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Weight gain discussion


(15-05-2015, 12:44)hannah14 Wrote:  
(13-05-2015, 19:57)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(13-05-2015, 14:35)hannah14 Wrote:  Oh no gagging, I have that with protein shakes and so bloated as well, its a bit growse but I continue using it..Its Hellish but alright we need it. My dietist told me as well to take protein with carbs(first carbs then protein)
Only his reason was for building and repairing muscle loss.
Yeh my weight is shocking I might even be 3 cms taller then 1,70 and today I even weigt 51.6 Its so fluctuating that its making me confused, 2 months ago i was 54, I just reached that point and wanted to celebrate it because that was a big deal for me. But I'm back down under again:p
It might be because I smoke or because I eat my snacks(all off them)in the evening..
I am interested in what you said about that alkalising supplement, I only cnat translate what ''food assimulation'' is? Does it promote digestion?
Some off my problems might be there according to my toilet-bowl studiesBlush

Whats toilet bowl studies??

Sorry was typing on my phone, I meant assimilation, I take digestive enzymes to help break down food and alleviate gas/bloating - goodness only knows if I need them or not but I take them anyway cause of my bad habits, caffeine/wine etc.

Alka vita - ok il find you a link

PS you wouldn't need this at your age unless you get ph strips and consistently get a high acid reading. My ph levels are ok in the mornings but after my morning coffees and white rice bla bla my readings get pretty acidic which isn't good.

Was going to quit coffee this morning but here I am again having my second coffee with full cream milk Sad im definitely quitting wine today tough- quitting as in not having my daily wind down wines anymore *sobs*

I meant with ''toilet-bowl studies'' that after I went to the toilet I sometimes see that things didn't digest that well..Especially raw veggies, And then sometimes I think that I dont gain so well because off a bad digestion.. And maybe all these healthy things I'm trying to eat dont absorb fully.. But these enzymes..does these help digestion or are they only meant for alkalisation?

I drink some booze here and there and I'll just continue doing that, come on we have to have a life here!Tongue And alcohol can be helpful with gaining..

I'm going to buy peanut butter as well, better for me to not eat it with bananas like you because I think it will work laxative on me..
And I will add full cream again to my protein shakes.

And this is so weird: 2 days ago I weigted 51 and today I am 52,5!!Huh
Note: I already went to the toilet for you know its real weight gain to me.. But maybe tomorrow I could be 51,5... Its so fluctuating..
Do you experience weight fluctuations as well?

But your weight is going to the good number.. Is your goal coming into the 60's as well?

Oh and for anybody who's curious about ho much protein we can process I have the correct numbers here: 30 grams which is about 2 scoops off protein powder or a piece off meat per 3-4 hours.
Since yesterday I'm going to keep it up again and not just take 1 protein shake a day but every 3 hours the full 30 grams.

Sorry Hannah yes I'd like to even reach 60!

And yeh I fluctuate like crazy too. This morning I weighed 55.9 and tonight I'm 58.3 ... I'm not tolerating dairy too well otherwise I imagine full cream would give a right boost!

Thats 2,5 kilo in just one night..Huh I weighted 53,4 yesterday evening and right now 52,1...First I thought my weigh-scale was broken or something but I tryed it with a gallon off milk and its the same everyday..LOL.
I'm also eating high calorie dryed fruits..these are real calorie bombs, especially dryed apricots.
Does anybody know how long you should drink spearmint tea for lowering DHT?
I'm still drinking it about 2 cups a day and 2 cups off fennel tea as well.

Time out readers if you don't wana be disgusted

Rofl toilet bowel studies ! Now I get it!!
So do you see small chunks of certain food? Based on that I must be digesting my food well... How funny. We are soo gross!

The alka vita keeps your ph alkaline (good) vs acidic (bad).
It too can have a detox effect. Eff knows if it really works. I've yet to take it consistently.
If you aren't digesting well u should look into digestive enzymes. Itl take the pressure off your syTem. I'd elaborate but on my phone so too hard to type

HAHA lol, I think nobody wants to talk with me anymore because off my disgusting story's.
But yeh i often eat pepper bells(raw) and they dont seem to digest that well..Sad
I'll pick up some alkavita or other digestive enzymes soon, toogether with my holy flaxseedoil...
I've run out off flax and massage with cacoabutter now and you dont wanna know but my breasts severly shriveled while I didnt even knew that flax was helping me..I'm back from b to a-cup again..Sad
So I'll quickly need new flax even though I dont know how to make the growth/enlargement from flax permanent..(cry!!!)
Thats a bit depreving..

