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What is your BOOB SIZE goal?? :)!! (Share your story)


Thanks layla-nee Heart I'll try that once I start a routine again. I'm only preforming the rotation massage right now. So far I have retained my growth and I have rounder shape. Smile Good luck on your growth. HeartHeart Please keep us updated. We need more people updating their success from the massaging method. Big Grin!!

What is your bra size?

I'm a 32A right now.

What is your goal? / Why did you pick that goal?

I want to gain two cup sizes, so I want to be a 32C. I picked this goal because other girls who have the size breasts that I want claim to have C's.

Why do you want larger breast?

Because I think my body would look better and more feminine. I don't have a boyish body or anything (I have a nice waist and butt Tongue ), but I'd feel more womanly having some curves up top.

How would you? life change with larger breast? ? How is your life with smaller breast.

I would have more self confidence, so my way of walking would probably change. Also, I'd enjoy going shopping a lot more, because I'd be able to buy all the cute dresses and tops that don't look good on me right now with my small boobs! I would definitely appreciate my clothes and the whole process of getting dressed a lot more.

Life with small boobs is okay. Having small boobs used to be a HUGE preoccupation for me when I was younger (I think I spent like 85% of my time daydreaming about having bigger boobs and comparing my breasts to other girls' breasts), but now I don't think about it too much. It would be AWESOME to have the boobs I want, but my life isn't a tragedy right now either.

Why did you pick natural enhancement over implants?

The main reason is that everyone around me thinks I don't care about things like that, so it would be embarrassing for me to just go out and get implants, because everyone would think it's totally out of character for me. With NBE, I can gradually change and grow, so people around me would assume that I'm just a late bloomer or that for some weird reason, my boobs are just growing on their own. It wouldn't be this huge change overnight like with implants. I feel like it'd be a lot more awkward seeing someone with C-cup boobs if a week before they'd seen me with small A's. NBE is also less expensive, so that's a big plus.

Have your breast grown yet? How much?

Not yet.

How long have you been on a program?

This is only my 11th day of NBE, so I've still got a while to go.

My starting cup size was a AA when I actually did the math, but I always bought the super padded B's which I got lost in, but under a t-shirt looked like I had breast. LOL I had to toss the B's and I'm now wearing 34 C's My goal size is when I go to put on a bra and think to myself, naw, I'll pass on the padded one today and go with something skimpy. The day I can do that without being worried is the day I will have reached my goal!


Side note. I once witnessed my sister in law grab one of her boobs and literally throw it and hit her husband upside the head so hard it should have caused whiplash! That will teach him to mouth off. LOL. While I would never want to be that large, it was the first time I was not only in awe, but a little green with envy and wanted to do something about it. I'm glad I found this route though instead of implants like I had mildly thought about. In the end I decided it just wasn't worth it and would have remained my size even if I hadn't found nbe

My current bra size is 54 B I've lost 60 lbs so for since I decided to grow my breasts.I was a 60 and flat.for being overwieght. my goal is to lose wieght and grow to a 48 F.Blushsince my skin is already stretched out there is noitching going on but my breasts are starting to show more getting rounder.Over the weekend my wife said she liked how I'm starting to take care of myself and she also noticed that my nipples are getting bigger and much harder:angel: also My love handles are getting smaller but my hips are starting to get more definitionBig GrinI'm sooooooooooo happy these days

What is your bra size?


What is your goal? / Why did you pick that goal?

I would like to be able to wear a completely unpadded 34C, maybe bigger.
I feel like this size would match my booty better than my current size.

Why do you want larger breast?

I want larger breasts to feel more womanly. I feel like my body is very girlish because I am short and petite. I would like to have more confidence as well and I think I would be more attractive with a fuller bust. Blush

How would your life change with larger breast? ? How is your life with smaller breast.

My life with small boobs is great, except when I get depressed about having smaller boobs. It bugs me enough to the point where I want to do something about it.

Why did you pick natural enhancement over implants?

At this point I don't think I would ever get implants. If it is at all possible to enhance my bust naturally then I am going for it!!!! Big Grin

Have your breast grown yet? How much?

Since my very first program about half a size to a full cup size of growth.

How long have you been on a program?

Started it about 10 days ago and so far so good! but I have had a lot of trial and error thus far.

What is your bra size?
What is your goal? / Why did you pick that goal?
Why do you want larger breast?
i look at the people on the street and see them al with larger breasts
How would you? life change with larger breast? ? How is your life with smaller breast.
badd :s
Why did you pick natural enhancement over implants?
because i dont want to look plastic
Have your breast grown yet? How much?
nope just started last night
How long have you been on a program?
since last night

What is your bra size?
What is your goal?
Full B-cup, to look more proportionate and feminine
Why do you want larger breast?
To look more feminine, to feel better about myself (which is probably a lost cause considering I struggle with BDD and depression)
How would your life change with larger breast?
Maybe people would stop saying I look hideous or like a teenage boy. Maybe I would feel more confident and not like I don't deserve to have my boyfriend. Maybe tops would fit me better.
How is your life with smaller breast
It's okay, considering the circumstances. The bad comments from others sucks though.
Why did you pick natural enhancement over implants?
Implants and all the surgeries are too risky, dangerous and expensive. I don't like the look or feel of implants and neither does my boyfriend.
Have your breast grown yet? How much?
No, I haven't started NBE yet
How long have you been on a program?
0 days, still waiting for my NBE stuff to arrive in the mail

What is your bra size?

