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Vitex/chaste berry. Side effects or benefits? Thank you


(24-04-2016, 20:08)missboobshirt Wrote:  Ella if you were normal before NBE maybe if you decide to get off maca and fennel you should do a complete detox and stay away from herbs, maybe follow a plan like Jen's (or even mine, as I don't use herbs) (not counting maca) that will allow you to grow without disturbing your insides. Do you still use SB?

Your on maca though arent you Missb? I was thinking of continuing maca for energy since this gut thing wipes me out. BUT... i meet with the naturopath again in 3 weeks and il clear it with her, see if she thinks its good or not and the estrogen link if any.

What are you doing again MIssB, SOO sorry to ask. You get lost in peoples programmes etc. I thought you were diet, maca, massage/considering noogling?

Im somewhat limited till i get off this no sugar kick too. Means i cant have alot of fruit Sad NO carbs either. No beans. Its protein and veg really - so translated, a horible tasteless diet! I cant go vegetarian or vegan at this stage, too much greens create too much gas. I DO need a good multi, but one from wholefoods and no probiotics in it!

(24-04-2016, 20:23)ellacraig Wrote:  Your on maca though arent you Missb? I was thinking of continuing maca for energy since this gut thing wipes me out. BUT... i meet with the naturopath again in 3 weeks and il clear it with her, see if she thinks its good or not and the estrogen link if any.

What are you doing again MIssB, SOO sorry to ask. You get lost in peoples programmes etc. I thought you were diet, maca, massage/considering noogling?

Im somewhat limited till i get off this no sugar kick too. Means i cant have alot of fruit Sad NO carbs either. No beans. Its protein and veg really - so translated, a horible tasteless diet! I cant go vegetarian or vegan at this stage, too much greens create too much gas. I DO need a good multi, but one from wholefoods and no probiotics in it!

Oh yeah I think maca is okay for you-- esp if it is giving you energy. You need that <3 let me know what she says Smile

Well right now I am doing massage, maca, eating healthy (fruits veggies) no sugar, caffeine, exercise, water water water! as far as the things I am taking they are: multi vitamin (breast health supporting), hair skin nails multi vitamin, collagen, larginine, fish oil, vitamin d, maca. but I want to add in some creams like volufline and yes, noogle.

I think simple things go a long way-- esp considering how much turmoil your body seems to be going through, it seems to be doing more damage than good :/ (excluding maca and SB which seems to have worked for you)

I think pro biotics are really good. I am looking for a good one myself.. but there are natural pro biotics too! I am not sure if you can eat them, but anything fermented is a good pro biotic. IE. kimchi and yogurt is a good one too. Has to have active, live cultures in it.. not the sugary ones!

and yeah that diet seems sucky :/ but there has to be a away around it.. protein and veggie can be good. how are you with spices? I am assuming you can have meat bc you said protein, right?

not sure if those are helpful-- I looked up meat/veggie recipes!

(24-04-2016, 20:51)missboobshirt Wrote:  
(24-04-2016, 20:23)ellacraig Wrote:  Your on maca though arent you Missb? I was thinking of continuing maca for energy since this gut thing wipes me out. BUT... i meet with the naturopath again in 3 weeks and il clear it with her, see if she thinks its good or not and the estrogen link if any.

What are you doing again MIssB, SOO sorry to ask. You get lost in peoples programmes etc. I thought you were diet, maca, massage/considering noogling?

Im somewhat limited till i get off this no sugar kick too. Means i cant have alot of fruit Sad NO carbs either. No beans. Its protein and veg really - so translated, a horible tasteless diet! I cant go vegetarian or vegan at this stage, too much greens create too much gas. I DO need a good multi, but one from wholefoods and no probiotics in it!

Oh yeah I think maca is okay for you-- esp if it is giving you energy. You need that <3 let me know what she says Smile

Well right now I am doing massage, maca, eating healthy (fruits veggies) no sugar, caffeine, exercise, water water water! as far as the things I am taking they are: multi vitamin (breast health supporting), hair skin nails multi vitamin, collagen, larginine, fish oil, vitamin d, maca. but I want to add in some creams like volufline and yes, noogle.

I think simple things go a long way-- esp considering how much turmoil your body seems to be going through, it seems to be doing more damage than good :/ (excluding maca and SB which seems to have worked for you)

I think pro biotics are really good. I am looking for a good one myself.. but there are natural pro biotics too! I am not sure if you can eat them, but anything fermented is a good pro biotic. IE. kimchi and yogurt is a good one too. Has to have active, live cultures in it.. not the sugary ones!

and yeah that diet seems sucky :/ but there has to be a away around it.. protein and veggie can be good. how are you with spices? I am assuming you can have meat bc you said protein, right?

not sure if those are helpful-- I looked up meat/veggie recipes!

