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New Program for DDs - Chiyomilk Alternatives


(22-01-2016, 21:45)hannah Wrote:  
(22-01-2016, 21:16)msnewboobies Wrote:  
(19-01-2016, 19:13)missboobshirt Wrote:  I second sweets Smile I have found that taking photos really shows how much progress you've made. maybe not even for posting purposes, just to look back for yourself Smile also I didn't know PM caused hair fall out. I have heard that E helps hair grow?

I took a lot of photos in the beginning and just recently started taking pictures in the same bra off of sweets advice Smile Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to post them but if not then at least I have them for myself!

I've read that too much estrogen or just an imbalance in general can cause hair loss. Here are some other symptoms of e dom too which are nice to know - I actually forgot all about the trouble sleeping one - I haven't been sleeping well lately. I keep waking up multiple times at night and then I feel exhausted all day. I thought it was from my new mattress but I think it could be something else

Hey, when are you taking your pm and is it all you take? I suffer from the same exhaustion/insomnia, sometimes even talking is too much bc off my bad sleeping pattern lately. I think Im going to take a break from pm next might be the cause..besides green tea and some other teas its all I take.

This last cycle I took PM (250mg each day) from day 8 - 15 and then a half dose until around day 16/17. I was planning on taking it all throughout my luteal but I started spotting and knew I had too much estrogen so I stopped taking the PM and by the end of the next day my spotting stopped. I take a few other things too - it's kinda long to list but I think it's posted on the page before this one. I take vitex during luteal and some saw palmetto extract are the two main things.

A break sounds like a good idea. I just took one before starting this cycle so I guess taking the half dose during luteal just overloads my body entirely.

Does your green tea have caffeine in it? Maybe that keeps you up? I don't have any caffeine in my diet right now because of some stomach issues and I get the strongest cravings for coffee now! haha.

Ok! Just made the decision to buy the Swanson PM. I want to see how a different PM will work for me and also the Swanson is a PM extract whereas ainterol is just root powder -- I always forget that it's not an extract. So I'll see if the extract is too much for me since my dose is already pretty low on the ainterol.

If Swanson is better then maybe I'll switch to that from now and possibly even try purafem. I didn't want to spend $30 on a new bottle of purafem just yet and Swanson PM is on sale right now for $6 a bottle plus I used a 25% off coupon (25PRCNT) at swanson so it came out to under $10 with shipping!

(22-01-2016, 21:53)msnewboobies Wrote:  
(22-01-2016, 21:45)hannah Wrote:  
(22-01-2016, 21:16)msnewboobies Wrote:  
(19-01-2016, 19:13)missboobshirt Wrote:  I second sweets Smile I have found that taking photos really shows how much progress you've made. maybe not even for posting purposes, just to look back for yourself Smile also I didn't know PM caused hair fall out. I have heard that E helps hair grow?

I took a lot of photos in the beginning and just recently started taking pictures in the same bra off of sweets advice Smile Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to post them but if not then at least I have them for myself!

I've read that too much estrogen or just an imbalance in general can cause hair loss. Here are some other symptoms of e dom too which are nice to know - I actually forgot all about the trouble sleeping one - I haven't been sleeping well lately. I keep waking up multiple times at night and then I feel exhausted all day. I thought it was from my new mattress but I think it could be something else

Hey, when are you taking your pm and is it all you take? I suffer from the same exhaustion/insomnia, sometimes even talking is too much bc off my bad sleeping pattern lately. I think Im going to take a break from pm next might be the cause..besides green tea and some other teas its all I take.

This last cycle I took PM (250mg each day) from day 8 - 15 and then a half dose until around day 16/17. I was planning on taking it all throughout my luteal but I started spotting and knew I had too much estrogen so I stopped taking the PM and by the end of the next day my spotting stopped. I take a few other things too - it's kinda long to list but I think it's posted on the page before this one. I take vitex during luteal and some saw palmetto extract are the two main things.

A break sounds like a good idea. I just took one before starting this cycle so I guess taking the half dose during luteal just overloads my body entirely.

