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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!


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I probably should have taken better side photos as I was holding my computer in the air to take the photo which was tensing my muscles, so they look smaller than they are.

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more photos

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Also, it is great to have a site like this to keep photos on. I don't keep any photos on my computer in case someone finds them! So thank you to Eve for having this site!!! Its great to document progress.

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I have been following your program and your progress for a while now and I just had to tell you how impressed I am with your results. I'm sincerely happy for you and I desperately hope that I can have the success you have had. You give hope to the extremely small breasted women like myself. The reason I am so encouraged by your progress is because my breasts look exactly like yours and my doctor told me I was at the developmental stage of a thirteen year old girl. She devastated me and I honestly thought there was something wrong with me. But after looking at a lot pictures of AA breasts and then finally coming across your inspiring page, I realized that normal breasts do come in very small sizes.

Good luck!! I wish you the best and I am sure that you will reach your B cup dream soon!!

I hope it's okay that I posted on your program page.


thanks Marie! Thats interesting about the doctor saying your breasts are of the developmental stage of a 13 year old! Did they offer any advice on how they could be developed?

Ok so I was pretty good with the massaging and noogling but then took a break of about 4 days from both as I was travelling. Noogled yesterday and GOSH, my breasts were absolutely HUGE after noogling for 1 hour. I did it on one breast then the other breast. I couldn't believe it. What was really funny though, and I wish I had taken a photo, so I will do that next time!, was that after I noogled one breast, which looked huge.. the other looked ridiculously small in comparison.

So I tried on several bras afterwards, and had to get one of my largest bras just to fit my breasts in them! I made it really tight and wore it all day. Lucky for me, my breasts retained some swelling right until that night, in time for my date! lol Interestingly, the aereola area on one of my nipples looked ORANGE/RED colour that evening... not sure what that was all about! Looked very weird. But this morning looks normal! (phew).

So over the last week etc, I have pains, shooting ones, aching etc in my breasts nearly every day.. I seem to be responding better and better to the noogling with my swelling generally getting more and more overall... HOWEVER,

when I measured myself after my 4 day break from both massaging and noogling, I only message 31"!!! So I'm not really sure whats going on. The breast sensations, the increased swelling, should both point towards getting larger breasts right! But that measuring tape doesn't seem to be showing a difference. SO, what my plan is, is not to get discouraged, but to keep going with this noogling and massaging and taking the herbs for the rest of this cycle, I think its cycle 5 or 6? now.... I'll have to look back at my notes. And then for the next 2 cycles after that. If by then I have no noticeable difference in the measuring tape then I'm going to stop. Surely after another 2 months of doing this I should see some results.... I saw results after the first 3 months.

It kindof gets to the ridiculous stage where it takes so much effort and time to do all of these things, massage, noogle, herbs, and if there are no results, then there is no point. I may noogle every now and again after the next two months, as at least noogle gives you some temporary swelling....

Anyhow, thats me for now.

Oh, and my new boyfriend said something very nice about my breasts last night! We were listening to a song that strangely had one of the lyrics about 'cleavage in summer', and I laughed and said, yep, well I don't have cleavage anytime of year.. and he said well I really like your breasts and I don't want to have a partner that is going to need a wheelbarrow when they are older to carry their breasts around! lol So that was nice to receive some kindof?! haha positive feedback about my breasts.

Also, I am sitting around the 52kg mark. I'm not sure if I posted the other day but I actually got down to 49kgs when I had really bad diarhorrea the other week. But now I seem to be getting on top of the diarhorrea so that is good.

And, I got my test results back from the allergy tests which confirms I should not be eating wheat, dairy, potato, and a raft of other things like tomato! So that is good, so hopefully now that I can cut out all that stuff my stomach will start to heal, and I'll start to put on weight again!

I also noticed that the flat2fab book people are putting out a new edition of their book. I'm not sure that I'll get it, but I did purchase the other one.

I think for people with really small breasts like me, I would recommend getting a noogleberry, because even if it doesn't give you permanent growth, the temporary effects are reasonable.... and you could do it every now and again just to get a 'boost' so that you are a bit bigger......

I think it's positive that you've been having aches and pains in your breasts. You should definitely keep it up! Early growth doesn't necessarily show up on the measuring tape. On the BB website (which I'm taking) it says you'll notice a circumference and density change first, which won't show up on a measuring tape; but you may notice it when wearing an old bra, and seeing how it fits. I personally have been having constant pains the past week; and I noticed a little more cleavage while wearing my bra yesterday. I ran to the bathroom to measure, and my measurement was the same! I was like WHAT??? HOW?!? The new fullness is definitely there (I'm like a 34AAA, BTW). Then I remembered what I read on BB's site about early growth.

Wow, that stinks that you're allergic to tomatoes! I'd die! And congrats on the compliment from your boyfriend. Big Grin

Try not to get discouraged! The fact that you're still having pains is GOOD! If you can keep using NB, I definitely would! It can take months of constant pumping every day before you see permanent results. You will probably see more results soon. Taking a break once in a while seems to almost always help people get awesome swelling once they start back up (according to those on the NB forum). And like I said, the pains mean there is something good going on in there. Wink

Keep us updated on your progress! And good luck!!! Smile

Hi twistermama,

that is interesting about the circumference and density change. I noticed in the last week my breast feel more like muscle than they did before... before they were hmmm its hard to describe.... sort of like mushy.... lol but now they are more solid.... if that makes sense?
That might be due to the time it is in my cycle. Not sure. But at any rate they are still so small!

I know exactly what you mean about "mushy" vs. "solid" type of feeling! It's like, I didn't realize how EMPTY they were inside, until they started getting firmer! I think they have to "fill up" inside before they can "grow outward." It's the firmness you feel inside that fills your bra in more, and gives you more cleavage; yet doesn't show up on the tape. Cuz without it, your breasts just get smashed down by the bra.

NB is so awesome!!! Big Grin

yeah, thats a good point. The same goes for when I wear a tight fitting top, it pushes your breasts down and makes you look flatter. (flatter than flat?!) lol

Yes, and I like your explanation about them filling up inside, and yes that does make sense that they need to do that before growing outward.

Interestingly, I noogled just before for 1 hour and my breasts hardly swelled at all in the cups, maybe about halfway between the 1 " and 2 " markings. I should probably take a break in a day or two from it. I have been noogling regularly over the past 5 days or so, so my breasts must be telling me to take a break.

I found that last week I was getting some brusing on the bottom of my breasts from noogling, but this week it has been fine, no markings at all.

I definitely find that noogling with two cups on at the same time gives me WAY less swelling.

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