Thanks love. Il look into the links. Spices are ok, some i have to watch out for.
But yeh once i reduce the overgrowth i can get back into really good things like broths and more food choices Smile
Probiotics are good yeh, my naturo seems to think going more the food based way like kimchi, sauerkraut, kefirs etc are best. Probiotics are costly too and soo many strains its confusing. I think for a medical condition yeh go for probiotics, for everyday, the good youghurts etc and foods as you say Smile
Apparently making your own milk kefir is the BEST way to get good bacteria into your system. Im wary of making it but you can buy the grains on Iherb for $8 and make your own!

(24-04-2016, 20:56)ellacraig Wrote:  
(24-04-2016, 20:51)missboobshirt Wrote:  
(24-04-2016, 20:23)ellacraig Wrote:  Your on maca though arent you Missb? I was thinking of continuing maca for energy since this gut thing wipes me out. BUT... i meet with the naturopath again in 3 weeks and il clear it with her, see if she thinks its good or not and the estrogen link if any.

What are you doing again MIssB, SOO sorry to ask. You get lost in peoples programmes etc. I thought you were diet, maca, massage/considering noogling?

Im somewhat limited till i get off this no sugar kick too. Means i cant have alot of fruit Sad NO carbs either. No beans. Its protein and veg really - so translated, a horible tasteless diet! I cant go vegetarian or vegan at this stage, too much greens create too much gas. I DO need a good multi, but one from wholefoods and no probiotics in it!

Oh yeah I think maca is okay for you-- esp if it is giving you energy. You need that <3 let me know what she says Smile

Well right now I am doing massage, maca, eating healthy (fruits veggies) no sugar, caffeine, exercise, water water water! as far as the things I am taking they are: multi vitamin (breast health supporting), hair skin nails multi vitamin, collagen, larginine, fish oil, vitamin d, maca. but I want to add in some creams like volufline and yes, noogle.

I think simple things go a long way-- esp considering how much turmoil your body seems to be going through, it seems to be doing more damage than good :/ (excluding maca and SB which seems to have worked for you)

I think pro biotics are really good. I am looking for a good one myself.. but there are natural pro biotics too! I am not sure if you can eat them, but anything fermented is a good pro biotic. IE. kimchi and yogurt is a good one too. Has to have active, live cultures in it.. not the sugary ones!

and yeah that diet seems sucky :/ but there has to be a away around it.. protein and veggie can be good. how are you with spices? I am assuming you can have meat bc you said protein, right?

not sure if those are helpful-- I looked up meat/veggie recipes!

Thanks love. Il look into the links. Spices are ok, some i have to watch out for.
But yeh once i reduce the overgrowth i can get back into really good things like broths and more food choices Smile
Probiotics are good yeh, my naturo seems to think going more the food based way like kimchi, sauerkraut, kefirs etc are best. Probiotics are costly too and soo many strains its confusing. I think for a medical condition yeh go for probiotics, for everyday, the good youghurts etc and foods as you say Smile
Apparently making your own milk kefir is the BEST way to get good bacteria into your system. Im wary of making it but you can buy the grains on Iherb for $8 and make your own!

Have you ever heard of "raw milk"? I am not exactly 100% what it is, but it's suppose to be the best kind of milk for you and really healthy and good. Some lady who is really into healthy foods was telling me about it, and she has IBS too. hm! I'll have to look into it more, but maybe if you're interested you can give it a google Smile

(25-04-2016, 02:31)missboobshirt Wrote:  
(24-04-2016, 20:56)ellacraig Wrote:  
(24-04-2016, 20:51)missboobshirt Wrote:  
(24-04-2016, 20:23)ellacraig Wrote:  Your on maca though arent you Missb? I was thinking of continuing maca for energy since this gut thing wipes me out. BUT... i meet with the naturopath again in 3 weeks and il clear it with her, see if she thinks its good or not and the estrogen link if any.

What are you doing again MIssB, SOO sorry to ask. You get lost in peoples programmes etc. I thought you were diet, maca, massage/considering noogling?

Im somewhat limited till i get off this no sugar kick too. Means i cant have alot of fruit Sad NO carbs either. No beans. Its protein and veg really - so translated, a horible tasteless diet! I cant go vegetarian or vegan at this stage, too much greens create too much gas. I DO need a good multi, but one from wholefoods and no probiotics in it!

Oh yeah I think maca is okay for you-- esp if it is giving you energy. You need that <3 let me know what she says Smile

Well right now I am doing massage, maca, eating healthy (fruits veggies) no sugar, caffeine, exercise, water water water! as far as the things I am taking they are: multi vitamin (breast health supporting), hair skin nails multi vitamin, collagen, larginine, fish oil, vitamin d, maca. but I want to add in some creams like volufline and yes, noogle.