Does your green tea have caffeine in it? Maybe that keeps you up? I don't have any caffeine in my diet right now because of some stomach issues and I get the strongest cravings for coffee now! haha.

When I dont keep myself under control Im a total caffein junk but I try to not drink more then 2 little cups off coffee..both in the morning ofcourse:p But I think all teas have caffeine in it.. I always drink a very large mug in bed at night so that could be it indeed. Though the exhaustion might be related to estrogen dom...seeing I forget a lot since taking PM.
I read some ''thai'' advice that PM should be taken 2 weeks after menstruation...but Im still taking it 20 days bc I like it and my cycle is regular like this...though whats wisdom is diffecult to say with the PM...Anyhow you think adding SP made a difference for you?

(22-01-2016, 22:18)hannah Wrote:  When I dont keep myself under control Im a total caffein junk but I try to not drink more then 2 little cups off coffee..both in the morning ofcourse:p But I think all teas have caffeine in it.. I always drink a very large mug in bed at night so that could be it indeed. Though the exhaustion might be related to estrogen dom...seeing I forget a lot since taking PM.
I read some ''thai'' advice that PM should be taken 2 weeks after menstruation...but Im still taking it 20 days bc I like it and my cycle is regular like this...though whats wisdom is diffecult to say with the PM...Anyhow you think adding SP made a difference for you?

Yeah I think so too - even the decaf teas have a little bit of caffeine but I'm not sure about herbal teas and I think most that say they are caffeine-free actually don't have caffeine but maybe trace amounts also? It's never been enough to keep me up though.. maybe to run to the bathroom if I have a large mug at night! lol.

Hmm like taking PM during luteal? I have read some people say to do that too but I have never tried it.. a little scared to see what would happen. I'm trying to figure out the best days to take it. I was taking it on day 5/6 before I might try doing that again.

I had a really great cycle in November and I was looking back at what I took..that was the first month I took SP so I think it did make a difference for me, but I started adding more thinking it would be even better and I think that's what has been making me E dom too if that's even possible. Because SP decreases conversion of T to DHT so there's more T in my body and then I was also taking white peony root which is an aromatase that converts T to E so maybe that is why I have been soo E dom on top of taking PM too many days too lol. It's just all bad.. I still have some signs of e dom.. I might just do a cleanse month..

Mini Program Break/Update for Next Cycle

I think I still have some signs of E dom -- discharge and losing a little hair still so this month I think it would be good for me to not take PM.
Also, I think I had too much SP in my program so taking a break from that and I'm going to cut out white peony root for a little while too.

Day 1-14 1500 mg msm, 1300 mg fish oil, 500mg vit c, vit E, multivitamin gummies, amino acid cocktail, gelatin jello, milk thistle
Day 15-26 1500 mg msm, 1300 mg fish oil, 500mg vit c, vit E, multivitamin gummies, amino acid cocktail (except days 22-26), gelatin jello, vitex extract 450mg
Day 27-28 milk thistle, msm, fish oil, vit c, vit e, gummies, jello

And I'm still massaging with avo oil daily

FINALLY started my period! Five days late lol but it's here and it's actually really light so far (I probably just jinxed myself though).

I am pretty certain that I have been getting late periods because I am taking PM for too many days during follicular so it's making me ovulate later which makes my period come later.

After this detox cycle, I'm going to take PM from day 8 - 12 and then start taking vitex from day 13 - either 26 or 28.

Big Update Big Grin

Ok! So I am starting my period next week and I am really loving the growth I have been getting the last few weeks. I have been underweight (currently 109 and normally 115) so I am trying to eat more and feed my breasts more healthy fats because I think that's what I have been missing from my program. I am giving them all the hormones and herbs they need to grow but no actual fuel. And it's to my understanding that estrogen and massage help direct fat in the body so I hope that by adding the fat in, the estrogen will make the fat go to my breasts and butt for a more hour glass shape.

Last week I ate one avocado each day and this week I am adding some protein drinks to my diet. I can definitely say my breasts have gotten bigger. They project out much more and my right one that is slightly bigger than the left is almost starting to hang from my chest. I have more defined cleavage in the center so I am getting there!

