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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

So its day 4 of my cycle, so I should be at my lowest in terms of measurements today.

The last time I noogled and massaged was 36 hours ago.

My measurements (of which I kept getting different measurements)

were either 30.75" or 31".

30.5" is what I started with for a bust measurement back 4 months ago.
So basically I have barely grown at all. It seems my measurements fluctuate ALOT along my cycle. So the good news is that my breast measurement will go up to a minimum of 31" no doubt in a few days time.

I have also lost alot of weight recently so I'm only 51-52kgs at the moment.

I am now 35" - hips down from 36"
and 24.5" waist down from 25".

So I guess given that I have lost weight from other parts of my body, perhaps that means I should be feeling OK that I haven't lost too much from my breasts. At least I haven't gone smaller than what I was originally.

I have been on NBE for 3 cycles and then 1 month off. And I have been on noogleberry for about 1 cycle fully.

I'm going to give noogleberry a good try this month and see what happens. I'm really not sure about massaging as its really cold where I live now and its hard to massage because you get very cold in the process. I know I should though. hmmm.

I'm taking 4ml twice per day (liquid herbs) of FG, SP and WY. And then after 2 weeks I will increase the dosage to 6ml per day.

As per most other people, I find it really frustrating seeing my breasts go small again hours after noogling. I wish WISH WISH they would stay the same size after noogling! I think they look great. For the first time the other day I was looking at myself thinking WOW those breasts actually look the perfect size for my shape.

I also thought for the first time in ages that perhaps having breast implants wouldn't be such a bad idea. Now I could see what they would look like, as when you noogle the shape looks a bit too perky afterwards, but hey I think the bit too perky look, looks better than the ribcage look.!!!

Anyhow, I will keep trying this month. I'm taking inspiration from the small-breasted ladies like myself who are seeing some growth, however minor.


Speaking of which, I went to my dietician, and she said I am most likely fructose intolerant.... which means I have to go on a special diet called FODMAPS. You can google it. It basically means you have to cut out a range of food like onions, apples, beetroot, lentils, cabbage, peas, grapes, broccoli, honey and the list goes on. Its something to do with not being able to absorb the fructose. Some foods have a high level of fructose and glucose but that is OK because of the relationship with the glucose. But where there is less glucose than fructose, like in an onion, thats where the problem occurs, because its the glucose which helps break the fructose down.

Anyhow that would also explain why I find it hard to eat wheat and most dairy products. So I will be on this diet for 4 weeks, and hopefully I will see an improvement. Because if I do, then I will be able to eat more products with gluten in them as gluten is not my problem (hopefully!).

This should awesome mean that I stop having diarhorrea all the time and can start putting on some weight again!!! Its ridiculous being so skinny, 51-52kgs.... my BMI is somewhere between 17.6 and 18..... so too skinny. And no good for breast enlargement!! The only benefit of being skinny is that I can fit some of my old clothes!!! But apart from that there are a list of negatives such as I can feel my ribs. This makes me feel quite bad because I know I am too skinny at the moment, and I don't want other people commenting about it. So I try to wear quite alot of layers on my top half at least. I dance and I don't want people feeling my ribs when the put their hand on my torso. It can be quite annoying when you open magazines or hear people talking about how they want to lose weight etc, but there seems to be no support for people who want to gain weight!!!! I hope I can gain weight soon.

Right that is probably enough rambling for one post.

Hey Girlfriday, Do you know why you are losing weight?? Did you talk to you doctor about this?

Ps: Being skinny is not that bad. You can buy itty bitty clothes and nobody will say anything. Smile That's what do.

Hi Blackhippie! How is your school going??! Are you back on NBE or still taking a break? Nice to hear from you!

In terms of weight.... hmmm I'm not really sure. It may be due to stress, or due to me trying to get my 'diet' sorted in terms of what I can and can't digest.

My naturopath suggested something called Slippery Elm which apparently helps stop diarhoorea. So I better go and get some of that.