I am a full 34 C and loose D.

What is your goal? / Why did you pick that goal?
I breastfed and lost alot of fat in my breasts as a result. I was a DD when pregnant. I just want fullness/firmness

Why do you want larger breast?
I don't feel comfortable with my shirt off. Plus with not alot of fat in my breast I have to constantly "rearrange" them in my bra, which is uber annoying.

How would your life change with larger breast? It wouldn't change much, but I would have more self confidence naked. Especially since my husband is in afghanistan and wants pics Wink I'm doing this while he is gone so hopefully they will have grown by the time he comes home for RnR in the spring.

Why did you pick natural enhancement over implants?I already have boobs per se and had them for a long time before my child, so I don't feel implants would benefit me much.

Have your breast grown yet? How much? No but I just started. I took Breast success sept 09-dec 09 then in january of this year switched to PM. I did well on PM, but I gained weight from breast success. I think the PM also had to do with it because I worked out 5 days a week and ate well and could not lose the weight until I stopped taking PM in april. I lost 16 lbs this summer, and with that went all the boob I had gained. I've never had weight issues and didn't have a problem keeping the weight off, so I know it was the products. Plus I got cellulite all over my ribcage, thighs and knees, which was totally gross and is now gone thankfully

How long have you been on a program?

About 9 days so far. I'm on BA now, but switching to WU when it comes in the mail. I also ordered the natureday liquid extract to massage with in addition to the BA cream (which will soon switch to WU cream confusing i know), plus I take MSM and collagen supplements

i had already posted this on another thread but maybe is should have been here so im reposting it!Big Grin

Hi everyone,
I will be 26yrs old on Nov. 5th and as a gift to myself i would like to get BB. i have been on an enhancement journey since Jan/Feb of this year and i even almost got implants done in the Dominican Republic but didn't b/c everything was moving too quickly for me to think straight.
I am a mother, son is 1yr & 8 months old, i breast fed for 8/9 months. about 3 months after breast feeding my breast began to deflate and droop. i have always been a 34B tho i still wear 34B i've been noticing that my breast are shrinking and seem empty.
i am athletic, i work out and dance and i come from a family of small breasted women on both sides. my mom and sister both never really grew boobs while pregnant and lost whatever they had after pregnancy. but i actually grew to a D/DD while pregnant so i know that i can grow breast.
non-smoker and i don't drink coffee or soda at all, tho i do drink light teas, ie chamomile, green tea etc
i don't believe in diets and i love chocolate cakes, cookies, and brownies
i am very tall and slim, i have a fast metabolism and a low body temp of 97.5 and always have.
I am interested in BB and i have been saving for it but i am a student, single mom and unemployed so i need to make sure this is worth it. i recently told my Dr. and he is looking into BB to make sure it is safe tho he does not believe it will work.
my measurements-
Height: 5' 9 3/4"
Weight: 139 lbs
Hips: 38 in
Natural waist: 28 in
love handles: 34 In, its there so it counts lol
under bust: 30 in
across: 33 1/2 in
over bust: 33 in
i wear a 34B bra and always have tho this time its empty and flat on top, and i think they are shrinking!
i am curious about BB, L-Tyrosine, Kelp, Swiss Lamb Placenta and what whey shake is best...
i have a Mirena IUC which releases Levonorgestrel which is a synthetic progestogen used as an active ingredient.
Would BB or any other supp. work with Mirena?
Thanks in advance for any replies, comments and concerns.

What is your bra size?

What is your goal? / Why did you pick that goal?
I'd be happy with a 34C, but I'd absolutely love a 34DD. That would be my dream size, because my dream is to have huge boobs Smile

Why do you want larger breast?
It would make me more confident. I'd love to be able to wear a normal bra instead of an extremely padded push-up bra, and also I'd like to feel like my boobs were big enough to look good in a swimsuit.

How would your life change with larger breast? ? How is your life with smaller breast.
My life would change with larger breasts by making me all around more confident, and giving me a better body image. My life with small breasts is good. I have nothing to complain about, but I have to admit that small breasts make me insecure. And padded bras are very uncomfortable and unnatural feeling Sad

Why did you pick natural enhancement over implants?
Honestly, if I could get implants tomorrow I would. I've wanted implants since I was at least 14. I've actually been saving for implants since I was in highschool, but since they're so expensive I haven't yet reached my goal. I chose natural enhancement at this point in my life as sort of a temporary fix, and hope to see good results. But, I still see myself getting large implants in the near future.

Have your breast grown yet? How much?
Not yet, but I've only just started. I felt sharp aches in my breast within a day of first taking herbs, and I've continued to feel them off and on. So, hopefully this means they're working.

How long have you been on a program?
I've been on this program close to a week, and I'm amazed that I'm already feeling the aches. I never expected that so early into the program, so I'm very optimistic.

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