I like the tips off Bambii too,she would indeed be a good buddy or maybe a personal feederTongue Just joking,but I as well eat lots off nuts(walnuts, sunflower and cashews) But the advocado tip, I'll guess i pass it..I dont like it and it might get me gagging.

(21-05-2015, 14:25)hannah14 Wrote:  Thats 2,5 kilo in just one night..Huh I weighted 53,4 yesterday evening and right now 52,1...First I thought my weigh-scale was broken or something but I tryed it with a gallon off milk and its the same everyday..LOL.
I'm also eating high calorie dryed fruits..these are real calorie bombs, especially dryed apricots.
Does anybody know how long you should drink spearmint tea for lowering DHT?
I'm still drinking it about 2 cups a day and 2 cups off fennel tea as well.

Time out readers if you don't wana be disgusted

Rofl toilet bowel studies ! Now I get it!!
So do you see small chunks of certain food? Based on that I must be digesting my food well... How funny. We are soo gross!

The alka vita keeps your ph alkaline (good) vs acidic (bad).
It too can have a detox effect. Eff knows if it really works. I've yet to take it consistently.
If you aren't digesting well u should look into digestive enzymes. Itl take the pressure off your syTem. I'd elaborate but on my phone so too hard to type

HAHA lol, I think nobody wants to talk with me anymore because off my disgusting story's.
But yeh i often eat pepper bells(raw) and they dont seem to digest that well..Sad
I'll pick up some alkavita or other digestive enzymes soon, toogether with my holy flaxseedoil...
I've run out off flax and massage with cacoabutter now and you dont wanna know but my breasts severly shriveled while I didnt even knew that flax was helping me..I'm back from b to a-cup again..Sad
So I'll quickly need new flax even though I dont know how to make the growth/enlargement from flax permanent..(cry!!!)
Thats a bit depreving..

I like the tips off Bambii too,she would indeed be a good buddy or maybe a personal feederTongue Just joking,but I as well eat lots off nuts(walnuts, sunflower and cashews) But the advocado tip, I'll guess i pass it..I dont like it and it might get me gagging.
Hannah if you feel good and healthy I wouldn't bother with the alka vita (and it isn't cheap either) and for the digestive enzymes, if youre tummys not givng you any grief but you want a little hand with digesting you could always take a shot of apple cider vinegar pre meals or a bit of lemon in water. Even that dandelion tea is meant to boost bile production along with its detox properties, but I find it rather "woody taste" so have one a day just wheni remember. I have too many other teas.

I found this but who knows how accurate the info is but if your like me and drink teas all day long then being able to only have one for a few days opens u up to drinking all the others the rest of your cycle

The study found that hirsute women drinking two cups of spearmint tea for just five days saw significant lowering in blood levels of ‘free’ testosterone ” the form of testosterone that is metabolically active in the body.


haha yea I'd get you gaining in no time! Wink Tongue

If it makes y'all feel better, yes, people often "lose weight" in the morning. I have picked up a little weight by gnoshing at night because, as sumo wrestlers know, one doesn't lose a lot of weight sleeping. Doctors that are monitering weight say the most accurate weight in the morning before eating, drinking, after sweating in sleep. I can lose a lot weight sleeping because I am a human sleep heater. It is so gross. Sometimes, I wake up literally drenched in sweat, stuck to my sheets, hungry, thirsty. Then I go to the poo parlor and lose about 3 more pounds peeing and ahem. Minus torrential sweating (though sweating is normal), it's all pretty normal. I love my abs in the morning before food baby! Hahaha.
And, yah, I have just learned not to look at my morning weight decrease results. My stomach's work is it's own business unless it is bothering me. I accidentally took took too many vites the other day because I got a free sample at the nutrition shop. I was fine and then several hours later, My stomach was like, "Everybody out! NOW!" I had minutes to run to the loo. Sheesh. It took some thinking to figure out the cause. I only mentally investigated.