This month I was just taking vitex extract (450mg) each day to normalize my estrogen levels because they were a little out of whack. My discharge has gone away and I am losing a lot less hair so I am actually looking forward to finally adding PM back to my program during my next cycle!

Also I think I have been having issues with my pituitary and adrenal glands, possibly thyroid too . As I have mentioned in my threads in the past, I have had a lot of stomach problems and I blamed alcohol and stress for that, but I think I need to come to terms with the fact that it is probably largely due to all of the herbs I take. I can't wait to reach my goal so I can give my body a full rest from herbs. But alcohol does have a large impact on my stomach also. So basically i think my irritated stomach lining does not allow me to absorb the nutrients (minerals and vitamins) I need and my pituitary gland has not been functioning properly because of it (pituitary also controls thyroid, adrenals, and ovaries). I am VERY irritable and just plain exhausted on most days, I have a really low sex drive when before it was very high actually. I have a lot of other symptoms that align with poorly functioning pituitary and adrenal glands and I think that I really need to fix that so I am taking a multi-mineral complex capsule and magnesium.
In addition to that, I am trying to just heal my stomach completely. Glutamine supplements really worked for me in the past so I increased my intake to 30g a day (slowly got up to this high of a dose- you don't want to just start taking 30g a day). I have already noticed a decrease in belching and I think the multi-mineral complex and magnesium are really improving my mood.

Now, on to my new program for this next cycle:

Day 1-6
amino cocktail

Day 7-10
100mg PM extract (Swansons)
amino cocktail

Day 11-13
amino cocktail

Day 14-21
450mg vitex extract
amino cocktail

Day 22-28 Detox days
525mg milk thistle

Throughout Cycle:
1300mg fish oil
1500mg msm (TMJ)
2 Adult Women's Gummy Vitamins
500mg vit c
400mg magnesium chelate (adrenal support)
1 Seeking health trace minerals complex II (no iron and copper) every other day

Oh! And I started listening to Blake Talks podcasts again! I am not sure if it's because I am eating more or if blake talks is actually working because my breasts have gotten larger listening to him this past week.
I was really into hypnotherapy when I first started nbe a few years ago, but I never stuck with it. Now, I have been getting lots of tingles and pulsations while listening and I don't just fall asleep lol. I want to stick with it for the next three months and see how it works Smile

Good luck growing beautiful ladies! I hope you reach your goals soon!

(22-02-2016, 23:25)msnewboobies Wrote:  Big Update Big Grin

Ok! So I am starting my period next week and I am really loving the growth I have been getting the last few weeks. I have been underweight (currently 109 and normally 115) so I am trying to eat more and feed my breasts more healthy fats because I think that's what I have been missing from my program. I am giving them all the hormones and herbs they need to grow but no actual fuel. And it's to my understanding that estrogen and massage help direct fat in the body so I hope that by adding the fat in, the estrogen will make the fat go to my breasts and butt for a more hour glass shape.

Last week I ate one avocado each day and this week I am adding some protein drinks to my diet. I can definitely say my breasts have gotten bigger. They project out much more and my right one that is slightly bigger than the left is almost starting to hang from my chest. I have more defined cleavage in the center so I am getting there!

This month I was just taking vitex extract (450mg) each day to normalize my estrogen levels because they were a little out of whack. My discharge has gone away and I am losing a lot less hair so I am actually looking forward to finally adding PM back to my program during my next cycle!

