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How do people treat you after you grow heaps?


Okay I have only started with nbe so there's still a lot of time before I grow "heaps". I really really do want this but at times I wonder.

If/when this works for me how would people look at me. By people I mean family friends, friends, family... Would they judge me? Because everybody know that my breasts are very small, it's obvious. A few people actually commented that my boobs are small. I am 26, so I have past the growing age. So the "they just grew" can't be one of the thoughts.

People might think I got implants or something, not saying anything wrong with implants or nbe but some people judge you. I have never mentioned about this insecurity of mine to anyone. I really only talked about this with my ex(who was my bf at the time). If I take pics then it will be obvious, and there are also pics of me where it shows that I have no boobs.

I don't also want to be wearing baggy clothes for the rest of my life. Going from flat to cleavage, people will notice. No one knows about my nbe sessions.

This random stuff just in my head.

Does it ever cross your mind? What do you think about all this?

(10-03-2018, 08:03)Dark_Swan Wrote:  Does it ever cross your mind? What do you think about all this?

Big boobs wont grow overnight so it wont seems drastic change to anyone. If anything people start saying ‘ ur looking well’ as opposed to oh my god what happened to your boobs! Boobs fluctuate all the time. I think we think more because we are more consciously aware of our boobs than others are!

Hi Swannie!
Growing/nurturing your breasts is something you do for your self.
Much like exercise and diet. if you were over weight and then lost a lot of weight, your family and friends would say " wow what happened to you"
The answer is " i just decided to take better care of my self and here I am,, you like??"
The same answer works when you start to sport your C's or D's.

And by the way your not flat chested by any means. Your breasts are lovely

I agree with Bobbi. Nicely put!

Or you could just say you gained a bit of weight.

The men in my life noticed let’s just leave it at that. While they never said anything to my face it was commented behind my back and got back to me..

(12-03-2018, 05:00)EllaC Wrote:  The men in my life noticed let’s just leave it at that. While they never said anything to my face it was commented behind my back and got back to me..

Same story in my case except with one of my brothers 
"did you get a boob job or something?"  Rolleyes 
me  " can't you see I've gained weight as well?" 
him "Oh, I see"

(12-03-2018, 16:42)sweetorange Wrote:  
(12-03-2018, 05:00)EllaC Wrote:  The men in my life noticed let’s just leave it at that. While they never said anything to my face it was commented behind my back and got back to me..

Same story in my case except with one of my brothers 
"did you get a boob job or something?"  Rolleyes 
me  " can't you see I've gained weight as well?" 
him "Oh, I see"
Ha ha yeh well said. In my case I had too funnily enough .

(24-03-2018, 18:09)pansyio11 Wrote:  My up to date website:

I get all kinds of Malware warnings when I click this link.
I also reported it to Admin.
If its really ok then I apologize.

(24-03-2018, 19:55)Happyme Wrote:  
(24-03-2018, 18:09)pansyio11 Wrote:  My up to date website:

I get all kinds of Malware warnings when I click this link.
I also reported it to Admin.
If its really ok then I apologize.

No it's fine.  I would have done the same, malware etc is so annoying. 
Thanks  Smile

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