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Abnormal Boobs - When your Boobs keep on returning back to preNBE no matter what


(14-02-2018, 09:08)StarSister Wrote:  
(14-02-2018, 07:11)EllaC Wrote:  Worst bit was cows are artificially kept in a pregnancy state to produce milk fir the masses and I guess we don’t consider it’s NOT just milk these hormones filter through to.. it’s all dairy Shit and subsequently all non organic meat I guess... sorry to hijack your thread but it’s following suit with our queries x 

Il tell you a story. my daughter started high school and she hasnt developed breasts but all her little 12 year old friends have. So I kinda know already we eat mostly organic and she never has hormone laden chicken etc or eggs. I highly suspect this partially comes into play although I realise genetics are at work here to. However I know fir a fact her friends aren’t organic and despite their mothers developing later they in fact have developed earlier. Sorry my little rant over

I totally understand where your coming from. For sure the hormones in milk can play a huge factor in breast development. Also with girls getting their menses a lot earlier than they used to. 

I’m in Canada so kinda lucky that our milk doesn’t have horomones in it. I also tend to notice that American girls look older than Canadians, maybe that’s just me though. 

We seem quite similar I too eat mostly organic and am vegetarian. Also have kids too!

That’s amazing no hormones in milk! I’m stunned! I don’t think we have that bad one rgbt? But our country was dumping glyphosate all over the place quite literally . Then I read processed milk lacks the  nzynes to absorb the calcium aka conventionalmilk has synthetic calcium and other things like folic acid etc added. That’s not good nor healthy. 

I’m from the pacific but my dream is to come to America and Canada one day  Rolleyes

[attachment=14093 Wrote:Rising From Ruins pid='199951' dateline='1518607481']Ella - if you lived next to me I would bring you a batch of kefir grains for you to use. Regardless, you should be able to find people who would be more than happy to give you some of theirs. (the grains multiply like crazy anyway). If not, there's always Ebay. I bought mine from the UK and they arrived safely. My kefir babies are still going strong Big Grin

I just read the article you posted. L CUP??? I'm about to faint. Xenoestrogens...yeah no wonder infertility (men and women) is on the rise. What i cannot understand is this though: if these girls are being exposed to high levels of estrogen since babies...why don't their estrogen receptors desentisize and downregulate? Why do they still keep on growing bigger breasts year after year? I feel there's a missing piece to this puzzle. 

(ps. your daughter is lucky to have you as her mommy Smile Who wouldn't want a mommy who's so health conscious and knowledgeable Big Grin

StarSister - you're a Fermenter too?? That's great! I love meeting other Fermenters! I'm addicted to water kefir and fermented veggies! (I wish I had the time for milk kefir though)

I think you have a point that those girls who eat junk (and hence ingest a lot of hormones) look older. They really do age quicker, it's not just our perception. Where I live, it's really common for girls to fully develop at age 9 or 10. That's crazy early! And honestly, today I see that most of them look way older. It's not just the way they look, it's also the state of their health. I don't think it's quite normal that at age 18 they are already suffering with stuff that only post-menopause women complain about! 

So yes, as Ella said....big a price.

Ah yes I have the grains and made a batch once which turned out ok but then at that point I had no raw milk so wasn’t sure if it was any good and then I can buy a bottle of coconut kefir which lasts months for $25  Big Grin

Ok so yes you made a point re desensitisation... maybe estrogen receptors don’t desensitise? I posted something in my thread last night I think you might understand more than me. I. Sitting here with a coffee trying to wake up so won’t be looking into it today. 

But yes my girls friends getting periods at 10! Huge bosoms at tender young ages too. My friends daughter was hit on at a concert by a thirty something NOT realising she was 14 ! 

Do you have any thoughts on caffeine and estrogen or subsequent breast growth? That’s my next project. Hearing more conflicting info.. hmm French women coffe capital of the world, wonder what their breast size average is!

(14-02-2018, 17:11)EllaC Wrote:  
(14-02-2018, 12:24)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  Ella - if you lived next to me I would bring you a batch of kefir grains for you to use. Regardless, you should be able to find people who would be more than happy to give you some of theirs. (the grains multiply like crazy anyway). If not, there's always Ebay. I bought mine from the UK and they arrived safely. My kefir babies are still going strong Big Grin

I just read the article you posted. L CUP??? I'm about to faint. Xenoestrogens...yeah no wonder infertility (men and women) is on the rise. What i cannot understand is this though: if these girls are being exposed to high levels of estrogen since babies...why don't their estrogen receptors desentisize and downregulate? Why do they still keep on growing bigger breasts year after year? I feel there's a missing piece to this puzzle. 