(22-05-2015, 08:26)char Wrote:  If it makes y'all feel better, yes, people often "lose weight" in the morning. I have picked up a little weight by gnoshing at night because, as sumo wrestlers know, one doesn't lose a lot of weight sleeping. Doctors that are monitering weight say the most accurate weight in the morning before eating, drinking, after sweating in sleep. I can lose a lot weight sleeping because I am a human sleep heater. It is so gross. Sometimes, I wake up literally drenched in sweat, stuck to my sheets, hungry, thirsty. Then I go to the poo parlor and lose about 3 more pounds peeing and ahem. Minus torrential sweating (though sweating is normal), it's all pretty normal. I love my abs in the morning before food baby! Hahaha.
And, yah, I have just learned not to look at my morning weight decrease results. My stomach's work is it's own business unless it is bothering me. I accidentally took took too many vites the other day because I got a free sample at the nutrition shop. I was fine and then several hours later, My stomach was like, "Everybody out! NOW!" I had minutes to run to the loo. Sheesh. It took some thinking to figure out the cause. I only mentally investigated.

funny yeh I figured first thing in the morn was an accurate portrayal of our weight.
however I kinda use my night measurements as a guide as to how much I eat during the day, ie if I eat bugger all im 57 by the end of the day but if I eat heaps I creep up to 58 which is great!
im a sweat sleeper too! thought I might be going through early menopause lol. I can wake up soaking wet with sweat and crazy thirsty. sadly not hungry otherwise it might help with the weight gain!

Yeh I already drink lemon juice with water.. But not more then once in 3 days because it counteracts with gaining. I just take it for cleaning/detoxing and vitamine C.
I'll get some AppleCiderVinegar with my groceries tomorrow., almostly forgot about its good properties.

Ah sounds good about that hirsute women study..I do have a feeling in my breast after i drunk it and sometimes I become jittery and get a headache or feeling tired after i drunk it...I thoought it could've something to do with that its also taking iron away from your body.. Dont know if it could give you anemia but I'll soon research that.

Only I dont understand this Ella: '' I found this but who knows how accurate the info is but if your like me and drink teas all day long then being able to only have one for a few days opens u up to drinking all the others the rest of your cycle''

..I drink 4 cups off tea a day..shouldnt I?:P

Oh and I was thinking about that thread with x-rayed meds..When I was pregnant I needed an x-ray.. They gave me a big hard cover metal plate to cover my belly just like Knights/cavalier's in the old times wore..
They said that my baby would still receive radiation but much less...
So I think that nothing can stop x-ray radiation..But I do wonder if radiation is something permanent..
Because I researched at the time that the radiation is temporary ''saved'' in your body and after few time its dissaepeared and cant do more damage then it did...Sounds so weird ,
but I just think It's best is to not take your meds to the airport and just order in your own country to be most safe..But then again..even things from your own country can be imported and radiated..:dodgy:

(22-05-2015, 08:26)char Wrote:  If it makes y'all feel better, yes, people often "lose weight" in the morning. I have picked up a little weight by gnoshing at night because, as sumo wrestlers know, one doesn't lose a lot of weight sleeping. Doctors that are monitering weight say the most accurate weight in the morning before eating, drinking, after sweating in sleep. I can lose a lot weight sleeping because I am a human sleep heater. It is so gross. Sometimes, I wake up literally drenched in sweat, stuck to my sheets, hungry, thirsty. Then I go to the poo parlor and lose about 3 more pounds peeing and ahem. Minus torrential sweating (though sweating is normal), it's all pretty normal. I love my abs in the morning before food baby! Hahaha.
And, yah, I have just learned not to look at my morning weight decrease results. My stomach's work is it's own business unless it is bothering me. I accidentally took took too many vites the other day because I got a free sample at the nutrition shop. I was fine and then several hours later, My stomach was like, "Everybody out! NOW!" I had minutes to run to the loo. Sheesh. It took some thinking to figure out the cause. I only mentally investigated.

Yeh i knew that, I am a sweaty sleeper as well. So I never weigh mysefl sober..there's always plenty off drink in me, But I didnt knew that one meal or one shit could make such a difference..Rolleyes

il answer your pm later today at work
what I meant by the tea is that I drink lots of different teas all day, like chamomile, green, peppermint, I honestly loose track. the spearmint I read you only NEED to take for 5 days, ie a tea a day etc but the effects will last all cycle. this is internet research which changes all the time but thought id mention it Smile
so I guess I meant its less confusing to take say spearmint for a few days then spend the rest of your cycle having all your other teas (if you drink them)
funnily enough we had a debate on here about spearmint or other mint teas affecting iron absorption. it was 50/50 from memory. some saying its bad and others saying not.. frustrating huh.

hannah, you said you eat white bread!!! Replace that with wheat bread-gluten free. Not only it is nutritious, it is also full of fiber. I cannot say enough how bad white bread is. POM

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