Also I think I have been having issues with my pituitary and adrenal glands, possibly thyroid too . As I have mentioned in my threads in the past, I have had a lot of stomach problems and I blamed alcohol and stress for that, but I think I need to come to terms with the fact that it is probably largely due to all of the herbs I take. I can't wait to reach my goal so I can give my body a full rest from herbs. But alcohol does have a large impact on my stomach also. So basically i think my irritated stomach lining does not allow me to absorb the nutrients (minerals and vitamins) I need and my pituitary gland has not been functioning properly because of it (pituitary also controls thyroid, adrenals, and ovaries). I am VERY irritable and just plain exhausted on most days, I have a really low sex drive when before it was very high actually. I have a lot of other symptoms that align with poorly functioning pituitary and adrenal glands and I think that I really need to fix that so I am taking a multi-mineral complex capsule and magnesium.
In addition to that, I am trying to just heal my stomach completely. Glutamine supplements really worked for me in the past so I increased my intake to 30g a day (slowly got up to this high of a dose- you don't want to just start taking 30g a day). I have already noticed a decrease in belching and I think the multi-mineral complex and magnesium are really improving my mood.

Now, on to my new program for this next cycle:

Day 1-6
amino cocktail

Day 7-10
100mg PM extract (Swansons)
amino cocktail

Day 11-13
amino cocktail

Day 14-21
450mg vitex extract
amino cocktail

Day 22-28 Detox days
525mg milk thistle

Throughout Cycle:
1300mg fish oil
1500mg msm (TMJ)
2 Adult Women's Gummy Vitamins
500mg vit c
400mg magnesium chelate (adrenal support)
1 Seeking health trace minerals complex II (no iron and copper) every other day

Oh! And I started listening to Blake Talks podcasts again! I am not sure if it's because I am eating more or if blake talks is actually working because my breasts have gotten larger listening to him this past week.
I was really into hypnotherapy when I first started nbe a few years ago, but I never stuck with it. Now, I have been getting lots of tingles and pulsations while listening and I don't just fall asleep lol. I want to stick with it for the next three months and see how it works Smile

Good luck growing beautiful ladies! I hope you reach your goals soon!
Were you still drinking when glutamine healed your gut last time?
It's such a high dose but yeh I keep getting told glutamine for gut healing to.

(23-02-2016, 01:38)ellacraig Wrote:  Hi.
Were you still drinking when glutamine healed your gut last time?
It's such a high dose but yeh I keep getting told glutamine for gut healing to.

Yes! Ella you should definitely try it. There are studies on glutamine that prove it heals ulcers. I have something similar to an ulcer (doctor said but never did an endoscopy) but I don't have the h.pylori virus. I did the awful poop test to verify that one lol. Here are some of the results of a few case studies in one article:

It healed in about 4 weeks when I was taking 10g a day (5g morning/night) and I was not drinking during the 4 weeks. But then I went to vegas and I could tell it wasn't completely healed - I needed more time, but the trip date was already set. But I can say I had a lot more enjoyable experience drinking, but I made sure not to drink TOO much each night. And I think some of my symptoms came back (but not bad) because after my vegas trip, I took just 5g a day and I wasn't sticking to the diet (no spicy foods, fatty/greasy foods, chocolate, etc.). Now, I am trying to take it more seriously by taking 30g a day and not drinking for a while or at least if I do, I'll only have two drinks max. I want to heal my stomach completely. But I have been eating a lot of spicy foods and chocolate recently. I just got myself up to the 30g dose so now I am going to limit my spicy foods.

But I have been taking glutamine for quite a few months and I haven't had any really bad symptoms like I was having before (fullness, not able to eat, belching ALL day) even with drinking and taking some nsaids for cramps.
Also, I had my boyfriend take 5g a day too and he said after a night of drinking he could tell a difference. He used to get terrible stomach problems for a day or two after drinking and be in the bathroom almost all day the next day.

Maybe you should try and see how it goes for you. I don't know of any adverse side effects from taking glutamine and if taking a high dose like 30g scares you, then just know that even 5g showed results. And I think I have read somewhere that 2g is enough to heal ulcers.
I got this one from Amazon
I tried the Now brand before this one and that one was good but the taste of this one is a little better and it's cheaper too.

WOW I just tried on my 32D bra and my right breast pretty much fills it completely and the left is not far behind! There is the tiniest of gaps at the top but the bottom of my breast is almost bulging out!!
I definitely think the fat is going to where it needs to go! And maybe I was just a little progesterone deficient. If I don't see much growth during my next cycle with PM, I will probably go back to just taking vitex all month because I got such great results this month!

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