@girlfriday29, I haven't started my classes yet, but I am sooooo nervous about going to a University. I finally saw my new apartment for next year so I'm happy about that Smile! I'm not sure if I'm continuing my NBE program because I feel a small 32A/32B is comfortable. Its very small, but comfortable. At least I gained a inch. Smile I'll just stick around the board to give advice and hear new updates about people. Smile I am practically your number one fan and I notice you were taking a break from posting. I assume you were busy? :-) lol I read all your updates. Anyway. I'll get back to the subject matter. I agree your weight lose might be from stress or a slight case of depression. This may cause lose of appetite. I lost some weight too recently. It might be from moving out and college D: I hope you are not under a lot stress too. Anyway, I notice a lot of girls here are skinny and are having trouble with gaining more body fat. A lot of us are forgetting we need fat for breast growth and that can cause some stress. I wish there was a solution for that problem ^^


hehe number 1 fan eh! I better start showing some results then otherwise I will have no fans! not even me. hehe

I must say, that I was lying on my back today and thought to myself, my LH breast looks bigger. I think its the fenugreek massage. I massaged last night. It really does wonders for swelling.

I wonder if there are any forum topics on how to gain weight. I would love to gain weight. I will just have to be patient for now and hope that I gain weight slowly. The only thing I like about being thin is that I can fit lots of my old clothes. yay! Its like having a new wardrobe.

My naturopath told me that its not uncommon when people are stressed for them to lose 3-4kgs. I've been going through some counselling over the past 3-4 months which has been really traumatic for me and causing me alot of stress. I'm not depressed, just the subject matter we are talking about is really intense and leaves me feeling really overwhelmed each week. I'll be going to the counsellor till at least the end of the year, so hopefully by then I will have less stress after working through stuff.

My breasts have been having a low ache in them for the past few days. This morning they were particularly achy with shooting type sensations.

I haven't properly documented this before, but I have a suspicion that after I eat a big meal, my breasts get achy quite soon afterwards. Not sure if there is any correlation. I like to think that the energy and good stuff from the food is making its way to my breasts. hehehe Might be wishful thinking on that account.

This morning I had a really really bad stomach bug which gave me horrendous diarhoorea for hours. I'll go and weigh myself in a minute, I wouldn't be surprised if I have lost another kilo. Oh dear!

I've been noogling pretty regularly the last few days. I love seeing how large my breasts go after noogling. I even managed to get both cups on at the same time the other day. But then yesterday I just couldn't get any suction on my RH breast no matter what I tried. So sometimes it can be frustrating.

i think that maca, and saw palmetto, could help you gain some weight, specially maca, and i guess you could also take 3 pills of cod-liver oil, it helps people that are goin under emotional stress, besides the fact that it's really healthy, and sometime its recomended for mothers having troubles to breastfeed, Good luck on your growth!, and don't worry, only because of how dedicated you are, im your fan too!!

MACA.... I don't know much about that one, I'll look it up. Thanks Nessa, another fan! lol

I am taking Saw Palmetto twice per day in a mix of SP, FG and WY 4ml each time.

Now randomly - I just ate two eggs, and then about 10 minutes later my breasts felt tingly again.....

I just weighed myself and was SHOCKED. I weigh only 49kgs or for those of you who used lbs it is the equivalent of 107.8lbs, which is absolutely ridiculous. That means my BMI is 17. I just did some googling and they say that if you are under BMI 17.5 then you are in the "anorexic" range. So that is a bit scary.

Hi all,

Well I thought my breasts seemed a bit bigger today. I massaged with fenugreek oil and then noogled. First the LH breast for 1 hour and I was amazed as it nearly filled up the whole noogle cup! I then measured it afterwards and it was 7" across. I put a bra on straight away. Then about 3 hours later I noogled the RH breast, which wasn't as close as the LH one in filling up the cup, but it is pretty close! So that is quite exciting.

I took photos afterwards. My breasts looked HUGE after noogling today. And I measured and got my highest measurement yet being 33"!!!!!! Quite amazing I thought.

Anyhow, I have taken a number of pics. Interestingly, my LH breast was still rather large 3 hours after noogling. The tight bra right afterwards really helps. I had to noogle one breast at a time though as I find that more often than not that I am unable to get suction on both breasts.

Its nice to see some "progress" even if its not ACTUAL growth, rather noogle growth! But at least that means something is happening!

My breasts really stick out, as if they are new silicone implants or something straight after noogling. Over time (hours) they look more "natural". In the photos you will note that the RH breast looks quite lifted up.

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