I think simple things go a long way-- esp considering how much turmoil your body seems to be going through, it seems to be doing more damage than good :/ (excluding maca and SB which seems to have worked for you)

I think pro biotics are really good. I am looking for a good one myself.. but there are natural pro biotics too! I am not sure if you can eat them, but anything fermented is a good pro biotic. IE. kimchi and yogurt is a good one too. Has to have active, live cultures in it.. not the sugary ones!

and yeah that diet seems sucky :/ but there has to be a away around it.. protein and veggie can be good. how are you with spices? I am assuming you can have meat bc you said protein, right?

not sure if those are helpful-- I looked up meat/veggie recipes!

Thanks love. Il look into the links. Spices are ok, some i have to watch out for.
But yeh once i reduce the overgrowth i can get back into really good things like broths and more food choices Smile
Probiotics are good yeh, my naturo seems to think going more the food based way like kimchi, sauerkraut, kefirs etc are best. Probiotics are costly too and soo many strains its confusing. I think for a medical condition yeh go for probiotics, for everyday, the good youghurts etc and foods as you say Smile
Apparently making your own milk kefir is the BEST way to get good bacteria into your system. Im wary of making it but you can buy the grains on Iherb for $8 and make your own!

Have you ever heard of "raw milk"? I am not exactly 100% what it is, but it's suppose to be the best kind of milk for you and really healthy and good. Some lady who is really into healthy foods was telling me about it, and she has IBS too. hm! I'll have to look into it more, but maybe if you're interested you can give it a google Smile

Yeh I believe your right. When I see naturopath next il ask her about it Smile I found some kefir yoghurt with no sugar added. It's made of milk but because it's cultured I hope it's ok!

I took Vitex tincture for over 3 months. I took it because I wanted to balance my hormones and help my acne. I read that vitex is good for most women, and since nothing else had helped - it would be good for me. I sure was wrong. At first it was fine, but I noticed that my period was clotting, so I had big clumps instead of a normal flow. More cramps. I think this is because of a progesterone increase, and I guess I didn't actually need that! Every cycle my acne got worse and worse. I didn't have too much cystic acne to begin with, just the white and red bumps. I got LOTS of cystic acne all over my chin and jaw. It was terrible. After I cut out the vitex, it went away pretty fast. I knew deep down that it wasn't for me, and that 3 months was a good trial. It's a miracle herb for some, but not what I needed.

Thanks for sharing that Mzhoney

Well I've been on Vitex for 1 month now. So far, I don't think I've really had any change in symptoms, good or bad. My cycle this month was 44 days, so it definitely hasn't helped with that (at least not yet). My acne is still there, breasts don't seem any bigger, still have night sweats... So yea, that's my progress with Vitex so far.

I have read that you should give Vitex a couple months to determine if it is helping though, so I'm not totally writing it off yet. (Although MzHobey's comment about the worsening acne has me really worried because my horrible acne is actually more concerning than my breast size for me at the moment! ?)

(27-04-2016, 19:28)Kristin00 Wrote:  Well I've been on Vitex for 1 month now. So far, I don't think I've really had any change in symptoms, good or bad. My cycle this month was 44 days, so it definitely hasn't helped with that (at least not yet). My acne is still there, breasts don't seem any bigger, still have night sweats... So yea, that's my progress with Vitex so far.

I have read that you should give Vitex a couple months to determine if it is helping though, so I'm not totally writing it off yet. (Although MzHobey's comment about the worsening acne has me really worried because my horrible acne is actually more concerning than my breast size for me at the moment! ?)
Hi. Yes I do think you need to give it 3 months at LEAST. That's what ive been told. I do tell you what though ive had 3 VERY good naturopaths all praise vitex very highly. Its always concerning when you read things like WebMD saying some bad things about vitex but then they say bad things about all natural substances. I'm leaning towards taking a bit more notice of what these "anti" natural organisations say about some herbs now after experiencing some nasty side effects. Maybe they aren't poo pooing over herbs for no reason..

Tell you what though, when I've asked any natural health shop or practitioner what to do to balance hormones, its VITEX not Maca that always comes up.. I'm regretting abit I switched over to maca, but for me right now I need energy primarily. And for what its worth my last cycle while on Vitex was shorter AGAIN..

I agree, most things I hear or see in the natural community promote Vitex for hormone balancing. My Nutritional Health Coach was the one who recommended it for me.
I'm also starting an auto immune diet the first on the month (by her recommendation). Hopefully getting my gut healthy will balance my hormones and adrenal issues too (and in turn help the acne and breast growth!). You're addressing some diet/ GI stuff too aren't you Ella?

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