few months ill milk thistle. And i go thru pharses of drinking lemon water every month or so.  You could try cleansing mid cycle but i wonder if you'll get same results again and trigger ps? Let us know if it does. 

Goodluck and write it all down, do daily diary because if you find something that works you want to be able to repeat it.

Hey bonny 

I know everytime I come on this site I see something new and I'm like damn I've got all this stuff that I thought was right but now this says it's not the way. Well I've decided to stick with what I've got for a while to see if I have growth. I also try to understand but don't quite. I followed your suggestion and didn't take anything while on my menstruation and I think I'll avoid the milk thistle cleanse incase it induces early menstruation again I really want to just get Through a full cycle. I mean I read on super Joe's thread that he has seen some small chested girls have great results on progesterone cream alone and I haven't gotten to that phase yet.

I've been having a daily smoothie with the flax, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds and it's done wonders for making me regular so if it helps for nothing else I'll continue just for that reason alone. 

I'll have a look at lotus threads I don't think I've read any of hers, I'm always curious about other methods although it confuses the hell out of me. 

I hope your having some luck with your program. I've got a calendar with everything on there of what I do when I do and how and I'm taking pics no major changes maybe more roundness but no more itching. Im trying to be patient. If it happens it happens but if not oh well I gave it a shot.

(31-10-2018, 09:19)ellealibre Wrote:  
(13-10-2018, 11:02)Missy8510 Wrote:  Hey boobies. 

So, I'm still afraid I might not be doing this right.
I have been massaging twice a day now around 10 min in the morning and 30min at night with coconut oil for about a week now. Today my boobs started feeling itchy. Is this normal or a sign of growth?
I will continue breast massage and daily smoothie with 2tbl spoons flaxseed, yoghurt, fruit, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds. 

-vit c
-saw palmetto 1200mg
- progesterone cream every second day on my ankle (they say you should apply it on your least fatty part of your body not your breast) 

 So confused! That's why I am really hoping someone can give me some advise. 

I have attached some photos so you can see 
1st pic the progress I had on pm before I stopped''

Hi Missy8510.
I just read through the whole thread and wanted to reply to some of your questions with what little experience i have.
I edited your OP and went a bit too far so this might not appear as a normal reply, doh!
Anyhow, when I started hrt my boobs were very itchy too. I think that might be normal.
I believe we should be eating a healthy, balanced diet and fears of dvt has pushed me to eating the healthiest diet ever. I'm actually eating greens every day for the first time in my life!
I have no idea what gabba or BO is.
Vit C is always good. I eat a lot of seabuckthorn berries lately, which grow in my garden.
I was going to add saw palmetto to my program but I read so many conflicting reports about it
that I decided not to bother. Some say it's a t blocker, others say it's a booster. Same goes for flax seed.
I have been using progestogel for about 8 months but I've never heard that you shouldnt put it on your boobs. Or that you should put it on your ankles. So you've taught me something there. I've also used PM cream, soap and capsules for a year. Re, your pics. I only hope my boobs will look that nice one day.  

Thank you for your reply. I'll pm you soon I would love to hear about your results etc.

(02-11-2018, 02:33)Missy8510 Wrote:  
(25-10-2018, 00:03)Bonny Wrote:  
(22-10-2018, 13:13)Missy8510 Wrote:  Hey bonny.

I guess I will do a bit of a cleanse I did look at the hormones on the menstrual cycle again and I got it a bit wrong I'm suppose to cleanse for about a week before using phyto estrogen so I'll do that now as I've just started my period and then I'll try pm this cycle but in a lower dose for about 7 days and then do a cleanse for 2 days before going into luteal phase and then use fg and progesterone cream.

Well you seem very knowledgeable and I love that you are so happy to give a bit of insight on the info you've pick up on here. There really is so so much. 

Well I really hope your new program works out for you and I am very curious to hear about it.

Yes there is alllllot of information on here as well as allllllot of opinions, or interpretation of scientific findings. Thats why i try to stay away from directing anyone in any direction, because it becomes another 'confusing' opinion lol. Hannah is right Lovely D, has great info and advocates for less is more nbe, with cycling herbs (lovely d has website too with info on there). Lotus is a nbe legend and you'll find great information scattered everywhere from lotus from science point of view, surfer joe is great for nutrition and has a great nutrition/nbe program.  Lots of great info around just try finding someone that really understands it. Cause theres plenty of peps like me, sort of get it but sort of dont haha. 

As far as cleansing i personally have stop week day one of periods and take nothing until over. As my cycle is pretty regular i also stop for a few days at ovo time and again just before i expect periods. I dont always actually cleanse but i drink dandelion tea daily, lots of water and have regular bowel movements. I also eat super healthy lots of plants, seeds and eggs. Once every few months ill milk thistle. And i go thru pharses of drinking lemon water every month or so.  You could try cleansing mid cycle but i wonder if you'll get same results again and trigger ps? Let us know if it does. 

Goodluck and write it all down, do daily diary because if you find something that works you want to be able to repeat it.

Hey bonny 

I know everytime I come on this site I see something new and I'm like damn I've got all this stuff that I thought was right but now this says it's not the way. Well I've decided to stick with what I've got for a while to see if I have growth. I also try to understand but don't quite. I followed your suggestion and didn't take anything while on my menstruation and I think I'll avoid the milk thistle cleanse incase it induces early menstruation again I really want to just get Through a full cycle. I mean I read on super Joe's thread that he has seen some small chested girls have great results on progesterone cream alone and I haven't gotten to that phase yet.

I've been having a daily smoothie with the flax, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds and it's done wonders for making me regular so if it helps for nothing else I'll continue just for that reason alone. 

I'll have a look at lotus threads I don't think I've read any of hers, I'm always curious about other methods although it confuses the hell out of me. 

I hope your having some luck with your program. I've got a calendar with everything on there of what I do when I do and how and I'm taking pics no major changes maybe more roundness but no more itching. Im trying to be patient. If it happens it happens but if not oh well I gave it a shot.

Yes i think we all do that thing where we workout a plan, spend money and get all supps then hear or read something conflicting to what we were about to do. Ive got a stash of unopened supps that ill ebay soon, i figure its better then just throwing them. 

Lotus is very science based and does a great job at breaking science down (as best you can) to layman's terms.

One of my favorite threads, i revisit it often and can be great to ground you back to basics because sometimes so many theories going around you get so confused. 

Using Progesterone Cream can also help clear E receptors. I seen a post recently where Hannah was talking about menstrual lengths and that a short one indicates high E and a long cycle maybe either overall low hormones or high progesterone, thought that was very interesting and could help us understand whats happening with hormones. 

It takes awhile to get your head around nbe, am only just starting to piece all the random stuff together (ive been at it over a year and half now) and i go back to threads i read at beginning and think how did i not understand that, i wasted so much time lol.

Anyways. Have read into that thread see if it helps with some of the mystery of nbe.

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