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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

Cycle 6 - Day 16


AM - 55 minutes - 33" swelling No problems in noogling, it felt quite good!

PM - 55 minutes - 32.5" Bit of trouble getting cups on but once on feel good, but towards the end breasts felt a bit tired.


- 1 fennel tea
- 2 FG 510mg
- 2 SP 510mg


AM/PM - 15 minutes


Ran out of liquid herbs from naturopath, so have reverted to taking capsules until I get the new herbs. In addition, I have not had fennel tea for about 1 month or even more, so I have introduced this back into my program.

Breast sensations


I slather my breasts with tons of Shea Butter (used to have Cocoa Butter, but I think I may have accidentally thrown it away when we moved Sad - will buy some more soon!). I find if I bend over, the air "escapes" out the sides right away and it's hard to get a suction. I have to like either stand up very straight, or lie down. I know it'll take some working with it to get it to work for me; and when we're more settled in our new place, I'll try to fit in more time. I did notice that the right side (which is the smaller side, that I've been noogling) does feel fuller than the left side now; although the left side still "sticks out" further than the right one. Will the right one "stick out" further too, with continued Noogling?

I take my SBT oil in capsule form. I take 4 capsules a day, for a total of 1800mg. I get mine from Swanson's; item #SWE055 (sorry, I don't know how to post links yet Sad ). I've been taking it for about four weeks now, I think (minus a few days last week during my move). If you wanted to use SBT oil in a massage, I would NOT break open the capsules to do it; it's VERY bright orange! I saw that Swanson's has a SBT oil moisturizing cream, and a SBT oil facial cleanser, but I don't know how concentrated it is. I know that Faerycat was taking like 2000mg daily of the capsules; I'm taking 1800mg; I don't know how strong external creams would have to be to equal those amounts. The capsules are easy to swallow, if you're wondering about that. And they don't have a nasty after taste or anything. One thing, though, I noticed on the bottle it said "Refrigeration is recommended." The first two weeks I took it, I didn't refrigerate it (cuz I didn't notice that on the label), and I still had pains; but for the past two weeks I have refrigerated it, and I have pains now too; so I will continue to refrigerate, since it is recommended and all. Smile *nerd*

About a week and a half ago, I started taking Maca too (missed a few days during the move); so I don't know if that's having any positive effects on skin/breasts yet, since I just very recently started taking it. I get that from Swanson's also.

Are you considering incorporating some SBT oil into your program?

Cycle 6 - Day 17


AM - 50 minutes - 33" swelling. Noogling felt quite good again. (I measured myself 2 hours later to track how I retained the swelling and I was on the larger side of 31.5", so within 2 hours I had lost 1.5" of swelling which basically brought me back to what I was before, albeit, my breasts seemed bigger still than they were before, puffier I guess is one way to describe it)

PM - 55 minutes - 32" swelling. Breasts started to feel very tired towards the end. I have noticed today that they look a bit bruised with red dots which means I need to take a break. I've massaged some vitamin E oil into them.


- 1 fennel tea - today I managed to tip the tea over onto my floor.
- 2 FG 510mg
- 2 SP 510mg


AM - 15 minutes
PM - 20 minutes

Breast sensations

Felt a little bit of a dull ache in breasts this afternoon! Like a 1/10 though!

Twister-mama - I found that if I have too much oil on my breasts it doesn't create suction, so perhaps just try a bit of the shea butter, then try and get suction. There is no way that I can get suction if I lie down, or even if I lie back a bit. I have to be sitting upright. When I am lying down there is nothing to suck on to! Some people seem to have evened out their breasts by just noogling one. But of course it will take time.

Funny that the oil is orange, I use rosehip oil for my face and that is bright orange, I use it in the evening just a few drops, it is full of omega 9 and 6. I need to do a bit more research into the SBT, and also I think someone else suggested to me about MACA..... thats a growth hormone right. I thought it could be useful in a massage as opposed to taking it internally as I may find I am allergic to it if I take it internally... will do some more reading. Let me know how you go on it. It gets pretty boring not feeling the breast sensations at the moment, feels like nothing is happening... In a way I am quite interested to see if this NBE and Noogle is going to work at all. Thats why I am trying my best to do it consistently, to give it the best go that I can. If it doesn't work, then I won't be recommending it to anyone that is for sure. Its alot of time and effort doing it.

