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The Year-Long Massage and Diet Project (No Herbs)

I guess she figured I only wanted testosterone because my symptoms indicate issues with mainly that. She said she'll email me with the results. I hope I can see the exact levels.

I'll definitely be updating and asking for opinions. You rest up and get rid of that cold!

Yay! I made it a month with some consistency. I only missed one day of massage, and it was because I was having a pretty intense depressive episode (didn't even brush my teeth that day). And I was good with my diet and supplements more often than I wasn't (going out of town and holidays/birthdays were pretty much the only things that threw me off). So I'm going to treat myself by making a nice, homemade scrub that I can use on my breasts in the shower and bath. There are some lovely recipes for DIY scrubs here: I think mine will be made of coconut oil, brown sugar, and a calming essential oil mix that I have. Smile

What worked this past month?: Massaging once a day, giving up sugar for the most part, incorporating regular consumption of avocado and yogurt by having a smoothie every day I possibly could, whey protein every other day or at least a few times a week, switching from black to green tea, switching from regular fish oil to cod liver oil, drinking lots of water

What didn't work?: Well, sometimes, I really didn't want that avocado smoothie. I don't want to have negative feelings toward anything in my routine. Maybe I should start having it every other day rather than every single day? Maybe I can have the avocado in a sandwich one day, then in a smoothie the next day. I'll just make sure to still eat yogurt on the days I don't make the smoothie.

What do I need to work on?: Sleeping! I need to get to sleep by 10 and sleep for 8 hours. Glycine has been underwhelming so far. I will keep trying to refine my bedtime routine and sleep schedule. I might try getting up earlier. Maybe that will help me fall asleep before midnight.

Current supplements:
Alive! Women's Energy (every other day)

Nature's Truth Hair, Skin, & Nails (on days I don't use the Alive!)

Cod liver oil

Vitamin C

Vitamin D


Nature's Bounty Acidophilus Probiotic

Not Just Protein Vanilla Protein Powder

Incorporating this month:
1. Morning massage in addition to nightly massage. 300 circles around breasts, with a "smooshing" massage 25 times after each 100 count (will explain this in a bit).

2. Consumption of hummus every day, or chickpeas in some form (hummus is just the easiest, and I never get tired of it so it's also the tastiest way and the way that has the highest likelihood of ensuring that I'll stick with it long-term). Inspired by this:

3. Exfoliating my breasts three times a week with my nice new scrub! Smile

As for the "smooshing" massage, I found this video (excuse her language and masculine delivery in advance): I tried the massage where she's sort of squeezing and squishing her breasts, and wow, I think there's something to it. Whenever I get finished doing it, my breasts feel super round and fat. And I think they look closer together, too.

My thyroid levels are a little low, apparently. Yikes! My doctor asked for me to come in for more labs, so I went in this morning and got more blood drawn. Praying everything's okay. I don't want to wind up on any medication.

Here's to a new month-long streak on my program! Go go go! Big Grin

Hey Smile I wanted to ask, how is the Nature's Bounty Acidophilus Probiotic working out for you? I am looking for a new probiotic-- some are so expensive..

Also, I read that you have problems with acne. I used to have the same issue when I just got out of HS. It's funny you say you know more about acne then NBE because I feel the same way lol so you probably know the ins & outs but I wanted to share something with you that you may have not known or over looked as it is easy to forget!

do you moisturize & tone your skin? when I gave up on trying to heal my acne I bought make up and said "i'll just wear this for the rest of my life" and when I started wearing it, my acne went away! Ironic, huh? Upon buying the make up I bought moisturizers and my skin has been clear ever since!

I recommend First Aid Beauty. (check their moisturizer) They have them at Sephora (if you have one near you) if not, I am sure it's online. Also DHC skincare is very good. I use their salicylic acid toner. Smile Don't forget to drink tons of water-- OH! and coconut oil has anti bacterial properties, using it before bed on your skin will help too! & there's my 2cents Tongue

Thanks, missboobshirt. The probiotic seems to do fine...? Not sure, as I've never had gut problems. I'm honestly just taking it because it's supposed to be good for you and some people with acne have had skin improvements by taking them. The Nature's Bounty is definitely nice and cheap! Especially when you've got a great local grocery store like mine that regularly has 2 for the price of 1 sales on their supplements.