(ps. your daughter is lucky to have you as her mommy Smile Who wouldn't want a mommy who's so health conscious and knowledgeable Big Grin

StarSister - you're a Fermenter too?? That's great! I love meeting other Fermenters! I'm addicted to water kefir and fermented veggies! (I wish I had the time for milk kefir though)

I think you have a point that those girls who eat junk (and hence ingest a lot of hormones) look older. They really do age quicker, it's not just our perception. Where I live, it's really common for girls to fully develop at age 9 or 10. That's crazy early! And honestly, today I see that most of them look way older. It's not just the way they look, it's also the state of their health. I don't think it's quite normal that at age 18 they are already suffering with stuff that only post-menopause women complain about! 

So yes, as Ella said....big a price.

Ah yes I have the grains and made a batch once which turned out ok but then at that point I had no raw milk so wasn’t sure if it was any good and then I can buy a bottle of coconut kefir which lasts months for $25  Big Grin

Ok so yes you made a point re desensitisation... maybe estrogen receptors don’t desensitise? I posted something in my thread last night I think you might understand more than me. I. Sitting here with a coffee trying to wake up so won’t be looking into it today. 

But yes my girls friends getting periods at 10! Huge bosoms at tender young ages too. My friends daughter was hit on at a concert by a thirty something NOT realising she was 14 ! 

Do you have any thoughts on caffeine and estrogen or subsequent breast growth? That’s my next project. Hearing more conflicting info.. hmm French women coffe capital of the world, wonder what their breast size average is!

Hmmm I'm trying to find the thing you posted regarding receptors but I can't seem to find it. Could you kindly paste the link please? Smile I'd love to take a look.

Regarding caffeine, I'm not too fond of it. According to Lotus it should increase estrogen (if I'm not mistaken) but even if it does, I can't get past its anti-swelling effect. It's a (1) potent diuretic (2) should boost dopamine (so prolactin is lowered)and hence I end up with vastly emptier breasts. If it were me I wouldn't touch it, but perhaps it could help some girls??

(17-02-2018, 12:47)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  
(14-02-2018, 17:11)EllaC Wrote:  
(14-02-2018, 12:24)Rising From Ruins Wrote:  Ella - if you lived next to me I would bring you a batch of kefir grains for you to use. Regardless, you should be able to find people who would be more than happy to give you some of theirs. (the grains multiply like crazy anyway). If not, there's always Ebay. I bought mine from the UK and they arrived safely. My kefir babies are still going strong Big Grin

I just read the article you posted. L CUP??? I'm about to faint. Xenoestrogens...yeah no wonder infertility (men and women) is on the rise. What i cannot understand is this though: if these girls are being exposed to high levels of estrogen since babies...why don't their estrogen receptors desentisize and downregulate? Why do they still keep on growing bigger breasts year after year? I feel there's a missing piece to this puzzle. 

(ps. your daughter is lucky to have you as her mommy Smile Who wouldn't want a mommy who's so health conscious and knowledgeable Big Grin

StarSister - you're a Fermenter too?? That's great! I love meeting other Fermenters! I'm addicted to water kefir and fermented veggies! (I wish I had the time for milk kefir though)

I think you have a point that those girls who eat junk (and hence ingest a lot of hormones) look older. They really do age quicker, it's not just our perception. Where I live, it's really common for girls to fully develop at age 9 or 10. That's crazy early! And honestly, today I see that most of them look way older. It's not just the way they look, it's also the state of their health. I don't think it's quite normal that at age 18 they are already suffering with stuff that only post-menopause women complain about! 

So yes, as Ella said....big a price.

Ah yes I have the grains and made a batch once which turned out ok but then at that point I had no raw milk so wasn’t sure if it was any good and then I can buy a bottle of coconut kefir which lasts months for $25  Big Grin

Ok so yes you made a point re desensitisation... maybe estrogen receptors don’t desensitise? I posted something in my thread last night I think you might understand more than me. I. Sitting here with a coffee trying to wake up so won’t be looking into it today. 

But yes my girls friends getting periods at 10! Huge bosoms at tender young ages too. My friends daughter was hit on at a concert by a thirty something NOT realising she was 14 ! 

Do you have any thoughts on caffeine and estrogen or subsequent breast growth? That’s my next project. Hearing more conflicting info.. hmm French women coffe capital of the world, wonder what their breast size average is!

Hmmm I'm trying to find the thing you posted regarding receptors but I can't seem to find it. Could you kindly paste the link please? Smile I'd love to take a look.

Regarding caffeine, I'm not too fond of it. According to Lotus it should increase estrogen (if I'm not mistaken) but even if it does, I can't get past its anti-swelling effect. It's a (1) potent diuretic (2) should boost dopamine (so prolactin is lowered)and hence I end up with vastly emptier breasts. If it were me I wouldn't touch it, but perhaps it could help some girls??