Cycle 6 - Day 18-19

Noogle and Massage

I decided my breasts needed a break from noogling as they were getting alot of red dots on them and a bit of bruising. So I am taking a break for both days, and on Massage as well.


- 1 fennel tea/ 2 the next day
- 2 FG 510mg
- 2 SP 510mg
- 1 Flaxseed oil capsule

Breast sensations

FINALLY! some sensations again. First day there was a dull low level constant ache, which only lasted for a few minutes. And then today has been some intermittent aches. Yesterday - 2/10, today 3/10. Nice to know the breasts are still alive!

Measured - 31" today.

I'm getting to the point where I'm really fascinated to see whether I am actually going to grow anymore at all! Its like a science experiment or something. Although I've measured even before I started with noogleberry, and only had massage, 31.75", I just don't seem to be getting up there again. I was 31.5" the other day. I'm going to keep tracking my measurements just to see how they fluctuate each day is interesting.


I was a bit naughty in the early stages of the cycle I am in now, and ate lots of chocolate. Then during mid cycle I had the mid cycle pain again! Now I didn't get that in recent cycles, but this cycle I did. I also noticed that I have a few random dark hairs growing which I haven't seen for awhile.... so its interesting to see how the sugar thing really affects your hormones. In saying that, right now, I'm totally craving some chocolate, but I am being good, and staying away. What I have done in the last few days is to make an excel spreadsheet of all the packaged food I eat like rice, crackers, grains etc, and I've noted their carbohydrate, sugar, and protein levels. I'm aiming to cut out the ones which have high carb/sugar and low protein content.

For breakfast and snacks I am aiming to eat more protein type food like salmon, prawns, cashew nuts.

Cycle 6 - Day 20

CHANGES to program

I am making some changes to my program, I think given I have been on it for 5-6 cycles now its time to ramp it up a bit. So I've upped the number of FG and SP to 3 per day. I have also bought GABA, and seabuckthorn oil capsules which I will start taking as soon as they arrive. I had a look at threads on BB and UB today, but I'm not sure I want to go down that path. I need to do some more research about them.


AM - 1 hour 10 minutes - 32"
PM - 50 minutes - 32.5"


15 minutes per time am/pm


- 2 Fennel teas - AM/PM
- 3 FG 510mg (have increased the internals to 3 per day)
- 3 SP 510mg
- 1 Flaxseed oil capsule

Breast sensations

Yay! Have had lots of itching/twingy sensations throughout the day! About a 5/10.

Measured - 31" this evening before noogling.

Hooray! Congrats on your itchiness and twinginess!!! Big Grin I hope your new supplements arrive soon!

thanks Twister-mama! yeah, it feels good to get a new spurt of enthusiasm for this breast growing! Thanks for posting your program page, I took some ideas off that.


I have purchased MSM powder which I am going to take about 3,000mg of per day from what I have read. Its a product that is meant to help joint pain, but it also supposedly helps with breast growth.


Ok yesterday was a bad example because I ate lost of peppermint chocolate! Once I start, I find it hard to stop as its soooooo delicious! BUT apart from that, I have been eating lots of protein, eating prawns for breakfast, lots of smoked salmon, fresh tuna, lamb, chicken, nuts. I have also found a protein powder that I am not allergic too! Yay, its rice protein, so made from rice. So hopefully a couple of shakes a day of that will help me too.

At the moment I'm sitting on either 51kgs or 52kgs. That is good because the last month I've been only 49kgs-50kgs. So I'm glad that I seem to be slowly putting on weight again!

Cycle 6 - Day 21


AM - 50 minutes - 32" - 4 hours later I measured and I was 31.5"
Afternoon - 20 minutes - 32.5" (quite interesting I only needed 20 minutes to reach 32.5"! so I'll test this out again in the future, because if I want to go out or meet my boyfriend, then its good to know it doesn't take too long to swell up! when the duration between noogles is 4 hours or so)
PM - none


15 minutes per time am and pm
10 minutes afternoon


- 2 Fennel teas - AM/PM
- 3 FG 510mg (have increased the internals to 3 per day)
- 3 SP 510mg
- 1 Flaxseed oil capsule

Breast sensations

Less sensations today, not strong feelings more like slight itchy or almost pulling/twinging? sensations, about a 3/10.