Ah, someone who understands my acne woes! Glad you found the answer for yours.

I don't tone my skin, but I moisturize the living daylights out of it because I live somewhere that stays cool/cold most of the year and if I don't moisturize properly, it gets so dry that it goes all crinkly. Sad Not a good look! When my skin was the nicest, I was on Accutane, but unfortunately my acne came back about a year after I was off of it. So I started just splashing my face with water in the mornings followed by a serum and sunscreen, and at night I cleansed and moisturized. My skin was so nice and glowy and the acne went away. But the serum got discontinued and I was reading that the soap I was using thins your skin! I'm going to give it another try, though, because it seriously helped both my acne and my dark marks. I'll just limit use to a few times a week.

I really hate makeup, to be honest. I just use a bit of concealer and bb cream under my eyes and some tinted lip balm and that's it. I feel like my money needs to be getting used for other things, you know?

I will check out First Aid Beauty and DHC. I've heard of their cleansing oil. I drink at least 64 ounces of water a day, usually more. Just ask my bladder. Rolleyes I use pure, raw shea butter as my oil (shockingly, it doesn't make me break out). Someone said shea butter got rid of their dark circles, so it helps with discoloration. I need all the help I can get with that!

(13-04-2016, 22:06)blessedbreasts Wrote:  Thanks, missboobshirt. The probiotic seems to do fine...? Not sure, as I've never had gut problems. I'm honestly just taking it because it's supposed to be good for you and some people with acne have had skin improvements by taking them. The Nature's Bounty is definitely nice and cheap! Especially when you've got a great local grocery store like mine that regularly has 2 for the price of 1 sales on their supplements.

Ah, someone who understands my acne woes! Glad you found the answer for yours.

I don't tone my skin, but I moisturize the living daylights out of it because I live somewhere that stays cool/cold most of the year and if I don't moisturize properly, it gets so dry that it goes all crinkly. Sad Not a good look! When my skin was the nicest, I was on Accutane, but unfortunately my acne came back about a year after I was off of it. So I started just splashing my face with water in the mornings followed by a serum and sunscreen, and at night I cleansed and moisturized. My skin was so nice and glowy and the acne went away. But the serum got discontinued and I was reading that the soap I was using thins your skin! I'm going to give it another try, though, because it seriously helped both my acne and my dark marks. I'll just limit use to a few times a week.

I really hate makeup, to be honest. I just use a bit of concealer and bb cream under my eyes and some tinted lip balm and that's it. I feel like my money needs to be getting used for other things, you know?

I will check out First Aid Beauty and DHC. I've heard of their cleansing oil. I drink at least 64 ounces of water a day, usually more. Just ask my bladder. Rolleyes I use pure, raw shea butter as my oil (shockingly, it doesn't make me break out). Someone said shea butter got rid of their dark circles, so it helps with discoloration. I need all the help I can get with that!

I have something great for dark marks! buy some licorice powder, lemon and honey. Mix it all up in a small container and use it as a face mask-- all of those ingredients have skin lightening properties! Any dark marks I have fade away, I can see a difference after one use! Its good for circles too Smile Most of those ingredients are in skin lightening serums. That a vitamin C ^^

It's good that you keep your skin moisturized! Do you remember what was in the serum? I would look for salicylic acid over benzoyl peroxide as BP can dry out your skin :/ SA helps remove dead skin cells Smile I didn't know soap can do that to your skin, I mean, I know it can be harsh but sheesh! :/ thats scary! I'm googling a list now so I can not buy soap that does that! lol >__<

That mixture sounds yummy, but lemon frightens me. I use this for helping with dark marks: I have dark skin, so my hyperpigmentation is harder to get rid of. I need something a little more powerful. And I use a vitamin C serum every morning.

It was this serum: I can't get it in stores anymore. I'm tempted to order this. The last time I checked that listing, the price was higher than that.

I love salicylic acid. I used this last summer: I got the price down to about $10. The DHC toner looks good, too.

It wasn't just any soap. It was this: Soooo gooood. I loved it. Got immediate results from it. This soap cleared my skin up so fast and so well.