Hmm ok so if your using noogleberry coffee definite no no then. I just found this

Il look for what I posted *shesayssittingherewithastrongcoffee..*

Ok yes I didn’t post a link I was more asking which estrogen does XEnoestrogens raises but found the answer here - following suit with girls developingbearlier/bustier.. Xeno raising endogenous
Not good... further to that another Mercola article warning of antibiotic resistance to humans due to the abundance of them in meat -  Blush Cause organic meat is so expensive but from here on in il have to try make it work . = interesting and follows suit with Dr Axe for whom I’m a big fan. He thinks there’s good but also potentially bad side to hytogestrogens.
And lastly this reduced breast volume but anti cancer effects  Huh Dodgy Blush

(17-02-2018, 19:39)EllaC Wrote:  Ok yes I didn’t post a link I was more asking which estrogen does XEnoestrogens raises but found the answer here - following suit with girls developingbearlier/bustier.. Xeno raising endogenous
Not good... further to that another Mercola article warning of antibiotic resistance to humans due to the abundance of them in meat -  Blush Cause organic meat is so expensive but from here on in il have to try make it work . = interesting and follows suit with Dr Axe for whom I’m a big fan. He thinks there’s good but also potentially bad side to hytogestrogens.
And lastly this reduced breast volume but anti cancer effects  Huh Dodgy Blush

Hi Ella, sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I just had the most horrible week and a half. A nipple infection and food can imagine the amount of stress, the crying, despair and sleepless nights. We take our breast health a bit for granted sometimes. Sigh..

Regarding Xenoestrogens...goes to show how having huge breasts does not mean that a person is 100% healthy =/ (I wish society would stop associating big breasts with fertility!) So Xenoestrogens raise one's own estrogens..that totally makes sense. Although there's still the issue of why these young girls don't all have tubular breasts (sign of too much estrogen). On the contrary, most of them have round full breasts which should point out high progesterone or at the very least high prolactin. Unless xenoestrogens raise prolactin too...? *shakes head in frustration* Either way, Xenoestrogens = bad. 

I love Dr Axe too! I didn't know that he thought that phytoestrogens could be bad Sad Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Anything which tampers with our hormones could be dangerous. It's like how our family doctor explains medicine to us ignorant folk, "You try to fix that part, but end up screwing something else." 

As for coffee reducing breast size...that's a definite goodbye to coffee on my part, then. XD Ella, if you miss coffee there are some great alternatives. Once I came across a bag of Carob powder. The smell and taste was very coffee-like. I don't know the effect of Carob on breast size, however. I found that IT COULD BE phytoestrogenic but I would need to do more research to be sure.

Nipple infection! How do you think you got that??
Yes I can imagine how you felt..
I guess you needed antibiotics?..
I’m starting a probiotic today called phage complete , it has rave reviews! 
Haven’t paid any attention to breasts whatsoever for a few days now just been too busy.

Do share re the nipple if you don’t mind... I’ve often wondered if massaging etc creams touching or entering the nipple area could be an entry way for bacteria esp us ex breastfeeders who still tend to be more prone to lactating etc our nipples are still open if you will..

Don't worry, I don't mind at all. I think it's important for us NBErs to consider these dangers.

It all started out when I realized I was having dry and flakey nipples and areolas. At first I panicked like crazy. Then, I decided to apply a thick cream (it has some pore-clogging ingredients like petroleum and beeswax......I should have known not to put that stuff anywhere on my face LET ALONE my nipples!). I felt better on this first. 

The day after I was preoccupied with my food poisoning so I didn't even have time or energy to shower. I still applied another layer of cream, completely forgetting that I had a previous layer slathered on from the day before.

Then at night my nipples and areola started to really hurt. Of course, STUPID ME assumed they were growing pains (I had introduced Schisandra pills that very day). Because when you are really desperate, logic goes out of the window. 

It went on like this for another 4-5 days until when I got out of the shower I looked at my breasts in the mirror......and almost screamed in terror. My nipples, areola and heck even my breasts were a bright red. THE INFECTION HAD FREAKING SPREAD. I felt lumps on my nipple too. I was about to faint. 

I rushed to my family doctor who said that I had a large number of clogged Montgomery Glands. First they got clogged by the cream. Then because of my sweat during the food poisoning and the fact that on those following days I couldn' shower, that meant that the glands got infected. The infection then spread past the areolas.

He immediately prescribed me an antibiotic cream. Of course, since I was just recovering from a severe case of food poisoning he couldn't prescribe me antibiotic pills as well. It would send me to a one way trip to the hospital. 

So now I'm using this antibiotic cream plus alternating it with some manuka honey. I don't know if I will ditch the manuka honey and just use the antibiotic cream exclusively. I'm not too keen on slathering a strong antibiotic on my breasts..........

(I will take a look at the probiotic you suggested. God knows how much help I need right now)

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