Measured - 31" this morning.

Cycle 6 - Day 22


AM - 40 mins 32.5"
PM - 40 mins 32.5"

I measured 10 hours after noogling this morning and I measured 31.5"
Breasts starting to get a bit noogle resistant i.e. tired when noogling


15 minutes per time am and pm


- 2 Fennel teas - AM/PM
- 3 FG 510mg
- 3 SP 510mg
- 1 Flaxseed oil capsule

Breast sensations

particularly this evening achy - 5/10.


I felt quite tired at times today, which I'm assuming is the fenugreek, so I ate some chocolate and felt wide awake again.

I tried my rice protein powder and its seriously like drinking cardboard! So I tried putting a bit of cinammon in it, and then tried melting 1 piece of chocolate and mixing that in!!! Still disgusting! except for the delicious spoonful at the bottom of the mug.

I broke up with my boyfriend today, I had been seeing him for 6 weeks, but decided it just wasn't working. Mainly that he just doesn't seem to be much of a gentleman. Sad So I ate lots of chocolate after that! Now I have finished my chocolate supply, so no more chocolate for awhile! Got to keep my sugar intake under control as I don't want it messing with my hormones.

Its spring now too, so I'm hoping that I will get good growth!

I'm sorry to hear about your breakup. Sad That stinks. But good for you, though - you deserve someone who IS a gentleman. Smile

Don't feel too bad about your chocolate consumption. Seriously, I believe there are times when women NEED it. I've been a chocoholic lately, which is BAD long-term; but ya know, once in a while it's OK! At least, that's what I tell myself. Wink

I am so envious that you are heading into spring where you are. Here in the USA we're heading into fall, which is always SOOO depressing to me for some reason. Probably cuz the winters here in the Great Lakes region can last like 6 months. Sad

It's great that you're getting some good swelling after only 40 minutes of Noogling. That's GOT to be a sign of something going on in there! Keep it up!!! Big Grin

One question: How do your breasts feel "tired" after Noogling? Like, sore? Or saggy?? Or numb??? Just curious!

(11-04-2010, 10:25 PM)Andy Wrote:  Ok, sorry about that. I had posted a post, but then realized half the links didn't work. I am just now finding time to rereate it.
Ok, What I am going to do, Is to list you some links to info that you may or may not have come across yet.

I am listing you several links to threads dealing with fenugreek ,internal and external, with massage. Tiger Lily and others have reported growth with just massage and eating certain foods in her diet. Mostly chicken foot soup. We also have a section here on the forum for foods to eat while on NBE. You might want to up your protien during NBE.
The old archive site.

Link to TigerLily's page. Has her massage and diet program. Traditional method.

Cocolilys explanation of tigerlilys massage method

A few links on fenugreek with massage.

A couple of links I pass on to everybody.
This page is by fennel fairy on skin structure and penetration for NBE. A recipe for massage batter. Here is the link.

This is a very useful page by Wahaika. It is full of on taking herbs, program days to take them, massage batter (fenugreek is used), and a theory on why NBE works.

I am diabetic so I also take cinnamon 500mg (2 with each meal). B-complex sublingual, Gelatin 10 grain (2 with each meal). EPO. MSN. Was taking GABA but ran out. WIll be addng it back soon. Since I am male I also take Saw Palmetto to bring down my test levels. Started taking SP before NBE for prostate health. I use a commercial lotion Lubriderm, with fennel, fenugreek, lavender essential oil lotion, and Eucalyptus essential oil for penetration of the skin. (See above links from fennel fairy and wahaika) Don't kniow how effective it is though. When I do my online order, I am going to get some fenugreek seed and do the batter mix listed on wahaikas page. Don't forget to add heat after your massage. It aids in the aromatization of the chemicals in your tissues.

Hope you find some of this info useful.

Best wishes and good journey

Very useful links, thanks!

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