Today's intake:
96 ounces of water
Avocado smoothie with protein powder
Salad with hummus
Brown rice curry
Garlic cheesy bread
2 cups of hot green tea

I fasted until 3 p.m. today. I took a multivitamin and cod liver oil.

My breasts are tender today. My period is nigh.

Today's intake:
112 ounces of water
Breakfast - Banana, oatmeal with walnut pieces, green smoothie, soft-boiled egg
Lunch - Avocado and cheddar grilled cheese dipped in hummus, leftover avocado that I couldn't fit into the sandwich, plain yogurt, tuna salad with crackers, two pieces of 72% cacao dark chocolate, hot green tea
Dinner - Broccoli and chicken divan, brown rice curry, two pieces of homemade garlic bread, hot green tea

I took two Nature's Truth Hair, Skin, & Nails, cod liver oil, b-complex, a probiotic, and half a vitamin c.

I've started doing 10 chest presses with 10 pound weights three times a week. I don't want to overdo chest exercise, so that's fine for now. I was inspired by this video: I love what she says at the beginning of the video and her chest area still looks nice and soft and feminine, so I trust her.

My left breast feels itchy and a little bit achy today. My right breast is still being demure and shy.

I wish I'd kept track of what I did when I very first did NBE. I remember I got tremendous swelling. The things I remember are 1) I massaged religiously (with just baby oil), 2) I drank soymilk every day, 3) I took evening primrose oil (and it gave me nonstop chin acne Dodgy), 4) and I remember eating avocado every day that I possibly could. I think I increased my healthy fats in general, too. I vaguely remember using flaxseeds and/or flaxseed oil for consumption. And I might have used a heating pad after massage.

I didn't stick with it because, even though I'd get huge swelling certain times of the month, the tape measure wouldn't budge. And my skin started darkening around my breasts because of the massage. If I'd stuck with it, that swelling probably would have become growth and I'd have much bigger breasts right now!

Well, you live and you learn. It's far from too late.

Still no period. Has anyone with a shy, irregular period seen improvement with herbs? When I do work up the courage to use herbs, I'd like to use one that gives me a more stable cycle.

Today's intake:
98 ounces of water
Breakfast - An apple, green smoothie, whole grain and sesame bagel pieces with cream cheese
Lunch - Avocado smoothie with protein, three pieces of homemade garlic bread with hummus, hot green tea
Dinner - Beef nacho casserole, green beans, hot green tea
Two pieces of 72% cacao dark chocolate

I took a multivitamin, vitamin C, B-complex, and cod liver oil.

Man alive, my breasts hurt today! I got up this morning and the moment gravity hit, it felt like someone had been using my breasts as punching bags all night. Good grief! They're very swollen as well, and they feel all firm and meaty. They look glorious, but the pain! I still massaged them, though, because I'm just that dedicated.

What do you guys think of this?: Seems like it would taste horrid, but I'd be willing to choke it down at dinner (Minus the banana; in my opinion, nothing ruins a smoothie like a banana! I'll never understand why banana is a popular smoothie ingredient). Then I'd be having a smoothie at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My poor blender.

Still no period.

(16-04-2016, 05:09)blessedbreasts Wrote:  Today's intake:
98 ounces of water
Breakfast - An apple, green smoothie, whole grain and sesame bagel pieces with cream cheese
Lunch - Avocado smoothie with protein, three pieces of homemade garlic bread with hummus, hot green tea
Dinner - Beef nacho casserole, green beans, hot green tea
Two pieces of 72% cacao dark chocolate

I took a multivitamin, vitamin C, B-complex, and cod liver oil.

Man alive, my breasts hurt today! I got up this morning and the moment gravity hit, it felt like someone had been using my breasts as punching bags all night. Good grief! They're very swollen as well, and they feel all firm and meaty. They look glorious, but the pain! I still massaged them, though, because I'm just that dedicated.

What do you guys think of this?: Seems like it would taste horrid, but I'd be willing to choke it down at dinner (Minus the banana; in my opinion, nothing ruins a smoothie like a banana! I'll never understand why banana is a popular smoothie ingredient). Then I'd be having a smoothie at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My poor blender.

Still no period.

You know that smoothie looks amazing. When I'm off my special diet I'd try it . But finding papaya is another story .. That breast enlargement book I got off kindle, papaya keeps cropping up universally as being used for breasts.

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